GOP insiders: Trump can't win

Trump is at the point where he will need to win just about every swing state up for grabs in order to win the election.


Hitlery couldn't even draw flies to her (snicker) "rallies" but yet you really believe that Hitlery has such an overwhelming advantage and is a "shoe-in" to be the next CEO of USA.INC? Do tell????
I already did tell. You just weren't paying attention. Check out that map again.

Well holy shit......might as well not even have an election because "da polls" say it's all but a given that Hitlery will be the next CEO of USA.INC...have you alerted all the media outlets that we should save the cost of an election for the next Wall Street puppet?
Your usual hysteria is noted.

Nah....just know more than you...infinitely more.
GOP'ers said the same thing about Reagan....

Good thing we ignored them then like we are now.....

These GOP Trump bashers were not bashing Bob Dole when he was down 25 points at this point in the election, it was crickets because Dole was a GOP establishment pick. Look its simple, Trump has dared call the GOP establishment on the carpet for its incompetence. For being stupid and gutless. For throwing American workers under the bus while cutting deals with the likes of China and Mexico. Trump has called the GOP establishment out for being liars and backstabbers. For turning traitor on the American people. Naturally the GOP establishment is pissed and is taking every opportunity to shoot torpedo's into Trump's campaign.

With the GOP establishment running against trump, the so called press waging a over the top biased war on Trump, and the Democrats lying through their teeth as usual I doubt Trump has a chance of winning. His only hope will be doing an end run around these corrupt bastards during the debates, taking his message unfiltered and un-spun directly to the people as Reagan did. That's his only chance imo and so this election does not start until the first debate.
I shudder to think he might be President, but goddam--do we have to hear about every single individual Republican who has decided not to vote for him? I think it's about 200 so far, out of how many million?
It's still 3 months til the election and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to think it's over. Let's be real, let's be fair. Hillary is taking a pounding -- right or wrong -- about the email scandal and now the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State. I have heard a negative review of her economic policy. Her foreign policy is not so different from Obama's (that I'm aware of, anyway). There is no way anyone should start resting on their laurels yet.
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings on November 8.
But maybe they are right and the next president is already determined. Everybody honestly believing in the democracy in the West will never again learn anything.
If you are a Democrat, it makes sense to be cynical about democracy since Clinton's nomination was "determined" by the Democratic establishment, but Trump ran against the Republican establishment and beat it, so it makes sense that Trump supporters still believe in democracy. It is time to take a fresh look at all of our policies and commitments and Trump is the only candidates of either party who is willing and able to do this.
Sure but this doesn´t make all the Republican scandals disappear.
GOP'ers said the same thing about Reagan....

Good thing we ignored them then like we are now.....

These GOP Trump bashers were not bashing Bob Dole when he was down 25 points at this point in the election, it was crickets because Dole was a GOP establishment pick. Look its simple, Trump has dared call the GOP establishment on the carpet for its incompetence. For being stupid and gutless. For throwing American workers under the bus while cutting deals with the likes of China and Mexico. Trump has called the GOP establishment out for being liars and backstabbers. For turning traitor on the American people. Naturally the GOP establishment is pissed and is taking every opportunity to shoot torpedo's into Trump's campaign.

With the GOP establishment running against trump, the so called press waging a over the top biased war on Trump, and the Democrats lying through their teeth as usual I doubt Trump has a chance of winning. His only hope will be doing an end run around these corrupt bastards during the debates, taking his message unfiltered and un-spun directly to the people as Reagan did. That's his only chance imo and so this election does not start until the first debate.
I shudder to think he might be President, but goddam--do we have to hear about every single individual Republican who has decided not to vote for him? I think it's about 200 so far, out of how many million?
It's still 3 months til the election and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to think it's over. Let's be real, let's be fair. Hillary is taking a pounding -- right or wrong -- about the email scandal and now the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State. I have heard a negative review of her economic policy. Her foreign policy is not so different from Obama's (that I'm aware of, anyway). There is no way anyone should start resting on their laurels yet.
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings on November 8.

uniting the party ... it's what great Presidents do ... if ya got it, flaunt it!

This is quite obvious, as t-rump isn't really interested....'Trump is underperforming so would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.....Roughly half of Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — activists, strategists and operatives in 11 swing states — believe that Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes is basically shut off after another week in which the GOP nominee appears to have ceded ground in national and most battleground state polls.

One almost gets the feeling like Trump is actively sabotaging all GOP races this Fall. I say "almost" because I'm unfortunately quite familiar with the mental condition he makes others suffer from. It could, though, be a combination of both. The OP is right though. The GOP's hairbrained scheme, Cheney style, was to smash and trash Hillary with real (trivial) and fabricated "horrors!" If they had just promoted a good candidate, one that already knows how to govern, handle a broken economy and with foreign policy experience, there would be no need to contrast at all. He would simply just outshine Hillary in a way she could never recover from.

