GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

again, you notice what has the lefts panities in a bunch...IT'S NOT the debt we are putting on our children, grandchildren, great children...

it's about funding sad is that
zoom, you are not going to get a check list from me on comparison and contrast between Redfish and me.

Do your own reading, come to your own conclusion.

But ACA issue alone is enough to demonstrate the reactionary far right is wrong on using defunding the government as an option. The GOP can't win it in the House and Senate, and even if it did, the Dems would take the House next year because of it.


Who was asking for a checklist? Redfish pointed out fiscal conservative things and you call him a reactionary .... yet you claim to be fiscal conservative. I'd have thought you would have agreed with at least some of what he posted ... especially the sensible fiscal policy part. But instead, and as you have done numerous times in the past, when asked a direct question you dodge it.

The bolded? Frequently it's :disbelief:

The mainstream of the GOP made it quite clear last year that if the far right cost Romney the election, things would change. That began in the first week after election day.

We won't answer your questions anymore, you can yell "dodge" all you want, because discussing these matters with the reactionaries is over. They brought it on themselves.

We will, with or without you, not support defunding ACA.

We will, with or without you, reach out to women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

We will, with or without you, limit the argumentation on same sex and abortion issues.

The reactionaries can join with the overwhelming majority of the party or leave. If they yell or try to obstruct, the party will simply ignore the reactionaries.

"We"? I was asking you, Jake, why, when you call yourself a fiscal conservative and Redfish listed fiscally conservatives things, you disagreed with him and called him a reactionary. Well?? Try answering the questions I actually ask instead of the ones you think I ask. But after encountering this before from you, I won't be holding my breath. You will ignore me or give another non-answer.

Once again it is noted that you say one thing then, when asked for a bit of clarification, you duck and dodge. And you wonder why people continue to question your political pov. You bring it on yourself.

No, only 8% of you will go, and that is good riddance for the rest of the GOP.

Mainstream Republicans are willing to replace you with minorities and women and Hispanics who respond to our reach out programs.

where were you in 2010.....? that new groundswell of conservatives has not yet stopped....and notice how many stayed home when a milquetoast republican was put up in 2012....

the R party is changing and it is going to become more fact 54% want a more conservative party....only 41% choose moderation...

Republicans want their party to change, by becoming more conservative

Nope, it will not. That groundswell fell apart in 2012.

Conservative does not mean reactionary. You are not conservative, and the mainstream does not want the far right as the banner men of the movement.

If we fight over ACA, we will lose the elections next year, and then the Dems will ram through single payer. Once that's done, we can never go back.

They will do this at some point, regardless. Everyone knows that. It's the endgame.
AZMike exemplifies some minor problems in the party. He claims to be conservative but is a mere reactionary and babbles as much as Obama ever did. We the mainstream are telling the reactionaries to go along with the program or start their own party. You can’t have ours, Mike, because we are not going back to the 19th century.

We are not going to argue with you, Mike. All of that is over. End of story.

So do you. But what you post and who you support say otherwise.

Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts.
"We"? I was asking you, Jake, why, when you call yourself a fiscal conservative and Redfish listed fiscally conservatives things, you disagreed with him and called him a reactionary.

As I told you, your questions have been answered sufficiently to my standards.

I am not concerned with whether you agree.
Predictable Jake is predictable.

"We"? I was asking you, Jake, why, when you call yourself a fiscal conservative and Redfish listed fiscally conservatives things, you disagreed with him and called him a reactionary. Well?? Try answering the questions I actually ask instead of the ones you think I ask. But after encountering this before from you, I won't be holding my breath. You will ignore me or give another non-answer.

Once again it is noted that you say one thing then, when asked for a bit of clarification, you duck and dodge. And you wonder why people continue to question your political pov. You bring it on yourself.


As I told you, your questions have been answered sufficiently to my standards.

I am not concerned with whether you agree.

Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts.

You are right: reactionary talk is cheap.

The mainstream GOP is going to do what it is going to do, and some reactionaries will not be happy.

Oh, well.
And Zoom is what Zoom is.

Reactionary political doctrine is no longer viable in the party. Tis what tis.
What? I defined what your call is for: a reactionary America of the 1890s. That worl is gone forever, Redfish.

I have said repeatedly I voted for Romney, and I worked very hard for him in my region and state. He was the best of a lousy set of candidates.

I supported Afghanistan, opposed Iraq. Neo-conservatism (modern American imperialism) never has served America’s long-term interests.

The social programs need reform. The items of food need to exclude candy, steak, soda pop, chip, and so forth along with the tobacco and booze: those are not a right. The physically fit should be mandated to give ten hours a week to the city or the county in return for assistance. Those who aren't but can assist should be found adaptive work. Those who can't get off drugs should be forced to give up parental rights. And, phased in, no benefits for children out of wedlock.

I opposed the drug prescriptions program for seniors and No Child Left Behind as incredibly costly programs in both cases and an unwarranted intrusion into education that was best left in the hands of the school boards and the state education agencies.

I support the 2d Amendment's guarantee that I may own and bear arms.

