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GOP leaders to skip Selma event

Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.

The Republicans of the civil rights era are now called RINOs and the Republican Party of that era doesn't resemble today's Republican Party. It's not even close.

They are the same party today as back then.
They were against LBJ's welfare program then and same as now, knowing full well how it would impact families and marriages.

Not true! As someone who used to vote more Republican than Democrat - I can assure you they aren't the same parties. Democrats evolved, Republicans devolved.

I would argue that moving to positions that treat minorities as perennial, hapless victims incapable of taking care of themselves is not evolving...

What is wrong with expecting just as much from minorities as anyone else? Why do you lefties insist that minorities always require the kid glove treatment?

How do you explain Ben Carson?

Hilarious they talk about how Ben Carson was raised but not what he says:

ben carson s craziest quotes - Google Search
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.

Ha...nice try. The GOP's tent seems to be getting smaller. What is wrong with this picture?
Because they sick and tired of extending the hand of bipartisanship only to have it bitten?
And if they went these same people would be saying they just went there for a photo OP. The vast majority of the black community decided sometime ago to go all in with the Democratic Party fine that's their right but to do so and then act offended that Republicans don't attend their events is pretty silly.
BINGO....Ya cannot win with libs....They find something negative about everything....Hence, the reason why they are always complaining about something
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
They were in the minority. They had no say... Dems couldn't get anything done because they could not unify and they could not get political cover..Reason....Obama's proposals would have cost them vo......OOPS.....2014 looms large here.
It was Obama that refused to work with Congressional republicans. They would send bills to the Senate and Majority Leader Reid under the orders of Obama refused to allow them on the Senate floor....
"Obama threatens veto"....."Obama will not consider bill unless it contains ( Fill in the blank)"...
"I have a pen and I have a phone"...
"Pass a bill and I won't act unilaterally"...
In other words your premise is Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch, correct?
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
They were in the minority. They had no say... Dems couldn't get anything done because they could not unify and they could not get political cover..Reason....Obama's proposals would have cost them vo......OOPS.....2014 looms large here.
It was Obama that refused to work with Congressional republicans. They would send bills to the Senate and Majority Leader Reid under the orders of Obama refused to allow them on the Senate floor....
"Obama threatens veto"....."Obama will not consider bill unless it contains ( Fill in the blank)"...
"I have a pen and I have a phone"...
"Pass a bill and I won't act unilaterally"...
In other words your premise is Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch, correct?

So the GOP promised to make him a one term POTUS when he took office because what now? They knew Obama was going to smack away their bipartisan hand? Before it was offered?

Wouldn't that mean they never offered a bipartisan hand in the first place?

Answer: yes.

I suppose they accused Obama of swearing in on the Koran for the same reason huh? Lol
Remind me why they are required to attend?

They aren't but the numbers aren't in Republicans' favor.

There are more non-white babies born in the US than whites. Guess what is going to happen with that result? Whites will not be the majority. Even if the Republican party were to get 90% white vote, they can't win blacks, Hispanics, and women without changing their approach towards those minorities.

One way to do that is to recognize the struggle it took for black people to get the right to participate in our society and some of the mentality that drove Jim Crow laws is still present today. If Republicans would actually acknowledge that, they would get the black vote. But they have decided that "White is right" and they don't care.

They won't be a national party within 20 years on that path.
Oh please ...Here we go with the racism form the left.
What I find incredible is that if a conservative suggested that people of color vote in virtual lockstep with democrats, it's a national scandal. The person that uttered those words would be labeled "racist" and then publicly destroyed.
Now when a liberal says the identical thing, it is seen as progress.
The hypocrisy of the political left is stratospheric.
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
They were in the minority. They had no say... Dems couldn't get anything done because they could not unify and they could not get political cover..Reason....Obama's proposals would have cost them vo......OOPS.....2014 looms large here.
It was Obama that refused to work with Congressional republicans. They would send bills to the Senate and Majority Leader Reid under the orders of Obama refused to allow them on the Senate floor....
"Obama threatens veto"....."Obama will not consider bill unless it contains ( Fill in the blank)"...
"I have a pen and I have a phone"...
"Pass a bill and I won't act unilaterally"...
In other words your premise is Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch, correct?

So the GOP promised to make him a one term POTUS when he took office because what now? They knew Obama was going to smack away their bipartisan hand? Before it was offered?

Wouldn't that mean they never offered a bipartisan hand in the first place?

Answer: yes.

I suppose they accused Obama of swearing in on the Koran for the same reason huh? Lol
Can you please stay on point?
I really don't mind watching Conservatives slit their political throats. It's much better for the country.
Yeah.But that's not happening. And this silly idea you expectorated here is a whole lot of nothing.

