GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Someone at the mansion is right now rubbing L'oreal Dusky Rose Foundation on the portrait.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Anything photoshopped to be darker can also be photoshopped to be lighter. Put that one in your crockpot and simmer slowly.
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.


This is his official


This Twitter thing was just KOS Kiddies being the racist fucks they always are.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Anything photoshopped to be darker can also be photoshopped to be lighter. Put that one in your crockpot and simmer slowly.
I think you should read your post carefully then explain how it made sense.
Republicans are not focused on race and ethnicity like dems. Alan West, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Mia Love, etc

its you libs who make everything racial. We understand, its all you have because your libtardian policies have been massive failures and your hero obama has been a massive failure. Not because he is half black but because he is incompetent, arrogant, and narcissistic.
If you aren't focused on race, why the list of minority GOPers?


to prove that you claim that republicans are racist is bullshit. Sorry if it was too complex for you to grasp.
Oh, tokens. Got it!

more than tokens, real conservatives who happen to be minorities.

BTW, Jindal is a good person and a good governor. I am sorry that you don't like him because he happens to be of Indian ethnicity.
I notice you didn't include this:

Yow said that he has never met the governor in person. When he painted the portrait, he said, he was less familiar with Jindal’s actual skin tone.

Who cares Rodent? Yow condemned you racist fucks for your little hate campaign. He painted the portrait from photograph and was dead nuts to the photo.

But by all means, make sure America is well aware of the hate campaign KOS (George Soros, owner of the democratic party) ran against Jindal based on his race!

It's a winner - make sure everyone knows what racist fucks you democrats are going into 2016!

How about a slogan for your candidate Warren "we hate whites and Indians who consort with them!"

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

That's one of the worst photoshops ever

His hair isn't eve parted in the same place it's so bad.

but does dotfool notice? fuck no, she runs here to let us all know just how gullible she really is
If its a photo shop wouldnt the orginal that has never been posted to back his claim have the same hair issue?
How dumb are you?

How long has Jindahl been known to America?

Over a decade, so yea, we know he's not white.

all you leftist are just so fucking dumb it's stunning how easy you believe crap like this
You sound like a low intellect conservative. Where did I say everyone didnt know he was not white? Can you quote it for me? You are one of the people he was trying to subconsciously sway with his white guy photo. Its just marketing which is a science proven to work on people like you very well.
I notice you didn't include this:

Yow said that he has never met the governor in person. When he painted the portrait, he said, he was less familiar with Jindal’s actual skin tone.

Who cares Rodent? Yow condemned you racist fucks for your little hate campaign. He painted the portrait from photograph and was dead nuts to the photo.

But by all means, make sure America is well aware of the hate campaign KOS (George Soros, owner of the democratic party) ran against Jindal based on his race!

It's a winner - make sure everyone knows what racist fucks you democrats are going into 2016!

How about a slogan for your candidate Warren "we hate whites and Indians who consort with them!"
Whining is never a good look. Just fess up. Your boy not was painted to look white, but his official photo that was tweeted out looks white as well.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Anything photoshopped to be darker can also be photoshopped to be lighter. Put that one in your crockpot and simmer slowly.
I think you should read your post carefully then explain how it made sense.
You clearly don't understand the folly of making a huge deal out of something that could have been photoshopped, by one of you for all we know.
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.


This is his official


This Twitter thing was just KOS Kiddies being the racist fucks they always are.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
His official white boy Bobby Jindal painting.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Anything photoshopped to be darker can also be photoshopped to be lighter. Put that one in your crockpot and simmer slowly.
I think you should read your post carefully then explain how it made sense.
You clearly don't understand the folly of making a huge deal out of something that could have been photoshopped, by one of you for all we know.
A joke was made of it. You made the big deal trying to deny it. Now you have to show proof it actually was photo shopped. Going to be hard to do when the original was not tweeted out.
I notice you didn't include this:

Yow said that he has never met the governor in person. When he painted the portrait, he said, he was less familiar with Jindal’s actual skin tone.

