GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump

There will be no vote to impeach though, so this is just some fairy tale to keep you distracted.

So are ya? :71:

Too soon to know how all the evidence will influence minds. Public perception is critical.
Already shifting towards impeachment in just a couple of days.

A trial you dumbass.

The senate will never convict him.

But if they did, President Pence will be appointing at least 2 justices to the s.c.
“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles” of impeachment, states the memo.

The Republican leadership issued a memo Saturday clarifying that the Senate must take action if the House of Representatives approves articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The statement came in response to concerns that the Senate could simply refuse to hold a trial.

“There is no way we could somehow bar the doors and prevent the managers from presenting the articles to the Senate,” stated the memo, which was obtained by HuffPost. “The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also said as much in a March interview with NPR: “If it [impeachment] were to happen, the Senate has no choice. If the House were to act, the Senate immediately goes into a trial.”

McConnell could call a vote on a motion to dismiss, which would effectively amount to a vote to acquit Trump of wrongdoing.

GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump

Sounds good - but apparently "McConnell could call a vote on a motion to dismiss, which would effectively amount to a vote to acquit Trump of wrongdoing." I don't trust any of them!
If McConnell does not IMMEDIATELY call for a vote to dismiss this crock of bullshit, he should be immediately executed.

Pelosi won't make the same mistakes Mueller did with his somewhat intimidating 448-page War and Peace novel. That's why she will likely mainly focus on Ukraine. Speaker Pelosi knows she must educate the public.

What? Don't be silly, Lakhota...

Mueller wasn't supposed to become a tool, a storyteller on behalf of the Democratic efforts to impeach - he was supposed soberly to present his findings of fact and law. It is most assuredly not Mueller's fault that both Democrats and the press were too lame-brained to sit down and create, consistent with Mueller's findings, a more accessible narrative to inform the electorate, and to demonstrate to them the egregiousness of Trump's conduct. That failure - a humiliating one - is the main reason why Mueller's valid effort went nowhere in terms of swaying public opinion, and why they lost the PR war over the Trump campaign's collusion with Putin's election meddling.

But it's sure good to hear "Speaker Pelosi knows she must educate the public." If only she had known this in the weeks and months after the release of the Mueller report.
It's unrealistic in my opinion to believe that the senate will vote to impeach the president. Short of legitimate and indisputable evidence of real crimes being presented in the near future that would force the majority in the senate to have no choice but to vote for impeachment it's purely at this point a political action being pushed by the House majority which will either be a benefit or a bust for them in the next election cycle. I think it's been pretty open that for the past few years a percentage of the Democratic Party and elected officials have been looking for the opportunity to push for impeachment, and this is the moment that it culminated. I don't know if this will help or hurt the Democrats or help or hurt the Republicans but in my own personal opinion I don't believe most Americans want this. I think most Americans just want the political theatre between the parties to stop.

True, but Trump's childish unethical behavior doesn't show any signs of slowing.
Duh, who is the her and she you're talking about?

Aw, SayShit... He's a monumentally stupid, mendacious (incel) troll who thinks addressing males as female is the pinnacle of creativity. The ignore function has been created with such as this one in mind.
Pelosi won't make the same mistakes Mueller did with his somewhat intimidating 448-page War and Peace novel. That's why she will likely mainly focus on Ukraine. Speaker Pelosi knows she must educate the public.

What? Don't be silly, Lakhota...

Mueller wasn't supposed to become a tool, a storyteller on behalf of the Democratic efforts to impeach - he was supposed soberly to present his findings of fact and law. It is most assuredly not Mueller's fault that both Democrats and the press were too lame-brained to sit down and create, consistent with Mueller's findings, a more accessible narrative to inform the electorate, and to demonstrate to them the egregiousness of Trump's conduct. That failure - a humiliating one - is the main reason why Mueller's valid effort went nowhere in terms of swaying public opinion, and why they lost the PR war over the Trump campaign's collusion with Putin's election meddling.

