GOP jobs agenda

No more 'Jobs Bills.' They're mere shows. Just spectacles for the Pols to prance around pretending they're doing something. Our Congress should meet less often. Government is just doing too much. The People will survive and even thrive with them meeting less often. The Big Government micromanaging is out of control. It's time to send em home. And then only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions.

The People can survive without Government passing a new regulation or law every other day. Seriously, they can survive. It's time for peace & tranquility. Send Congress on a long long recess.
No more 'Jobs Bills.' They're mere shows. Just spectacles for the Pols to prance around pretending they're doing something. Our Congress should meet less often. Government is just doing too much. The People will survive and even thrive with them meeting less often. The Big Government micromanaging is out of control. It's time to send em home. And then only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions.

The People can survive without Government passing a new regulation or law every other day. Seriously, they can survive. It's time for peace & tranquility. Send Congress on a long long recess.
Until 2016, you're probably right. The obstructionist GOP congress has been a disaster since 2/4/2010.
No more 'Jobs Bills.' They're mere shows. Just spectacles for the Pols to prance around pretending they're doing something. Our Congress should meet less often. Government is just doing too much. The People will survive and even thrive with them meeting less often. The Big Government micromanaging is out of control. It's time to send em home. And then only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions.

The People can survive without Government passing a new regulation or law every other day. Seriously, they can survive. It's time for peace & tranquility. Send Congress on a long long recess.
Until 2016, you're probably right. The obstructionist GOP congress has been a disaster since 2/4/2010.

Both Parties enjoy this Big Government micromanaging. They love the power and control. But the People can survive without a new regulation or law being passed every other day. Congress should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less they meet, the less damage they can do.

People just need to let go of the conditioned mind-set that Government has to always be doing something. They should instead embrace 'Do-Nothing Congresses.'
You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

Actually dude, you are the troll. All you've got is that statement you continually make how D23's facts are wrong.

If you want to make your case believable, why don't you post up your "facts" proving D23 wrong? Seems like that should be easy for you to do. And well worthwhile to make you case much stronger.

I mean I am sure you post what you think is the truth. And your opinion is just that. Opinion. What D23 posts is information that didn't come from Dad. Those are not his "opinions". He posts information form a variety of sources.

You don't post any information from any sources other than what you BELIEVE. See the difference?

So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

YOU don't think Bubba, you react, just like all right wingers who can't/don't accept REALITY that conservative policy has ALWAYS been on the wrong side of history. You Klowns just live in a bubble reinforced by hate talk radio and Fox 'News'

Grow a brain, stop using ad homs and TRY to refute FACTS with EVEDINCE to the contrary!
Last edited:
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Another right wingers fav mode, they go with distortion, MYTHS or outright lies.

Which one is this? The one where I 'claimed', like ALL US Prez, Obama policy CAN be given credit or blame for the majority of what happens under their admin. Instead what you wing nutters want to do, is blame him for EVERYTHING negative, but give him zero credit for ANYTHING positive

Why would Obama get credit for the resulting lowering of gas prices? Foreign policy? Support for technology that drove the current US boom, NOT actually actively trying to stop the DIRTY FOSSIL FUELS (yeah, he talked about $6 gas, Reagan talked balanced budgets too, lol) AND his 'all of the above' approach on energy!!!

Grow a brain and get honest. IF Obama gets blame for an economy, he gets credit also!
You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

Actually dude, you are the troll. All you've got is that statement you continually make how D23's facts are wrong.

If you want to make your case believable, why don't you post up your "facts" proving D23 wrong? Seems like that should be easy for you to do. And well worthwhile to make you case much stronger.

I mean I am sure you post what you think is the truth. And your opinion is just that. Opinion. What D23 posts is information that didn't come from Dad. Those are not his "opinions". He posts information form a variety of sources.

You don't post any information from any sources other than what you BELIEVE. See the difference?

So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!