That's weird...then why are the re pubs constantly saying they need to reach to minorities if they don't need to reach out to minorities?
In what way is going to Alabama "reaching out"? An OP is correct. Such a move would be seen and reported by the MSM as a photo opp.
It would serve no purpose for them to go.....Unlike you libs who do everything in the name of politics, republicans have no such motives.
And if they went these same people would be saying they just went there for a photo OP. The vast majority of the black community decided sometime ago to go all in with the Democratic Party fine that's their right but to do so and then act offended that Republicans don't attend their events is pretty silly.
BINGO....Ya cannot win with libs....They find something negative about everything....Hence, the reason why they are always complaining about something

I love this post. He says you can't win with libs and as proof he doesn't quote anything that has happened. He quotes a hypothetical made up story as proof.

If I had wheels I'd be a bike

thereisnospoon: I know!
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
They were in the minority. They had no say... Dems couldn't get anything done because they could not unify and they could not get political cover..Reason....Obama's proposals would have cost them vo......OOPS.....2014 looms large here.
It was Obama that refused to work with Congressional republicans. They would send bills to the Senate and Majority Leader Reid under the orders of Obama refused to allow them on the Senate floor....
"Obama threatens veto"....."Obama will not consider bill unless it contains ( Fill in the blank)"...
"I have a pen and I have a phone"...
"Pass a bill and I won't act unilaterally"...
In other words your premise is Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch, correct?

So the GOP promised to make him a one term POTUS when he took office because what now? They knew Obama was going to smack away their bipartisan hand? Before it was offered?

Wouldn't that mean they never offered a bipartisan hand in the first place?

Answer: yes.

I suppose they accused Obama of swearing in on the Koran for the same reason huh? Lol
Can you please stay on point?

Your concession is duely noted
Last edited:
The "lost history of the civil-rights movement". Sometimes you have to go to a foreign country to get the story our MSM refuse to disclose to you know-nothing dimocrats 60 years later.

Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

In the mad dash to vilify the Republicans and Conservatives today many have forgotten the fact that it was the Republican Party that was the champion of Civil Rights and freedom for African Americans
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

By Robert Rohlfing October 1, 2011
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Today we are hearing how Republicans and Conservatives are either the party of racists or that they are racists in general, but history proves a different story. This rhetoric is being pushed by those on the left and is being used as a tool to divide people. The real history is no longer taught to our children and so many adults have fallen prey to this rhetoric without actually doing the research to see if it is actually true.

If you look though the history books that are presented to our children. If you listen to politicians and pundits. If you talk to your neighbors or friends. Most, would not even believe many facts of the lost history in the Civil Rights Movement. This is a travesty of truth, and the people that have been most afflicted by this have been the African American community for not really understanding the truth about the Democrat Party and how they have buried the truth about their past.

Were you aware that even under FDR’s “New Deal” program that was to benefit lower income segments of the population, African Americans were still segregated in Soup Lines and Bread Lines?
In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

It was not until Truman used the executive order that the military finally became desegregated. It should also be noted that LBJ was not the great Crusader of Civil Rights. President Johnson made a 360— turn in his civil rights position when he became President, from 1940 to 1960 Johnson voted with the South 78% on civil rights issues. Prior to 1957, Johnson voted with the South 100% on civil rights issues. He also voted against the C.R.A. of 1957 and 1960.

Were you aware that in order to break the racist ways of Southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was a LBJ lead Senate who fought tooth and nail against them? Ike finally signed a watered down Civil Rights Bill. Yes, let me repeat that, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sponsored and signed the first Civil Rights Bill. Did you know that? In 1957 President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was intended to guarantee the voting rights of all African Americans. This was the first Civil Rights legislation to pass since Reconstruction. He also was forced to send Federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to escort black students entering a formally all white school. Now today all we here in regards to Civil Rights legislation centers around the 1964 C.R.A., but this is leaving out some of the most important parts. Including the fact that LBJ, prior to moving up to the Executive Office, opposed legislation favoring civil rights for African Americans in this country. One should ask, why this is no longer taught in our schools to children?

I apologize for the following language but we have to understand the truth that is not being told any longer. The following quotes are LBJ quotes:

“I’ll have those ni-gg-ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

You can find this in Ronald Kessler’s “Inside The White House”

Let’s go back to FDR again, many like to hold FDR up as one of the more progressive presidents that helped champion the plight of the poor, one of the first to implement social justice for all. This social justice and equality excluded one of the poorest segments of the population at the time, discrimination in housing, transportation, public accommodations and the armed services went virtually unchecked by the Roosevelt administration. It was not until 20 some years later that a real effort was made to change this, but the efforts to do so may have led to the breakdown of the family unit and created even greater dependency on the government by those in the African American community. What it did, as LBJ pointed out, was insure that African Americans would be compelled to vote Democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “Great Society” and the war on poverty. As we know today though, that war has virtually been lost despite the billions thrown into the battle. Today we have some of the highest poverty rates in America, and we have one of the highest amount of citizens dependent on food assistance through programs such as Food Stamps. As a progressive program this has developed into an utter failure, even if it was perceived initially as a compassionate response to some of the ills that faced many in this community. Corruption and waste is rampant, along with abuse and increasing dependency.