But it's sure good to hear "Speaker Pelosi knows she must educate the public." If only she had known this in the weeks and months after the release of the Mueller report.

Too bad the whistleblower didn't write the Mueller report.
It's unrealistic in my opinion to believe that the senate will vote to impeach the president. Short of legitimate and indisputable evidence of real crimes being presented in the near future ...

It is, in fact, highly unrealistic that the Senate will vote to impeach - that is the prerogative of the House, after all. The Senate votes to convict (or not) on the Articles of Impeachment.

Assuming you've read both the Mueller report and the most recent whistleblower report, it is pretty hard to explain why you are still waiting for "real crimes" to be presented. Obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, abuse of power, violating the Emoluments Clause, campaign finance violations, as well as conspiring to commit the aforementioned crimes, all are "real crimes" that meet the "high crimes and misdemeanors" standard.
Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It is not removal from office.

A senate trial is required for removal, once the evidence shows irrefutable proof of the charges.

Will Senate Republicans take their responsibility seriously? Will they hold their oaths sacred?

If they acquit, will they put politics before their constitutional respon?

Moscow Mitch McConnell! Will you write your own chapter of Profiles of Courage, or will you continue to be a toady for a politically dead man walking?
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
It's unrealistic in my opinion to believe that the senate will vote to impeach the president. Short of legitimate and indisputable evidence of real crimes being presented in the near future ...

It is, in fact, highly unrealistic that the Senate will vote to impeach - that is the prerogative of the House, after all. The Senate votes to convict (or not) on the Articles of Impeachment.

Assuming you've read both the Mueller report and the most recent whistleblower report, it is pretty hard to explain why you are still waiting for "real crimes" to be presented. Obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, abuse of power, violating the Emoluments Clause, campaign finance violations, as well as conspiring to commit the aforementioned crimes, all are "real crimes" that meet the "high crimes and misdemeanors" standard.

As ever, we don't give a fat crap what Europe thinks of any of this. Mind your own business, how bout that
Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It is not removal from office.

A senate trial is required for removal, once the evidence shows irrefutable proof of the charges.

Will Senate Republicans take their responsibility seriously? Will they hold their oaths sacred?

If they acquit, will they put politics before their constitutional respon?

Moscow Mitch McConnell! Will you write your own chapter of Profiles of Courage, or will you continue to be a toady for a politically dead man walking?
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.
Even if the Senate doesn't convict - there will be a record as to how they all voted. Depending on how strong the evidence is - this could have a chilling affect on their decisions.

there will be a record as to how they all voted.

Which could hurt Democrats as much as Republicans.

Democrats welcome that.

Pelosi has stated impeachment may cost them the House.

How many do you think agree with that?
Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It is not removal from office.

A senate trial is required for removal, once the evidence shows irrefutable proof of the charges.

Will Senate Republicans take their responsibility seriously? Will they hold their oaths sacred?

If they acquit, will they put politics before their constitutional respon?

Moscow Mitch McConnell! Will you write your own chapter of Profiles of Courage, or will you continue to be a toady for a politically dead man walking?
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.

Sure sure sure

ad hominems--the last resort of the lazy Leftist. BOORRRING
It's unrealistic in my opinion to believe that the senate will vote to impeach the president. Short of legitimate and indisputable evidence of real crimes being presented in the near future ...

It is, in fact, highly unrealistic that the Senate will vote to impeach - that is the prerogative of the House, after all. The Senate votes to convict (or not) on the Articles of Impeachment.

Assuming you've read both the Mueller report and the most recent whistleblower report, it is pretty hard to explain why you are still waiting for "real crimes" to be presented. Obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, abuse of power, violating the Emoluments Clause, campaign finance violations, as well as conspiring to commit the aforementioned crimes, all are "real crimes" that meet the "high crimes and misdemeanors" standard.
We are not waiting. As you already claimed to understand, only the House of Reps has the authority to impeach and many months after the release of the Mueller Report (and with all you believe it evidenced) the House still voted down impeachment 332-95.

