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GOP leaders to skip Selma event

How do you explain Ben Carson?


With most posters I'd ask if this was a serious question, but in your case, sadly I know it is.
‘They’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,’ one black lawmaker says.

Scores of U.S. lawmakers are converging on tiny Selma, Alabama, for a large commemoration of a civil rights anniversary. But their ranks don’t include a single member of House Republican leadership — a point that isn’t lost on congressional black leaders.

None of the top leaders — House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy or Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was once thought likely to attend to atone for reports that he once spoke before a white supremacist group — will be in Selma for the three-day event that commemorates the 1965 march and the violence that protesters faced at the hands of white police officers. A number of rank-and-file Republicans have been aggressively lobbying their colleagues to attend, and several black lawmakers concurred.

“It is very disappointing that not a single Republican leader sees the value in participating in this 50th commemoration of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. I had hoped that some of the leadership would attend, but apparently none of them will,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina. “The Republicans always talk about trying to change their brand and be more appealing to minority folks and be in touch with the interests of African-Americans. This is very disappointing.”

Former CBC Chair Marsha Fudge (D-Ohio) agreed.

“Not only do they have an opportunity to participate in something that is historic in this country, but certainly they’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,” she said. “Their loss.”​

More: GOP leaders to skip Selma event - Anna Palmer and Lauren French - POLITICO

So, the new GOP is the same as the old GOP. Not surprised.
This is just sad :(
And if they went these same people would be saying they just went there for a photo OP. The vast majority of the black community decided sometime ago to go all in with the Democratic Party fine that's their right but to do so and then act offended that Republicans don't attend their events is pretty silly.

Why did the black community decide that? Or are you surprised that you lose support from people when you spit in their face with the Southern Strategy?
It's my opinion they decided that because the Democrats became the party of government dependency and once they had them hooked on the idea that government could take care of anything they needed they went into fear mongering mode convincing them without the Democrats in control to help them they couldn't survive.

Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.
And if they went these same people would be saying they just went there for a photo OP. The vast majority of the black community decided sometime ago to go all in with the Democratic Party fine that's their right but to do so and then act offended that Republicans don't attend their events is pretty silly.

Why did the black community decide that? Or are you surprised that you lose support from people when you spit in their face with the Southern Strategy?
It's my opinion they decided that because the Democrats became the party of government dependency and once they had them hooked on the idea that government could take care of anything they needed they went into fear mongering mode convincing them without the Democrats in control to help them they couldn't survive.

Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm very certain that if the GOP leadership were planning to attend, the OP would diss them as being opportunistic racist hypocrites for doing so.

Just sayin'.
Remind me why they are required to attend?

They're not. But that won't stop the RaceBaiters from manufacturing a Racial Grievance out of the situation.

In other news, being charged for the wrong cocktail is now racist.
And if they went these same people would be saying they just went there for a photo OP. The vast majority of the black community decided sometime ago to go all in with the Democratic Party fine that's their right but to do so and then act offended that Republicans don't attend their events is pretty silly.

Why did the black community decide that? Or are you surprised that you lose support from people when you spit in their face with the Southern Strategy?
It's my opinion they decided that because the Democrats became the party of government dependency and once they had them hooked on the idea that government could take care of anything they needed they went into fear mongering mode convincing them without the Democrats in control to help them they couldn't survive.

Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.
Why did the black community decide that? Or are you surprised that you lose support from people when you spit in their face with the Southern Strategy?
It's my opinion they decided that because the Democrats became the party of government dependency and once they had them hooked on the idea that government could take care of anything they needed they went into fear mongering mode convincing them without the Democrats in control to help them they couldn't survive.

Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.

The Republicans of the civil rights era are now called RINOs and the Republican Party of that era doesn't resemble today's Republican Party. It's not even close.

They are the same party today as back then.
They were against LBJ's welfare program then and same as now, knowing full well how it would impact families and marriages.

Not true! As someone who used to vote more Republican than Democrat - I can assure you they aren't the same parties. Democrats evolved, Republicans devolved.

I would argue that moving to positions that treat minorities as perennial, hapless victims incapable of taking care of themselves is not evolving...