Instead, Trump has gaffed so many times and is so much worse of a liar, a charlatan and a fraud than she is, the GOP is helpless, dead in the water with zero wind in their sails and zero wind in sight. It really would take Hillary drowning a litter of puppies as she chanted along with terrorists "death to America!" on video to maybe give Trump a slight edge in the polls.

Perhaps the RNC should convene and enact a rule that says if a candidate bashes other (Congressional) candidates or political leaders of the same party in an election cycle, that candidate is unfit to represent the party as a whole and must be removed from the ticket. A party should not be required to pay $ election funds to prop up a candidate that is gutting it from the inside out.
One almost gets the feeling like Trump is actively sabotaging all GOP races this Fall. I say "almost" because I'm unfortunately quite familiar with the mental condition he makes others suffer from. It could, though, be a combination of both. The OP is right though. The GOP's hairbrained scheme, Cheney style, was to smash and trash Hillary with real (trivial) and fabricated "horrors!" If they had just promoted a good candidate, one that already knows how to govern, handle a broken economy and with foreign policy experience, there would be no need to contrast at all. He would simply just outshine Hillary in a way she could never recover from.

Instead, Trump has gaffed so many times and is so much worse of a liar, a charlatan and a fraud than she is, the GOP is helpless, dead in the water with zero wind in their sails and zero wind in sight. It really would take Hillary drowning a litter of puppies as she chanted along with terrorists "death to America!" on video to maybe give Trump a slight edge in the polls.

Perhaps the RNC should convene and enact a rule that says if a candidate bashes other (Congressional) candidates or political leaders of the same party in an election cycle, that candidate is unfit to represent the party as a whole and must be removed from the ticket. A party should not be required to pay $ election funds to prop up a candidate that is gutting it from the inside out.
The GOP has been imploding for years. Only the most dimwitted didn't see it would hit an end stage.

After the debacle of 2012, they had "the Republican Autopsy", then promptly blew off the results. No doubt they'll go through a stage of navel gazing here too, but I do not believe anything will change since the dynamic forces at work destroying the RNC still exist. Before all the LWLs cream all over their Birkenstocks, no, the idea of individualist, anti-Federalism will not disappear. It will simply evolve, maybe into another party.

The End Of A Republican Party
This is quite obvious, as t-rump isn't really interested

'Trump is underperforming so would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.

Roughly half of Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — activists, strategists and operatives in 11 swing states — believe that Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes is basically shut off after another week in which the GOP nominee appears to have ceded ground in national and most battleground state polls.

GOP insiders: Trump can't win
Trump is at the point where he will need to win just about every swing state up for grabs in order to win the election.


Hitlery couldn't even draw flies to her (snicker) "rallies" but yet you really believe that Hitlery has such an overwhelming advantage and is a "shoe-in" to be the next CEO of USA.INC? Do tell????
I already did tell. You just weren't paying attention. Check out that map again.

Well holy shit......might as well not even have an election because "da polls" say it's all but a given that Hitlery will be the next CEO of USA.INC...have you alerted all the media outlets that we should save the cost of an election for the next Wall Street puppet?
Your usual hysteria is noted.
Says the uneducated member of the hitlery youth.....
But maybe they are right and the next president is already determined. Everybody honestly believing in the democracy in the West will never again learn anything.
If you are a Democrat, it makes sense to be cynical about democracy since Clinton's nomination was "determined" by the Democratic establishment, but Trump ran against the Republican establishment and beat it, so it makes sense that Trump supporters still believe in democracy. It is time to take a fresh look at all of our policies and commitments and Trump is the only candidates of either party who is willing and able to do this.
Sure but this doesn´t make all the Republican scandals disappear.
The fact remains Trump offers a lot of new ideas on how to deal with America's problems and Clinton offers nothing but one line stingers about Trump.
But maybe they are right and the next president is already determined. Everybody honestly believing in the democracy in the West will never again learn anything.
If you are a Democrat, it makes sense to be cynical about democracy since Clinton's nomination was "determined" by the Democratic establishment, but Trump ran against the Republican establishment and beat it, so it makes sense that Trump supporters still believe in democracy. It is time to take a fresh look at all of our policies and commitments and Trump is the only candidates of either party who is willing and able to do this.
Sure but this doesn´t make all the Republican scandals disappear.
The fact remains Trump offers a lot of new ideas on how to deal with America's problems and Clinton offers nothing but one line stingers about Trump.
I think what Trump is calling for is the right way and not extremist. But there must be done more than "deregulation", it could even drag the US deeper into the misery. Financial Trump must ensure as much independence as possible. The USA drowns in Asia-made goods and has an "outstanding" foreign trade deficit, while owes China billions. To make America great again, sorry for the direct quoting, the USA must be able to cover its own demands and must not be overrun by lower economy standards.
Would these be the same insiders who said over and over he couldn't win the Republican nomination as well? Just curious .
Yes. Still, this goes more to show how the RNC (I refuse to call them the GOP because they haven't been since the mid-1990's) has continued to destroy itself. That part aside, Trump is not gaining the numbers he needs for a general election.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest 2016 Presidential General Election Polls


