GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

Republicans' stunt to try to shut down Government if ACA isn't defunded .... is what the tea party brings to the conversation....

... nothing .....
zoom, you are not going to get a check list from me on comparison and contrast between Redfish and me.

Do your own reading, come to your own conclusion.

But ACA issue alone is enough to demonstrate the reactionary far right is wrong on using defunding the government as an option. The GOP can't win it in the House and Senate, and even if it did, the Dems would take the House next year because of it.


Who was asking for a checklist? Redfish pointed out fiscal conservative things and you call him a reactionary .... yet you claim to be fiscal conservative. I'd have thought you would have agreed with at least some of what he posted ... especially the sensible fiscal policy part. But instead, and as you have done numerous times in the past, when asked a direct question you dodge it.

The bolded? Frequently it's :disbelief:
zoom, you are not going to get a check list from me on comparison and contrast between Redfish and me.

Do your own reading, come to your own conclusion.

But ACA issue alone is enough to demonstrate the reactionary far right is wrong on using defunding the government as an option. The GOP can't win it in the House and Senate, and even if it did, the Dems would take the House next year because of it.


Who was asking for a checklist? Redfish pointed out fiscal conservative things and you call him a reactionary .... yet you claim to be fiscal conservative. I'd have thought you would have agreed with at least some of what he posted ... especially the sensible fiscal policy part. But instead, and as you have done numerous times in the past, when asked a direct question you dodge it.

The bolded? Frequently it's :disbelief:

The mainstream of the GOP made it quite clear last year that if the far right cost Romney the election, things would change. That began in the first week after election day.

We won't answer your questions anymore, you can yell "dodge" all you want, because discussing these matters with the reactionaries is over. They brought it on themselves.

We will, with or without you, not support defunding ACA.

We will, with or without you, reach out to women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We will, with or without you, limit the argumentation on same sex and abortion issues.

The reactionaries can join with the overwhelming majority of the party or leave. If they yell or try to obstruct, the party will simply ignore the reactionaries.
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CBO: Obamacare Will Spend More, Tax More, and Reduce the Deficit Less Than We Previously Thought - Forbes

"In 2010, the CBO estimated that Obamacare’s spending on new programs would amount to $929 billion from 2013-2019, and a ten-year cost of $944 billion. Those figures increased to $956 billion and $1,442 billion respectively in 2011, and $1,053 billion and $1,856 billion in 2012."

Pretty easy stuff to find really.

Check your figures. The point you are missing is that the reduction in deficit is implicit in the title.

You are simply looking at yourself in the mirror when you spout such nonsense.

The propaganda is all reactionary right and it is certainly all wrong.

Is projections for Obamacare going up or down Jake?

The projections are all over the place. Will there still be a reduction in the deficit, Avory?

He's for smaller federal govt; lower taxes; less govt intrusion into our lives; sensible foreign policy; sensible fiscal policy ... and you call that "failed political reactionary"??

They sound like just like things you would be for, Jake.


jake is not what he claims to be---ignore him

You are not mainstream GOP, and that is your loss, not ours. The far right reactionaries will no longer have significant influence who is on the national ticket.

You are mainstream GOP I will give you that. But it pretty much means you're a liberal with a tag on your name like the pussies I tend to call the McCains. You aren't conservative in any way, you aren't the mainstream. All you are is the road block of the democrat party that serves their purposes by blocking ours.
CBO: Obamacare Will Spend More, Tax More, and Reduce the Deficit Less Than We Previously Thought - Forbes

"In 2010, the CBO estimated that Obamacare’s spending on new programs would amount to $929 billion from 2013-2019, and a ten-year cost of $944 billion. Those figures increased to $956 billion and $1,442 billion respectively in 2011, and $1,053 billion and $1,856 billion in 2012."

Pretty easy stuff to find really.

Check your figures. The point you are missing is that the reduction in deficit is implicit in the title.

jake is not what he claims to be---ignore him

You are not mainstream GOP, and that is your loss, not ours. The far right reactionaries will no longer have significant influence who is on the national ticket.

