GOP jobs agenda

(FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14... )

That is the funniest, craziest thing I have seen you write whursmykeys. If you are talking of yourself that is. If not your fantasy, then who's fantasy education are you talking about?

I thought you sold vacuum cleaners?
oldstyle, your rebuttals of supposed spam attacks consists of nothing but your opinions.

One poster has numerous sources of information he presents. It's real, it's sourced and the things written are verifiable. Like what it says or not, it's real information.

Another poster has an opinion that these sources of information is not credible. But you have no counter posts to show the supposed real information.

And you oldstyle, think that your opinion is based in facts that you don't share and yet your opinion is correct. And can't be argued because no one knows what information you are basing your opinion on. Weird.

I wonder why you think like that?
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
And I'm still waiting to hear what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!
The fact the one sector of the American economy that's REALLY driving our recovery at the moment...natural gas and shale oil production...great paying jobs have been created and so much natural gas and oil have been produced that the cost of both gasoline and electricity have been reduced putting billions of dollars in the pockets of average Americans that would not be there if Barack Obama and the rest of you Progressives had gotten your way. That's a success story...and one that took place DESPITE Barack Obama!
So now that we've established that Obama had nothing to do with any of the jobs created in the natural gas and oil shale industries...let's move along to examine his role in job creation in OTHER industries!

Give me an Obama policy that created jobs in other industries!
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Your forgetting all the jobs bills passed by the House that are sitting in the Senate that needs to be passed now that they have the majority.

Tax giveaways to corporations is not a jobs bill, no matter what you call it.
Bottom line is that because of the looming requirements of ObamaCare...many of the "jobs" that you progressives are so thrilled to see created because they make Barry's bottom line on unemployment look better, are simply companies turning full time positions into part time ones so that they won't have to provide healthcare to full time employees.

You can tell this is the case because while unemployment IS down the amount of money that people are taking home in their paychecks is down as well. I believe the average pay for an American (adjusted for inflation) has dropped from roughly $55,000 a year to around $51,000.

Now if you subtracted the great paying jobs that were created in the natural gas and shale oil industries from the equation...because as Dad has already pointed out...Barry had ZERO to do with creating THOSE jobs...that $51,000 figure would quickly approach the high 40's!
...natural gas and shale oil production...great paying jobs have been created and so much natural gas and oil have been produced that the cost of both gasoline and electricity have been reduced putting billions of dollars in the pockets of average Americans that would not be there if Barack Obama and the rest of you Progressives had gotten your way. That's a success story...and one that took place DESPITE Barack Obama!

Good to see you still live in the world of delusion.

The laws of supply and demand are what drove the price of gas down. Had nothing to do with the production here in the USA except for the fact that by helping to increase the supply while demand was dropping the retail price of gasoline also dropped. Supply and demand. Read about it sometime as a driver of economic activity. You might want to study up on the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the USA and compare those costs to the actual price of a barrel of oil. Our oil drillers are gonna lose their ass if the price don't come back up. And there goes those jobs.

Kinda like your fantasy that jobs are being created because of some fantasy you have that large amounts of capital were sitting on the sidelines and now this capital is creating all these jobs. Bull shit.

Demand is the cause for hiring. There was no shortage of capital investment. There was a shortage of demand for consumer products.
And now that lack of demand for gas has brought down the price, more money in a consumers pocket will cause a higher demand for other goods and services. Same with the new jobs. New jobs will cause an increase in demand.

That is how it works in the real world. In your fantasy world, who knows.
...natural gas and shale oil production...great paying jobs have been created and so much natural gas and oil have been produced that the cost of both gasoline and electricity have been reduced putting billions of dollars in the pockets of average Americans that would not be there if Barack Obama and the rest of you Progressives had gotten your way. That's a success story...and one that took place DESPITE Barack Obama!

Good to see you still live in the world of delusion.

The laws of supply and demand are what drove the price of gas down. Had nothing to do with the production here in the USA except for the fact that by helping to increase the supply while demand was dropping the retail price of gasoline also dropped. Supply and demand. Read about it sometime as a driver of economic activity. You might want to study up on the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the USA and compare those costs to the actual price of a barrel of oil. Our oil drillers are gonna lose their ass if the price don't come back up. And there goes those jobs.

Kinda like your fantasy that jobs are being created because of some fantasy you have that large amounts of capital were sitting on the sidelines and now this capital is creating all these jobs. Bull shit.

Demand is the cause for hiring. There was no shortage of capital investment. There was a shortage of demand for consumer products.
And now that lack of demand for gas has brought down the price, more money in a consumers pocket will cause a higher demand for other goods and services. Same with the new jobs. New jobs will cause an increase in demand.

