GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

But it's not really deficts that bother the opponents. If fines on employers prove to be insufficient (and I think they will because of the part time thing), fines can be adjusted. If medicaid gains more market share than expected (and I think it will) revenue can be raised from providers who gain patients.

Rather, the real objection is simply the belief that govt has no place in the HC marketplace, and that belief is not shared by any 21st economy. If you want Nigeria's HC system, it is achievable.

there was no healthcare crisis in the USA that required a government take over of 1/6 of the economy. No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare.

Yes, there were some cost issues that needed to be addressed, and the preexisting conditions and lifetime maximums in insurance policies were wrong.

But allowing 26 year old adults to remain on their parents insurance, forcing employers to put workers on part time, fining citizens for not buying something--------all very wrong.

Well, rising costs is a crisis, and costs have declined since Obamacare passed, and passed the Sup Ct. Again, as Jake said, this isn't the approach I wanted, but the Gop had nearly a decade to do something ... and did nothing besides pass the medicare drug law that intentionally exacerbated the cost problems.

So, again, the RW's opposition has little to do with deficits. It's ideological and about govt not having a role. And, you lost on that. And, if you run on it again, you will lose again.

Costs have not gone down, premiums have gone up for everyone, doubled for some. Hospital costs are not down, drug prices are not down, doc visits are not down.

tell us what medical costs have gone down.

The real problem is that people now think that their health insurance should pay for ALL of their medical needs, from routine doc visits to a bottle of advil. That kind of thinking will get us a system like the UK, where people wait months for minor surgeries and are denied major operations based on their age. Do you really want that here?
and lets talk about the GOP having an input to the healtcare debate. obamacare was passed by dems only, it was written by dems only in a locked room, no GOP amendments were allowed on the floor for debate or vote, no GOP discussion of alternatives was allowed. The dems controlled both houses. The ACA belongs to them and them alone. The GOP did not remove the public option, the dems did.

This mess belongs exclusively to the obama and the democrats. Except the dems who passed it have exempted themselves from it-----------WTF? does that bother you lefties at all?
GOP had from 1994 to 2006 to pass health care reform.

The party passed.

Fuck em in the party who are crying now.
there was no healthcare crisis in the USA that required a government take over of 1/6 of the economy. No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare.

Yes, there were some cost issues that needed to be addressed, and the preexisting conditions and lifetime maximums in insurance policies were wrong.

But allowing 26 year old adults to remain on their parents insurance, forcing employers to put workers on part time, fining citizens for not buying something--------all very wrong.

Well, rising costs is a crisis, and costs have declined since Obamacare passed, and passed the Sup Ct. Again, as Jake said, this isn't the approach I wanted, but the Gop had nearly a decade to do something ... and did nothing besides pass the medicare drug law that intentionally exacerbated the cost problems.

So, again, the RW's opposition has little to do with deficits. It's ideological and about govt not having a role. And, you lost on that. And, if you run on it again, you will lose again.

Costs have not gone down, premiums have gone up for everyone, doubled for some. Hospital costs are not down, drug prices are not down, doc visits are not down.

tell us what medical costs have gone down.

The real problem is that people now think that their health insurance should pay for ALL of their medical needs, from routine doc visits to a bottle of advil. That kind of thinking will get us a system like the UK, where people wait months for minor surgeries and are denied major operations based on their age. Do you really want that here?

People who can afford it in the UK can buy supplemental policies. Most do. The universal care there is meant to be a safety net for those who otherwise would have nothing to fall back on.
Everyone who is anyone reads my stuff, Redfish.

You got your ego thumped hard and are still whining. :lol:
Well, rising costs is a crisis, and costs have declined since Obamacare passed, and passed the Sup Ct. Again, as Jake said, this isn't the approach I wanted, but the Gop had nearly a decade to do something ... and did nothing besides pass the medicare drug law that intentionally exacerbated the cost problems.

So, again, the RW's opposition has little to do with deficits. It's ideological and about govt not having a role. And, you lost on that. And, if you run on it again, you will lose again.

Costs have not gone down, premiums have gone up for everyone, doubled for some. Hospital costs are not down, drug prices are not down, doc visits are not down.

tell us what medical costs have gone down.

The real problem is that people now think that their health insurance should pay for ALL of their medical needs, from routine doc visits to a bottle of advil. That kind of thinking will get us a system like the UK, where people wait months for minor surgeries and are denied major operations based on their age. Do you really want that here?

People who can afford it in the UK can buy supplemental policies. Most do. The universal care there is meant to be a safty net for those who otherwise would have nothing to fall back on.

Aha, finally a lib who tells the truth. Right, the rich will be able to buy supplements and join medical co-ops. Congress and the admin are exempt, they have great policies paid for by us.

the lower and middle classes are the ones getting screwed by obozocare.
there was no healthcare crisis in the USA that required a government take over of 1/6 of the economy. No one in the USA was being denied healthcare before obamacare.