YOU don't think Bubba,m you react, just like all right wingers who can't/don't accept REALITY that conservative policy has ALWAYS been on the wrong side of history. You Klowns just live in a bubble reinforced by hate talk radio and Fox 'News'

Grow a brain, stop using ad homs and TRY to refute FACTS with EVEDINCE to the contrary!

Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Yep. I agree. That is IF you call the allowing of fracking to explode across the country, with virtually no oversight as to the chemicals being used to frack, no oversight about the potential effects on ground water supplies. etc etc. an accomplishment.

So yep, that is an accomplishment of this administration.

Not one that I am proud of but he did make it much easier for oil and gas companies to frack.

Obama has also not messed with the energy companies in terms of their welfare checks, depletion allowances, limiting drilling on government lands or even went after them very hard after the Gulf oil spill.

What administration do you think has been responsible for all that?

How exactly did Barack Obama make it easier to "frack", Zeke? That's something that was done on State controlled and privately controlled lands...NOT on Federally controlled lands! Obama's Department of the Interior has actually drafted regulations making it more difficult to use "fracking" on Federal land.

Why Won’t Our 'Environmental President' Stop Fracking on Public Land?

Under Obama’s watch, coal exports have risen more than 50 percent. Federal officials have paved the way for oil and gas exports, too, rubberstamping massive liquefied natural gas export plant proposals and loosening the four-decades-old ban on crude oil exports. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is in charge of administering public land, continues to lease millions of acres to coal companies at below-market rates.

But of the administration’s many climate sins—and there are many—one stands out in particular: ongoing tolerance, and even support, for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on public land. No other energy policy seems to so brashly defy climate science, popular will, and rudimentary political wisdom at the same time.

Why Won t Our Environmental President Stop Fracking on Public Land VICE United States

March 16, 2012

Oil production on federal lands and offshore during the first three years of the Obama administration was 13 percent higher than from 2006 to 2008, according to new government data, though it did decrease somewhat between 2010 and 2011.

The White House pointed to the Gulf spill and said that year-to-year fluctuations are common based on market conditions and industry decisions.

“Still, the overall trends show a clear picture of rising domestic production,” Zichal said.

Natural-gas production on federal lands has increased 6 percent since Obama took office from 2006-2008 levels, but offshore natural gas production decreased, according to the White House.

But Zichal said the offshore natural gas decrease reflects business decisions by industry to shift toward onshore shale-gas production in areas like the South and East.

“Still, total federal natural gas production (offshore + onshore) has largely kept pace overall with levels before the President took office,” Zichal said.

Fuel Fix Oil output on federal lands offshore up under Obama data show
Here's a good 'jobs agenda'...

Get one, and stop whining & stealing from fellow Citizens. The Government has nothing to do with it. Working and succeeding is up to the individual. Get educated and get a good job. That's the solution.

Don't expect the Government to do that for you. No more jobs bills. They're just opportunities for politicians to prance around and posture. Jobs bills are unnecessary wastes of time & money.
That would depend on what's in the job bill, no? For example, some jobs bills have included tax breaks for businesses expanding production or head count in the US vs. abroad.

Like i said, no more jobs bills. Wastes of time & money. They're just opportunities for Pols to prance around and posture. The opportunities are there for those who wanna work and succeed. The Government has nothing to do with it. When it comes to the issue of jobs, the Republicans should take the 'Do-Nothing Congress' approach. We've encouraged the Entitlement hounds too much as it is.

The reality is, no one deserves anything and no one is entitled to someone else's income. The 'job agenda' is simple: Just get one, and stop bitchin and stealing from fellow Citizens.
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

Come on Bubba, we ALL know there aren't enough 'educated' people in the fields *like engineering) that's why we MUST bring in lower wage workers from other nations, Corps AND right wingers CLAIM it all the time. You MUST just be a lazy bastard who doesn't REALLY want to work...

I mean look the US has NEVER had this much college educated grads right, it MUST be true?

A class-action lawsuit filed by high-tech company workers against their employers has been settled out of court.

Adobe, Apple, Google, and Intel have all agreed to settle with their employees in the lawsuit, covering nearly 65,000 employees, according to a court document obtained by CNET from US District Court Judge Lucy Koh on Thursday. The lawsuit accused seven companies of conspiring to eliminate competitive hiring and keeping wages artificially low.

