GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.

But even that is not the point. Not only that, the OFFICIAL portrait also depicts Gov. Jindal as very, very light-skinned. Seems to be a pattern to me.
Many people have no idea how ethnically diverse India is. It's virtually a continent unto itself and contains all kinds of people, much like Africa, with every shade imaginable.

It's why I laugh at these Leftists getting so hung up over skin tone. They have no friggin clue what they're talking about.

I am quote familiar with the subcontinent. However, Gov. Jindal has a very beautiful, dark-brown skin color. The paint a portrait of him as anything else other that who he is just just plain old silly.
There's pictures of him all over the internet. I don't get why there's some kind of mystery about what he looks like.



You DO understand that we are not talking about photos, right? Rather, we are talking about PORTRAITS.
The photo cloud of Jindal shows several different shades. Many members of my family turn very light when not getting sun, particularly in winter. The portrait does no injustice to Jindal as it depicts a normal variation of skin tone.

So yes, I'm still wondering why this is an issue except for the racists on the Left trying to make the case that Republicans are the racists.
We know you incessantly lie - you are a leftist assclown and the most rabid racist in the forum.

You leftist scumbags went on a racist rant, and got caught. Go ahead, fan these flames - make sure EVERY American knows what racist fucks you assclown democrats are.

Your party media is burying the story to protect you scumbags, by all means make sure people hear about it.


There, I helped you in your quest.

May every American know what you did - may every voter grasp the depths of the racism that defines the filthy democratic party.
Your butt hurtedness is palpable and

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This just gets better and better.

"Growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jindal changed his first name from "Piyush" to "Bobby" when he was a child, after one of the characters on the television sitcom The Brady Bunch."

I guess it really wasnt his fault. He was socialized to believe white is right.

Lying again Klansman?

"Bobby " is a nickname - Jindal never changed his name.

Man you racist fucks are some filthy liars.

Bobby Jindal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah he did change his name. He wanted to be like the white kid on the brady bunch

"The son of immigrants from India, Bobby Jindal has enjoyed tremendous success as a politician. He became the first Indian American elected governor in the United States. Growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jindal changed his first name from "Piyush" to "Bobby" when he was a child, after one of the characters on the television sitcom The Brady Bunch. "

He is still legally Piyush. It figures a moron like you can believe a child can change his name all on his own.
If he is still legally Piyush why doesnt he use his real name? What moron thinks he changed his name as a child? Its obvious his parents did it for him once he stated he wanted to be white.
^ that

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The one he tweeted out looks just as white as the painting in question.


We know you incessantly lie - you are a leftist assclown and the most rabid racist in the forum.

You leftist scumbags went on a racist rant, and got caught. Go ahead, fan these flames - make sure EVERY American knows what racist fucks you assclown democrats are.

Your party media is burying the story to protect you scumbags, by all means make sure people hear about it.


There, I helped you in your quest.

May every American know what you did - may every voter grasp the depths of the racism that defines the filthy democratic party.
Your butt hurtedness is palpable and noted :bye1:

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That was a legendary and epic breakdown of emotional outpouring indeed by uncensored. He must be bright red with fury right about now. :laugh:
I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.

{You say your “ancestry” played no roll in your hiring. That is not the only issue. You were listed as a minority in diversity reports. That is an issue. You admit you made the schools aware of your “heritage.” They counted you as a minority in their reports to the federal government when the criteria to list you as such had a two part requirement – you had to have both the ancestry and maintain tribal ties. Something you did or said led the two schools in question to believe you met those requirements despite the fact you didn’t….}

Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren 8220 Your Native American issue has not been put to rest 8221
I want to know why Apu didn't IMMEDIATELY return the painting, that his office accepted on-loan, the moment he laid eyes on it :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle:

And now we see the real racist on this thread.

Die in a fucking fire, you fucking asshole.
Lighten Up Francis! :talktothehand: The fact remains that Piyush accepted the painting to display in his office. FACT!!! :mad-61: martybegan :boohoo:
Guy paints a portrait of a guy he never met and assumed he was lily white.

Jindal commissions an official portrait to remind everyone he is their leader in LA and it also shows him looking lily white.

Many people laugh at the idiocy. Except Republicans, they blame everything on liberals.
^ that
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
I notice you didn't include this:

Yow said that he has never met the governor in person. When he painted the portrait, he said, he was less familiar with Jindal’s actual skin tone.
OOPS!!! Uncensored2008 :redface:
One point is worth making: not one single Leftie here has ridiculed Gov. Jindal because of his policies, or even because of the portrait, which is a loan-object and most likely, his staff takes care of these kind of things.

But it IS very telling that not one, but rather, two portraits of him (the loan and the official portrait) depict him with a skin color that is decidedly lighter than his actual skin color. There is simply no reason in a sane world to do this, unless of course one is concerned about his constituency.
^ THAT!!!

I dont even know who Liz Warren is. However, I bet she doesnt have a portrait making her look another race.

Liz Warren is your candidate for 2016. She has all the qualifications the democrats are looking for - a vagina.

And she lied about being a Cherokee
What does that have to do with Piyush? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:
Its his standard mode of deflecting once he feels like an idiot. You can usually count on it after 3-6 posts into a conversation with him.

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