GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

Trolling posts and those without content have been deleted. Attack the arguments or the topic and make sure your posts have some content. :)
Yes, I did, and, no, you don't get to shift the goal posts.

The reactionary obstructionism and obfuscation has been removed and simply ignored as necessary.

The ball is not in play, because the mainstream has slam dunked it over the reactionaries.

Game over.

No you didn't.

Why did you call Redfish a reactionary when he posted fiscally conservative things?

You are in willful defiance and denial: your problem. Just as is post 190 and 192.

Reactionaries and their defenders no longer dictate the conversation.

Jake cannot answer a simple question and instead continues to duck and dodge.

Duly noted.
No you didn't.

Why did you call Redfish a reactionary when he posted fiscally conservative things?

You are in willful defiance and denial: your problem. Just as is post 190 and 192.

Reactionaries and their defenders no longer dictate the conversation.

Jake cannot answer a simple question and instead continues to duck and dodge.

Duly noted.

The question was answered, the content was met, and you did not like it and have been refusing to accept my answer.
^ Never answered my question but continues to claim he did.
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Her question was correctly answered but refuses to accept it.

She may have the last word this time.
As a Centrist, I fully support the Republican evaluation of method(s) by which ObamaCare may be de-funded.

By all reports, it is an Abortion in its own right, and needs to be killed-off.

I'm not against a National Healthcare Plan, per se, but I'm against this one, based on what little I understand of it, and the violent reaction of Business against it, and the lop-sided Waivers and Temporary Stays and Extensions being granted to Business, while holding the feet of the Common Man to the fire, to obtain coverage by Judgment Day, or face fines and penalties...

It doesn't make any difference WHO is responsible for the haphazard, slapped-together, don't-read-the-bill-just-pass-it Abortion that the Federal government is attempting to cram down our throats...

What's important is that it be stopped dead in its tracks, before it can bring harm to the American People, especially the Middle Class, as well as some percentage of Po' Folk...

Want to press the Reset button and have a second crack at this?


But this half-assed Piece of Government Shit needs to be neutralized while there is still time...

Good on the Republicans for having the balls to take a look at this, and damn the consequences...
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Our party tried it 18 years ago and got hammered in the elections.

Our party tried convicting Clinton and got hammered in the elections.

Sooner or later, we will learn.
Our party tried it 18 years ago and got hammered in the elections.

Our party tried convicting Clinton and got hammered in the elections.

Sooner or later, we will learn.

Some contemplated government actions are so profoundly erroneous and hold so much potential for financial or caregiving disaster, that they are worth the hit at the polls...

There are times when it IS worthwhile, and the right thing to do... falling upon one's sword...

This may prove to be one such; discharging their obligation to The People for once, rather than themselves and their clique...

Time will tell, whether they have the balls to 'do the right thing' this time, and kill it...

But, at least, they're talking about it...

And, if they go through with it, they'll probably get my vote, in 2014 and 2016, and, I suspect, the votes of a fair number of other folk...

Courage in Washington, DC... what a novel concept! :lol:
Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

* Tactic would be alternative to government shutdown threat on Obamacare

* Cantor aide says debt limit could be way to try to force action

* Another leadership aide says there are discussions but no decision yet

By Caren Bohan

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican lawmakers, who staunchly oppose President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, are considering using a fall showdown over the country's borrowing limit as leverage to try to delay the law's implementation.

Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says
And as they should...ObamaCare deserves to be shut is a royal Statist MESS.
I agree to a Shut Down to stop the out of control Train Wreck called Obama.

I further agree that a last effort should be done to end the BS of Obamacare.

When the IRS Union wants a waiver and they are the enforcement arm of this, it's utter BS.

They get a pass while Americans get fucked over.
I agree to a Shut Down to stop the out of control Train Wreck called Obama.

I further agree that a last effort should be done to end the BS of Obamacare.

When the IRS Union wants a waiver and they are the enforcement arm of this, it's utter BS.

They get a pass while Americans get fucked over.'s LAW according to the Statists, and the Repubican hierarchy...the elites...but when such a LAW can be willy-nilly altered BY Obama...and exceptions granted outside the narrative of the LAW, by him tells me the LAW is no good if it can be altered on the FLY without the consent of the people, or the legislature...

It tells me that RULE of LAW means SQUAT to Obama as he VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION, and continually...and NO ONE has the balls to call his sorry ass on it.
Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

Strange, if ACA is the mess GOP says it is, why do they need to use blackmail tactics to try to block it?

Could it be they don't have the votes in Congress to do much more than try these cockamamie stunts?
The reactionaries have enough votes in Congress to buy toilet paper but almost nothing else.
Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

Strange, if ACA is the mess GOP says it is, why do they need to use blackmail tactics to try to block it?

Could it be they don't have the votes in Congress to do much more than try these cockamamie stunts?

you little children and your play with words...blackmail, you all are just such cute little parrots..come back when you figure out how the government works..
polly want a cracker?
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Steph, quit acting the racist, and just grow up huh.

You don't have the votes. End of discussion.
I agree to a Shut Down to stop the out of control Train Wreck called Obama.

I further agree that a last effort should be done to end the BS of Obamacare.

When the IRS Union wants a waiver and they are the enforcement arm of this, it's utter BS.

They get a pass while Americans get fucked over.'s LAW according to the Statists, and the Repubican hierarchy...the elites...but when such a LAW can be willy-nilly altered BY Obama...and exceptions granted outside the narrative of the LAW, by him tells me the LAW is no good if it can be altered on the FLY without the consent of the people, or the legislature...

It tells me that RULE of LAW means SQUAT to Obama as he VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION, and continually...and NO ONE has the balls to call his sorry ass on it.

That's the transition in our government that's going largely unnoticed. We're turning away from equal protection and rule of law and embracing group rights and corporatism. And it's not just the health care bill.

Anything that can reverse this trend without resorting to violence is worth trying - even if it means indulging in partisan, procedural shenanigans.

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