GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

"We"? I was asking you, Jake, why, when you call yourself a fiscal conservative and Redfish listed fiscally conservatives things, you disagreed with him and called him a reactionary.

As I told you, your questions have been answered sufficiently to my standards.

I am not concerned with whether you agree.

Question, just one. And no you didn't.

I don't agree or disagree because you never answered my question.

Balls in your court.

But I already know you will pass.

Yes, I did, and, no, you don't get to shift the goal posts.

The reactionary obstructionism and obfuscation has been removed and simply ignored as necessary.

The ball is not in play, because the mainstream has slam dunked it over the reactionaries.

Game over.
I usually just read his posts and move on but once in awhile I forget and do the insane .... ask him a question and actually expect a straight answer. And, admittedly, I get caught up in the back and forth. What can I say? Shit happens. :lol:

You don't like the answer you get.

I don't care. What else can I say.
I do find it odd that a group of people have to give away free stuff in order to attract the attention of people in order to stop lawmakers from giving away free stuff.

Yep. Thought it over and STLL think it is ironic!

hmmmm-----obamaphones, govt cheese, food stamps, welfare, forgiving student loans, bailing out the UAW.

are so naive that you think the dems and obozo don't do the same thing but on a much larger scale?

Are you so niave as to think that the Tea Party is not doing the same thing? (BTW, my grandmother got government cheese under Ike, and Regan started giving away free phone service. I got a student loan under JFK, and paid it back, like most people do. I got food stamps under Bush, after Katrina, since all the banks were closed for over a month).

the difference is that the tea party are giving away food paid for by members contributions, the government is giving stuff away paid for by OUR tax money.

I know the difference is hard for liberals to grasp, but think about for a few minutes, you might get it.
hmmmm-----obamaphones, govt cheese, food stamps, welfare, forgiving student loans, bailing out the UAW.

are so naive that you think the dems and obozo don't do the same thing but on a much larger scale?

Are you so niave as to think that the Tea Party is not doing the same thing? (BTW, my grandmother got government cheese under Ike, and Regan started giving away free phone service. I got a student loan under JFK, and paid it back, like most people do. I got food stamps under Bush, after Katrina, since all the banks were closed for over a month).

the difference is that the tea party are giving away food paid for by members contributions, the government is giving stuff away paid for by OUR tax money.

I know the difference is hard for liberals to grasp, but think about for a few minutes, you might get it.

Ok, so, the Tea Party acknowledges that nobody cares enough to do anything about polititians giving away free stuff, unless the Tea Party gives them free stuff to gain their support to end giving away free stuff.

Ok. Got it!
Are you so niave as to think that the Tea Party is not doing the same thing? (BTW, my grandmother got government cheese under Ike, and Regan started giving away free phone service. I got a student loan under JFK, and paid it back, like most people do. I got food stamps under Bush, after Katrina, since all the banks were closed for over a month).

the difference is that the tea party are giving away food paid for by members contributions, the government is giving stuff away paid for by OUR tax money.

I know the difference is hard for liberals to grasp, but think about for a few minutes, you might get it.

Ok, so, the Tea Party acknowledges that nobody cares enough to do anything about polititians giving away free stuff, unless the Tea Party gives them free stuff to gain their support to end giving away free stuff.

Ok. Got it!

In terms of 'free stuff', look at American advertising gimmicks.

The TPM is no more clean or dirty than the Dems or the Pubs.
The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

You are really reaching on this. You are pretty sad.
The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

You are really reaching on this. You are pretty sad.

they make up whatever they want...they serve food it has to be to DRAW A BIG CROWD..
and really, SO WHAT if it the petty

at least they didn't advertise on Graigslist for protesters that will be PAID...that's the Democrats baby
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As I told you, your questions have been answered sufficiently to my standards.

I am not concerned with whether you agree.

Question, just one. And no you didn't.

I don't agree or disagree because you never answered my question.

Balls in your court.

But I already know you will pass.

Yes, I did, and, no, you don't get to shift the goal posts.

The reactionary obstructionism and obfuscation has been removed and simply ignored as necessary.

The ball is not in play, because the mainstream has slam dunked it over the reactionaries.

Game over.

No you didn't.

Why did you call Redfish a reactionary when he posted fiscally conservative things?
I usually just read his posts and move on but once in awhile I forget and do the insane .... ask him a question and actually expect a straight answer. And, admittedly, I get caught up in the back and forth. What can I say? Shit happens. :lol:

You don't like the answer you get.

I don't care. What else can I say.

When you fail to answer a question but continue to insist that you did? Yet betcha I'm gonna call you on your bullshit.

