GOP jobs agenda

The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?
Clinton was able to do what he did because he benefited from the Dot Com Boom's huge increases in tax revenues coming into the government's coffers and a GOP led Congress that forced him into make cuts to government.

So how does Clinton's situation have ANYTHING to do with what Barry has done since he took office? It's not even an apples and oranges's more like an apples and watermelons thing!

So NO, you will not accept FACTS and will CONtinue the lie. Shocking


"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997


To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote.

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."

— Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts,
which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
— Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit."
— Goldman Sachs, March 1998

Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."
—Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."

—Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up."

—Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower."

—Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction."

—Sen. Robert Dole (Republican, Kansas)

One month after the bill passed, the CBO’s new estimate of the 1988 deficit was down to $200 billion. The CBO explained the dramatic improvement this way: “For the first time in two and one-half years, the deficit projections have taken a decided turn for the better… The reconciliation act deserves most of the credit for the improvement over the long run.” Indeed, of the $160 billion improvement from March to September of that year, CBO directly credited OBRA with $143 billion. In fact, OBRA turns out to have been the single largest contributor to the 1998 surplus.

After OBRA, the second largest contributor to fiscal improvement over the period was the rapidly strengthening economy. As the economy improved, the government began to take in more revenue than expected, since taxpayers were making more money, and had to spend somewhat less than expected, as poverty declined and the demand for social services declined with it.

Not So Fast Newt Center for American Progress

Oh, that's right...if you don't throw out the job losses of 2009...then you can't come up with your total...can you?
And once again...I was not involved in your attempts to change the subject by bringing in the Business Week article. If you want to charge someone else with not answering it then fine.
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?

Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???

As usual,'re spamming nonsense from a site like the Center for American Progress. You couldn't find a more biased source if you tried.
And once again...I was not involved in your attempts to change the subject by bringing in the Business Week article. If you want to charge someone else with not answering it then fine.

Got it, your other comments don't matter since the original posit wasn't to you and you're to much of a pussy to answer it now!!!
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?

Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?

Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

Sure he 'stabilized it', that's why he left half of TARP for Obama AND Obama NEEDED the stimulus to JUST keep US from going back into GOP great depression 2.0
And once again...I was not involved in your attempts to change the subject by bringing in the Business Week article. If you want to charge someone else with not answering it then fine.

Got it, your other comments don't matter since the original posit wasn't to you and you're to much of a pussy to answer it now!!!

Oh, so now I need to go back and answer every question in this string...even ones that weren't put to me...or I'm a "pussy"? You idiots get more ridiculous with every passing day.
And once again...I was not involved in your attempts to change the subject by bringing in the Business Week article. If you want to charge someone else with not answering it then fine.

Got it, your other comments don't matter since the original posit wasn't to you and you're to much of a pussy to answer it now!!!

Oh, so now I need to go back and answer every question in this string...even ones that weren't put to me...or I'm a "pussy"? You idiots get more ridiculous with every passing day.

No Bubba,but IF the question is put to you, like Zeke AND I did, you'd think you be man enough to do it??? LOL
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.
Actually, jobs have been appearing for 5 years now. Especially in the private sector which is currently up to it's 58th consecutive month of job growth. That makes it the longest stretch of job growth recorded in U.S. history.

And where are those jobs appearing, Faun? What's driving this new economic surge?
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Trade, transportation, and utilities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Financial activities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Professional and business services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Education and health services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Leisure and hospitality
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?

Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

Sure he 'stabilized it', that's why he left half of TARP for Obama AND Obama NEEDED the stimulus to JUST keep US from going back into GOP great depression 2.0

How did Barry spend HIS half of TARP compared to W.?

Obama used the stimulus to fund his supporters and keep THEM afloat while the rest of the Private Sector was left twisting in the wind! He gave away billions to Solyndra and other "green" companies...and he gave billions to keep Public Sector employees from getting laid off while he ignored those in the Private Sector. At the end of the stimulus he'd created so few new jobs that his economic staff came up with a new statistic to cover how bad it really was. "Jobs created or saved"! That tells you everything you need to know about the Obama Stimulus.
So why did Democrats get slaughtered in the election if things are as good as some of you claim

TRY thinking? RECORD LOW (70 YEARS) TURNOUT, A sitting lame duck Prez whose party usually loses seats, SAFE states for their Senators AND the GOP gerrymandering

After all ask Prez Mittens, the shoo in.

2016 the GOP will be trying to defend the Senate seats when 26 (?) are up for grabs, over half they'll lose, and Prez Clinton brings out the female votes!

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

In the memo -- titled "How a Strategy of Targeting State Legislative Races in 2010 Led to a Republican U.S. House Majority in 2013" -- RSLC boasts that it "raised more than $30 million in 2009-2010, and invested $18 million after Labor Day 2010 alone" to ensure statehouse victories in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.

