GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

Guy paints a portrait of a guy he never met and assumed he was lily white.

Jindal commissions an official portrait to remind everyone he is their leader in LA and it also shows him looking lily white.

Many people laugh at the idiocy. Except Republicans, they blame everything on liberals.

Actually Rodent, the portrait was panted from a photograph and is very true to it. DailyKOS took a photography of the portrait, white washed it, and sent it out on twitter to stir up the racist core of the left in a frenzy of white hating..

Hey, you're democrats - being racist fucks is simply the foundation of your party.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

That's one of the worst photoshops ever

His hair isn't eve parted in the same place it's so bad.

but does dotfool notice? fuck no, she runs here to let us all know just how gullible she really is
Why a Bobby Jindal Portrait Sparked a Racial Controversy
“Who’s the white guy?”

Or so went the jokes of many Twitter users who saw a photo tweeted widely this week of Indian-American Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s purported “official portrait,” in which, well, he’s been whitewashed to the shade of Benedict Cumberbatch. It turned out it wasn't actually Jindal’s official portrait, and instead just a portrait loaned by a constituent, according to Jindal’s chief of staff, Kyle Plotkin, who shared on Twitter the actual painting (still with brightened skin, albeit less so) while slamming users for “race-baiting.”

Bobby Jindal s New Portrait Is White Enough to Win an Oscar

He's as brown as he ever was IRL :rofl:


You o realize that Jindal has been elected twice in a red state.. right? Your premise as usual is total horseshit.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

That's one of the worst photoshops ever

His hair isn't eve parted in the same place it's so bad.

but does dotfool notice? fuck no, she runs here to let us all know just how gullible she really is
If its a photo shop wouldnt the orginal that has never been posted to back his claim have the same hair issue?
Republicans are not focused on race and ethnicity like dems. Alan West, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Mia Love, etc

its you libs who make everything racial. We understand, its all you have because your libtardian policies have been massive failures and your hero obama has been a massive failure. Not because he is half black but because he is incompetent, arrogant, and narcissistic.
If you aren't focused on race, why the list of minority GOPers?


to prove that you claim that republicans are racist is bullshit. Sorry if it was too complex for you to grasp.

Never mind. I told you, my wife validates me all the time. Would have had a quickie this morning but kids got in the way. Adorable little half breed cock blockers!

I told you that I know you need validation from whites. I'm not arguing with you . I am agreeing with you. You even go by their pet name for you and have long forgotten your real one.

You mean all along you didn't mean "validate" as a euphemism for....

Oh. Oooohhh!

You people got no sense of humor. Life's too short to be an incessantly angry Leftist!

Ha ha ha!
I was laughing at you and your need for the approval of white people. I was amused not angry. Roll over now so a white guy can scratch your tummy. :laugh:
I really don't think you laugh much at all. And my wife scratches my tummy. Or are we discussing your fetishes now?
Good thing the world doesnt revolve around what you think. We would have crashed into an asteroid by now. No I'm discussing your admission you like the pet name white people gave you.
I love them all, especially when my wife calls me "savage". She also calls me Stands-with-a-doughnut sometimes because of my gut. You don't seem to understand that people with humor don't get offended as easily. I got only got offended when that racist Politicalchic wrote a thread denying the massacre of the Plains Indians. Someone has to be intentionally hateful to offend me.
My dad's family is Armenian. My dad's first and last name are not easy to pronounce correctly. My dad didn't change his name. He was born and raised in Massachusetts. He was the only male child of his parents and because of the genocide the muslims did on the christian Armenians, he was the only person able to carry on the name.

My parents called me by my middle name most of my life. Which isn't easy to pronounce. So I went though life having to correct people and some of them got angry.

My first name is very easy to pronounce. I switched to it so that I wouldn't have to keep going through life having to correct people. I like it better than my middle name. My middle name is a French name, my mom's side of the family is part french.

I can understand jindel changing his first name to something that everyone can pronounce correctly without having to be corrected and embarrassed.

When I got married I kept my last name. My husband's last name is one of the most common names in America and everyone pronounces it correctly. However, I like my last name even though it's long and no one can pronounce it correctly. It's very unique and very few people have it. The only people with it in my local phone book are all directly related to me.

As for the color of his face, I'm disgusted. Why can't people be proud of their heritage? He's made more of a fool of himself with the paintings. If you can't be proud of your heritage then I think that you should look within yourself. The problem lies within you.
You o realize that Jindal has been elected twice in a red state.. right? Your premise as usual is total horseshit.

This was a twitter campaign run by DailyKOS to stir up the racist hatred of the democrat base. The goal was to portray whites as afraid of Jindal's actual skin color. The problem is that KOS released a hack job on Twitter that angered Jindal, who released the actual portrait and chastised KOS for their racial hatred and baiting.

Forum assclowns are just too stupid to grasp that this was a PR disaster for them.
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.

How dumb do you have to be to fall for that?

That's one of the worst photoshops ever

His hair isn't eve parted in the same place it's so bad.

but does dotfool notice? fuck no, she runs here to let us all know just how gullible she really is
If its a photo shop wouldnt the orginal that has never been posted to back his claim have the same hair issue?
How dumb are you?

How long has Jindahl been known to America?

