GOP jobs agenda

With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

I know you think Prez Obama is the cause and solution for everything, but the truth is the job creation numbers have been fueled by red states and the ENERGY sector that Obama and you foolish libs fight tooth and nail against.
Which States Will Have Fastest Job Growth in 2014 - Stateline
7 of the top 10 job growth states are red, 2 purple (but lead by Republicans) and one is blue:
1. ND
2. AZ
3. TX
4. CO
5. FL (right leaning purple)
6. GA
7. SC
8. OR (Only Blue)
9. ID
10. UT

The Bottom job growth states are filled with blue states:
1. D.C. (liberal of liberal America)
2. IL (shithole of the midwest)
3. ME
4. VT (The state with the unbashful communist/socialist Bernie Sanders)
5. NY (Basket case of taxation)
6. AK (Red state, but it's unique location and weather is the main culprit)
7. MA (Blue of blue)
8. TN (Red state - Ya got one)
9. NH
10. NM (lead by a Republican Governor, but this state has a blue legislator. It's a blue state)

Obama and you libs should thanks the Republicans!

"Which States Will Have Fastest Job Growth in 2014 "


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Hey loser, it fastest JOB GROWTH, not fastest growth in energy. However, you can be as ignorant as you want to be!

I know you will willful ignore the facts that the fastest growing state job numbers are all in red states. It's a fact. Obama and the Dems should thank there lucky starts not every state is as clueless as NY, IL and MA!!

You mean they are PROJECTING those 'fastest growing' and we knbow how well conservatives are on 'projecting' right?

PAST EVIDENCE SAYS YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. Brownback/GOP in Kansas said 'supply side' would make them the fastest growing and improve their economy too, lol

ROADMAP PROMISE: Increase net personal income

Brownback Reality: Real median household income is down 1.14% according to Census ACS data.

o 2012 - $50,244

o 2011 - $49,987

o 2010 - $50,819

Brownback's own Council of Economic Advisors say Kansas not meeting own economic benchmarks. According to a report release the March 2014 report, “Indicators of the Kansas Economy, A Review of Economic Trends and the Kansas Economy,” Kansas is lagging behind other states in the region in almost every economic indicator, including personal income.

First you say it's only energy sector growth and now you deny the numbers! Your a real special one Corky!
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

I know you think Prez Obama is the cause and solution for everything, but the truth is the job creation numbers have been fueled by red states and the ENERGY sector that Obama and you foolish libs fight tooth and nail against.
Which States Will Have Fastest Job Growth in 2014 - Stateline
7 of the top 10 job growth states are red, 2 purple (but lead by Republicans) and one is blue:
1. ND
2. AZ
3. TX
4. CO
5. FL (right leaning purple)
6. GA
7. SC
8. OR (Only Blue)
9. ID
10. UT

The Bottom job growth states are filled with blue states:
1. D.C. (liberal of liberal America)
2. IL (shithole of the midwest)
3. ME
4. VT (The state with the unbashful communist/socialist Bernie Sanders)
5. NY (Basket case of taxation)
6. AK (Red state, but it's unique location and weather is the main culprit)
7. MA (Blue of blue)
8. TN (Red state - Ya got one)
9. NH
10. NM (lead by a Republican Governor, but this state has a blue legislator. It's a blue state)

Obama and you libs should thanks the Republicans!

"Which States Will Have Fastest Job Growth in 2014 "


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Hey loser, it fastest JOB GROWTH, not fastest growth in energy. However, you can be as ignorant as you want to be!

I know you will willful ignore the facts that the fastest growing state job numbers are all in red states. It's a fact. Obama and the Dems should thank there lucky starts not every state is as clueless as NY, IL and MA!!

You mean they are PROJECTING those 'fastest growing' and we knbow how well conservatives are on 'projecting' right?