What is wrong with expecting just as much from minorities as anyone else? Why do you lefties insist that minorities always require the kid glove treatment?

How do you explain Ben Carson?


How many times do we have to keep debunking this lie.

Carson has said many times that his mom was against welfare.

Benjamin Carson: My mother worked as a domestic, two, sometimes three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on welfare. She felt very strongly that if she gave up and went on welfare, that she would give up control of her life and of our lives, and I think she was probably correct about that. And, so she worked very hard. Sometimes we didn't see her for several days at a time, because she would go to work at five in the morning and get back after 11:00 p.m., going from one job to the next. But, one thing that she provided us was a tremendous example of what hard work is like, and she was also extremely thrifty. She would go to the Goodwill, she'd get a shirt that had a hole and put a patch on it and put another one on the other side to make it look symmetrical, and she sewed her own clothes. She would take us out in the country on a Sunday and knock on a farmer's door and say, "Can we pick four bushels of corn, three for you and one for us?" and they were always glad at that deal. And she'd come home and she'd can the stuff, so that we would have food. She was just extremely thrifty and managed to get by that way. No one ever could quite figure out how she was able to do what she did. She would drive a car until it fell apart, and then she would buy a new car because she saved every dime and every nickel, stuck it under the mattress, and when it came time, years later, to buy a new car, she could do it. And, the neighbors said "What is it with this woman? What is she doing?" Because our mother was a very attractive woman and they figured, you know, she was selling her body and doing all kinds of things like that. But in fact, she had to endure that kind of ridicule, as well as work extremely hard. But, she figured it would pay off in the long run.

One of 24 siblings, half of whom she never knew, Ben Carson's mother Sonya grew up in foster homes until the tender age of thirteen--the youngest you can be and yet be called a teenager. At thirteen she married a man who called her his "china doll" and some years later had two sons.

When she found out her husband was a bigamist she made the difficult decision--her sons loved their father dearly--to leave him. Renting out the house she received in the divorce settlement, Sonya, with her sons, temporarily moved into a tenement with one of the sisters she did know, and took 2 and sometimes 3 jobs as a domestic to support herself and her sons. She had only attended school up to third grade.
Ben Carson and the Mother Behind the Man
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Awww its not the same because she took the welfare but really really didnt want to just like Ayn Rand.

And that he's and his mother were enslaved but the difference is they made a grumpy face when accepting their welfare.

Got it
It's my opinion they decided that because the Democrats became the party of government dependency and once they had them hooked on the idea that government could take care of anything they needed they went into fear mongering mode convincing them without the Democrats in control to help them they couldn't survive.

Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
No ones face is being spit and your saying it is doesn't make it so. Now a question for you do you not believe that a group being targeted over many many years with ads telling them if Republicans are in charge they will lose their jobs, homes, insurance and that they and their children will end up starving on the streets could not convince people voting Democrat is their only option.
‘They’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,’ one black lawmaker says.

Scores of U.S. lawmakers are converging on tiny Selma, Alabama, for a large commemoration of a civil rights anniversary. But their ranks don’t include a single member of House Republican leadership — a point that isn’t lost on congressional black leaders.

None of the top leaders — House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy or Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was once thought likely to attend to atone for reports that he once spoke before a white supremacist group — will be in Selma for the three-day event that commemorates the 1965 march and the violence that protesters faced at the hands of white police officers. A number of rank-and-file Republicans have been aggressively lobbying their colleagues to attend, and several black lawmakers concurred.

“It is very disappointing that not a single Republican leader sees the value in participating in this 50th commemoration of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. I had hoped that some of the leadership would attend, but apparently none of them will,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina. “The Republicans always talk about trying to change their brand and be more appealing to minority folks and be in touch with the interests of African-Americans. This is very disappointing.”

Former CBC Chair Marsha Fudge (D-Ohio) agreed.

“Not only do they have an opportunity to participate in something that is historic in this country, but certainly they’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,” she said. “Their loss.”​

More: GOP leaders to skip Selma event - Anna Palmer and Lauren French - POLITICO

So, the new GOP is the same as the old GOP. Not surprised.

