GOP mainliners are telling the hard right off in Congress

Frank, you think BHO is a Kenyan and it is only downhill from there for you.

There are no Marxists in Congress, but there are some weirdoes on the far left and the far right.

You're either lying or stupid. There are DOZENS of marxists in Congress. Dozens.

As to the Republican Party vs the Tea Party?

Here's what the TP needs to remember -- There is but one goal. Not the most important goal, not a desirable goal, not the number one goal.

Just one goal. Only one.

To keep the scum of the earth, dimocraps, from power.

Because people, that is what they are -- the scum of the earth.

Everything else is of secondary importance. Keeping dimocraps out of power is job #1

Under pressure to govern divisions emerge among House GOP - Yahoo News

I knew this was going to happen after the TP was hammered in the primaries.

Consensus, not confrontation, is needed for good governance.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a House Republican majority often driven by the most conservative lawmakers, the pragmatists are suddenly demanding to be heard.

These lawmakers defected on an immigration vote last week, and this week they forced GOP leaders to water down abortion legislation. With the new, fully Republican-led Congress three weeks old, they are serving notice they will no longer keep quiet as their more ideological colleagues push legislation to the right, demand votes on social issues, or court government shutdowns to try to block President Barack Obama.

"There's a growing sense in the conference that we need to get things done here, not just make political statements," said Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, a freshmen lawmaker. "We should be focused on the agenda of the American people and not on taking an infinite amount of symbolic votes that aren't going to get anything done."

All I can say is, it's about damn time.

May have waited too late.
Some of the far right reactionaries are terrified that their negative influence on the House has waned. They can still get in line and help govern instead of obstruct.

And yet the far left still controls the DNC and the far left OP will still vote far left..
You wish....
Frank, you think BHO is a Kenyan and it is only downhill from there for you.

There are no Marxists in Congress, but there are some weirdoes on the far left and the far right.

You're either lying or stupid. There are DOZENS of marxists in Congress. Dozens.

As to the Republican Party vs the Tea Party?

Here's what the TP needs to remember -- There is but one goal. Not the most important goal, not a desirable goal, not the number one goal.

Just one goal. Only one.

To keep the scum of the earth, dimocraps, from power.

Because people, that is what they are -- the scum of the earth.

Everything else is of secondary importance. Keeping dimocraps out of power is job #1


I quoted the above posted as an example of the biggest political challenge we face right now.

The hyper-partisan idiots. Don't be fooled, they are on both sides of the aisle. This one just happens to be an example of the far right. They don't care about America, they don't care about good government, they don't care about issues, it's just about the Party ... which letter of the alphabet is behind someone's name.

These blobs of clay have been molded by their party leaders and brought to life by idiotic rhetoric that carries the intellectual heft of a bumper sticker.

THIS is why election victories have - and always should - come from the center... or at the very least, from people who are driven by issues and answers not the party line.
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Frank, you think BHO is a Kenyan and it is only downhill from there for you.

There are no Marxists in Congress, but there are some weirdoes on the far left and the far right.

You're either lying or stupid. There are DOZENS of marxists in Congress. Dozens.

As to the Republican Party vs the Tea Party?

Here's what the TP needs to remember -- There is but one goal. Not the most important goal, not a desirable goal, not the number one goal.

Just one goal. Only one.

To keep the scum of the earth, dimocraps, from power.

Because people, that is what they are -- the scum of the earth.

Everything else is of secondary importance. Keeping dimocraps out of power is job #1

Atta boy! Stick to those principles whether they work or not.
Under pressure to govern divisions emerge among House GOP - Yahoo News

I knew this was going to happen after the TP was hammered in the primaries.

Consensus, not confrontation, is needed for good governance.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a House Republican majority often driven by the most conservative lawmakers, the pragmatists are suddenly demanding to be heard.

These lawmakers defected on an immigration vote last week, and this week they forced GOP leaders to water down abortion legislation. With the new, fully Republican-led Congress three weeks old, they are serving notice they will no longer keep quiet as their more ideological colleagues push legislation to the right, demand votes on social issues, or court government shutdowns to try to block President Barack Obama.

"There's a growing sense in the conference that we need to get things done here, not just make political statements," said Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, a freshmen lawmaker. "We should be focused on the agenda of the American people and not on taking an infinite amount of symbolic votes that aren't going to get anything done."

Yet when Obama continues to tack hard left you're silent on that. Who saw that coming, Jake?


I don't care about Obama, as you well know. I do care about my GOP being the right party for this country. What we don't need are shitten puppy libertarianism anymore than lefties or far right reactionaries running the government. That is why the TP was crushed in the primaries.

Gotcha, we just need Democrats with an R by their name
Under pressure to govern divisions emerge among House GOP - Yahoo News

I knew this was going to happen after the TP was hammered in the primaries.

Consensus, not confrontation, is needed for good governance.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a House Republican majority often driven by the most conservative lawmakers, the pragmatists are suddenly demanding to be heard.

These lawmakers defected on an immigration vote last week, and this week they forced GOP leaders to water down abortion legislation. With the new, fully Republican-led Congress three weeks old, they are serving notice they will no longer keep quiet as their more ideological colleagues push legislation to the right, demand votes on social issues, or court government shutdowns to try to block President Barack Obama.

"There's a growing sense in the conference that we need to get things done here, not just make political statements," said Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, a freshmen lawmaker. "We should be focused on the agenda of the American people and not on taking an infinite amount of symbolic votes that aren't going to get anything done."
I think this is a good thing. You don't? Do you not think that maybe the same should take place as it pertains to the democrats and the far left?
It is known about coming to a compromise.....and until the far wings and moderates of each party come to a compromise, nothing will get done..
All it took was the promise of a lifetime of free red jammies and Jake was theirs forever. But, in fairness, he DOES look cute in them if you're of that indeterminate gender.....

Jammie Jake.jpg
That is no evidence as you well know, and most of the Republicans laugh at it as well.

I laugh at all of the R's. They're a complete carnival now.

GOP a stand up routine at this stage. The even got there own TV Channel. The entertainment they provide should be in Vegas.

The guys bring lines like
I'm not a Scientist but I going to tell you some bogus science...

This country was set up secular in a Judeo-Christian fashion...
I think this is a good thing. You don't? Do you not think that maybe the same should take place as it pertains to the democrats and the far left? It is known about coming to a compromise.....and until the far wings and moderates of each party come to a compromise, nothing will get done..
Eliminate the far right and far left and let the left of center to the right of center govern.
I think this is a good thing. You don't? Do you not think that maybe the same should take place as it pertains to the democrats and the far left? It is known about coming to a compromise.....and until the far wings and moderates of each party come to a compromise, nothing will get done..
Eliminate the far right and far left and let the left of center to the right of center govern.

What is the difference between the "left" and the "far left?" No one can answer that. Give me some issues they disagree on and politicians who are left and who are far left.

Karnac says you will say something snarky and evade the question...
I gotta tell you, I'm pretty happy about moderate Republicans standing up to stupidity.

It's long over due but it just might win a lot of moderates back to the GOP.

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