GOP jobs agenda

It's like trying to talk Quantum Physics with a two year old.

Actually, I think that this message board is well on its way to PROVING a hereto unproven but theorized aspect of Quantum Physics.

And that theory is that there exists other, alternate universes.

Because you oldstyle and some of your posting buddies definitely live in another universe.

Proving that I should be given the NOble Prize for recognizing this phenomena right under our very noses.
Republicans live in an alternate, evil universe.

I will start writing my acceptance speech today. And plan how to spend my million dollars. LMAO.

I hate to burst your bubble, Zeke...but the only Nobel Prizes given out for that kind of nonexistent work would be a certain Peace Prize that was given out because someone showed up for work.
Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
Ummm, TARP was not a stimulus package. Care to explain how a non-stimulus package stimulated the economy? Or are you just desperately seeking for a solution to credit Bush with?

TARP kept a large number of our biggest financial institutions afloat at the worst of the economic downturn. It's probably the one thing most responsible for keeping us out of a full fledged economic meltdown! But you don't think that "stimulated" the economy? God, but I love discussing economics with you Progressives! It's like trying to talk Quantum Physics with a two year old.
Maybe you should learn what a "stimulus" package is? A plan to prevent a catastrophe is not a "stimulus" package just like evacuating people from a hurricane's path does not grow the city they're fleeing from. Whereas a stimulus package is designed to spur growth, just like sending building supplies to the said city wrecked by a hurricane.


Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Obama "Stimulus" fits your description then, Faun...since it did very little to spur growth. It did so little in fact that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how little it DID do for the nearly two trillion that they spent on it!

Kinda true since 40% of the stimulus was tax cuts, to get the GOP on board, which is a POOR stimulus
LOL...your spam attacks aren't based on "facts", Dad...they are based on drivel that you copy from sites that are so biased as to be useless. Then you simply repeat the same nonsense over and over again as if it somehow became more real because you said it more often!

oldstyle, your rebuttals of supposed spam attacks consists of nothing but your opinions.

One poster has numerous sources of information he presents. It's real, it's sourced and the things written are verifiable. Like what it says or not, it's real information.

Another poster has an opinion that these sources of information is not credible. But you have no counter posts to show the supposed real information.

And you oldstyle, think that your opinion is based in facts that you don't share and yet your opinion is correct. And can't be argued because no one knows what information you are basing your opinion on. Weird.

I wonder why you think like that?
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
Actually, jobs have been appearing for 5 years now. Especially in the private sector which is currently up to it's 58th consecutive month of job growth. That makes it the longest stretch of job growth recorded in U.S. history.

And where are those jobs appearing, Faun? What's driving this new economic surge?
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Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.
Why did you start in 2/10?
Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.

So Barack Obama has only been President for 58 months? Gosh, who was running the country when W. went back to Crawford, Texas?
C'mon, are you really this stupid?

I pointed out how we are currently into our 58th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector -- which is why I showed growth starting in March, 2010 (58 months ago). Unprecedented.

You've since tried to derail that with nonsense about it not being "net" gains (even though it was); and now you're trying to derail that by including jobs lost due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama (which I wasn't talking about).

What's next?

I'm simply pointing out that when you leave out the jobs lost in the Public Sector in order to cherry pick a number that looks more impressive...that you've been deceptive.

Yes thanks to GOP policies and the GOP austerity they pushed, the US lost 500,000+ jobs in the public sector AFTER Dubya grew it by nearly 2 million in his 8 years!

We lost those jobs in the Public Sector because you Progressives didn't seem to grasp that if you protected Public Sector jobs and ignored those in the Private Sector...the resulting loss of revenues from Private Sector jobs would not be there down the road to keep those Public Sector people employed. In essence you provided temporary employment to your Public Sector union friends and then could do nothing when those funds ran out. Those Public Sector jobs have been lost at the State and local levels of Government...the Federal Government continues to waste our money as it always has.
And where are those jobs appearing, Faun? What's driving this new economic surge?
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

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Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Financial activities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Professional and business services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Education and health services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Leisure and hospitality
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!
Yes, really.

Feb/2010: 107,187,000
Dec/2014: 118,402,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Why did you start in 2/10?
Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.

So Barack Obama has only been President for 58 months? Gosh, who was running the country when W. went back to Crawford, Texas?
C'mon, are you really this stupid?

I pointed out how we are currently into our 58th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector -- which is why I showed growth starting in March, 2010 (58 months ago). Unprecedented.

You've since tried to derail that with nonsense about it not being "net" gains (even though it was); and now you're trying to derail that by including jobs lost due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama (which I wasn't talking about).

