GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

* Tactic would be alternative to government shutdown threat on Obamacare

* Cantor aide says debt limit could be way to try to force action

* Another leadership aide says there are discussions but no decision yet

By Caren Bohan

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican lawmakers, who staunchly oppose President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, are considering using a fall showdown over the country's borrowing limit as leverage to try to delay the law's implementation.

Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

Soo - let us deny healthcare to millions of Americans - or we'll destroy the world's economy?
I don't really care if you find me credible or not. I believe what I believe and I don't give a shit if you or anyone else agrees. I know what is right and what is wrong, I know what works and what does not work. I have studied history and see that the USA is following the pattern of all of the great civilizations of the past that have failed. Your use of the work reactionary just removes what little credibility you might have. Grow up, lose the stupid insults, and have a mature discussion of what is destroying our great country. Hint------its not "reactionaries"

You are a failed reactionary of the far right, who along with those few who think like you will never have another chance of influence in the party.

You are what you are: a failed political reactionary.

Your immaturity is obvious, so move along.

He's for smaller federal govt; lower taxes; less govt intrusion into our lives; sensible foreign policy; sensible fiscal policy ... and you call that "failed political reactionary"??

They sound like just like things you would be for, Jake.


jake is not what he claims to be---ignore him
Republicans have no intention of coming up with a replacement or substitution or modifications to ACA.

Assistance to Americans in paying the highest Medical care bills in the world - is not on their agenda.

which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world? those on medicaid? nope, those on medicare? nope. those on welfare? nope. those with insurance? nope. those with no insurance who get free treatment at ERs and free clinics? nope.

so tell me drivebyfool, which americans are paying these terribly high medical bills?

Stop the nonsense. Now! We pay the highest bills in the world for terribly inefficient medical care that leaves us with lower longevity and higher pain levels.

Redfish, our "free market" system has failed except to enrich business and their political allies.

What do you suggest?

Who? which americans are paying these huge medical bills? who are they? not people on medicaid, medicare, welfare, those with insurance, those without insurance.

who? which americans are paying these terrible medical bills? who? name them by group.
"...which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world?"

This is the mentality the GOP has to contend with - America certainly doesn't have to - thank god !

Republicans have no intention of coming up with a replacement or substitution or modifications to ACA.

Assistance to Americans in paying the highest Medical care bills in the world - is not on their agenda.

which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world? those on medicaid? nope, those on medicare? nope. those on welfare? nope. those with insurance? nope. those with no insurance who get free treatment at ERs and free clinics? nope.

so tell me drivebyfool, which americans are paying these terribly high medical bills?

Stop the nonsense. Now! We pay the highest bills in the world for terribly inefficient medical care that leaves us with lower longevity and higher pain levels.

Redfish, our "free market" system has failed except to enrich business and their political allies.

What do you suggest?

Have health insurance be portable and no longer tied to employment, low-premiums with high deductible catastrophic coverage; stop having insurance pay for the small stuff, make physicians compete with each other for patients to keep costs down, have people more invested in how much it actually costs. Look at Lasik surgery, plastic surgery. Those costs have not skyrocketed the way other medical (covered by insurance) costs have.
A few things to consider:

1) The FDIC's funds are almost exclusively invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

2) Without the FDIC, your bank deposits are not insured against the bank losing them.

3) Further, a substantial portion of bank deposits themselves are invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

4) You can stomp your feet and jump and down and proclaim from the highest mountains that not raising the debt ceiling will not cause Treasuries to fall precipitously in value, but in the end it is the market that will make that decision, and the market can be very cruel and unkind.
A few things to consider:

1) The FDIC's funds are almost exclusively invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

2) Without the FDIC, your bank deposits are not insured against the bank losing them.

3) Further, a substantial portion of bank deposits themselves are invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

4) You can stomp your feet and jump and down and proclaim from the highest mountains that not raising the debt ceiling will not cause Treasuries to fall precipitously in value, but in the end it is the market that will make that decision, and the market can be very cruel and unkind.

The debt ceiling will be raised, again ... and again, and again, and again.
A few things to consider:

1) The FDIC's funds are almost exclusively invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

2) Without the FDIC, your bank deposits are not insured against the bank losing them.

3) Further, a substantial portion of bank deposits themselves are invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

4) You can stomp your feet and jump and down and proclaim from the highest mountains that not raising the debt ceiling will not cause Treasuries to fall precipitously in value, but in the end it is the market that will make that decision, and the market can be very cruel and unkind.

