GOP insiders: Trump can't win

One almost gets the feeling like Trump is actively sabotaging all GOP races this Fall. I say "almost" because I'm unfortunately quite familiar with the mental condition he makes others suffer from. It could, though, be a combination of both. The OP is right though. The GOP's hairbrained scheme, Cheney style, was to smash and trash Hillary with real (trivial) and fabricated "horrors!" If they had just promoted a good candidate, one that already knows how to govern, handle a broken economy and with foreign policy experience, there would be no need to contrast at all. He would simply just outshine Hillary in a way she could never recover from.

Instead, Trump has gaffed so many times and is so much worse of a liar, a charlatan and a fraud than she is, the GOP is helpless, dead in the water with zero wind in their sails and zero wind in sight. It really would take Hillary drowning a litter of puppies as she chanted along with terrorists "death to America!" on video to maybe give Trump a slight edge in the polls.

Perhaps the RNC should convene and enact a rule that says if a candidate bashes other (Congressional) candidates or political leaders of the same party in an election cycle, that candidate is unfit to represent the party as a whole and must be removed from the ticket. A party should not be required to pay $ election funds to prop up a candidate that is gutting it from the inside out.
The GOP has been imploding for years. Only the most dimwitted didn't see it would hit an end stage.

After the debacle of 2012, they had "the Republican Autopsy", then promptly blew off the results. No doubt they'll go through a stage of navel gazing here too, but I do not believe anything will change since the dynamic forces at work destroying the RNC still exist. Before all the LWLs cream all over their Birkenstocks, no, the idea of individualist, anti-Federalism will not disappear. It will simply evolve, maybe into another party.

The End Of A Republican Party
The only thing holding the GOP together at the national level is that the DNC hasn't figured out how to turnout it's supporter for the midterms. The GOP currently has a very high floor. They have a small but motivated base that will turn out every time. That has let them hold on at the state level where elections aren't necessarily held alongside Federal Elections and the midterms.
The only thing holding the GOP together at the national level is that the DNC hasn't figured out how to turnout it's supporter for the midterms. The GOP currently has a very high floor. They have a small but motivated base that will turn out every time. That has let them hold on at the state level where elections aren't necessarily held alongside Federal Elections and the midterms.
No doubt the RNC has a highly motivated core of partisans, but then so does the DNC. Partisans, no matter how fervent, can't win elections if theirs is a minority vote.

As stated previously, even with the RNC in disarray, there are still about half of voters who lean right.
The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

Propagating ridiculous lies about Clinton won’t change the fact that Trump is losing the election.

Now Trump has contrived the idiotic lie that the myth of ‘voter fraud’ will be responsible for his loss, when in fact Trump has only himself to blame.
You confuse fear with ridicule.
Ahhh. So instead of being spineless cowards wetting their pants, you think most LWLs are just simply sophomoric and petty trolls throwing rocks at the village idiot? Okay. That fits too. I agree with you.
Yes. The right has so many village idiots. Somebody has to laugh at them.
Thanks for confirming my point.

Adults, when faced with either supporting a cause or ridiculing the opposition, will support their cause. They'll point out facts, figures and provide evidence why their cause is the best cause.

Children (and idiots), don't have the maturity to do this. They simply poke with sticks and throw rocks at those with whom they disagree, dislike or suits their whimsy. Their favorite tactic is ridicule, not logic.
Yes. The right has so many village idiots. Somebody has to laugh at them.
Thanks for confirming my point.

Adults, when faced with either supporting a cause or ridiculing the opposition, will support their cause. They'll point out facts, figures and provide evidence why their cause is the best cause.

Children (and idiots), don't have the maturity to do this. They simply poke with sticks and throw rocks at those with whom they disagree, dislike or suits their whimsy. Their favorite tactic is ridicule, not logic.

If Trump or palin were valid opponents you would probably be right. Unfortunately for you, they are so far out of the bounds of common sense or reason, till it would be dumb to lend them the credibility of a logical discussion. They both made it clear that they just don't do logic.
If Trump or palin were valid opponents you would probably be right. Unfortunately for you, they are so far out of the bounds of common sense or reason, till it would be dumb to lend them the credibility of a logical discussion. They both made it clear that they just don't do logic.
A few thoughts:

1) They are/were valid opponents and candidates. Just not optimal. You know, like Hillary. ;)

2) Why do you say "Unfortunately for you"? Are you under the impression I'm a Republican or supportive of either Trump or Palie despite all the evidence otherwise? Are you projecting or just highly biased?

3) By continually, and IMO immaturely, ridiculing them rather than persuading others that your party and your candidates are the best for the United States, it appears you have little faith in both your own party and your own candidates.

I was always taught there are two ways to get ahead in the world; either be so good you naturally rise above all the others or beat down the opposition until you are the only one left standing.

IMHO, the higher road is to be good. Clearly, you have chosen the lower path of beating down those you oppose.
If Trump or palin were valid opponents you would probably be right. Unfortunately for you, they are so far out of the bounds of common sense or reason, till it would be dumb to lend them the credibility of a logical discussion. They both made it clear that they just don't do logic.
A few thoughts:

1) They are/were valid opponents and candidates. Just not optimal. You know, like Hillary. ;)

2) Why do you say "Unfortunately for you"? Are you under the impression I'm a Republican or supportive of either Trump or Palie despite all the evidence otherwise? Are you projecting or just highly biased?

3) By continually, and IMO immaturely, ridiculing them rather than persuading others that your party and your candidates are the best for the United States, it appears you have little faith in both your own party and your own candidates.

I was always taught there are two ways to get ahead in the world; either be so good you naturally rise above all the others or beat down the opposition until you are the only one left standing.

IMHO, the higher road is to be good. Clearly, you have chosen the lower path of beating down those you oppose.

The fact that Hillary is a better choice is a given. There is plenty of reason to support her. If Trump had a single redeeming quality, or had put forth a single workable plan to do anything, the discussion would be about how the two candidates plans differed, and why one might be better than the other. He hasn't.
The fact that Hillary is a better choice is a given. There is plenty of reason to support her. If Trump had a single redeeming quality, or had put forth a single workable plan to do anything, the discussion would be about how the two candidates plans differed, and why one might be better than the other. He hasn't.
Of the two? I agree, but it's not a given. Definitely under dispute.

As for her being the best of all those available? NO FUCKING WAY. Not by a long shot. I can think of half a dozen who would be better as President.
It's a freaking editorial by someone named "Stephen Shepard". A google search reveals about 300 professionals named Stephen Shepard and not one is a freaking editorialist. How important can his opinion possibly be?

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