Google Adobe Apple Intel settle wage-fixing lawsuit - CNET

Revealed: Apple and Google’s wage-fixing cartel involved dozens more companies, over one million employees

Evidence of Alleged Apple-Google No-Poaching Deal Triggers More Lawsuits

Evidence of Alleged Apple-Google No-Poaching Deal Triggers More Lawsuits - Bloomberg
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Another right wingers fav mode, they go with distortion, MYTHS or outright lies.

Which one is this? The one where I 'claimed', like ALL US Prez, Obama policy CAN be given credit or blame for the majority of what happens under their admin. Instead what you wing nutters want to do, is blame him for EVERYTHING negative, but give him zero credit for ANYTHING positive

Why would Obama get credit for the resulting lowering of gas prices? Foreign policy? Support for technology that drove the current US boom, NOT actually actively trying to stop the DIRTY FOSSIL FUELS (yeah, he talked about $6 gas, Reagan talked balanced budgets too, lol) AND his 'all of the above' approach on energy!!!

Grow a brain and get honest. IF Obama gets blame for an economy, he gets credit also!

Your claim that Barack Obama deserves credit for low gas prices is ridiculous. None of his policies lowered gas prices because he has always had an anti-fossil fuel industry agenda. You don't pick Steven Chu to be your Energy Secretary if you're a fossil fuel industry "backer".
That would depend on what's in the job bill, no? For example, some jobs bills have included tax breaks for businesses expanding production or head count in the US vs. abroad.

Like i said, no more jobs bills. Wastes of time & money. They're just opportunities for Pols to prance around and posture. The opportunities are there for those who wanna work and succeed. The Government has nothing to do with it. When it comes to the issue of jobs, the Republicans should take the 'Do-Nothing Congress' approach. We've encouraged the Entitlement hounds too much as it is.

The reality is, no one deserves anything and no one is entitled to someone else's income. The 'job agenda' is simple: Just get one, and stop bitchin and stealing from fellow Citizens.
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.

"and both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years."

Weird, 60% of Dems in Congress have voted against conservatives NAFTA and every 'free trade' agreement since???
Like i said, no more jobs bills. Wastes of time & money. They're just opportunities for Pols to prance around and posture. The opportunities are there for those who wanna work and succeed. The Government has nothing to do with it. When it comes to the issue of jobs, the Republicans should take the 'Do-Nothing Congress' approach. We've encouraged the Entitlement hounds too much as it is.

The reality is, no one deserves anything and no one is entitled to someone else's income. The 'job agenda' is simple: Just get one, and stop bitchin and stealing from fellow Citizens.
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.
I don't disagree with the point that this government is by and large a piece of shit that won't fix this problem. That wasn't my point. My point is this government is currently screwing us and that needs to stop. You may want the screwing to continue. I'd like to see it stop.

I'm educated beyond the vast majority of Americans. There are countless jobs that I can fill. I'm not concerned at all for myself, because I'm a self starter with tons of experience and skill to sell to my customers. My concern is with the active, and purposeful destruction of our economy, the blatant selling off of our our long term assets for quick profit. The lack of vision shown by the vast majority of our corporate and government leaders.

Yes, I'll be fine. Hell I could stop working for income tomorrow, retire early and be fine for the rest of my life.

"My concern is with the active, and purposeful destruction of our economy, the blatant selling off of our our long term assets for quick profit. The lack of vision shown by the vast majority of our corporate and government leaders."

ALL supported by conservative (NOT liberal) policies like 'free trade', incentivizing Corps bottom line by ANYWAYS possible to drive up stock prices so exec's can get stock bonuses and pay the lowest effective tax rates in modern times, fighting labor laws and unions, etc
Here's the real deal folks, if you need Politicians' 'Job Agendas' to make your life more prosperous, you are truly screwed. You can make it in America, but you have to get educated and work very hard. That's the only 'Jobs Agenda' that will make your life more prosperous.