The debt ceiling will be raised, again ... and again, and again, and again.

If we keep deficit spending it needs to be. Else wise you can kiss your savings goodbye.
The debt ceiling will be raised, again ... and again, and again, and again

Because Republicans vote Government expenses be paid on Bush's 2009 Budget again ... and again, and again, and again - on Continuing Resolution.

Because they won't approve an Obama budget.

They have shown again and again, they will renege on the debt they approved again and again .... even enticing the absurdly corrupt S & P to lower the rating on U.S. Treasuries

But saner heads than the tea party agree: we approved the expense, we must pay for it.

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"...which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world?"

This is the mentality the GOP has to contend with - America certainly doesn't have to - thank god !


answer the damn question. You claimed that americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world. Which americans? who by group is paying these huge medical bills.?

I gave you a list of americans that are not paying huge medical bills, now you tell us who is paying these huge bills.

Obamacare is a solution in search of a problem---there was, and is, no healthcare crisis in the USA. We have the best medical system in the world.

obamacare is just a socialist trick to gain control of more of the economy. Hitler did it, so did Castro and Mao.
I don't really care if you find me credible or not. I believe what I believe and I don't give a shit if you or anyone else agrees. I know what is right and what is wrong, I know what works and what does not work. I have studied history and see that the USA is following the pattern of all of the great civilizations of the past that have failed. Your use of the work reactionary just removes what little credibility you might have. Grow up, lose the stupid insults, and have a mature discussion of what is destroying our great country. Hint------its not "reactionaries"

You are a failed reactionary of the far right, who along with those few who think like you will never have another chance of influence in the party.

You are what you are: a failed political reactionary.

Your immaturity is obvious, so move along.

fuck you--------you are a juvenile idiot. I tried to have a civil discussion with you and you come up with this ^^^crap.

I am done with you.

I have been civil with you. Telling you are in error and out of step is not rude. But your language and behavior here are just that.

The mainstream GOP is done with the far right reactionaries. All we want is your votes, not your policies. Form your own party if you don't like it, because you will not have the GOP.
You are a failed reactionary of the far right, who along with those few who think like you will never have another chance of influence in the party.

You are what you are: a failed political reactionary.

Your immaturity is obvious, so move along.

He's for smaller federal govt; lower taxes; less govt intrusion into our lives; sensible foreign policy; sensible fiscal policy ... and you call that "failed political reactionary"??

They sound like just like things you would be for, Jake.


jake is not what he claims to be---ignore him

You are not mainstream GOP, and that is your loss, not ours. The far right reactionaries will no longer have significant influence who is on the national ticket.
A few things to consider:

1) The FDIC's funds are almost exclusively invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

2) Without the FDIC, your bank deposits are not insured against the bank losing them.

3) Further, a substantial portion of bank deposits themselves are invested in debt securities of the U.S. Treasury.

4) You can stomp your feet and jump and down and proclaim from the highest mountains that not raising the debt ceiling will not cause Treasuries to fall precipitously in value, but in the end it is the market that will make that decision, and the market can be very cruel and unkind.

The debt ceiling will be raised, again ... and again, and again, and again.

If we keep deficit spending it needs to be. Else wise you can kiss your savings goodbye.

If that is what it takes to save the country from financial ruin (Detroit) then so be it. We cannot continue to spend more than we collect. Sooner or later the piper has to be paid.
which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world? those on medicaid? nope, those on medicare? nope. those on welfare? nope. those with insurance? nope. those with no insurance who get free treatment at ERs and free clinics? nope.

so tell me drivebyfool, which americans are paying these terribly high medical bills?

Stop the nonsense. Now! We pay the highest bills in the world for terribly inefficient medical care that leaves us with lower longevity and higher pain levels.

Redfish, our "free market" system has failed except to enrich business and their political allies.

What do you suggest?

Who? which americans are paying these huge medical bills? who are they? not people on medicaid, medicare, welfare, those with insurance, those without insurance.

who? which americans are paying these terrible medical bills? who? name them by group.

Now you are doing the Saul Alinksy nonsense for the reactionary right: cry and deny.

Our system from 1990 to 2008 made insurance industries rich, while our national health has suffered in comparison, as you well know, with the rest of the western industrialized nations at much higher costs.