There's also the Independents to consider. Though Trump still leads there, he's dropping down. It's still seven weeks until the election and the debates, but I fail to see any real shifts occurring along the way. OTOH, since the Democrats are running the most disliked candidate in decades, it's fun to watch them sweat.
Also problematic for Trump is that the issue of him releasing his tax returns isn't going anywhere. 62% of voters think he needs to release them to only 23% who think it's not necessary. That includes Democrats (85/8) and independents (60/22) overwhelmingly thinking Trump needs to release them and independents (37/43) being pretty evenly split on the issue.
But maybe they are right and the next president is already determined. Everybody honestly believing in the democracy in the West will never again learn anything.
If you are a Democrat, it makes sense to be cynical about democracy since Clinton's nomination was "determined" by the Democratic establishment, but Trump ran against the Republican establishment and beat it, so it makes sense that Trump supporters still believe in democracy. It is time to take a fresh look at all of our policies and commitments and Trump is the only candidates of either party who is willing and able to do this.
Sure but this doesn´t make all the Republican scandals disappear.
The fact remains Trump offers a lot of new ideas on how to deal with America's problems and Clinton offers nothing but one line stingers about Trump.
I think what Trump is calling for is the right way and not extremist. But there must be done more than "deregulation", it could even drag the US deeper into the misery. Financial Trump must ensure as much independence as possible. The USA drowns in Asia-made goods and has an "outstanding" foreign trade deficit, while owes China billions. To make America great again, sorry for the direct quoting, the USA must be able to cover its own demands and must not be overrun by lower economy standards.
Trump is 100% correct about trade, and Clinton is just running from the issue. Free trade agreements with countries that have low wages and low environmental standards will always be damaging to the US and will always drain jobs from the US economy. A free trade agreement with Canada makes sense, but a free trade agreement with Mexico makes no sense. Trump says we should replace NAFTA with separate trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, trade agreements that address the different issues the US has with Canada and Mexico.

When Bill Clinton was pushing NAFTA, he argued that while the US would lose some jobs because of the lower wages in Mexico, it would gain jobs from increased sales of hi tech goods and services. It is not clear that Mexico bought more hi tech goods and services from the US because of NAFTA, but even if it did, the lower tech industries that moved south of the border were more labor intensive than the hi tech industries Clinton claimed would get a boost from NAFTA, so a net loss of jobs was unavoidable from the start. Even if there were a boost in hi tech jobs, most of those factory workers who lost their jobs would not be able to train for hi tech jobs even if college were tuition free.

The problem with China is the result of another Clinton fiasco. He allowed China to join the WTO on the basis of promises from China that it would over time make changes such as allowing its currency to float, but China continually argues that time has not yet come.
This is quite obvious, as t-rump isn't really interested...
So why are the LWers having a conniption over Trump? Why all the anti-Trump threads? Why not just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride?

That's exactly what we are doing. Nothing wrong with pointing out Trump's flaws, and the stupidity of his supporters in the mean time.
the job of President is too complicated for him, and restricting for him with his flamboyant personality.

the two don't mix.
That's exactly what we are doing. Nothing wrong with pointing out Trump's flaws, and the stupidity of his supporters in the mean time.
Disagreed. Sure, if you want to ridicule people for fun, that's not uncommon for the low-information (read low IQ) set, but the multiple threads and rage invested by LWers against Trump tells me they are scared. As they should be since Hillary is such an abysmal candidate. After all, she wouldn't even have a chance if her opponent was more abysmal than herself.
That's exactly what we are doing. Nothing wrong with pointing out Trump's flaws, and the stupidity of his supporters in the mean time.
Disagreed. Sure, if you want to ridicule people for fun, that's not uncommon for the low-information (read low IQ) set, but the multiple threads and rage invested by LWers against Trump tells me they are scared. As they should be since Hillary is such an abysmal candidate. After all, she wouldn't even have a chance if her opponent was more abysmal than herself.

We're almost as afraid of Trump as we were of Palin.
A lot of you are blowing this off, but read it. There's more here than the headlines.

For example: the Democrats polled are sweating bullets because they know Hillary isn't a strong candidate and a lot could go wrong.

One thing not to blow off though is the knowledge of these insiders. There are things you have to do to win. Trump is currently failing at building any kind of ground game in the swing states. He's failing at networking with the existing GOP resources. He's failing to reach out to the state party leaders. All politics are local and you can lose a national election because you blew off local concerns.

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