PAST EVIDENCE SAYS YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. Brownback/GOP in Kansas said 'supply side' would make them the fastest growing and improve their economy too, lol

ROADMAP PROMISE: Increase net personal income

Brownback Reality: Real median household income is down 1.14% according to Census ACS data.

o 2012 - $50,244

o 2011 - $49,987

o 2010 - $50,819

Brownback's own Council of Economic Advisors say Kansas not meeting own economic benchmarks. According to a report release the March 2014 report, “Indicators of the Kansas Economy, A Review of Economic Trends and the Kansas Economy,” Kansas is lagging behind other states in the region in almost every economic indicator, including personal income.

First you say it's only energy sector growth and now you deny the numbers! Your a real special one Corky!


Oil/Gas sector has had a TOTAL of 61,500 jobs created since 2008, THAT hasn't led demand dummy!
LOL...your spam attacks aren't based on "facts", Dad...they are based on drivel that you copy from sites that are so biased as to be useless. Then you simply repeat the same nonsense over and over again as if it somehow became more real because you said it more often!

oldstyle, your rebuttals of supposed spam attacks consists of nothing but your opinions.

One poster has numerous sources of information he presents. It's real, it's sourced and the things written are verifiable. Like what it says or not, it's real information.

Another poster has an opinion that these sources of information is not credible. But you have no counter posts to show the supposed real information.

And you oldstyle, think that your opinion is based in facts that you don't share and yet your opinion is correct. And can't be argued because no one knows what information you are basing your opinion on. Weird.

I wonder why you think like that?
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.
LOL...your spam attacks aren't based on "facts", Dad...they are based on drivel that you copy from sites that are so biased as to be useless. Then you simply repeat the same nonsense over and over again as if it somehow became more real because you said it more often!

oldstyle, your rebuttals of supposed spam attacks consists of nothing but your opinions.

One poster has numerous sources of information he presents. It's real, it's sourced and the things written are verifiable. Like what it says or not, it's real information.

Another poster has an opinion that these sources of information is not credible. But you have no counter posts to show the supposed real information.

And you oldstyle, think that your opinion is based in facts that you don't share and yet your opinion is correct. And can't be argued because no one knows what information you are basing your opinion on. Weird.

I wonder why you think like that?
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
oldstyle, your rebuttals of supposed spam attacks consists of nothing but your opinions.

One poster has numerous sources of information he presents. It's real, it's sourced and the things written are verifiable. Like what it says or not, it's real information.

Another poster has an opinion that these sources of information is not credible. But you have no counter posts to show the supposed real information.

And you oldstyle, think that your opinion is based in facts that you don't share and yet your opinion is correct. And can't be argued because no one knows what information you are basing your opinion on. Weird.

I wonder why you think like that?
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?

No it's not confusing at all. What's confusing about it to you?
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?

No it's not confusing at all. What's confusing about it to you?

specifically? ... your assumption that I was celebrating.... or trying to.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?

No it's not confusing at all. What's confusing about it to you?

specifically? ... your assumption that I was celebrating.... or trying to.

I said "you folks" if you're not in the group of folks trying to celebrate.. all you had to do is say so. Hint. Providing a link and comments without quoting the comments as merely coming from the link, does not proscribe whether the comments are from you, or from the link. If you are quoting someone, using quotes will establish that fact.
WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?

No it's not confusing at all. What's confusing about it to you?

specifically? ... your assumption that I was celebrating.... or trying to.

I said "you folks" if you're not in the group of folks trying to celebrate.. all you had to do is say so. Hint. Providing a link and comments without quoting the comments as merely coming from the link, does not proscribe whether the comments are from you, or from the link. If you are quoting someone, using quotes will establish that fact.

I quoted you, you answered.

pay attention.
Ah 5% "growth." So you folks are still trying to celebrate the increase in mining revenue that happened prior to the price of oil falling through the floor. ROFL

uh, I'm not celebrating anything. I just posted a link.

confusing isn't it?

No it's not confusing at all. What's confusing about it to you?

specifically? ... your assumption that I was celebrating.... or trying to.