That is how it works in the real world. In your fantasy world, who knows.

I so love discussing economics with you Progressives, Zeke! So now you're claiming that all of the natural gas and shale oil that the US is producing hasn't had an effect on the cost of oil? Really? That it was all a lack of demand that dropped the price of energy? Well you're somewhat right about the latter claim because with the economy in as bad shape as it has been for the past eight years demand HAS been down because quite frankly people haven't had the money to fill their gas tanks when gasoline cost over $4 a gallon!

So what's driven the price of gas down to around $2 a gallon, Zeke? What's taken place in the world during the past few years that could have possibly caused such a thing? We've got unrest in the Middle East...that usually causes a spike in oil prices. Gotta be something else...correct? Gee, what COULD it be? New oil fields discovered in Saudi Arabia? Nope. More off shore oil drilling taking place? Nope. More use of corn? Nope. Gee, the only thing that's really changed is that we're pulling millions of barrels of oil out of the ground from fracking shale formations and millions more gallons of natural gas is being produced from the same source as well! But you don't think that's been a game changer! Nah, it must be something ELSE...
The truth of the matter is that it's the decreased cost of oil and natural gas that is putting money into the pockets of that would not be there if Barack Obama and you Progressives had gotten your way on "fracking". You've opposed that right down the line...and now you can't bring yourself to admit that it's been a boon to our economy DESPITE your best efforts!
You are not smart enough to understand that oil is a worldwide commodity.

So what's driven the price of gas down to around $2 a gallon, Zeke? What's taken place in the world during the past few years that could have possibly caused such a thing?

Supply and demand is the cause. Particularly the fact that there is a large supply and poor demand. All around the world.

You think the Saudis are glad that oil production is so high in the USA? You think the Saudis, with there cost to produce a barrel at around 20 dollars can't figure out that our producers will lose their asses if the price does not come back closer to 80 dollars.

The Saudis will flood the market, take the hit and wait till demand increases to raise the barrel price of oil. But that is after they drive some of the US producers out of the market.

Or do you think American oil producers are glad to know that it costs them around 80 dollars a barrel of oil while they can sell it for what 45 dollars? How long can they afford that?
...natural gas and shale oil production...great paying jobs have been created and so much natural gas and oil have been produced that the cost of both gasoline and electricity have been reduced putting billions of dollars in the pockets of average Americans that would not be there if Barack Obama and the rest of you Progressives had gotten your way. That's a success story...and one that took place DESPITE Barack Obama!

Good to see you still live in the world of delusion.

The laws of supply and demand are what drove the price of gas down. Had nothing to do with the production here in the USA except for the fact that by helping to increase the supply while demand was dropping the retail price of gasoline also dropped. Supply and demand. Read about it sometime as a driver of economic activity. You might want to study up on the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the USA and compare those costs to the actual price of a barrel of oil. Our oil drillers are gonna lose their ass if the price don't come back up. And there goes those jobs.

Kinda like your fantasy that jobs are being created because of some fantasy you have that large amounts of capital were sitting on the sidelines and now this capital is creating all these jobs. Bull shit.

Demand is the cause for hiring. There was no shortage of capital investment. There was a shortage of demand for consumer products.
And now that lack of demand for gas has brought down the price, more money in a consumers pocket will cause a higher demand for other goods and services. Same with the new jobs. New jobs will cause an increase in demand.

That is how it works in the real world. In your fantasy world, who knows.

I so love discussing economics with you Progressives, Zeke! So now you're claiming that all of the natural gas and shale oil that the US is producing hasn't had an effect on the cost of oil? Really? That it was all a lack of demand that dropped the price of energy? Well you're somewhat right about the latter claim because with the economy in as bad shape as it has been for the past eight years demand HAS been down because quite frankly people haven't had the money to fill their gas tanks when gasoline cost over $4 a gallon!

So what's driven the price of gas down to around $2 a gallon, Zeke? What's taken place in the world during the past few years that could have possibly caused such a thing? We've got unrest in the Middle East...that usually causes a spike in oil prices. Gotta be something else...correct? Gee, what COULD it be? New oil fields discovered in Saudi Arabia? Nope. More off shore oil drilling taking place? Nope. More use of corn? Nope. Gee, the only thing that's really changed is that we're pulling millions of barrels of oil out of the ground from fracking shale formations and millions more gallons of natural gas is being produced from the same source as well! But you don't think that's been a game changer! Nah, it must be something ELSE...

