GOP jobs agenda

Gov't had no INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUR SUCCESS RIGHT? No laws, education, roads, etc

You Klowns did it ALL on your own, lol

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

You really do shock me sometimes, and not in a good way.

Yes, without gov't intervention. The gov't played no part in us hiring new people, buying old companies that were dying and deciding to keep their workers on rather than fire them. We did that.....hold onto your hats, WITHOUT GOV'T INTERVENTION.

Don't tell me you support Obama's you didn't build it crap, right? We pay taxes out of our asses for those fucking roads, they BETTER be there. You act like the fucking roads are a privilege to own and I owe the gov't thanks for them existing. If they tax my ass at gunpoint for the money to build them, they better fucking be there.

Got it, I was wrong about YOU being a moderate, you are ANOTHER right wing extremist without honesty. Shocking

(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Funny, Dad...Thomas Sowell says the same exact thing about Marxism. When he was a young, naive college student he thought Marxism was the wave of the future. It was only after he got out of school and started working for the government studying economics that he realized that everything he'd been taught had no basis in reality and then he became a libertarian. Maybe if you got out of Mom & Dad's basement and got out in the real'd figure that out as well!
What I find amusing are the folks on this board that seem to want to make the case that Barack Obama is in some way just like Bill Clinton. They are in fact almost polar opposites.

True, BJ Bill had a tax rate on the 'job creators' that was higher, must've killed his economy right? lol
Dad23 kicking your all's ass AGAIN,

"Clinton's 1993 (DEM party without ONE GOP vote) budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

Here you go oldstyle. One simple paragraph from Business Week. Did Clinton sign budget cuts with NO Republicans going along that reduced projected red ink by 400 billion over 5 years.

For some reason the writers at Business Week believed that he (Clinton) did do that. D23 believes that. I believe that.

So you should be able to easily prove both D23 and Business Week wrong. Like you all say D23 is wrong all the time. Piece of cake. You are gonna do it, right? Prove what he posted about Clinton was wrong.

Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place? I believe that's an argument that someone else was making.

"Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place?"


You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


You come on here with utter nonsense from sites like "The Peoples View" and post their head in the sand propaganda like it's gospel. Why even bother?

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

GOP jobs agenda Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


How do any of those quotes have anything to do with a Business Week article?
Dad23 kicking your all's ass AGAIN,

"Clinton's 1993 (DEM party without ONE GOP vote) budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

Here you go oldstyle. One simple paragraph from Business Week. Did Clinton sign budget cuts with NO Republicans going along that reduced projected red ink by 400 billion over 5 years.

For some reason the writers at Business Week believed that he (Clinton) did do that. D23 believes that. I believe that.

So you should be able to easily prove both D23 and Business Week wrong. Like you all say D23 is wrong all the time. Piece of cake. You are gonna do it, right? Prove what he posted about Clinton was wrong.

Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place? I believe that's an argument that someone else was making.

"Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place?"


You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


You come on here with utter nonsense from sites like "The Peoples View" and post their head in the sand propaganda like it's gospel. Why even bother?

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

GOP jobs agenda Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


How do any of those have anything to do with either Clinton budget cuts or a Business Week article?

Gov't had no INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUR SUCCESS RIGHT? No laws, education, roads, etc

You Klowns did it ALL on your own, lol

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

You really do shock me sometimes, and not in a good way.

Yes, without gov't intervention. The gov't played no part in us hiring new people, buying old companies that were dying and deciding to keep their workers on rather than fire them. We did that.....hold onto your hats, WITHOUT GOV'T INTERVENTION.

Don't tell me you support Obama's you didn't build it crap, right? We pay taxes out of our asses for those fucking roads, they BETTER be there. You act like the fucking roads are a privilege to own and I owe the gov't thanks for them existing. If they tax my ass at gunpoint for the money to build them, they better fucking be there.

Got it, I was wrong about YOU being a moderate, you are ANOTHER right wing extremist without honesty. Shocking

(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Funny, Dad...Thomas Sowell says the same exact thing about Marxism. When he was a young, naive college student he thought Marxism was the wave of the future. It was only after he got out of school and started working for the government studying economics that he realized that everything he'd been taught had no basis in reality and then he became a libertarian. Maybe if you got out of Mom & Dad's basement and got out in the real'd figure that out as well!

So NO, like Zeke and I've asked you to do repeatedly, you can't counter FACT based posits, instead you'll stick with attacks and insults. Got it, typical right winger
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Weird 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and the US lost 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs. Even stiopping Dec 2007 before Dubya's subprime bubble collapsed, he ONLY had 4 million jobs in the private sector


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs
By Bruce Bartlett

Bruce Bartlett held senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Representatives Jack Kemp and Ron Paul.

...Republicans to embrace the idea that government regulation is the principal factor holding back employment. They assert that Barack Obama has unleashed a tidal wave of new regulations, which has created uncertainty among businesses and prevents them from investing and hiring.

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.