In the mad dash to vilify the Republicans and Conservatives today many have forgotten the fact that it was the Republican Party that was the champion of Civil Rights and freedom for African Americans. Today that story goes either untold or when it is told, those that do so are immediately under attack and accused of being a racist. Many today would like you to believe that just because conservatives would rather assist in moving people off the rolls of welfare or any number of assistance programs, we do not care about those that have been conditioned to be dependent on those programs, and that is one of the most fatal mistakes that progressives make. Conservatives understand that people need assistance, but we also understand that it cannot become a lifestyle, that is passed down to generations to come.

Conservatives look at the potential of the individual and not the potential for further votes and power due to the repression of the constituents to rise out of the dependency on Government as LBJ pointed out.

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Robert Rohlfing runs The Drumbeat of Liberty, Liberty and the Preservation of Freedoms

But again...you know-nothing liberals of today just keep repeating lie after lie.

Except you're forgetting the fact that after the 1964 Civil Rights act, Southern Democrats became Republicans. Thanks to Nixon's Southern plan, it made the racists go from blue to red.

But yeah the parties are TOTALLY the same today. LOL.
Who cares.
I really don't mind watching Conservatives slit their political throats. It's much better for the country.
Yeah.But that's not happening. And this silly idea you expectorated here is a whole lot of nothing.

That's weird...then why are the re pubs constantly saying they need to reach to minorities if they don't need to reach out to minorities?
In what way is going to Alabama "reaching out"?
Every way. It's certainly more of a reaching out than not going

An OP is correct. Such a move would be seen and reported by the MSM as a photo opp.

So, blacks would still notice you were there tho and that means something.

It would serve no purpose for them to go.....Unlike you libs who do everything in the name of politics, republicans have no such motives.

You're a fool if you think politicians don't politic
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
Lol...Republicans were being bipartisan when they promised to block everything Obama wanted?

that's funnythat's funny
They were in the minority. They had no say... Dems couldn't get anything done because they could not unify and they could not get political cover..Reason....Obama's proposals would have cost them vo......OOPS.....2014 looms large here.
It was Obama that refused to work with Congressional republicans. They would send bills to the Senate and Majority Leader Reid under the orders of Obama refused to allow them on the Senate floor....
"Obama threatens veto"....."Obama will not consider bill unless it contains ( Fill in the blank)"...
"I have a pen and I have a phone"...
"Pass a bill and I won't act unilaterally"...
In other words your premise is Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch, correct?

So the GOP promised to make him a one term POTUS when he took office because what now? They knew Obama was going to smack away their bipartisan hand? Before it was offered?

Wouldn't that mean they never offered a bipartisan hand in the first place?

Answer: yes.

I suppose they accused Obama of swearing in on the Koran for the same reason huh? Lol
Can you please stay on point?

Your concession is duel noted
Concession? Hardly. It you who conceded when you brought up an issue unrelated to the subject matter of the thread...Now, if you want to discuss the swearing in of the president, start a thread on that issue.
I really don't mind watching Conservatives slit their political throats. It's much better for the country.
Yeah.But that's not happening. And this silly idea you expectorated here is a whole lot of nothing.

That's weird...then why are the re pubs constantly saying they need to reach to minorities if they don't need to reach out to minorities?
In what way is going to Alabama "reaching out"?
Every way. It's certainly more of a reaching out than not going

An OP is correct. Such a move would be seen and reported by the MSM as a photo opp.

So, blacks would still notice you were there tho and that means something.

It would serve no purpose for them to go.....Unlike you libs who do everything in the name of politics, republicans have no such motives.

You're a fool if you think politicians don't politic
Cut the bullshit...It is your side that changed the way in which polls are used.....Polls used to be about the news. You people believe polls ARE the news.
Clinton was the first democrat to govern by polls. Obama does it all the time.
Everything you libs do is only after careful consideration of any political ramifications. Even if swallowing the whistle is good for the country as a whole.
Keystone is a perfect example of this.....Obama opposes it because of politics. Not policy. His people have figured out that the environmentalist voting bloc is too important to the democrat party. So he is opposed. ...Simple. Meanwhile, he threw the unions under the bus on this.
Look, don't argue these points. Whatever you come back with in response would be untrue.

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