Of course the drop in oil prices is because of the massive new production in the US, but lack of demand had a pretty big effect on it too. As the price drops, the smaller independent producers won't be able to take the loss of profit, so big oil, who can easily weather the ups and downs will consume a lot of the independents at bargain basement prices , consolidating more of the reserves under control of only the few big players. At that point production will be reduced, bringing the price back up. It's similar to strategy that Walmart uses to kill small businesses all across the country.
The truth of the matter is that it's the decreased cost of oil and natural gas that is putting money into the pockets of that would not be there if Barack Obama and you Progressives had gotten your way on "fracking". You've opposed that right down the line...and now you can't bring yourself to admit that it's been a boon to our economy DESPITE your best efforts!

Sure, we are getting more oil and gas, and that is a good thing, but with fracking being specifically exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act and no requirement for disclosure of what potentially dangerous chemicals are actually being pumped into the ground, we are ignoring the damage that threatens our drinking water. Oil is important. Water is much more important.
OPEC is controlling the price of GLOBAL oil traded on the WORLD market.

The Economist explains Why the oil price is falling The Economist

Sure, If OPEC greatly reduced their production to make up for all the new US production, the price drop wouldn't be as severe. Why would OPEC want to do that? OPEC has enough reserves to absorb the temporary reduced price and they know that falling prices will put most of the smaller US producers out of business. After big oil picks up all those broke producers for pennies on the dollar, production will be reduced bringing the price back up. All that might take a year or two, but it's still a temporary situation.
And I ask again, Faun...what Obama policy has led to the growth of jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries?
Asked and answered ... read the link I gave you. made me waste time going back over pages of your posts looking for the link that you "gave" me. The only thing I see you linked was a graph showing job losses under Bush and under Obama.

So I ask AGAIN...what Obama policy has led to the growth of jobs in the natural gas and oil production industries?

I simply don't believe anyone can answer that question.

Our economy is to complex and assuming that Reagan, Clinton, or Obama are sitting at a table with joystick controlling the economy is silly.

Obama really killed things by creating fear in the market with this hell-bent-for-leather approach to health care.

The company I worked for had about 2 billion in cash and had plenty of domestic expansion planned. Once Obama became such a wildcard, they moved a lot of that investment overseas.
So, we are still running a deficit. I wonder how many months a company could stay in business running at a deficit.

Why do we still have a record number on food stamps and disability?
For food stamps, that would be because the jobs are minimum wage and those folks are keeping their hours low enough to continue to collect food stamps.

For disability, that would be because Obama lowered the standard by which disability is determined.
According to liberals we have better paying jobs with this recovery. The reason more are on disability is because when people could not find work, they found illness.

If it weren't for false premises, distortions or lies, we would NEVER hear from conservatives

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
What's the false premise, do we have better paying jobs causing food stamps to be at an all time high?

premise? ... red states.

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth - Bloomberg
You do realize that there are democrats in republican heavy counties right? By and large, who do you think are the people collecting food stamps, the hard working republicans or the lazy ass democrats?
For food stamps, that would be because the jobs are minimum wage and those folks are keeping their hours low enough to continue to collect food stamps.

For disability, that would be because Obama lowered the standard by which disability is determined.
According to liberals we have better paying jobs with this recovery. The reason more are on disability is because when people could not find work, they found illness.

If it weren't for false premises, distortions or lies, we would NEVER hear from conservatives

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
What's the false premise, do we have better paying jobs causing food stamps to be at an all time high?

premise? ... red states.

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth - Bloomberg
You do realize that there are democrats in republican heavy counties right? By and large, who do you think are the people collecting food stamps, the hard working republicans or the lazy ass democrats?

That's a pretty weak response, even for you.
According to liberals we have better paying jobs with this recovery. The reason more are on disability is because when people could not find work, they found illness.

If it weren't for false premises, distortions or lies, we would NEVER hear from conservatives

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
What's the false premise, do we have better paying jobs causing food stamps to be at an all time high?

premise? ... red states.

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth - Bloomberg
You do realize that there are democrats in republican heavy counties right? By and large, who do you think are the people collecting food stamps, the hard working republicans or the lazy ass democrats?

That's a pretty weak response, even for you.
Nope. It's accurate. Most folks on welfare are democrats, fact. Most folks in republican states that are on welfare are the democrats in that state, fact. Republicans that get on welfare, get off welfare as soon as they can. Democrats that get on welfare, stay on welfare as long as they can.

FYI SS is not welfare. But for some reason democrats like to count people who are collecting SS as being on welfare, they call it collecting checks from the government to skew the numbers in republican states. People on a limited budget like to move to republican states, because the republican states generally have a lower cost of living.
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