Government can't and shouldn't live your life for you. And you don't deserve or are entitled to someone else's income. So get that education and work hard. It's all on you. It's not a Government issue.
Like i said, no more jobs bills. Wastes of time & money. They're just opportunities for Pols to prance around and posture. The opportunities are there for those who wanna work and succeed. The Government has nothing to do with it. When it comes to the issue of jobs, the Republicans should take the 'Do-Nothing Congress' approach. We've encouraged the Entitlement hounds too much as it is.

The reality is, no one deserves anything and no one is entitled to someone else's income. The 'job agenda' is simple: Just get one, and stop bitchin and stealing from fellow Citizens.
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.

"and both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years."

Weird, 60% of Dems in Congress have voted against conservatives NAFTA and every 'free trade' agreement since???

Remind me which President it was that signed NAFTA into law?
The reality is, no one deserves anything and no one is entitled to someone else's income. The 'job agenda' is simple: Just get one, and stop bitchin and stealing from fellow Citizens.

Why do you think it is almost ALL the right wing on here that are unemployed? Or bitching about not finding a job. Why do liberals work and cons just bitch about it?

So it's the right wing that are unemployed and the liberals are all working to support them? Really, Zeke? So all those Occupy Wall Streeters were actually right wingers and the media got the story all wrong?

TeaTards? Mostly older, SS/Medicare sucking leeches1
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.
I don't disagree with the point that this government is by and large a piece of shit that won't fix this problem. That wasn't my point. My point is this government is currently screwing us and that needs to stop. You may want the screwing to continue. I'd like to see it stop.

I'm educated beyond the vast majority of Americans. There are countless jobs that I can fill. I'm not concerned at all for myself, because I'm a self starter with tons of experience and skill to sell to my customers. My concern is with the active, and purposeful destruction of our economy, the blatant selling off of our our long term assets for quick profit. The lack of vision shown by the vast majority of our corporate and government leaders.

Yes, I'll be fine. Hell I could stop working for income tomorrow, retire early and be fine for the rest of my life.

Send em home. The less our Congress meets, the better off we all are. A 'Do-Nothing Congress' is exactly what we need at this point. 'Jobs Bills' are just for show. Spectacles for the Pols to prance around and pretend they're doing something. Completely unnecessary wastes of time & money.

You can still make it in America. But you have to get educated and work hard. No one deserves, or is entitled to anything. It is what it is.

(Re-)Introducing: The American School of Economics

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Closely related to mercantilism, it can be seen as contrary to classical economics. It consisted of these three core policies:
  1. protecting industry through selective high tariffs (especially 1861–1932) and through subsidies (especially 1932–70)
  2. government investments in infrastructure creating targeted internal improvements (especially in transportation)
  3. a national bank with policies that promote the growth of productive enterprises rather than speculation

Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders

American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No more 'Jobs Bills.' They're mere shows. Just spectacles for the Pols to prance around pretending they're doing something. Our Congress should meet less often. Government is just doing too much. The People will survive and even thrive with them meeting less often. The Big Government micromanaging is out of control. It's time to send em home. And then only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions.

The People can survive without Government passing a new regulation or law every other day. Seriously, they can survive. It's time for peace & tranquility. Send Congress on a long long recess.
Until 2016, you're probably right. The obstructionist GOP congress has been a disaster since 2/4/2010.

Both Parties enjoy this Big Government micromanaging. They love the power and control. But the People can survive without a new regulation or law being passed every other day. Congress should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less they meet, the less damage they can do.

People just need to let go of the conditioned mind-set that Government has to always be doing something. They should instead embrace 'Do-Nothing Congresses.'

Sure, the US should look like a 3rd world nation, perhaps gangster Russia?
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Another right wingers fav mode, they go with distortion, MYTHS or outright lies.