I believe that abortion best be limited to cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother.

I oppose absolute abortion, I oppose neo-conservative imperialism, I oppose birtherism, I oppose trutherism, I oppose Tentherism, and I oppose any suggestion that we are individuals only and not a part of a social compact. I oppose reactionary hatred.

I am a mainstream Republican and have been since the day I went to school with Jack (John) Ford, the president's son. I have served the party honorably since I was my state's GOP Young Republican Chair so many years ago and all through the following decades in many posts. I will continue opposing the reactionaries as I serve the best interests of the Republican Party.

^ I agree with (nearly) everything. Yet Jake calls me a reactionary. :lol: He is what he appears to be.

And Zoom is what Zoom is.

Reactionary political doctrine is no longer viable in the party. Tis what tis.
The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.
Predictable Jake is predictable.

Yes he is. But then so are the rest of you who keep playing his game.

I don't know what Jake's genuine political convictions are, or even if he has any. And I don't care. He comes into these threads, drops his drawers and starts playing with himself until the entire thread degenerates into servicing his needy ego.

How about we give it a rest and discuss the topic instead?
  • Thanks
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The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

Can't say I support the Tea Party, but I see no irony in this practice. Their complaint is with politicians giving away tax dollars in exchange for votes. Presumably the pizza and hot dogs were paid for voluntarily by Tea Party supporters. It is ironic, however, that you fail to make that distinction.
Predictable Jake is predictable.

Yes he is. But then so are the rest of you who keep playing his game.

I don't know what Jake's genuine political convictions are, or even if he has any. And I don't care. He comes into these threads, drops his drawers and starts playing with himself until the entire thread degenerates into servicing his needy ego.

How about we give it a rest and discuss the topic instead?

put him on ignore. If enough of us do that he will go away. Do it.
The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

Can't say I support the Tea Party, but I see no irony in this practice. Their complaint is with politicians giving away tax dollars in exchange for votes. Presumably the pizza and hot dogs were paid for voluntarily by Tea Party supporters. It is ironic, however, that you fail to make that distinction.

I do find it odd that a group of people have to give away free stuff in order to attract the attention of people in order to stop lawmakers from giving away free stuff.

Yep. Thought it over and STLL think it is ironic!
The Tea Party is having a big rally today at an outdoor mall in my community. Now, check out this irony! In order to insure that a big crowd is going to be there, they are GIVING AWAY FREE PIZZA AND HOT DOGS AND DRINKS!

Now, if the above irony escapes you, and you support the Tea Party in their efforts to stop funding the democtatic politicitians who "give away free shit in exchange for votes", then I sadly shake my head and confess that there is no hope for you.

Can't say I support the Tea Party, but I see no irony in this practice. Their complaint is with politicians giving away tax dollars in exchange for votes. Presumably the pizza and hot dogs were paid for voluntarily by Tea Party supporters. It is ironic, however, that you fail to make that distinction.

I do find it odd that a group of people have to give away free stuff in order to attract the attention of people in order to stop lawmakers from giving away free stuff.

Yep. Thought it over and STLL think it is ironic!

hmmmm-----obamaphones, govt cheese, food stamps, welfare, forgiving student loans, bailing out the UAW.

are so naive that you think the dems and obozo don't do the same thing but on a much larger scale?
"We"? I was asking you, Jake, why, when you call yourself a fiscal conservative and Redfish listed fiscally conservatives things, you disagreed with him and called him a reactionary.

As I told you, your questions have been answered sufficiently to my standards.

I am not concerned with whether you agree.

Question, just one. And no you didn't.

I don't agree or disagree because you never answered my question.

Balls in your court.

But I already know you will pass.
Predictable Jake is predictable.

Yes he is. But then so are the rest of you who keep playing his game.

I don't know what Jake's genuine political convictions are, or even if he has any. And I don't care. He comes into these threads, drops his drawers and starts playing with himself until the entire thread degenerates into servicing his needy ego.

How about we give it a rest and discuss the topic instead?

True enough.

I usually just read his posts and move on but once in awhile I forget and do the insane .... ask him a question and actually expect a straight answer. And, admittedly, I get caught up in the back and forth. What can I say? Shit happens. :lol:
Can't say I support the Tea Party, but I see no irony in this practice. Their complaint is with politicians giving away tax dollars in exchange for votes. Presumably the pizza and hot dogs were paid for voluntarily by Tea Party supporters. It is ironic, however, that you fail to make that distinction.

I do find it odd that a group of people have to give away free stuff in order to attract the attention of people in order to stop lawmakers from giving away free stuff.

Yep. Thought it over and STLL think it is ironic!

hmmmm-----obamaphones, govt cheese, food stamps, welfare, forgiving student loans, bailing out the UAW.

are so naive that you think the dems and obozo don't do the same thing but on a much larger scale?

Are you so niave as to think that the Tea Party is not doing the same thing? (BTW, my grandmother got government cheese under Ike, and Regan started giving away free phone service. I got a student loan under JFK, and paid it back, like most people do. I got food stamps under Bush, after Katrina, since all the banks were closed for over a month).
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