GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump

Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.

Sure sure sure

ad hominems--the last resort of the lazy Leftist. BOORRRING
Does the rule of law apply to Trump? Is he an infallible monarch working for his own personal gain, or does extorting campaign dirt really in the best interest of the American people? Is he a stable genius, or is he making up his own rules without accountability?
Of course, Trump did not extort campaign dirt and he enjoys the same due process rights and presumption of innocence as any other American. Somehow those details invariably escape your highly predictable rush to guilty judgement.

The haters have it backwards. They've determined guilt and now are looking for evidence to support it.
That has been the case for nearly 3 full years. They have the "perp" and will dig for a crime until we vote the suckers out of office next year which, BTW, is how our democracy is supposed to work.
Lock her up!

Nice democracy
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.

Sure sure sure

ad hominems--the last resort of the lazy Leftist. BOORRRING
Does the rule of law apply to Trump? Is he an infallible monarch working for his own personal gain, or does extorting campaign dirt really in the best interest of the American people? Is he a stable genius, or is he making up his own rules without accountability?

He didn't break a single law. Did the Biden's? Do you even care
Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH
Didn’t you listen to Levine? The Senate has no obligation to hold the trial on impeachment! Why doesn’t the Cowardly cud chewer take a vote in the house? Doyathink?
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH

I swear, you people are either born liars, or have a mental problem of seeing things that were never printed, and hearing things that were never said.
Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.
Seems like a big waste of time to me.
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH

I swear, you people are either born liars, or have a mental problem of seeing things that were never printed, and hearing things that were never said.
RAY write this down so you won't forget WE HAVE IT NAILED,,,,,,, IN TRUMPS OWN WORDS asking for a favor from a foreign leader....
Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.
Seems like a big waste of time to me.
Might seem that way 3rd to you But maybe not to all those watching to see which cowardly repubs stand up for this leech in our WH
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH

I swear, you people are either born liars, or have a mental problem of seeing things that were never printed, and hearing things that were never said.
RAY write this down so you won't forget WE HAVE IT NAILED,,,,,,, IN TRUMPS OWN WORDS asking for a favor from a foreign leader....

No law against asking for a favor from anybody. You nailed it??? Still or again?

You nailed nothing because you can't put two sentences out of that transcript that support your claim. Trump never made any threat, not even remotely, of not giving Ukraine funds unless they investigate Biden. As I stated repeatedly, the money was withheld a week before the phone call was ever made.
Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.

LOL, god you people are idiots. You've got NOTHING.
Like a true Mafiso Trump says I give you missiles you give me Bidens,,,, Goon behavior The crook should be frog marched out of the WH

I swear, you people are either born liars, or have a mental problem of seeing things that were never printed, and hearing things that were never said.
RAY write this down so you won't forget WE HAVE IT NAILED,,,,,,, IN TRUMPS OWN WORDS asking for a favor from a foreign leader....
A FAVOR-not a quid pro quo or extortion. I have said "do me a favor" a thousand times, should I be impeached?
Pelosi on Trump impeachment: "You've come into my wheelhouse now"

"Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin: 'I'm saying to the president and I'm saying to you, 'You've come into my wheelhouse now. I have 25 years of experience in intelligence.'"
Now we can see which cowardly republican traitors stand up for Trump
As impeachment proceedings officially begin in the House, speculation has quickly turned to how they might end in the Senate. Republican leadership clarified that the Senate must take action if the lower chamber approves articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated a GOP leadership memo reportedly obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump last Tuesday after the White House released a memo of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following the decision was the release of an anonymous whistleblower complaint against the president over his repeated attempts to enlist Ukrainian officials to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, and allegedly withholding almost $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as leverage.

If Trump is impeached by the House the Senate will vote on it after their trial but unless there is better evidence Trump will not be convicted.

No one to my knowledge is saying McConnell would refuse the Senate to do their job.

What is being said the Senate will not convict at this moment...
Didn’t you listen to Levine? The Senate has no obligation to hold the trial on impeachment! Why doesn’t the Cowardly cud chewer take a vote in the house? Doyathink?

Levin is a whiny idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about.

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