What's next?

I'm simply pointing out that when you leave out the jobs lost in the Public Sector in order to cherry pick a number that looks more impressive...that you've been deceptive.
Nonsense. It would have been deceptive had I not been clear that I was talking about the private sector, but I couldn't have been clearer.
On lands that Obama held sway over...production of natural gas and oil are down substantially. It's only on the land that he had NO control over that production (and the creation of jobs!) is way up.
Why did you start in 2/10?
Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.

So Barack Obama has only been President for 58 months? Gosh, who was running the country when W. went back to Crawford, Texas?
C'mon, are you really this stupid?

I pointed out how we are currently into our 58th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector -- which is why I showed growth starting in March, 2010 (58 months ago). Unprecedented.

You've since tried to derail that with nonsense about it not being "net" gains (even though it was); and now you're trying to derail that by including jobs lost due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama (which I wasn't talking about).

What's next?

I'm simply pointing out that when you leave out the jobs lost in the Public Sector in order to cherry pick a number that looks more impressive...that you've been deceptive.
Nonsense. It would have been deceptive had I not been clear that I was talking about the private sector, but I couldn't have been clearer.

So why aren't you including the Public Sector? Do those people suddenly not count?
old, I went back and looked. I asked a very specific question of you that I see you dodged. And it should have been such an easy one for you to show that what D23 posted was in fact, wrong.

But you didn't. Leaving others to conclude that D23 had correct info and you had.........nothing.

Leading others to further conclude that this was not an isolated incident and that all your rebuttals are based on......nothing.

Ah well. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. So keep on keeping on with your alt universe ideas of what happened and who caused it. It is entertaining at times. But....

Lunch is over for me, back to the salt mine.
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

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Education and health services
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Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!

1.7 million (OIL/GAS JOBS BUBBAS) again huh? NOTHING??? LOL

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs

In 2014, the U.S. economy added 2.95 million jobs. Just 10,800 of those jobs were in oil and gas, a paltry 0.37 percent of the total.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over
Unlike how conservatives 'think' the economy turns on a dime, it took awhile to stop Dubya/GOP's policy from damaging US? I mean the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of Dubya remember? AND was losing 700,000+ jobs a month when Obama came in???


W's policies...specifically TARP are what turned the economy back around! The recession officially ended back in 2009 because of the very unpopular steps that Bush took to stabilize the economy. What we've seen SINCE then has been six years of a total lack of an economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
Ummm, TARP was not a stimulus package. Care to explain how a non-stimulus package stimulated the economy? Or are you just desperately seeking for a solution to credit Bush with?

TARP kept a large number of our biggest financial institutions afloat at the worst of the economic downturn. It's probably the one thing most responsible for keeping us out of a full fledged economic meltdown! But you don't think that "stimulated" the economy? God, but I love discussing economics with you Progressives! It's like trying to talk Quantum Physics with a two year old.
Maybe you should learn what a "stimulus" package is? A plan to prevent a catastrophe is not a "stimulus" package just like evacuating people from a hurricane's path does not grow the city they're fleeing from. Whereas a stimulus package is designed to spur growth, just like sending building supplies to the said city wrecked by a hurricane.


Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Obama "Stimulus" fits your description then, Faun...since it did very little to spur growth. It did so little in fact that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how little it DID do for the nearly two trillion that they spent on it!
Spurred little growth ... ?

Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.

So Barack Obama has only been President for 58 months? Gosh, who was running the country when W. went back to Crawford, Texas?
C'mon, are you really this stupid?

I pointed out how we are currently into our 58th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector -- which is why I showed growth starting in March, 2010 (58 months ago). Unprecedented.

You've since tried to derail that with nonsense about it not being "net" gains (even though it was); and now you're trying to derail that by including jobs lost due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama (which I wasn't talking about).

What's next?

I'm simply pointing out that when you leave out the jobs lost in the Public Sector in order to cherry pick a number that looks more impressive...that you've been deceptive.

Yes thanks to GOP policies and the GOP austerity they pushed, the US lost 500,000+ jobs in the public sector AFTER Dubya grew it by nearly 2 million in his 8 years!

We lost those jobs in the Public Sector because you Progressives didn't seem to grasp that if you protected Public Sector jobs and ignored those in the Private Sector...the resulting loss of revenues from Private Sector jobs would not be there down the road to keep those Public Sector people employed. In essence you provided temporary employment to your Public Sector union friends and then could do nothing when those funds ran out. Those Public Sector jobs have been lost at the State and local levels of Government...the Federal Government continues to waste our money as it always has.

