GOP jobs agenda

You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

Actually dude, you are the troll. All you've got is that statement you continually make how D23's facts are wrong.

If you want to make your case believable, why don't you post up your "facts" proving D23 wrong? Seems like that should be easy for you to do. And well worthwhile to make you case much stronger.

I mean I am sure you post what you think is the truth. And your opinion is just that. Opinion. What D23 posts is information that didn't come from Dad. Those are not his "opinions". He posts information form a variety of sources.

You don't post any information from any sources other than what you BELIEVE. See the difference?
A divided citizenry stands no chance of equal, fair, and just representation in government.

And there in lies the reason there is so much effort to keep us divided.
We live in a plutocracy. If you are not a plutocrat then you are a subject to be manipulated.

What we need is a strong dose of populism. Ain't gonna happen either. But it's what we need.

Plutocracy, government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It's not the worst form of government to live under. You just gotta know what will happen and how to work the system to the best of your abilities.

But to think that we the people will come together to stop plutocrats from serving their own interests first, I don't think that is going to happen. Unfortunately.
No, it wont happen, at least not in the foreseeable future. We have way too many that are afflicted with "Blind Patriotism". They greatly out number the rest of us.
A divided citizenry stands no chance of equal, fair, and just representation in government.

And there in lies the reason there is so much effort to keep us divided.
We live in a plutocracy. If you are not a plutocrat then you are a subject to be manipulated.

What we need is a strong dose of populism. Ain't gonna happen either. But it's what we need.

Plutocracy, government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It's not the worst form of government to live under. You just gotta know what will happen and how to work the system to the best of your abilities.

But to think that we the people will come together to stop plutocrats from serving their own interests first, I don't think that is going to happen. Unfortunately.
No, it wont happen, at least not in the foreseeable future. We have way too many that are afflicted with "Blind Patriotism". They greatly out number the rest of us.
They may outnumber us (not so sure they do), but history shows small movements within a nation can achieve big changes.

Many so called experts predict the USA can't continue as it is. Something big is bound to happen. Then what? Do we descend to tyranny or ascend to liberty?
You don't rely on "facts", Dad! You distort what's factual to fit your naive and uninformed views and then spam disinformation! You're the very ESSENCE of an internet "troll".

Actually dude, you are the troll. All you've got is that statement you continually make how D23's facts are wrong.

If you want to make your case believable, why don't you post up your "facts" proving D23 wrong? Seems like that should be easy for you to do. And well worthwhile to make you case much stronger.

I mean I am sure you post what you think is the truth. And your opinion is just that. Opinion. What D23 posts is information that didn't come from Dad. Those are not his "opinions". He posts information form a variety of sources.

You don't post any information from any sources other than what you BELIEVE. See the difference?

So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

The difference between Dad and myself is that I actually CAN think for myself and don't need to surf idiotic sites like that so I can reinforce some of the most idiotic conclusions I've ever seen!
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?
A divided citizenry stands no chance of equal, fair, and just representation in government.

And there in lies the reason there is so much effort to keep us divided.
We live in a plutocracy. If you are not a plutocrat then you are a subject to be manipulated.

What we need is a strong dose of populism. Ain't gonna happen either. But it's what we need.

Plutocracy, government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It's not the worst form of government to live under. You just gotta know what will happen and how to work the system to the best of your abilities.

But to think that we the people will come together to stop plutocrats from serving their own interests first, I don't think that is going to happen. Unfortunately.
No, it wont happen, at least not in the foreseeable future. We have way too many that are afflicted with "Blind Patriotism". They greatly out number the rest of us.
They may outnumber us (not so sure they do), but history shows small movements within a nation can achieve big changes.

Many so called experts predict the USA can't continue as it is. Something big is bound to happen. Then what? Do we descend to tyranny or ascend to liberty?
It just may be a combination of both. When you back an animal into a corner, usually it'll fight its way out, or at least attempt to.
So you'd be happier if I spammed nonsense from biased right wing sites Dad does? Seriously?

"Happier" has nothing to do with it.

If you have information for instance that contradicts the posting of lets say the position that the Bush administration took on relaxing underwriting guidelines for sub prime mortgages, by all means post it up.

If you have information that contradicts what Bush said about wanting to increase home ownership rates in the USA, then post it up.

There are any number of posts that D23 puts up that are not his opinion. These are things that are on record of having been said or done. Post up the information that you have that shows these posts wrong.

If you can.

If you can't, just carry on with arguing that your OPINIONS are correct and others OPINIONS are wrong.
After all, you know what they say about opinions.
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Yep. I agree. That is IF you call the allowing of fracking to explode across the country, with virtually no oversight as to the chemicals being used to frack, no oversight about the potential effects on ground water supplies. etc etc. an accomplishment.

