GOP jobs agenda

If it weren't for false premises, distortions or lies, we would NEVER hear from conservatives

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
What's the false premise, do we have better paying jobs causing food stamps to be at an all time high?

premise? ... red states.

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth - Bloomberg
You do realize that there are democrats in republican heavy counties right? By and large, who do you think are the people collecting food stamps, the hard working republicans or the lazy ass democrats?

That's a pretty weak response, even for you.
Nope. It's accurate. Most folks on welfare are democrats, fact. Most folks in republican states that are on welfare are the democrats in that state, fact. Republicans that get on welfare, get off welfare as soon as they can. Democrats that get on welfare, stay on welfare as long as they can.

FYI SS is not welfare. But for some reason democrats like to count people who are collecting SS as being on welfare, they call it collecting checks from the government to skew the numbers in republican states. People on a limited budget like to move to republican states, because the republican states generally have a lower cost of living.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, but it's not quite like that.
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

You probably need to go back and double check your claims. They are all wrong.
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).
C'mon, go easy on oldstyle. The economy is in full swing under Obama and like many righties, it's killing him. All he can do now is swing wildly like a blindfolded kid at a piñata.

If you've been paying attention ... here's a summation of the conservative viewpoint over the last 40 years

Carter was the worst president in history. Reagan was the greatest. Bush Sr. was a Liberal who raised taxes. Clinton failed to help the economy, it was Reagan's policies which fueled the economy until Clinton wrecked it in 2001. Bush Jr. was a Liberal like his father. Obama is the worst president in history. The economy is only improving now despite him; once again, thanks to Reagan's policies which just took a "time out" for a decade.
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
And I'm still waiting to hear what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking
The fact the one sector of the American economy that's REALLY driving our recovery at the moment...natural gas and shale oil production...great paying jobs have been created and so much natural gas and oil have been produced that the cost of both gasoline and electricity have been reduced putting billions of dollars in the pockets of average Americans that would not be there if Barack Obama and the rest of you Progressives had gotten your way. That's a success story...and one that took place DESPITE Barack Obama!

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs

In 2014, the U.S. economy added 2.95 million jobs. Just 10,800 of those jobs were in oil and gas, a paltry 0.37 percent of the total.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

President Obama’s All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy is making America more energy independent and supporting jobs. Since the President took office, domestic energy-related emissions have fallen to their lowest level in 20 years, and our dependence on foreign oil is at a 20-year low — and declining. America is producing more oil, gas, and renewable energy, and the U.S. is becoming more energy efficient overall. These trends are increasing our energy security, cutting our carbon pollution, and enhancing our economic growth.

As part of the President’s Climate Action Plan, the U.S. has invested several billions of dollars into the research and development of CCS technologies, including those aiming to develop innovative, second-generation technologies that will help improve the efficiency and drive down the costs of carbon capture processes for new and existing coal-fired power plants.

Advancing Clean Energy
President Obama has also taken an all-in approach to innovation that starts with a strong commitment to basic and applied energy. That is why this Administration has made the largest investment in clean energy in American history and has launched several initiatives to advance clean energy deployment. Since President Obama took office, the U.S. has increased solar electricity generation by more than ten-fold, and tripled electricity production from wind power.

Advancing American Energy The White House

Here's What Obama's 'Part-Time America' Really Looks Like
The president's critics love this talking point. But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.

The easiest way to fact-check the claim that part-time work is rising is to measure Americans working part-time who want to work full time—i.e. "for economic reasons." It turns out that the entire increase in part-time employment happened before Obamacare became a law in 2010. [Y-axis in 1,000s]

Here s What Obama s Part-Time America Really Looks Like - The Atlantic

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs
A falsifiable claim, falsified

But in the last year, new full-time jobs outnumbered part-time jobs by 1.8 million to 8,000. For every new part-time job, we're creating 225 full-time positions


The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?

Derided them? Oh pointing out that those living in the 'can do' Republican led states are most reliant on blue state (liberal) welfare? IN RESPONSE TO RIGHT WINGERS CLAIMS OF SELF SUFFICIENCY?? LOL

IF left up to conservatives/Modern GOPers, the US would look like a 3rd world nation. Be thankful the smart, educated and KIND Dem's are helping US Buibba!
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
And I'm still waiting to hear what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Why is it that Democrats hate those who take food stamps, take checks from the state that promote families, why is it that the hate those on Social Security. I thought they liked safety nets.

Yet, they use "welfare" as a derogatory term for those who now collect Social Security benefits after paying into it their benefits program their entire working life. On one hand they use the poor to get votes, the rest of the time they look down at them.

