GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump

Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.

If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
Didn’t you listen to Levine? The Senate has no obligation to hold the trial on impeachment! Why doesn’t the Cowardly cud chewer take a vote in the house? Doyathink?

Levin is a whiny idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about.

Insulting your betters only makes you look stupid.

Great that you finally figured that out.

I have known that all along, you lefties prove it every day.
If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.

That is my opinion Pelosi is slitting the Democrats throat in 2020...
If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?

If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
No red wrong IMO American voters will get a real close up of how republican traitors are all for party over country especially after they see the shit trump is responsible for
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH

I swear, you people are either born liars, or have a mental problem of seeing things that were never printed, and hearing things that were never said.
RAY write this down so you won't forget WE HAVE IT NAILED,,,,,,, IN TRUMPS OWN WORDS asking for a favor from a foreign leader....
A FAVOR-not a quid pro quo or extortion. I have said "do me a favor" a thousand times, should I be impeached?
A FAVOR-not a quid pro quo or extortion. I have said "do me a favor" a thousand times, should I be impeached?
Did you infer you would withhold desperately needed military aid if you did not get your favor?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

"'I have received information' is different than witnessing information.

"The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true.

"This raises questions that the whistleblower doesn’t address in the complaint, but which Congress could investigate: Were these other officials concerned? And if the interference described below is only one kind of solicitation — “among other things” — what else did Trump try to do?"
If you are talking about inferring and implying the case is over. His complaint would seem mild compared to my complaint about George Bush and his WMD war. We have to stick to ACTUAL statements.
If you are talking about inferring and implying the case is over. His complaint would seem mild compared to my complaint about George Bush and his WMD war. We have to stick to ACTUAL statements.
Is this an accurate source for ACTUAL statements made during the Trump-Zelensky conversation?

Trump's Ukraine phone call, annotated

"CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion.

"The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.

"A number of factors can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word 'inaudible' is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

"Reminder from the Situation Room notetakers: What we’re seeing here are detailed notes and not, strictly speaking, a word-for-word transcript."
I am not the least bit sorry.

also the whistle blower report said "I wasn't a direct witness to most of the event described"
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Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?

Put the shoe on the other foot How many Repubs will get voted out after voting to keep this pos in office??
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?


Romney and Collins are not scumbags. Because they do not agree with Trump does not make them scumbags.

Dick Durbin is a scumbag!
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
No red wrong IMO American voters will get a real close up of how republican traitors are all for party over country especially after they see the shit trump is responsible for

lets see now, let me list some shit that Trump is responsible for:

record low unemployment rates especially for blacks, hispanics, and women
getting the NATO members to pay their fair share
getting NK to the table for the first time ever
calling out China for corrupt trade practices and getting them to ask for negotiatiions
making our military first once again
getting choice for vets instead of mandatory crappy VA care
a tax cut for everyone who pays taxes
higher GDP than obozo ever had
moving our embassy to Jerusalem

all terrible stuff, right?
Didn’t you listen to Levine? The Senate has no obligation to hold the trial on impeachment! Why doesn’t the Cowardly cud chewer take a vote in the house? Doyathink?

I can't see articles of impeachment winning in the House. A lot of D's from moderate districts are in no mood to sign the death warrants to their own political careers.

Maybe after the 2020 election, it might be possible in a Lame Duck Session.
If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
when the country hears what we have on this pos in our wh you stand a good chance of losing the senate too
I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?

Put the shoe on the other foot How many Repubs will get voted out after voting to keep this pos in office??


Trump base is strong and I believe the GOP Senators will be fine.

Get the polls in the sixty percent range and then I will change my mind...
Nope! They are not obligated. The House has not even voted. So why should the Senate?

I am missing something here and it is confusing me because I stated if the House Impeaches Trump then the Senate will vote on Conviction after.

So this is after the House votes and not before...

So I am starting to wonder does the Trump voters even read anymore or have all of you become like the left?
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?


Romney is a crybaby, he is pissed because he lost and Trump won. He is also pissed because he begged Trump to endorse him and he refused. He is McCain dressed up as a Mormon
Certainly it's after bruce IF McConnell allows it

McConnell has no choice...

correct, if the house voted to impeach, the senate would be required to have a vote to remove. I think that requires 3/5 of the senators. It won't happen. What will happen is that american voters will get fed up with this BS and remove dems from the house in 2020. Its funny watching the dems destroy themselves.
67 Senators have to vote affirmative to impeach....where are they going to find 20 Rep. senators that want to be voted out of office....Romney.....and a scumbag broad from Maine?

Put the shoe on the other foot How many Repubs will get voted out after voting to keep this pos in office??


Trump base is strong and I believe the GOP Senators will be fine.

Get the polls in the sixty percent range and then I will change my mind...
well said
RAY write this down so you won't forget WE HAVE IT NAILED,,,,,,, IN TRUMPS OWN WORDS asking for a favor from a foreign leader....

So what? Do you actually think that any of us on the Right give a shit? We don’t. Especially when the only other option is a Liberal or Progressive piece of shit.

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