By progressive you mean Reagan/Dubya who both grew Gov't the most, BY FAR, the last 34 years
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

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Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Financial activities
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Professional and business services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Education and health services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Leisure and hospitality
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Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!
Read the article I linked.
Mining and logging
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Trade, transportation, and utilities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Financial activities
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Professional and business services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Education and health services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Leisure and hospitality
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Other services
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs


The Oil Job Boom Is Over
Did you not count Public Sector jobs back when the Obama Stimulus was keeping all those government folks employed?
Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama initiative brought about those 1.7 million jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I can point out what his policies for coal have done to jobs in a State like West Virginia. Thanks to Barack Obama...they are dead last in jobs created.

President Obama Announces Funding for Breakthroughs in Natural Gas and Biofuels as Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!

1.7 million (OIL/GAS JOBS BUBBAS) again huh? NOTHING??? LOL

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs

In 2014, the U.S. economy added 2.95 million jobs. Just 10,800 of those jobs were in oil and gas, a paltry 0.37 percent of the total.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

You guys kill me! Look at that graph in the Huffington Post and show me where jobs in the oil and gas production industries have gone down along with the price of oil! It hasn't. But liberal media outlets like HuffPo HATE big oil and gas so much that they can't stand the thought of them prospering.

The REASON that the price of oil has come down so much is that we are in fact producing so much of it!
Did you not count Public Sector jobs back when the Obama Stimulus was keeping all those government folks employed?

So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!

1.7 million (OIL/GAS JOBS BUBBAS) again huh? NOTHING??? LOL

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs

In 2014, the U.S. economy added 2.95 million jobs. Just 10,800 of those jobs were in oil and gas, a paltry 0.37 percent of the total.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

You guys kill me! Look at that graph in the Huffington Post and show me where jobs in the oil and gas production industries have gone down along with the price of oil! It hasn't. But liberal media outlets like HuffPo HATE big oil and gas so much that they can't stand the thought of them prospering.

The REASON that the price of oil has come down so much is that we are in fact producing so much of it!

So NO, your 1.7 million jobs was ANOTHER right wing lie. Got it

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over
Because 2/10 was 58 months ago.

So Barack Obama has only been President for 58 months? Gosh, who was running the country when W. went back to Crawford, Texas?
C'mon, are you really this stupid?

I pointed out how we are currently into our 58th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector -- which is why I showed growth starting in March, 2010 (58 months ago). Unprecedented.

You've since tried to derail that with nonsense about it not being "net" gains (even though it was); and now you're trying to derail that by including jobs lost due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama (which I wasn't talking about).

What's next?

I'm simply pointing out that when you leave out the jobs lost in the Public Sector in order to cherry pick a number that looks more impressive...that you've been deceptive.
Nonsense. It would have been deceptive had I not been clear that I was talking about the private sector, but I couldn't have been clearer.

So why aren't you including the Public Sector? Do those people suddenly not count?
Because I was talking about the unprecedented job growth in the private sector. Which I did in response to another poster saying the government should stay clear from businesses. I showed he is wrong because even though the government imposes many regulations and taxes on companies, the privates sector is still experiencing the longest stretch of growth recorded in U.S. history.


It would truly help if you could follow the discussion.
Did you not count Public Sector jobs back when the Obama Stimulus was keeping all those government folks employed?
So THAT is your example of how a Barack Obama initiative brought about the 1.7 million jobs in natural gas and oil production? Really, Faun?
No, it's an example of how Obama contributed to growth in those industries. No one person is responsible for total growth.

What did Barack Obama do to contribute to growth in the natural gas and oil production industries, Faun? I'd really like to know!

1.7 million (OIL/GAS JOBS BUBBAS) again huh? NOTHING??? LOL

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs

In 2014, the U.S. economy added 2.95 million jobs. Just 10,800 of those jobs were in oil and gas, a paltry 0.37 percent of the total.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

You guys kill me! Look at that graph in the Huffington Post and show me where jobs in the oil and gas production industries have gone down along with the price of oil! It hasn't. But liberal media outlets like HuffPo HATE big oil and gas so much that they can't stand the thought of them prospering.

The REASON that the price of oil has come down so much is that we are in fact producing so much of it!

So NO, your 1.7 million jobs was ANOTHER right wing lie. Got it

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over
Oil Gas Boom To Create 3.5 Million Jobs By 2035 Industry Report Claims
And I ask again, Faun...what Obama policy has led to the growth of jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries?

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