GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not included massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Whoa there cowboy, wow, I hit a nerve. Calm down there. This is just an internet discussion. Maybe you should ask your mommy for some cookies and milk and try to calm down.

And seriously ... again ... YOU DID NOT READ YOUR OWN LINK. Stop being a stupid fuck and at least read your own links. Who is Chuck Jones, that was classic. Now you changed "plan" to "bill." You didn't even have to read the link, just the title

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not included massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Wry's having a bad day. Again. Like every day since Hillary lost. He believes Democrats are entitled to elections, this is just an unreal nightmare for him. The lesson for Democrats is that they fucked up allowing more than one name on the ballot ...

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not included massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Whoa there cowboy, wow, I hit a nerve. Calm down there. This is just an internet discussion. Maybe you should ask your mommy for some cookies and milk and try to calm down.

And seriously ... again ... YOU DID NOT READ YOUR OWN LINK. Stop being a stupid fuck and at least read your own links. Who is Chuck Jones, that was classic. Now you changed "plan" to "bill." You didn't even have to read the link, just the title

WC needs a coloring book and some play dough.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not included massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Whoa there cowboy, wow, I hit a nerve. Calm down there. This is just an internet discussion. Maybe you should ask your mommy for some cookies and milk and try to calm down.

And seriously ... again ... YOU DID NOT READ YOUR OWN LINK. Stop being a stupid fuck and at least read your own links. Who is Chuck Jones, that was classic. Now you changed "plan" to "bill." You didn't even have to read the link, just the title

WC needs a coloring book and some play dough.

He's one angry dude. Democrats genuinely believe they are entitled to win. He doesn't grasp we don't view it that way and he thinks we're just being asses about it knowing he won and he was supposed to and it was stolen

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not included massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Whoa there cowboy, wow, I hit a nerve. Calm down there. This is just an internet discussion. Maybe you should ask your mommy for some cookies and milk and try to calm down.

And seriously ... again ... YOU DID NOT READ YOUR OWN LINK. Stop being a stupid fuck and at least read your own links. Who is Chuck Jones, that was classic. Now you changed "plan" to "bill." You didn't even have to read the link, just the title

WC needs a coloring book and some play dough.

He's one angry dude. Democrats genuinely believe they are entitled to win. He doesn't grasp we don't view it that way and he thinks we're just being asses about it knowing he won and he was supposed to and it was stolen

He hasnt a clue. He has no productive thought, just lockstepping with the libs....whatever they tell him to think. You're right on.
Actually, I have. The Dem's are masters at it. Makes you rather cynical, I know.
Here, read the text of the bill itself-

"Protecting the most vulnerable Americans by increasing benefits for lower-income earners and raising the minimum benefit for those who earned less over the course of long careers."

Sounds a little different than what you suggest.

Ever heard of bait and switch? Promises from a Pol have no traction.

i got this quote from AARP ...from Trump....

If we are able to sustain growth rates in GDP that we had as a result of the Kennedy and Reagan tax reforms, we will be able to secure Social Security for the future. As our demography changes, a prudent administration would begin to examine what changes might be necessary for future generations. Our goal is to keep the promises made to Americans through our Social Security program.”....
so we will see....

Why cut SS for those who need it?

Wouldn't it make more sense to double the maximum level (currently $118,500 income level) and make the wealthy pay more (BTW, my income exceeds this figure).

And why cut the minimum wage and reduce the amount of unemployment Insurance to people who need it? Both are cuts to working men and women, btw, who by no fault of their own lost their job.

Ever heard of bait and switch? Promises from a Pol have no traction.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

Oh boy, fake news. I didn't have to read past the first line at the link to know it's fake. Care to speculate how I know.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
That is not a fact at all. SS required adjustments periodically like any long term program would. It has been adjusted in the past ^& will need adjustments in the future.
For every year that the retirement age is raised, it is a something like a $24,000 tax.
Why do the Republicans hate Social Security so much? They have fought it from drawing board until now, but with Trump the Republicans feel this is their best chance to change it or even begin dropping the program.
Why do the Republicans hate Social Security so much? They have fought it from drawing board until now, but with Trump the Republicans feel this is their best chance to change it or even begin dropping the program.
They just can't stand that some corporation isn't making money from it.
100% pro SS, for all, our kids will need it , even if they don't think so now.

Plus, declaring this some sort of insolvable problem is absurd.

There are numerous ways of tweaking SS to make it solvent.

We should NOT pick just one of those - we should make small adjustments on several, so that none of them has any significant impact either on our work force or on those who depend on SS.

The largest single change should be significantly raising or removing the cap on income that is taxable for SS.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

From the link:

On Thursday, Rep. Sam Johnson, a Republican from Texas and chair of the Ways and Means Committee, introduced legislation to significantly cut Social Security.

The bill introduced by Johnson, who is also the chair of the Social Security subcommittee, slashes benefits, adds means testing, and would raise the retirement age from 67 to 69.

For most workers, the bill would cut Social Security benefits substantially. As Michael Linden, associate director for tax and budget policy at Center for American Progress, pointed out on Twitter, a letter from Social Security’s Office of the Actuary calculated workers making around $50,000 would see checks shrink by between 11% and 35%.


If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

Oh boy, fake news. I didn't have to read past the first line at the link to know it's fake. Care to speculate how I know.

Umm, your head is up your ass?
They didn't introduce a bill, liar. They proposed a plan, but no bill has been introduced. You don't know the difference, do you? And Social Security will drive the country into bankruptcy, stop being a partisan hack and care for your country once

JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

WryCatcher: Gimme, baby ...

Your anger and bias prevents your ability to comprehend a simple post. That's on you. Your first sentence [They didn't introduce a bill, liar.] is both an ad hominem and not true.

Have someone you trust read my post s l o w l y and maybe you will understand no where in my post did I write that a bill had been submitted to Ryan or McConnell.

Grow up Kaz, your little game is boring and makes you out to be a fool (which I don't mean to suggest you aren't one).

Whoa there cowboy, wow, I hit a nerve. Calm down there. This is just an internet discussion. Maybe you should ask your mommy for some cookies and milk and try to calm down.

And seriously ... again ... YOU DID NOT READ YOUR OWN LINK. Stop being a stupid fuck and at least read your own links. Who is Chuck Jones, that was classic. Now you changed "plan" to "bill." You didn't even have to read the link, just the title

WC needs a coloring book and some play dough.

He's one angry dude. Democrats genuinely believe they are entitled to win. He doesn't grasp we don't view it that way and he thinks we're just being asses about it knowing he won and he was supposed to and it was stolen

He hasnt a clue. He has no productive thought, just lockstepping with the libs....whatever they tell him to think. You're right on.

LOL Kaz is liar and LBT is too dumb to comprehend that fact.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

Oh boy, fake news. I didn't have to read past the first line at the link to know it's fake. Care to speculate how I know.

Umm, your head is up your ass?

Really, from your link: My bold

On Thursday, Rep. Sam Johnson, a Republican from Texas and chair of the Ways and Means Committee, introduced legislation to significantly cut Social Security.

Johnson is NOT the CHAIR of way and means, Kevin Brady is. Johnson is a subcommittee chair.

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