GOP jobs agenda

Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.

"and both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years."

Weird, 60% of Dems in Congress have voted against conservatives NAFTA and every 'free trade' agreement since???

Remind me which President it was that signed NAFTA into law?

Don't forget he had help.

I remember Pat Schroeder (D: CO) pushing this and pushing it hard.
It's not when we use any policy. Where in the constitution does it state the gov't needs to create jobs? I know where I work what has made a huge impact, the price of gas. It's dropped almost 50% in the last 6 months. We have lots of drivers, so our expenses went down considerably. We've bought 2 companies, hired more people and given several people raises. And guess what? We did it all without gov't intervention.
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It's not when we use any policy. Where in the constitution does it state the gov't needs to create jobs? I know where I work what has made a huge impact, the price of gas. It's dropped almost 50% in the last 6 months. We've bought 2 companies, hired more people and given several people raises. And guess what? We did it all without gov't intervention.

shhhhh ... don't tell Boehner.. he said this

You’ve all noticed over the last three years that Republicans have had the majority here in the Congress, that has been our focus; jobs, jobs, jobs – because the American people are still asking the question, ‘Where are the jobs?’ -

See more at: Boehner House Focused on Jobs
It's not when we use any policy. Where in the constitution does it state the gov't needs to create jobs? I know where I work what has made a huge impact, the price of gas. It's dropped almost 50% in the last 6 months. We have lots of drivers, so our expenses went down considerably. We've bought 2 companies, hired more people and given several people raises. And guess what? We did it all without gov't intervention.

lol, SURE Gov't has NO effect on your biz *shaking head*

You low info types are the worst types, IMHO. Unlike the really hard core nutters, you TRY to be 'moderate', without being honest

The way things worked before the US essentially invented the middle class by implementing the progressive tax structure and the New Deal in the wake of the Great Depression, was a series of booms & busts. These sucked for the ordinary people, but were a fantastic way for the obscenely wealthy to garner more wealth.

Here's how it worked:

Choose a market segment and start investing heavily.

Create a bunch of noise around how that segment is growing.

Create investment tools that even the little guy can buy.

Whip the public into a buying frenzy. No one wants to be left behind in a market that has no place to go but "up."

When the bubble inflates to a point of your choosing, it's time to start the next bubble, strip your profits out via a massive sell off.

This happens to crash the market, reaming the little investors - but you don't care, because you just took all the money they'd invested.

Sock a bunch of your ill-gotten gains into an inheritance trust to be passed on to your children, then start investing the rest in another market segment. Pump that bubble, pop it, move on to the next.

To these avaricious slime-balls, "the economy" is a toy, not something on which they rely for survival. We're the only ones who get hurt when they crush it.


(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Closely related to mercantilism, it can be seen as contrary to classical economics. It consisted of these three core policies:
  1. protecting industry through selective high tariffs (especially 1861–1932) and through subsidies (especially 1932–70)
  2. government investments in infrastructure creating targeted internal improvements (especially in transportation)
  3. a national bank with policies that promote the growth of productive enterprises rather than speculation

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

The goal, most forcefully articulated by Hamilton, was to ensure that dearly won political independence was not lost by being economically and financially dependent on the powers and princes of Europe. The creation of a strong central government able to promote science, invention, industry and commerce, was seen as an essential means of promoting the general welfare and making the economy of the United States strong enough for them to determine their own destiny.

American School of Economics
I never said the gov't has no effect. I said it's not the gov'ts job to create jobs in the private sector.

Learn how to comprehend.

If anything, the gov'ts job is the get the hell out of the way so the private sector can create jobs.
I never said the gov't has no effect. I said it's not the gov'ts job to create jobs in the private sector.

Learn how to comprehend.

If anything, the gov'ts job is the get the hell out of the way so the private sector can create jobs.


"It's not when we use any policy. Where in the constitution does it state the gov't needs to create jobs? I know where I work what has made a huge impact, the price of gas. It's dropped almost 50% in the last 6 months. We have lots of drivers, so our expenses went down considerably. We've bought 2 companies, hired more people and given several people raises. And guess what? We did it all without gov't intervention."