So yep, that is an accomplishment of this administration.

Not one that I am proud of but he did make it much easier for oil and gas companies to frack.

Obama has also not messed with the energy companies in terms of their welfare checks, depletion allowances, limiting drilling on government lands or even went after them very hard after the Gulf oil spill.

What administration do you think has been responsible for all that?
Let's see now...Dad is currently claiming that Barack Obama is justified in claiming the current surge in oil and natural gas as an "accomplishment" of his Administration. Do you agree with that assessment, Zeke?

Yep. I agree. That is IF you call the allowing of fracking to explode across the country, with virtually no oversight as to the chemicals being used to frack, no oversight about the potential effects on ground water supplies. etc etc. an accomplishment.

So yep, that is an accomplishment of this administration.

Not one that I am proud of but he did make it much easier for oil and gas companies to frack.

Obama has also not messed with the energy companies in terms of their welfare checks, depletion allowances, limiting drilling on government lands or even went after them very hard after the Gulf oil spill.

What administration do you think has been responsible for all that?

How exactly did Barack Obama make it easier to "frack", Zeke? That's something that was done on State controlled and privately controlled lands...NOT on Federally controlled lands! Obama's Department of the Interior has actually drafted regulations making it more difficult to use "fracking" on Federal land.
So you've got an Administration actively working to STOP something from happening...yet you want to give them credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production that occurred BECAUSE of fracking?
Is this the point where you think I need to cite a bunch of things from right wing web sites to back up how RIDICULOUS a statement I think you've just made?
Well this comes as no surprise, how come Obamas polices only helped red states?
The Top 10 States For Job Growth* In 2014

1. North Dakota – up 4.6%
2. Nevada – up 3.6%
3. Texas – up 3.3%
4. Utah – up 3.1%
5. Florida – up 2.9%
6. Oregon – up 2.8%
7. Colorado – up 2.7%
8. Delaware – up 2.5%
9. California – up 2.2% (tie)
9. Washington – up 2.2%
The Top 10 Cities And States For Job Growth - Forbes
Obama's policies helped Obama's allies, that's it. Obama sent money to his corporate friends to steal. Obama sent money to pay people to sit their fat asses down on couches and watch soap operas all day. Obama sent money to pay illegal immigrants to come to America. Obama sent money to our Enemies foreign and domestic. Obama sent money to drug cartels to buy heavy caliber weapons that he sold to them to kill Americans. Obama spent money investigating EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN. Obama spent money KILLING AMERICANS WITH DRONES. Obama spent our money on lavish government parties in the middle of a recession. Obama spent our money on lavish vacations in the middle of a recession.

Obama is a Piece of Shit.
If you want a job, they're out there. No one needs the Government to get them a job. Depending on Government to get people jobs, is just another example of this Entitlement Nation we've become. If you wanna work and better yourself, the opportunities are there. The Government has nothing to do with it. This is a good opportunity for the Republicans to go the 'Do-Nothing Congress' route. This isn't a Government issue.
If you want a job, they're out there. No one needs the Government to get them a job. Depending on Government to get people jobs, is just another example of this Entitlement Nation we've become. If you wanna work and better yourself, the opportunities are there. The Government has nothing to do with it. This is a good opportunity for the Republicans to go the 'Do-Nothing Congress' route. This isn't a Government issue.
Not entirely true. We have millions of immigrants here on h1b visas. Those need to be revoked by government. We have millions of illegal immigrants here taking American Jobs. Those need to be either issued temporary work visas if those jobs are truly jobs Americans won't do .. or they need to be shown the door. We have too many monopolies right now that are bad for the economy. Those monopolies need to be broken up into smaller companies. We also have too many illegal oligopolies that need to be punished. We have millions of people on disability that are gaming our system. We have millions of people who are just plain lazy, they need to feel enough level of discomfort to make them want to get out and work.

Further, we have too many job killing regulations, those need to be wisely reformed.

Still further, we have some regulations that are good for our workers but are not enforced on the corporations that sell products in America because they are manufactured off-shore. What good is a wise regulation if it only results in killing American jobs? Those regulations must be extended to restrict all corporations foreign and domestic who wish to sell products in America. What good is a labor law if it results in moving the job to china where there are no such labor law? Makes no sense. Our regulations have to be factored into real world results. We need to be wiser wrt. what is happening as a result of our regulations.
Here's a good 'jobs agenda'...

Get one, and stop whining & stealing from fellow Citizens. The Government has nothing to do with it. Working and succeeding is up to the individual. Get educated and get a good job. That's the solution.

Don't expect the Government to do that for you though. No more jobs bills. They're just opportunities for politicians to prance around and posture. Jobs bills are unnecessary wastes of time & money.

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