Which one is this? The one where I 'claimed', like ALL US Prez, Obama policy CAN be given credit or blame for the majority of what happens under their admin. Instead what you wing nutters want to do, is blame him for EVERYTHING negative, but give him zero credit for ANYTHING positive

Why would Obama get credit for the resulting lowering of gas prices? Foreign policy? Support for technology that drove the current US boom, NOT actually actively trying to stop the DIRTY FOSSIL FUELS (yeah, he talked about $6 gas, Reagan talked balanced budgets too, lol) AND his 'all of the above' approach on energy!!!

Grow a brain and get honest. IF Obama gets blame for an economy, he gets credit also!

Your claim that Barack Obama deserves credit for low gas prices is ridiculous. None of his policies lowered gas prices because he has always had an anti-fossil fuel industry agenda. You don't pick Steven Chu to be your Energy Secretary if you're a fossil fuel industry "backer".

I bet you were one of the Klowns blaming Obama when gas prices went back up to the rates of summer 2008, near $4 a gallon right?

It was just a couple of years ago that Republicans positioned gas prices one of the nation’s most important political issues. Mitt Romney, during his failed presidential bid, argued President Obama “gets full credit or blame for what’s happened in this economy, and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch.”

Full credit or blame on gas prices MSNBC

Mitt Romney: Obama to Blame for High Gas Prices
Here's the real deal folks, if you need Politicians' 'Job Agendas' to make your life more prosperous, you are truly screwed. You can make it in America, but you have to get educated and work very hard. That's the only 'Jobs Agenda' that will make your life more prosperous.

Government can't and shouldn't live your life for you. And you don't deserve or are entitled to someone else's income. So get that education and work hard. It's all on you. It's not a Government issue.

Jan 4, 2012

Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs

Benjamin Franklin did it. Henry Ford did it. And American life is built on the faith that others can do it, too: rise from humble origins to economic heights. “Movin’ on up,” George Jefferson-style, is not only a sitcom song but a civil religion

But many researchers have reached a conclusion that turns conventional wisdom on its head: Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada and much of Western Europe. The mobility gap has been widely discussed in academic circles, but a sour season of mass unemployment and street protests has moved the discussion toward center stage.

Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a Republican candidate for president, warned this fall that movement “up into the middle income is actually greater, the mobility in Europe, than it is in America.” National Review, a conservative thought leader, wrote that “most Western European and English-speaking nations have higher rates of mobility.” Even Representative Paul D. Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who argues that overall mobility remains high, recently wrote that “mobility from the very bottom up” is “where the United States lags behind.”
Fuck you asshole. MY GOVERNMENT IS PAYING PEOPLE TO COME TO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE MY JOB FROM ME AND MILLIONS OF ENGINEERS JUST LIKE ME. You may think this is funny but I don't. You may even be benefiting from this rape of American technical jobs. But screw you buddy. I want to see the end of this rape.

More 'Jobs Bills' aren't gonna change that. In fact, they'll likely make that worse. 'Jobs Bills' are only used by Pols to divide the people and gain politically & financially. They're completely unnecessary. If you wanna work and succeed, you can do that. It's not a Government issue. You don't deserve, nor are you entitled to the Government getting you a job. That's on you the individual.

There is only one 'Jobs Agenda' that really matters... Just get one and stop whining and stealing from fellow Citizens. Period, end of story.

Put it this way let's say my job is running a small corporation that makes widgets. Corporation A, sees that my company is successful. Corporation A, brings over slave labor level indian and asian engineers to reverse engineer my widgets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to run me out of business. Then after they have similar widgets to sell those engineers go back to india/asia to service the widgets being sold here in the states.

My government is actively supporting my competition to make my widgets and compete with American widget production. After those corporations new foreign labor moves over seas, the income those folks earn is no longer taxed here. The widgets they sell here are not even subject to our regulations any more. Are you listening yet?

We need bills to "undo" what is currently being done by regulations and programs set up by the prior representatives of our government.


No 'Jobs Bill' is gonna help with any of that. That ship's already sailed. This current President already opened the border floodgates. And both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years.

Good jobs will become tougher to find for Americans. That's just the unfortunate reality. But you can still succeed. Get educated and get a good job. Don't rely on Government to do that for you. Because it just ain't gonna happen.