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Gov't had no INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUR SUCCESS RIGHT? No laws, education, roads, etc

You Klowns did it ALL on your own, lol

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
I never said the gov't has no effect. I said it's not the gov'ts job to create jobs in the private sector.

Learn how to comprehend.

If anything, the gov'ts job is the get the hell out of the way so the private sector can create jobs.

post 425, singlepiston.
In China (been there lots), they have people who appreciate that they have good jobs (and a pretty good lifestyle)."

The middle class in China is struggling and frankly not getting paid much at all. Top that off with the air is breathable(if you wear a mask) and China has severe pollution problems. Things are far from rosy over there. Far from it. Nothing they are doing is what one would call "successful" unless one buys lies.
So you've got an Administration actively working to STOP something from happening...yet you want to give them credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production that occurred BECAUSE of fracking?

The libturds have never answered this question. They also gave Clinton credit for the internet boom, but they can't explain what he did to foster it.
How exactly did Barack Obama make it easier to "frack", Zeke? That's something that was done on State controlled and privately controlled lands...NOT on Federally controlled lands! Obama's Department of the Interior has actually drafted regulations making it more difficult to use "fracking" on Federal land.

This really confuses you doesn't it? Obama DID NOTHING to stop fracking. Even you admit that. So by doing NOTHING to stop fracking, he didn't fuck with the producers at all now did he? He gave a little lip service to the environmentalists. But fracking has EXPLODED across the country. And it is so good till the clean water runs out.

And thank god for stopping fracking on government land. Did that legislation pass?

You really think we have an energy shortage don't ya? You really want to give away natural gas and oil that is on Federal land so that the private energy companies can do what with it? Sell it on the world markets. And that helps America how?

Thanks for admitting Obama did nothing to lower the price of oil.
And there in lies the reason there is so much effort to keep us divided.
We live in a plutocracy. If you are not a plutocrat then you are a subject to be manipulated.
What we need is a strong dose of populism. Ain't gonna happen either. But it's what we need.
Plutocracy, government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It's not the worst form of government to live under. You just gotta know what will happen and how to work the system to the best of your abilities.
But to think that we the people will come together to stop plutocrats from serving their own interests first, I don't think that is going to happen. Unfortunately"

No truer words have ever been spoken. Then will come the words "you too can live the American dream" or "work harder and sacrifice and you will be wealthy" and dumb , really dumb, ultra DUMB people will buy this GARBAGE. And the plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.
So you've got an Administration actively working to STOP something from happening...yet you want to give them credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production that occurred BECAUSE of fracking?

The libturds have never answered this question. They also gave Clinton credit for the internet boom, but they can't explain what he did to foster it.

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit."
Goldman Sachs, March 1998
And there in lies the reason there is so much effort to keep us divided.
We live in a plutocracy. If you are not a plutocrat then you are a subject to be manipulated.
What we need is a strong dose of populism. Ain't gonna happen either. But it's what we need.
Plutocracy, government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It's not the worst form of government to live under. You just gotta know what will happen and how to work the system to the best of your abilities.
But to think that we the people will come together to stop plutocrats from serving their own interests first, I don't think that is going to happen. Unfortunately"

No truer words have ever been spoken. Then will come the words "you too can live the American dream" or "work harder and sacrifice and you will be wealthy" and dumb , really dumb, ultra DUMB people will buy this GARBAGE. And the plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

Whenever someone uses the term "plutocracy," I immediately mark them down as an imbecile. Use of the term is a guaranteed indicator of an inability to think or commit logic.
So you've got an Administration actively working to STOP something from happening...yet you want to give them credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production that occurred BECAUSE of fracking?

The libturds have never answered this question. They also gave Clinton credit for the internet boom, but they can't explain what he did to foster it.

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit."
Goldman Sachs, March 1998

The only problem with your quotes is that Clinton didn't cut the budget. He demanded that every budget the Republicans in Congress submitted to him be increased.
In China (been there lots), they have people who appreciate that they have good jobs (and a pretty good lifestyle)."

The middle class in China is struggling and frankly not getting paid much at all. Top that off with the air is breathable(if you wear a mask) and China has severe pollution problems. Things are far from rosy over there. Far from it. Nothing they are doing is what one would call "successful" unless one buys lies.
Republicans want that for us.

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