ACA as a battle cry is over for the mainstream GOP.

Walk away.
which americans are paying the highest medical bills in the world? those on medicaid? nope, those on medicare? nope. those on welfare? nope. those with insurance? nope. those with no insurance who get free treatment at ERs and free clinics? nope.

so tell me drivebyfool, which americans are paying these terribly high medical bills?

Stop the nonsense. Now! We pay the highest bills in the world for terribly inefficient medical care that leaves us with lower longevity and higher pain levels.

Redfish, our "free market" system has failed except to enrich business and their political allies.

What do you suggest?

Have health insurance be portable and no longer tied to employment, low-premiums with high deductible catastrophic coverage; stop having insurance pay for the small stuff, make physicians compete with each other for patients to keep costs down, have people more invested in how much it actually costs. Look at Lasik surgery, plastic surgery. Those costs have not skyrocketed the way other medical (covered by insurance) costs have.

That is exactly what we the GOP should have offered since 1990 but caved in to the insurance industries. I don't think we can carry the country on such a platform but I am willing to try.
You are a failed reactionary of the far right, who along with those few who think like you will never have another chance of influence in the party.

You are what you are: a failed political reactionary.

Your immaturity is obvious, so move along.

fuck you--------you are a juvenile idiot. I tried to have a civil discussion with you and you come up with this ^^^crap.

I am done with you.

I have been civil with you. Telling you are in error and out of step is not rude. But your language and behavior here are just that.

The mainstream GOP is done with the far right reactionaries. All we want is your votes, not your policies. Form your own party if you don't like it, because you will not have the GOP.

sorry my little friend, but you started the insults, when that starts I will always end it.

what you call the mainstream GOP is nothing but democrat-lite i.e. McCain, Graham, and McConnell. You can have them, let them become democrats. We don't need them.

We must stand by constitutional principles no matter what the price, thats what the founders did and the created they best nation in the history of the world. We can either let it crumble into socialist ruin, or we can take it back, the time is now.
fuck you--------you are a juvenile idiot. I tried to have a civil discussion with you and you come up with this ^^^crap.

I am done with you.

I have been civil with you. Telling you are in error and out of step is not rude. But your language and behavior here are just that.

The mainstream GOP is done with the far right reactionaries. All we want is your votes, not your policies. Form your own party if you don't like it, because you will not have the GOP.

sorry my little friend, but you started the insults, when that starts I will always end it.

what you call the mainstream GOP is nothing but democrat-lite i.e. McCain, Graham, and McConnell. You can have them, let them become democrats. We don't need them.

We must stand by constitutional principles no matter what the price, thats what the founders did and the created they best nation in the history of the world. We can either let it crumble into socialist ruin, or we can take it back, the time is now.

Typical Joe McCarthy denial from you, Redfish. Be polite, and I will be also. Unless you think that you being a reactionary is an insult; however, it is what you are.

You shout all you want, Redfish, but the reactionaries' days are done.
Stop the nonsense. Now! We pay the highest bills in the world for terribly inefficient medical care that leaves us with lower longevity and higher pain levels.

Redfish, our "free market" system has failed except to enrich business and their political allies.

What do you suggest?

Who? which americans are paying these huge medical bills? who are they? not people on medicaid, medicare, welfare, those with insurance, those without insurance.

who? which americans are paying these terrible medical bills? who? name them by group.

Now you are doing the Saul Alinksy nonsense for the reactionary right: cry and deny.

Our system from 1990 to 2008 made insurance industries rich, while our national health has suffered in comparison, as you well know, with the rest of the western industrialized nations at much higher costs.

ACA as a battle cry is over for the mainstream GOP.

Walk away.

insurance companies average 5% profits, oil companies average 8%, big pharma averages 20%, the defence industry averages 7%, software companies average 25%.

sorry, but insurance companies are not raping the taxpayers.

Instead of obamacare, it would have been cheaper for the govt to just buy a medical insurance policy for every uninsured american, and leave the rest of us alone.

it is stupidity to destroy the system for 98% in order to help the 2%---but thats exactly what obamacare does. Its lunacy.
Your percentages are wrong, Redfish, but I am sure you know it.

Yes, we could have done that, but the GOP idiots on the far reactionary right and the neo-econs were in the pockets of the insurance company. That is what the elections of 2008 and 2012 were all about but we can't go back now.

No, the system will not be destroyed.

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