GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
McMullin is a joke, noone cares

Its so important t he intelligence community didnt show up for the house hearing. Nothing but political bullshit
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election

So who briefed just the GOP?
Hey you ..... kiwiman127 ..... Trump won!
If it hurts that much try spreading Ben Gay on your butt-hole.
McMullin is a joke, noone cares

Its so important t he intelligence community didnt show up for the house hearing. Nothing but political bullshit

McMullin has already proved to be much more honest and is more knowledgeable about Russia and how Russia works than Trump and Trumpsters.
You can't argue about that.
He's also more patriotic than any of you Russia/Putin butt sniffers, fact! :2up:
McMullin is a joke, noone cares

Its so important t he intelligence community didnt show up for the house hearing. Nothing but political bullshit

McMullin has already proved to be much more honest and is more knowledgeable about Russia and how Russia works than Trump and Trumpsters.
You can't argue about that,

Hes a douche
He failed his mission and killed his career
He was the only one dumb enough to try.
I wonder if he felt betrayed by Romney meeting with Trump.
McMullin is a joke, noone cares

Its so important t he intelligence community didnt show up for the house hearing. Nothing but political bullshit

McMullin has already proved to be much more honest and is more knowledgeable about Russia and how Russia works than Trump and Trumpsters.
You can't argue about that.
He's also more patriotic than any of you Russia/Putin butt sniffers, fact! :2up:

So who briefed McMullin ?
McMullin is a joke, noone cares

Its so important t he intelligence community didnt show up for the house hearing. Nothing but political bullshit

McMullin has already proved to be much more honest and is more knowledgeable about Russia and how Russia works than Trump and Trumpsters.
You can't argue about that.
He's also more patriotic than any of you Russia/Putin butt sniffers, fact! :2up:

How on earth could McMullin be more knowledgeable about Russia than the SoS nominee?
big deal, the dems have known for sure that obama wasnt a U.S citizen and they all hid that fact.
Which is worse?
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
big deal, the dems have known for sure that obama wasnt a U.S citizen and they all hid that fact.
Which is worse?
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
big deal, the dems have known for sure that obama wasnt a U.S citizen and they all hid that fact.
Which is worse?
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
Im sorry, Im just really not familiar with this Drumpf person. Does he play sports? is he a rapper? I just dont know who he is, if its even a he to start with.
big deal, the dems have known for sure that obama wasnt a U.S citizen and they all hid that fact.
Which is worse?
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
Im sorry, Im just really not familiar with this Drumpf person. Does he play sports? is he a rapper? I just dont know who he is, if its even a he to start with.
Ask Trump to send you a copy of his father's original birth certificate. There you will find the name 'DRUMPF" prominently displayed.
big deal, the dems have known for sure that obama wasnt a U.S citizen and they all hid that fact.
Which is worse?
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
Im sorry, Im just really not familiar with this Drumpf person. Does he play sports? is he a rapper? I just dont know who he is, if its even a he to start with.
Ask Trump to send you a copy of his original birth certificate. There you will find the name 'DRUMPF" prominently displayed.
But thats not his name.
You must not have gotten the memo. Your lord Drumpf says youre an idiot for thinking Obama isnt a US citizen.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
Im sorry, Im just really not familiar with this Drumpf person. Does he play sports? is he a rapper? I just dont know who he is, if its even a he to start with.
Ask Trump to send you a copy of his original birth certificate. There you will find the name 'DRUMPF" prominently displayed.
But thats not his name.
It is his ancestral name until one of them was shamed into changing it. Trump's lineage is Drumpf lineage. His blood is the blood of Drumpfs.
I understand how you could come to such a conclusion however let me see if I can explain something to you.
Im not a liberal, this means that I look at things and come up with my own conclusion instead of just following what some talking point expert comes up with for me to think. I dont actually need this person that Ive never heard of telling me what to think or do.
You followed Drumpf and the other idiots that told you your POTUS was not a citizen. All without a shred of proof. Now that Drumpf has changed his mind you are in the position of having to rationalize your decision to believe him.
Im sorry, Im just really not familiar with this Drumpf person. Does he play sports? is he a rapper? I just dont know who he is, if its even a he to start with.
Ask Trump to send you a copy of his original birth certificate. There you will find the name 'DRUMPF" prominently displayed.
But thats not his name.
It is his ancestral name until one of them was shamed into changing it. Trump's lineage is Drumpf lineage. His blood is the blood of Drumpfs.
but its not his name is it.
fairly simple question, only requires a yes or no answer.
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election

That's right, Comrade ...


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