Evidently not all or even most are convinced the Mueller Report was as compelling as you do. Anyway as our next general election is only 13 months away, those who desperately want Trump removed as POTUS will get their chance to elect a Democrat Socialist Party slug instead. Of course, DNC Chair Perez - who is in Mexico City begging for coins - says that may prove difficult which may be why impeachment is back on the media menu:

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Even if the Senate doesn't convict - there will be a record as to how they all voted. Depending on how strong the evidence is - this could have a chilling affect on their decisions.

there will be a record as to how they all voted.

Which could hurt Democrats as much as Republicans.

Democrats welcome that.

Pelosi has stated impeachment may cost them the House.

How many do you think agree with that?

I feel like the turn is already in the air--what I mean is the fervor for IMPEACH is already dying down. Pelosi is starting to smell nerves in the air and it's not even one of the trending topic on Twitter this morning.


Dems blew their whole canoli and they're beginning to backtrack inside of a week. And what are they left with??? Joe Biden. Pocahontas. NOTHING.

Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It is not removal from office.

A senate trial is required for removal, once the evidence shows irrefutable proof of the charges.

Will Senate Republicans take their responsibility seriously? Will they hold their oaths sacred?

If they acquit, will they put politics before their constitutional respon?

Moscow Mitch McConnell! Will you write your own chapter of Profiles of Courage, or will you continue to be a toady for a politically dead man walking?
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.
So you suggest the party of open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories is a viable option?
And you believe YOU can judge "the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty?" :laughing0301:

Keep your sanctimony in your pocket or better yet, shove it where the sun don't shine.
There will be no vote to impeach though, so this is just some fairy tale to keep you distracted.

So are ya? :71:

Too soon to know how all the evidence will influence minds. Public perception is critical.

Timing is even more important. The democrats have to wring maximum political advantage out of this. That’s why they jumped on it without even seeing the complaint.
Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It is not removal from office.

A senate trial is required for removal, once the evidence shows irrefutable proof of the charges.

Will Senate Republicans take their responsibility seriously? Will they hold their oaths sacred?

If they acquit, will they put politics before their constitutional respon?

Moscow Mitch McConnell! Will you write your own chapter of Profiles of Courage, or will you continue to be a toady for a politically dead man walking?
How would acquittal amount to the Senate putting politics before their constitutional responsibilities? Because you have already found the POTUS guilty? Is it not possible they would find the evidence to not amount to high crimes and misdemeanors?
Trump has provided the smoking gun with the transcript or memo as well as the whistleblowers complaint. Once his taxes and emoluments clause violations come to light, how could anyone merely dismiss the evidence? The articles of impeachment will be rock solid and air tight, to everyone but the most rabid Trump supporter.

Right. IOW "trump won and it hurt my feelings and we will use ANYthing, ANYthing to bring him down"

Like we can't see through that hahahahahahah
Your argument is one made by those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty.

Your blind obedience to Trump for winning the election and restoring a "Repubican" to the White House has erased any real love for the constitution you may have once had.
So you suggest the party of open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories is a viable option?
And you believe YOU can judge "the difference between right and wrong, ethical and crooked, clean and dirty?" :laughing0301:

Keep your sanctimony in your pocket or better yet, shove it where the sun don't shine.

They no longer even pretend to have ideas the American people like, or will even tolerate. They know they do not. They know the American people do not want:

Open Borders
Gun confiscation
Late-term abortion

So the best they can do is turn into playground bullies, kicking up trouble and accusing everyone ELSE of all the malfeasance. It's classic, childish behavior. Everyone here who is propping them up should self-reflect but honestly, most of them are just too stupid. Sad to say.
Even if the Senate doesn't convict - there will be a record as to how they all voted. Depending on how strong the evidence is - this could have a chilling affect on their decisions.

Yup. Democrats in right leaning states will have to think twice.

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