Going to be a great event, we are taking the bus from Raleigh tomorrow to go to Selma and march
Yeah well as long as you ignore the shift that occurred after the Southern Strategy was started then yeah! You can say it was all types of silly shit as long as you ignore facts.

And your opinion is yet another reason why blacks do not vote GOP. They call blacks greedy people who want handouts then pretend to be surprised when their alienation agenda worked.
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
No ones face is being spit and your saying it is doesn't make it so.

You're right. YOU said that blacks vote del to get free shit. Was that your way of being endearing?

Now a question for you do you not believe that a group being targeted over many many years with ads telling them if Republicans are in charge they will lose their jobs, homes, insurance and that they and their children will end up starving on the streets could not convince people voting Democrat is their only option.

Sure but fail to see how that is connected to the black community by itself. but to answer your question yes political ads and advertising in general do convince people of a lot of things are you surprised by that?
Your Southern Strategy excuse is only bought into by the far Left you can blather on about my opinion all you like it does change the fact that every election the Democrats put this same line out to the black community. They rearrange the wording but the overall message is still the same.

Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
No ones face is being spit and your saying it is doesn't make it so.

You're right. YOU said that blacks vote del to get free shit. Was that your way of being endearing?

Now a question for you do you not believe that a group being targeted over many many years with ads telling them if Republicans are in charge they will lose their jobs, homes, insurance and that they and their children will end up starving on the streets could not convince people voting Democrat is their only option.

Sure but fail to see how that is connected to the black community by itself. but to answer your question yes political ads and advertising in general do convince people of a lot of things are you surprised by that?
I see so in other words your saying Democrats have been better at manipulating and using blacks than Republicans.
The Black man in America will always be subject to discrimination in their eyes. Well only the ones who want to use it as an excuse. They never complain about building the pyramids. Is that politically incorrect?
But it was all cool to skip Bibi's speech to Congress?


You really think those two are comparable?

Selma is in the US. America. The good old USofA.
Israel is a foreign country.

This is a very basic difference between the left and right. The right puts the welfare of Americans below that of any foreign country you wanna name.

The one way in which they are comparable is that the left made a statement when they boycotted Netanyahu's speech - that US interests come first.

The Republicans are making the same statement by boycotting Selma - US interests come last.
Wait, are you saying the Southern Strategy never happened? Or that the goal of the Southern Strategy was to alienate blacks and it worked?
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
No ones face is being spit and your saying it is doesn't make it so.

You're right. YOU said that blacks vote del to get free shit. Was that your way of being endearing?

Now a question for you do you not believe that a group being targeted over many many years with ads telling them if Republicans are in charge they will lose their jobs, homes, insurance and that they and their children will end up starving on the streets could not convince people voting Democrat is their only option.

Sure but fail to see how that is connected to the black community by itself. but to answer your question yes political ads and advertising in general do convince people of a lot of things are you surprised by that?
I see so in other words your saying Democrats have been better at manipulating and using blacks than Republicans.

No I said ads work.

But that has less to do with it than the face spitting I mentioned you were doing earlier
I'm saying claiming the Southern strategy is why in the year 2015 that 85 to 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat is a crock.

So again, we go back to this question: Are you surprised that you lose the support of people when you spit in their faces? Does spitting in someones face in 2015 have an effect on someones support in 2015?
No ones face is being spit and your saying it is doesn't make it so.

You're right. YOU said that blacks vote del to get free shit. Was that your way of being endearing?

Now a question for you do you not believe that a group being targeted over many many years with ads telling them if Republicans are in charge they will lose their jobs, homes, insurance and that they and their children will end up starving on the streets could not convince people voting Democrat is their only option.

Sure but fail to see how that is connected to the black community by itself. but to answer your question yes political ads and advertising in general do convince people of a lot of things are you surprised by that?
I see so in other words your saying Democrats have been better at manipulating and using blacks than Republicans.

No I said ads work.

But that has less to do with it than the face spitting I mentioned you were doing earlier
The face spitting claim is no more true this time than it was the last time. Since the majority of the ads run by Democrats push and promote the very themes mentioned here they have way more to do with it.

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