Over a decade, so yea, we know he's not white.

all you leftist are just so fucking dumb it's stunning how easy you believe crap like this
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
I notice you didn't include this:

Yow said that he has never met the governor in person. When he painted the portrait, he said, he was less familiar with Jindal’s actual skin tone.
My dad's family is Armenian. My dad's first and last name are not easy to pronounce correctly. My dad didn't change his name. He was born and raised in Massachusetts. He was the only male child of his parents and because of the genocide the muslims did on the christian Armenians, he was the only person able to carry on the name.

My parents called me by my middle name most of my life. Which isn't easy to pronounce. So I went though life having to correct people and some of them got angry.

My first name is very easy to pronounce. I switched to it so that I wouldn't have to keep going through life having to correct people. I like it better than my middle name. My middle name is a French name, my mom's side of the family is part french.

I can understand jindel changing his first name to something that everyone can pronounce correctly without having to be corrected and embarrassed.

When I got married I kept my last name. My husband's last name is one of the most common names in America and everyone pronounces it correctly. However, I like my last name even though it's long and no one can pronounce it correctly. It's very unique and very few people have it. The only people with it in my local phone book are all directly related to me.

As for the color of his face, I'm disgusted. Why can't people be proud of their heritage? He's made more of a fool of himself with the paintings. If you can't be proud of your heritage then I think that you should look within yourself. The problem lies within you.
So you bought the narrative huh?

Did you also eat the marshmallow?
I told you that I know you need validation from whites. I'm not arguing with you . I am agreeing with you. You even go by their pet name for you and have long forgotten your real one.

You mean all along you didn't mean "validate" as a euphemism for....

Oh. Oooohhh!

You people got no sense of humor. Life's too short to be an incessantly angry Leftist!

Ha ha ha!
I was laughing at you and your need for the approval of white people. I was amused not angry. Roll over now so a white guy can scratch your tummy. :laugh:
I really don't think you laugh much at all. And my wife scratches my tummy. Or are we discussing your fetishes now?
Good thing the world doesnt revolve around what you think. We would have crashed into an asteroid by now. No I'm discussing your admission you like the pet name white people gave you.
I love them all, especially when my wife calls me "savage". She also calls me Stands-with-a-doughnut sometimes because of my gut. You don't seem to understand that people with humor don't get offended as easily. I got only got offended when that racist Politicalchic wrote a thread denying the massacre of the Plains Indians. Someone has to be intentionally hateful to offend me.
I wasnt trying to offend you. I was asking you a very valid question. You arent a Indian so what were you before white people mistakenly called you an Indian? You seem to be content with your pet name whites gave you and have no answer so no worries
Republicans are not focused on race and ethnicity like dems. Alan West, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Mia Love, etc

its you libs who make everything racial. We understand, its all you have because your libtardian policies have been massive failures and your hero obama has been a massive failure. Not because he is half black but because he is incompetent, arrogant, and narcissistic.
If you aren't focused on race, why the list of minority GOPers?


to prove that you claim that republicans are racist is bullshit. Sorry if it was too complex for you to grasp.
Oh, tokens. Got it!

You mean all along you didn't mean "validate" as a euphemism for....

Oh. Oooohhh!

You people got no sense of humor. Life's too short to be an incessantly angry Leftist!

Ha ha ha!
I was laughing at you and your need for the approval of white people. I was amused not angry. Roll over now so a white guy can scratch your tummy. :laugh:
I really don't think you laugh much at all. And my wife scratches my tummy. Or are we discussing your fetishes now?
Good thing the world doesnt revolve around what you think. We would have crashed into an asteroid by now. No I'm discussing your admission you like the pet name white people gave you.
I love them all, especially when my wife calls me "savage". She also calls me Stands-with-a-doughnut sometimes because of my gut. You don't seem to understand that people with humor don't get offended as easily. I got only got offended when that racist Politicalchic wrote a thread denying the massacre of the Plains Indians. Someone has to be intentionally hateful to offend me.
I wasnt trying to offend you. I was asking you a very valid question. You arent a Indian so what were you before white people mistakenly called you an Indian? You seem to be content with your pet name whites gave you and have no answer so no worries
Yes. No harm no foul.
Nope. The painter admitted he made the skin tone white because he didn't realize Jindal wasn't white. Too bad for you :)

Oh, is that what he said Rodent?

Tommy Yow Jr., who painted the unofficial portrait from a photograph, said he never intended to lighten the governor’s skin tone.

Story Continued Below

He said that the photo that caused the outrage on Twitter was “an excellent hatchet job of using either light reflection or flash on [Jindal’s] head area to even further lighten the head area of the painting.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

Oh wait, I guess you're just lying through your fucking teeth - yet again...
So where is the original? If one is trying to make the claim the one online circulating now is a fake then they would have a photo of the original to show the difference. My guess is it will come out later photo shopped to be darker.
I'm sure it's been pointed out in this thread, but I don't want to waste the time reading the whole thing, anyway Jindahl's office is saying this ISN'T the "official" portrait.
Yes, we know that. Funny that his office didn't say it was photoshopped on the internet to make him look white.


Also, his official portrait has been posted as well and it still looks like a white man. Well, a white man with pinkish pancake makeup on.

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