You are mainstream GOP I will give you that. But it pretty much means you're a liberal with a tag on your name like the pussies I tend to call the McCains. You aren't conservative in any way, you aren't the mainstream. All you are is the road block of the democrat party that serves their purposes by blocking ours.

The mainstream GOP no longer cares what the reactionaries think. We are not TPM, we are not reactionaries, we are the future of America. You are not.
The last time the GOP shut down the government there was a serious public backlash, and, if I recall correctly, Newt ended up out of work.

Go head and shut it down, and see what happens....
The last time the GOP shut down the government there was a serious public backlash, and, if I recall correctly, Newt ended up out of work.

Go head and shut it down, and see what happens....

Yet obviously, they're worried about the backlash if they don't. Our if they don't at least do something to stop your descent into corporatism.

The biggest problem Republicans have is their lack of credibility. They talk up limited government when they can't do anything about it, but sing a different tune when they're in power. People won't take them seriously again until they prove they mean it.
The mainstream of the GOP made it quite clear last year that if the far right cost Romney the election, things would change. That began in the first week after election day.
The right didn't show up for your democrat light candidate, why would they bother doing so? There was no clear choice to be made in 2008 or 2012. It was obie or a very insignificant version of less obie. The change you want is pretty much become more progressive and democrat.

We won't answer your questions anymore, you can yell "dodge" all you want, because discussing these matters with the reactionaries is over. They brought it on themselves.
You seem infatuated with the term reactionaries. Like people that react to government over reach but you want them to STFU and go along with the program.

We will, with or without you, not support defunding ACA.
So your stance as a self claimed conservative is pretty much f*ck it we are actually for the government take over of everyone's healthcare in the most destructive and intrusive manner possible.

We will, with or without you, reach out to women, Hispanics, and other minorities.
By reach out I'm sure you are saying that you will be pro-abortion, support making abortions tax payer subsidized, giving illegal Hispanics amnesty and promising the blacks, unemployed and the pretty much lazy more government funding.

We will, with or without you, limit the argumentation on same sex and abortion issues.
So in other words you will fully adopt the far left position and the rest of us should be happy about it. Because some day we could actually end up with a president that not only thinks, reacts and legislates like obie the only difference would be if we just move far enough left we can have this piece of sh*t president with an R next to his name! Same policies, same results but hell you as a self proclaimed insider can out f*cking progressive the progressives! Maybe we should just make the republicans go full f*cking communist! Promise everyone everything and there really wouldn't be any need for the dems at that point.

The reactionaries can join with the overwhelming majority of the party or leave. If they yell or try to obstruct, the party will simply ignore the reactionaries.
You don't need to ignore us. You are the democrats. You are Nancy f*cking Pelosi and Barry Sottero all wrapped up in thinking somehow you beat them by joining them. There is no difference between you and the dems, none at all. You would just prefer we don't make waves and shut up and sit down and vote for the progressive agenda.

You are a prime example of why we are having this battle in the republican party today. First of all you don't have a conservative bone in your body but have the balls to tell the rest of us to shut up and go along with the progressives. And you think you represent the conservatives.

Just be honest and join the other side. You're already there, you have surrendered. Stop pretending you even stand for anything you keep talking about when you clearly don't.
AZMike exemplifies some minor problems in the party. He claims to be conservative but is a mere reactionary and babbles as much as Obama ever did. We the mainstream are telling the reactionaries to go along with the program or start their own party. You can’t have ours, Mike, because we are not going back to the 19th century.

We are not going to argue with you, Mike. All of that is over. End of story.
once more dems--------congress can fund every operation of the government EXCEPT obamacare. There will be no shut down unless obama and the dems shut it down.
The defunding won't happen because the mainstream GOP will not permit the reactionaries to dictate to the party anymore.
I have you on ignore, snake. If you want to be removed from ignore, PM me and tell me who and what you really are. Stop the lies, tell the truth.
Redfish no more has me on Ignore than the Man in the Moon is a reactionary.

We will not have libertarian wannabees like Redfish dictating to the mainstream what will be GOP principles and programs.

Those days are over.

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