Yes, there were some cost issues that needed to be addressed, and the preexisting conditions and lifetime maximums in insurance policies were wrong.

But allowing 26 year old adults to remain on their parents insurance, forcing employers to put workers on part time, fining citizens for not buying something--------all very wrong.

Well, rising costs is a crisis, and costs have declined since Obamacare passed, and passed the Sup Ct. Again, as Jake said, this isn't the approach I wanted, but the Gop had nearly a decade to do something ... and did nothing besides pass the medicare drug law that intentionally exacerbated the cost problems.

So, again, the RW's opposition has little to do with deficits. It's ideological and about govt not having a role. And, you lost on that. And, if you run on it again, you will lose again.

Costs have not gone down, premiums have gone up for everyone, doubled for some. Hospital costs are not down, drug prices are not down, doc visits are not down.

tell us what medical costs have gone down.

The real problem is that people now think that their health insurance should pay for ALL of their medical needs, from routine doc visits to a bottle of advil. That kind of thinking will get us a system like the UK, where people wait months for minor surgeries and are denied major operations based on their age. Do you really want that here?

you are parsingly correct. The rate of medical inflation dropped. Personally, I question the cause effect of obamacare. But, without any doubt, Obama care will result in docs providers making less per treatment. But, again, the main point, my parsing friend, is that the gop had years to address rising costs, and the only thing they did was intentioally exacerbate them.
"Aha, finally a lib who tells the truth. Right, the rich will be able to buy supplements and join medical co-ops. Congress and the admin are exempt, they have great policies paid for by us.

the lower and middle classes are the ones getting screwed by obozocare."

Giving uninsurable lower economic class individuals subsidized, guaranteed issue insurance is bad for them....IN WHAT WAY?
Insurance under ACA is a godsend to the lower classes.

Those who deny this fact are either mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated, or all three.
"Aha, finally a lib who tells the truth. Right, the rich will be able to buy supplements and join medical co-ops. Congress and the admin are exempt, they have great policies paid for by us.

the lower and middle classes are the ones getting screwed by obozocare."

Giving uninsurable lower economic class individuals subsidized, guaranteed issue insurance is bad for them....IN WHAT WAY?

the 4 or 5 million americans who did not have insurance, medicare, or medicaid were not being refused treatment before obamacare. They were being treated and we were paying for it. That will not change under obamacare. The only difference is that we taxpayers will have to pay for a new govt beaurocracy and thousands of IRS agents who will be processing our claims and making sure we pay our tax penalties.

Nothing will change, except that the govt will now control medicine in the USA. If you think thats a good thing, I have some swampland that I can sell you for your beach condo.
Redfish refuses to recognize they were undertreated or not treated.

His lying does not help his cause.
and lets talk about the GOP having an input to the healtcare debate.

The GOP did have input. From the very beginning in fact. The conservative Heritage Foundation was the first to propose it: How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes. And here's Republican Mitt Romney suggesting President Obama to adopt the individual mandate: - as opposed to the President's plan of the "public option" The President then abandoned the plan he campaigned on in favor of the plan proposed by Republicans and signed into law by a Republican governor. That wasn't good enough for the Republicans though, because Obama endorsed it - and the only Republican principle that has not yet been abandoned by neo-conservatives and teabagger morons is the principle that you always oppose Obama, no matter what, even when he favor's proposals by your own party.
The GOP dominated input from 1994 to 2006 and have had the right to input since then.

It does not have the right to veto what the electorate has mandated.
Nothing will change, except that the govt will now control medicine in the USA. If you think thats a good thing, I have some swampland that I can sell you for your beach condo.

Obviously, they do believe that. Witness the cheering for corporatism.
For oop poo and the other left wing idiots-----------not one republcan has suggested defaulting on our debt....

Failing to raise the debt ceiling when required will do exactly that in short order.

Not unless they refuse to cut spending. The debt limit laws were written for a reason. Ignoring them was meant to be the exception, not the rule.
"Aha, finally a lib who tells the truth. Right, the rich will be able to buy supplements and join medical co-ops. Congress and the admin are exempt, they have great policies paid for by us.

the lower and middle classes are the ones getting screwed by obozocare."

Giving uninsurable lower economic class individuals subsidized, guaranteed issue insurance is bad for them....IN WHAT WAY?

the 4 or 5 million americans who did not have insurance, medicare, or medicaid were not being refused treatment before obamacare. They were being treated and we were paying for it. That will not change under obamacare. The only difference is that we taxpayers will have to pay for a new govt beaurocracy and thousands of IRS agents who will be processing our claims and making sure we pay our tax penalties.

Nothing will change, except that the govt will now control medicine in the USA. If you think thats a good thing, I have some swampland that I can sell you for your beach condo.


Emergerncy rooms are required to stabilize you if you are at risk of life or limb. Nobody is giving away a heart bypass operation, radiation treatment for cancer, or anything other than a stabilizing treatment, for free. If you have no insurance you must pay for this in cash, up front. PLEASE look in to the facts, instead of getting info from AM radio.
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