The table below presents the bureau’s data. As one can see, the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration. Lack of demand for business products and services is vastly more important.


These results are supported by surveys.


Gov't had no INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUR SUCCESS RIGHT? No laws, education, roads, etc

You Klowns did it ALL on your own, lol

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

You really do shock me sometimes, and not in a good way.

Yes, without gov't intervention. The gov't played no part in us hiring new people, buying old companies that were dying and deciding to keep their workers on rather than fire them. We did that.....hold onto your hats, WITHOUT GOV'T INTERVENTION.

Don't tell me you support Obama's you didn't build it crap, right? We pay taxes out of our asses for those fucking roads, they BETTER be there. You act like the fucking roads are a privilege to own and I owe the gov't thanks for them existing. If they tax my ass at gunpoint for the money to build them, they better fucking be there.

Got it, I was wrong about YOU being a moderate, you are ANOTHER right wing extremist without honesty. Shocking

(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Funny, Dad...Thomas Sowell says the same exact thing about Marxism. When he was a young, naive college student he thought Marxism was the wave of the future. It was only after he got out of school and started working for the government studying economics that he realized that everything he'd been taught had no basis in reality and then he became a libertarian. Maybe if you got out of Mom & Dad's basement and got out in the real'd figure that out as well!

So NO, like Zeke and I've asked you to do repeatedly, you can't counter FACT based posits, instead you'll stick with attacks and insults. Got it, typical right winger

LOL...your spam attacks aren't based on "facts", Dad...they are based on drivel that you copy from sites that are so biased as to be useless. Then you simply repeat the same nonsense over and over again as if it somehow became more real because you said it more often!
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?

Gov't had no INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUR SUCCESS RIGHT? No laws, education, roads, etc

You Klowns did it ALL on your own, lol

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

You really do shock me sometimes, and not in a good way.

Yes, without gov't intervention. The gov't played no part in us hiring new people, buying old companies that were dying and deciding to keep their workers on rather than fire them. We did that.....hold onto your hats, WITHOUT GOV'T INTERVENTION.

Don't tell me you support Obama's you didn't build it crap, right? We pay taxes out of our asses for those fucking roads, they BETTER be there. You act like the fucking roads are a privilege to own and I owe the gov't thanks for them existing. If they tax my ass at gunpoint for the money to build them, they better fucking be there.

Got it, I was wrong about YOU being a moderate, you are ANOTHER right wing extremist without honesty. Shocking

(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Funny, Dad...Thomas Sowell says the same exact thing about Marxism. When he was a young, naive college student he thought Marxism was the wave of the future. It was only after he got out of school and started working for the government studying economics that he realized that everything he'd been taught had no basis in reality and then he became a libertarian. Maybe if you got out of Mom & Dad's basement and got out in the real'd figure that out as well!

So NO, like Zeke and I've asked you to do repeatedly, you can't counter FACT based posits, instead you'll stick with attacks and insults. Got it, typical right winger

LOL...your spam attacks aren't based on "facts", Dad...they are based on drivel that you copy from sites that are so biased as to be useless. Then you simply repeat the same nonsense over and over again as if it somehow became more real because you said it more often!

So NO, you can't refute what Clinton/Dems did created the surpluses WHILE the GOP claimed it would increase the deficits and cost US jobs. Got it
And you're STILL repeating the same cherry picked statistics as you always have repeated...statistics designed to hide rather than illuminate.
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.
Actually, jobs have been appearing for 5 years now. Especially in the private sector which is currently up to its 58th consecutive month of job growth. That makes it the longest stretch of job growth recorded in U.S. history.

Clinton was able to do what he did because he benefited from the Dot Com Boom's huge increases in tax revenues coming into the government's coffers and a GOP led Congress that forced him into make cuts to government.

So how does Clinton's situation have ANYTHING to do with what Barry has done since he took office? It's not even an apples and oranges's more like an apples and watermelons thing!
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.

Yeah, because Biz people ALWAYS have certainty, lol

Cap and trade legislation "was originally a Republican idea."

In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan used a cap and trade system to phase out leaded gasoline

In 1989, President George H. W. Bush proposed the use of a cap and trade system to cut by half sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants and consequent acid rain

"An initially resistant Democratic Congress overwhelmingly endorsed the proposal," the professors wrote. "The landmark Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 passed the Senate 89 to 10 and the House 401 to 25."

Bush not only accepted the cap, but he sided with environmentalists who wanted a larger cut than his own advisers

Cap and trade legislation was originally a Republican idea Wasserman Schultz says PolitiFact Florida
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.
Actually, jobs have been appearing for 5 years now. Especially in the private sector which is currently up to it's 58th consecutive month of job growth. That makes it the longest stretch of job growth recorded in U.S. history.

And where are those jobs appearing, Faun? What's driving this new economic surge?
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
I'll give you a hint...we've added 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and unconventional oil production sectors. Care to make the case that Barack Obama or any other liberal deserves credit for those jobs?

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