"The rationale was straightforward," reads the memo. "Controlling the redistricting process in these states would have the greatest impact on determining how both state legislative and congressional district boundaries would be drawn. Drawing new district lines in states with the most redistricting activity presented the opportunity to solidify conservative policymaking at the state level and maintain a Republican stronghold in the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade."

GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?

Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

Sure he 'stabilized it', that's why he left half of TARP for Obama AND Obama NEEDED the stimulus to JUST keep US from going back into GOP great depression 2.0

How did Barry spend HIS half of TARP compared to W.?

Obama used the stimulus to fund his supporters and keep THEM afloat while the rest of the Private Sector was left twisting in the wind! He gave away billions to Solyndra and other "green" companies...and he gave billions to keep Public Sector employees from getting laid off while he ignored those in the Private Sector. At the end of the stimulus he'd created so few new jobs that his economic staff came up with a new statistic to cover how bad it really was. "Jobs created or saved"! That tells you everything you need to know about the Obama Stimulus.

Got it, you have your usual talking points

CBO Director Demolishes GOP's Stimulus Myth

Under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise.

"Only 4 percent disagreed or strongly disagreed," CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told the House Budget Committee. "That," he added, "is a distinct minority."

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Economists agree Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs -
The way to "create" jobs is for the friggin government to get out of the way of business. Stop taxing them and regulating them out of business.

The US has become a nation hostile to business and then the stupid people that made it hostile wonders why we have low employment and why successful American businesses flee the country, duh.

The Republicans are a party of big government and not that much different than the Democrats. However, they are slightly better at stimulating capitalism and we generally do better when they are in charge. The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much because the Democrats are so terrible. It doesn't take much to be better than those butt pirates.

As long as we have this corrupt incompetent big bloated government that collects over 40% of the GNP (combined fed, state and local) this country is never going to live up to its potential.
Yeah, sure ... that's why we've had 58 consecutive months of job growth to the tune of a net gain of 11.2 million jobs.

Net gain, Faun? Really?
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?
Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.
Dad23 kicking your all's ass AGAIN,

"Clinton's 1993 (DEM party without ONE GOP vote) budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

Here you go oldstyle. One simple paragraph from Business Week. Did Clinton sign budget cuts with NO Republicans going along that reduced projected red ink by 400 billion over 5 years.

For some reason the writers at Business Week believed that he (Clinton) did do that. D23 believes that. I believe that.

So you should be able to easily prove both D23 and Business Week wrong. Like you all say D23 is wrong all the time. Piece of cake. You are gonna do it, right? Prove what he posted about Clinton was wrong.

Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place? I believe that's an argument that someone else was making.

"Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place?"


You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


You come on here with utter nonsense from sites like "The Peoples View" and post their head in the sand propaganda like it's gospel. Why even bother?

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

GOP jobs agenda Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


How do any of those quotes have anything to do with a Business Week article?
Dad23 kicking your all's ass AGAIN,

"Clinton's 1993 (DEM party without ONE GOP vote) budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

Here you go oldstyle. One simple paragraph from Business Week. Did Clinton sign budget cuts with NO Republicans going along that reduced projected red ink by 400 billion over 5 years.

For some reason the writers at Business Week believed that he (Clinton) did do that. D23 believes that. I believe that.

So you should be able to easily prove both D23 and Business Week wrong. Like you all say D23 is wrong all the time. Piece of cake. You are gonna do it, right? Prove what he posted about Clinton was wrong.

Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place? I believe that's an argument that someone else was making.

"Since I wasn't having that discussion with Dad, why would I need to prove something that I didn't state in the first place?"


You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


You come on here with utter nonsense from sites like "The Peoples View" and post their head in the sand propaganda like it's gospel. Why even bother?

GOP jobs agenda Page 36 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

GOP jobs agenda Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


How do any of those have anything to do with either Clinton budget cuts or a Business Week article?

lol, You are to funny Bubba, NOT honest, but funny
The agenda should be to repeal obungocare and regulations on business. Jobs will magically appear.

Jobs are appearing now, Neil...simply because business people trying to predict what might happen in the future no longer have to worry about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party passing Cap & Trade legislation that will increase their energy costs to an unsustainable level. It's one more concern taken out of the equation when job creators sit down to decide whether or not to go ahead with expansion.
Actually, jobs have been appearing for 5 years now. Especially in the private sector which is currently up to it's 58th consecutive month of job growth. That makes it the longest stretch of job growth recorded in U.S. history.

And where are those jobs appearing, Faun? What's driving this new economic surge?
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Trade, transportation, and utilities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Financial activities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Professional and business services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Education and health services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Leisure and hospitality
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

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