"and both Parties have supported awful foreign trade deals for years."

Weird, 60% of Dems in Congress have voted against conservatives NAFTA and every 'free trade' agreement since???

Remind me which President it was that signed NAFTA into law?

You mean the right wing Heritage Foundations idea, NAFTA that Reagan introduced the day he ran foir Prez in 1979, Poppy Bush negotiated and 60% of Dems in Congress voted against?


Yep the best conservative Prez since Ike signed it, BJ Bill, looks like the second best conservative Prez is pushing MORE 'free trade', the 'socialist', Prez Obama
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.
You said: The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.

Republicans held both houses and the presidency under Bush for nearly 6 years. They used reconciliation 3 times to make sure their agenda was passed and in place.

What was the result of their policies?
According to you, we're still feeling the "result of their policies". :lol:

You said: According to you, we're still feeling the "result of their policies". :lol:

Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008. Over 40,000 factories closed. I would say we are still feeling the result of their policies, wouldn't you?

The Plight of American Manufacturing

Since 2001, the U.S. has lost 42,400 factories --
and its technical edge.

Without a printed circuit board (PCB) industry, for instance, a country cannot expect to have an industrial foundation for high-tech innovation. But the domestic PCB industry shrunk from $11 billion in 2000 to $4 billion in 2008, a period during which the industry was growing globally. U.S. PCB manufacturers accounted for only 8 percent of global production in 2008, down from 26 percent in 2000. China's share of the global PCB market in 2008 was 31.4 percent or $16 billion, four times larger than the U.S. industry. Asia now controls 84 percent of the global production of printed circuit boards, which are used in tens of thousands of different products.


With the Internet and reliable and proven statistics available, Republicans still manage to stay the most ignorant and uneducated people on earth. You gotta give them props for their consistency.
From the same article:

To the disappointment of the domestic manufacturing community, the Obama administration has yet to devise a strategy aimed at creating the industrial jobs needed in America to generate trillions of dollars of tax revenue.

You done got brotched! :slap:
You said:
From the same article:

To the disappointment of the domestic manufacturing community, the Obama administration has yet to devise a strategy aimed at creating the industrial jobs needed in America to generate trillions of dollars of tax revenue.

You done got brotched! :slap:

Hilarious. You cherry picked a single sentence. The rest of it goes like this:

There are nascent signs that the administration is awaking to the need for new economic policies aimed at private-sector industrial investment and the creation of good jobs. President Barack Obama has appointed Ron Bloom, a financial whiz, to be his "senior counselor for manufacturing policy." Bloom, a graduate of Harvard Business School, worked for years in the investment-banking industry before taking a job with the United Steelworkers, using his experience to help restructure companies to assure their survival and their ability to employ American workers. He also worked on the Obama administration's Task Force on the Automotive Industry, which (at least for now) saved General Motors and Chrysler from extinction. Bloom is piecing together a strategy that will build upon investments being made in the $787 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the U.S. clean-energy sector.

And then look at the part leading up to the part you cherry picked.

Some important points from the article you are referencing:


For American manufacturers, the bad years didn't begin with the banking crisis of 2008. Indeed, the U.S. manufacturing sector never emerged from the 2001 recession (in other words, Republicans could do nothing. They just sat and watched everything get pissed away)

Manufacturing employment dropped to 11.7 million in October 2009, a loss of 5.5 million or 32 percent of all manufacturing jobs since October 2000.

In 2004, it lost world dominance in high-tech exports (right in the middle of their 6 year run of controlling the government. Remember, they used reconciliation three fucking times)

"The proximity of research, development, and manufacturing is very important to leading-edge manufacturers," a report from President George W. Bush's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology warned in 2004. The continuing shift of manufacturing to lower-cost regions and especially to China is beginning to pull high-end design and R&D capabilities out of the United States. (Not surprisingly, the Bush White House did not publicize this report.)
And you guys have the nerve to blame Obama? After all the GOP fuck ups, obstruction and disastrous Republican policies???? Republicans are just awful.

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