Who cares Rodent? Yow condemned you racist fucks for your little hate campaign. He painted the portrait from photograph and was dead nuts to the photo.

But by all means, make sure America is well aware of the hate campaign KOS (George Soros, owner of the democratic party) ran against Jindal based on his race!

It's a winner - make sure everyone knows what racist fucks you democrats are going into 2016!

How about a slogan for your candidate Warren "we hate whites and Indians who consort with them!"
Whining is never a good look. Just fess up. Your boy not was painted to look white, but his official photo that was tweeted out looks white as well.
No, not really. It doesn't.

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

That's one of the worst photoshops ever

His hair isn't eve parted in the same place it's so bad.

but does dotfool notice? fuck no, she runs here to let us all know just how gullible she really is
If its a photo shop wouldnt the orginal that has never been posted to back his claim have the same hair issue?
How dumb are you?

How long has Jindahl been known to America?

Over a decade, so yea, we know he's not white.

all you leftist are just so fucking dumb it's stunning how easy you believe crap like this
You sound like a low intellect conservative. Where did I say everyone didnt know he was not white? Can you quote it for me? You are one of the people he was trying to subconsciously sway with his white guy photo. Its just marketing which is a science proven to work on people like you very well.
I was letting you know we know he's not white, since you are to dumb to understand that b/c you think this photo is real.

it's not
we know it's not, but you leftist fools still think it is, proving just how dumb you are.
Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
Anything photoshopped to be darker can also be photoshopped to be lighter. Put that one in your crockpot and simmer slowly.
I think you should read your post carefully then explain how it made sense.
You clearly don't understand the folly of making a huge deal out of something that could have been photoshopped, by one of you for all we know.
A joke was made of it. You made the big deal trying to deny it. Now you have to show proof it actually was photo shopped. Going to be hard to do when the original was not tweeted out.
No. Actually I don't need to prove anything.

That's where you keep getting it wrong.
I told you that I know you need validation from whites. I'm not arguing with you . I am agreeing with you. You even go by their pet name for you and have long forgotten your real one.

You mean all along you didn't mean "validate" as a euphemism for....

Oh. Oooohhh!

You people got no sense of humor. Life's too short to be an incessantly angry Leftist!

Ha ha ha!
I was laughing at you and your need for the approval of white people. I was amused not angry. Roll over now so a white guy can scratch your tummy. :laugh:
I really don't think you laugh much at all. And my wife scratches my tummy. Or are we discussing your fetishes now?
Good thing the world doesnt revolve around what you think. We would have crashed into an asteroid by now. No I'm discussing your admission you like the pet name white people gave you.
I love them all, especially when my wife calls me "savage". She also calls me Stands-with-a-doughnut sometimes because of my gut. You don't seem to understand that people with humor don't get offended as easily. I got only got offended when that racist Politicalchic wrote a thread denying the massacre of the Plains Indians. Someone has to be intentionally hateful to offend me.

Well, terms of endearment on the holy bed of love is one thing..... (which I support, btw)..... but this, I think, is something else.
Whining is never a good look. Just fess up. Your boy not was painted to look white, but his official photo that was tweeted out looks white as well.

I encourage Liz Warren to be just as racist as you are, Asslips. Racism is a winning strategy for you leftists!

Come on, "We hate whites and Indians who consort with them!" has just the sort of ring you leftists need!
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.

But even that is not the point. Not only that, the OFFICIAL portrait also depicts Gov. Jindal as very, very light-skinned. Seems to be a pattern to me.
Jinda portrait official - Google Search

he's dark in all but a few

like most humans, he darkens in the summer and lightens in the winter.

but why think when you can say "RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.

But even that is not the point. Not only that, the OFFICIAL portrait also depicts Gov. Jindal as very, very light-skinned. Seems to be a pattern to me.
Many people have no idea how ethnically diverse India is. It's virtually a continent unto itself and contains all kinds of people, much like Africa, with every shade imaginable.

It's why I laugh at these Leftists getting so hung up over skin tone. They have no friggin clue what they're talking about.

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