I said "you folks" if you're not in the group of folks trying to celebrate.. all you had to do is say so. Hint. Providing a link and comments without quoting the comments as merely coming from the link, does not proscribe whether the comments are from you, or from the link. If you are quoting someone, using quotes will establish that fact.

I quoted you, you answered.

pay attention.
Oh, I always pay attention.
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

I know you think Prez Obama is the cause and solution for everything, but the truth is the job creation numbers have been fueled by red states and the ENERGY sector that Obama and you foolish libs fight tooth and nail against.
Which States Will Have Fastest Job Growth in 2014 - Stateline
7 of the top 10 job growth states are red, 2 purple (but lead by Republicans) and one is blue:
1. ND
2. AZ
3. TX
4. CO
5. FL (right leaning purple)
6. GA
7. SC
8. OR (Only Blue)
9. ID
10. UT

The Bottom job growth states are filled with blue states:
1. D.C. (liberal of liberal America)
2. IL (shithole of the midwest)
3. ME
4. VT (The state with the unbashful communist/socialist Bernie Sanders)
5. NY (Basket case of taxation)
6. AK (Red state, but it's unique location and weather is the main culprit)
7. MA (Blue of blue)
8. TN (Red state - Ya got one)
9. NH
10. NM (lead by a Republican Governor, but this state has a blue legislator. It's a blue state)

Obama and you libs should thanks the Republicans!
It's revealing that you use projections when the real data is available. Here are the 2014 results from the BLS (through November):

R=6; D=3; Both=1
1. ND (R)
2. TX (R)
3. UT (R)
4. DE (D)
5. FL (B)
6. OR (D)
7. WA (D)
8. NC (R)
9. AZ (R)
10. SC (R)

R=5; D=4; Both=1
41. SD (R)
42. NE (R)
43. KS (R)
44. PA (B)
45. NH (D)
46. IL (D)
47. VA (D)
48. MD (D)
49. MS (R)
50. AK (R)

And MS (R) and AK (R) were the only states where employment dropped.
Clinton was able to do what he did because he benefited from the Dot Com Boom's huge increases in tax revenues coming into the government's coffers and a GOP led Congress that forced him into make cuts to government.

So how does Clinton's situation have ANYTHING to do with what Barry has done since he took office? It's not even an apples and oranges's more like an apples and watermelons thing!

So NO, you will not accept FACTS and will CONtinue the lie. Shocking


"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997


To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote.

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."

— Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts,
which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
— Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit."
— Goldman Sachs, March 1998

Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."
—Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."

—Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up."

—Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower."

—Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction."

—Sen. Robert Dole (Republican, Kansas)

One month after the bill passed, the CBO’s new estimate of the 1988 deficit was down to $200 billion. The CBO explained the dramatic improvement this way: “For the first time in two and one-half years, the deficit projections have taken a decided turn for the better… The reconciliation act deserves most of the credit for the improvement over the long run.” Indeed, of the $160 billion improvement from March to September of that year, CBO directly credited OBRA with $143 billion. In fact, OBRA turns out to have been the single largest contributor to the 1998 surplus.

After OBRA, the second largest contributor to fiscal improvement over the period was the rapidly strengthening economy. As the economy improved, the government began to take in more revenue than expected, since taxpayers were making more money, and had to spend somewhat less than expected, as poverty declined and the demand for social services declined with it.

Not So Fast Newt Center for American Progress

So, we are still running a deficit. I wonder how many months a company could stay in business running at a deficit.

Why do we still have a record number on food stamps and disability?
For food stamps, that would be because the jobs are minimum wage and those folks are keeping their hours low enough to continue to collect food stamps.

For disability, that would be because Obama lowered the standard by which disability is determined.
According to liberals we have better paying jobs with this recovery. The reason more are on disability is because when people could not find work, they found illness.
And I ask again, Faun...what Obama policy has led to the growth of jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries?
Asked and answered ... read the link I gave you. made me waste time going back over pages of your posts looking for the link that you "gave" me. The only thing I see you linked was a graph showing job losses under Bush and under Obama.

So I ask AGAIN...what Obama policy has led to the growth of jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries?

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