But you just continue on ducking and dodging and not answering. I'll told you before, Jake ... when you do this, it speaks volumes.
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Are you so niave as to think that the Tea Party is not doing the same thing? (BTW, my grandmother got government cheese under Ike, and Regan started giving away free phone service. I got a student loan under JFK, and paid it back, like most people do. I got food stamps under Bush, after Katrina, since all the banks were closed for over a month).

the difference is that the tea party are giving away food paid for by members contributions, the government is giving stuff away paid for by OUR tax money.

I know the difference is hard for liberals to grasp, but think about for a few minutes, you might get it.

Ok, so, the Tea Party acknowledges that nobody cares enough to do anything about polititians giving away free stuff, unless the Tea Party gives them free stuff to gain their support to end giving away free stuff.

Ok. Got it!

the big fallacy that you guys believe in is you think it's all "free stuff"......sorry to pop your balloon but stuff is not "free".....
Question, just one. And no you didn't.

I don't agree or disagree because you never answered my question.

Balls in your court.

But I already know you will pass.

Yes, I did, and, no, you don't get to shift the goal posts.

The reactionary obstructionism and obfuscation has been removed and simply ignored as necessary.

The ball is not in play, because the mainstream has slam dunked it over the reactionaries.

Game over.

No you didn't.

Why did you call Redfish a reactionary when he posted fiscally conservative things?

You are in willful defiance and denial: your problem. Just as is post 190 and 192.

Reactionaries and their defenders no longer dictate the conversation.
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Yes, I did, and, no, you don't get to shift the goal posts.

The reactionary obstructionism and obfuscation has been removed and simply ignored as necessary.

The ball is not in play, because the mainstream has slam dunked it over the reactionaries.

Game over.

No you didn't.

Why did you call Redfish a reactionary when he posted fiscally conservative things?

You are in willful defiance and denial: your problem. Just as is post 190.

and so are your sermons... and your precious judgements about others are becoming just a bore
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Redfish no more has me on Ignore than the Man in the Moon is a reactionary.

We will not have libertarian wannabees like Redfish dictating to the mainstream what will be GOP principles and programs.

Those days are over.

I was here when you supported Romney because you are, in truth, a Republican who wants his party back.
Thank you, BDBoop, and we are taking the party back from the far right reactionaries.

Any time.

Those who identify themselves with the Tea Party apparently have as poster boys, Barry Goldwater and Grover Norquist. Some still remember Goldwater, in his acceptance speech for the 1964 Republican presidential nomination, saying, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” The extreme element’s definition of the defense of liberty is to be unyielding, anti-government, in fact just about anti-everything. Am I wrong or do they appear to have no use for any government program, public infrastructure or the common good? It seems they define liberty as the freedom to be able to do what they want without question, obligation or responsibility for others.

Tea Partiers are angry, sometimes with justification, over the current state of government and they clearly don’t like today’s culture. They have learned from Grover Norquist to use threats and intimidation tactics to get their way. Norquist’s Americans For Tax Reform coerces candidates to sign “no tax hike” pledges, then he turns on them and sees to their defeat if they vote for anything that even smells like a tax increase after being elected.

Tea Partiers are using these same tactics to effectively silence and make impotent those within their own party who are willing to seek consensus and compromise; leaders who heretofore have included the likes of Jim Broyhill, Jim Holshouser, Jim Martin and others. Today’s mainstream Republicans are conservatives but they are also pragmatist,s willing to include others, to get far more accomplished with cooperation than by being unyielding, threatening or mean-spirited.
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ncspin, now we see where jakie probably gets all his crappy talking points Republicans have to take back their party from the VERY people who belong in it..

SO Democrat isn't it? so much for that BIG TENT when you have jerks like jake and ncspiners

you need to leave and go join the Democrats..quit trying to bring down the Republican party with your commie and fascist ways

you DON'T CONTROL anyone and they aren't going to click their heels together and say, HALE jakie he is the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY
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The reactionaries on the far right were told that if they cost us the Presidency and the Senate they would pay the price.

And now all they can do is cry as they are punished.

Tuff that.
The reactionaries on the far right were told that if they cost us the Presidency and the Senate they would pay the price.

And now all they can do is cry as they are punished.

Tuff that.

we are already being punished when you post...can't get worse than that..
now go clean you keyboard off, it must be sticky from all that whacking off you do while you BIG GUY ON THE BLOCK...:eek:

Told you guys four years ago this day would come if you kept screwing up. You doubled down and won in 2010, doubled down in 2012 and blew it all out. You have no more political chips.

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