I don't understand the Democrats mentality or is it a liberal mentality? :dunno:

huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?

Derided them? Oh pointing out that those living in the 'can do' Republican led states are most reliant on blue state (liberal) welfare? IN RESPONSE TO RIGHT WINGERS CLAIMS OF SELF SUFFICIENCY?? LOL

IF left up to conservatives/Modern GOPers, the US would look like a 3rd world nation. Be thankful the smart, educated and KIND Dem's are helping US Buibba!

Your propaganda is just that, you post links from leftwing sites. You make assumptions about all GOPers, all rightwingers, your storyline is old and tired.

Your lumping people in to one or two categories is also narrow minded.
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Your head has been up Oblammers ass way too long...

How long are you going to defend this failure?
Last edited:
huh? ... RW's are constantly yammering Dems are socialists, and you say they hate social programs ...

I'll never understand RW mentality, (or lack thereof).

Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?

Derided them? Oh pointing out that those living in the 'can do' Republican led states are most reliant on blue state (liberal) welfare? IN RESPONSE TO RIGHT WINGERS CLAIMS OF SELF SUFFICIENCY?? LOL

IF left up to conservatives/Modern GOPers, the US would look like a 3rd world nation. Be thankful the smart, educated and KIND Dem's are helping US Buibba!

Your propaganda is just that, you post links from leftwing sites. You make assumptions about all GOPers, all rightwingers, your storyline is old and tired.

Your lumping people in to one or two categories is also narrow minded.

Says the Klown who CLAIMED Dems are 'deriding' people for taking the social safety nets Dems brought US and Repugs/cons fought from day one. You can't make this crap up. LOL
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.

This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it
Democrats claim they are for such programs, yet belittle people for using them.

What is wrong with anyone taking their social security benefits? What is wrong with anyone taking food stamps? Yet, Democrats on this board belittle those that do.

Just and observation.

Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?

Derided them? Oh pointing out that those living in the 'can do' Republican led states are most reliant on blue state (liberal) welfare? IN RESPONSE TO RIGHT WINGERS CLAIMS OF SELF SUFFICIENCY?? LOL

IF left up to conservatives/Modern GOPers, the US would look like a 3rd world nation. Be thankful the smart, educated and KIND Dem's are helping US Buibba!

Your propaganda is just that, you post links from leftwing sites. You make assumptions about all GOPers, all rightwingers, your storyline is old and tired.

Your lumping people in to one or two categories is also narrow minded.

Says the Klown who CLAIMED Dems are 'deriding' people for taking the social safety nets Dems brought US and Repugs/cons fought from day one. You can't make this crap up. LOL

Dems on this board don't do that? Hmmmm...
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Your head has been up Oblammers ass way too long...

How long are you going to defend this failure?

Right wing world:

Reagan economy good because he tripled US debt which he did by GREATLY increasing Gov't spending and the top tax rate was 50% during his first 6 years. Reagan 14 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years to Carters 9 million. Reagan super hero

Dubya economy lost 1+million PRIVATE sector jobs (liker Ronnie, GREW Gov't) even stopping at his peak, Dubya had 4 milion PRIVATE sector jobs in his first 7 years. THOSE 'JOB CREATOR' POLICIES

Since Obama hit Dubya's bottom Feb 2010, 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs have been created. Deficit has dropped by 60%+, unemployment to 6+ year lows, 59 straight months of private sector job gains, million more covered with insurance

Obama is the 'failure'
Dems belittle them? Weird I thought Dems GAVE US the programs AND the Repugs fought EVERY one since day one?

Which party cut food stamps WHILE increasing welfare to Corps???

In this thread who has derided those taking public assistance, you know those that live in red states? Pretty much the liberals. But that is okay since you are only for certain poor people, right?

Derided them? Oh pointing out that those living in the 'can do' Republican led states are most reliant on blue state (liberal) welfare? IN RESPONSE TO RIGHT WINGERS CLAIMS OF SELF SUFFICIENCY?? LOL

IF left up to conservatives/Modern GOPers, the US would look like a 3rd world nation. Be thankful the smart, educated and KIND Dem's are helping US Buibba!

Your propaganda is just that, you post links from leftwing sites. You make assumptions about all GOPers, all rightwingers, your storyline is old and tired.

Your lumping people in to one or two categories is also narrow minded.

Says the Klown who CLAIMED Dems are 'deriding' people for taking the social safety nets Dems brought US and Repugs/cons fought from day one. You can't make this crap up. LOL

Dems on this board don't do that? Hmmmm...

Got ANYTHING you want to point to Bubba, or just MORE right wing 'myths, distortions and lies'???

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