GOP Mega-Donor Charles Koch Says He Regrets His Decades Of Political Partisanship


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
GOP Mega-Donor Charles Koch Says He Regrets His Decades Of Political Partisanship

Isn’t that precious‭? ‬Chucky regrets his over half-century of financing the fear and hate-mongering by the Republican Party to gain the political support of the racist and bigoted white,‭ ‬working-class conservatives across the nation.

Rational Americans wonder,‭ ‬what happened to cause this sudden epiphany in good old Chucky‭? ‬Did he just notice the decades of white supremacists‭’ ‬violence against African-Americans in the former Confederacy‭? ‬The cross-burnings‭? ‬The lynchings‭? ‬The murders committed‭ “‬legally‭” ‬by white supremacist cops‭? ‬Or is it something else‭?

Living so far out-of-touch with the everyday lives of hundreds-of-millions of average Americans,‭ ‬did you just become aware of the many years of mass shootings in our public schools by heavily-armed psychopaths who kill our children‭? ‬Did that rattle your cage sufficiently to make you realize it’s the Republican Party you handed tens-of-million of dollars in political contributions that have steadfastly refused to implement even minimal restrictions to gun ownership to deter these mass murderers‭?

Could it be,‭ ‬that from your cloistered environment,‭ ‬you might have become cognizant of the hundreds-of-thousands of men,‭ ‬women,‭ ‬and children living homeless in the streets of this nation‭? ‬Most of whom,‭ ‬despite the RWNJs‭’ ‬constant assertions,‭ ‬did NOT choose this way of life‭?

Is it possible your legal teams siphoned so much of that‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion contained in the COVID-19‭ ‬legislation into your coffers,‭ ‬you forgot about the small.‭ ‬mom-and-pop businesses that really needed some of that money to survive‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬you and late brother Dave cannot have been so stupid that you never realized the Republicans‭’ ‬political tactics of sowing hatred and divisiveness were tearing the country apart.‭ ‬During your buddy,‭ ‬donny trump’s presidential campaign,‭ ‬you didn’t notice anything about his political style that was a bit...‭ ‬askew‭? ‬Also,‭ ‬given that his hate-speech so often openly encouraged his devoted fanatics to commit violence,‭ ‬is your family’s grasp on twentieth century history so weak you failed to notice how much the rhetoric mirrored Adolf Hitler’s first years as der Führer‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬all those decades you and late brother Dave shoveled cash into conservative causes and the campaigns‭ (‬and the pockets‭) ‬of Republican candidates,‭ ‬were you so blinded by your own greed you could not see how the numbers of working class families struggling financially in this country were skyrocketing‭? ‬The news was all over the papers,‭ ‬did you and late brother Dave only read the financial sections‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬your expression of regret is much too late,‭ ‬and your claim of turning your‭ “‬attention to issues like poverty,‭ ‬addiction,‭ ‬gang violence,‭ ‬homelessness and recidivism‭”‬,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬progressives will believe that when they see it.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬attention to climate change is conspicuously absent from your list of new‭ “‬causes‭”‬.‭ ‬Could that be due to your financial interests in fossil fuels‭?

It would appear your newly acquired‭ “‬activism‭” ‬is limited to causes that don’t dip into your corporate profits.‭ ‬That seems a bit hypocritical for an eighty-five-year-old billionaire who‭ “‬regrets‭” ‬his political partisanship,‭ ‬don‭’‬cha think‭?

The Kochs are/were open-borders libertarians.....They opposed "mainstream" republicans nearly as often as they supported them.

Even at that, they have been more in touch with the lives of everyday Murcans. than the bi-costal elitist snobs whose jackboots you lick.
The Kochs are/were open-borders libertarians.....They opposed "mainstream" republicans nearly as often as they supported them.

Even at that, they have been more in touch with the lives of everyday Murcans. than the bi-costal elitist snobs whose jackboots you lick.

Yet another wag who thinks history is some kind of disease.

Actually the Koch brothers' father, also named Fred, started all this hyperpartisan hackery shit when he was a big wheel in the John Birch Society, which mission consisted of publicly collectively wetting its pants about "commies"
--- in spite of the fact that Fred got rich by building Stalin's oil infrastructure. I guess maybe rank hypocrisy is hard to see when it's right in front of one's face.

But I digress. Tell us more about Kocksucking "in touch". Science fiction time. :coffee:
The Kochs are/were open-borders libertarians.....They opposed "mainstream" republicans nearly as often as they supported them.

Even at that, they have been more in touch with the lives of everyday Murcans. than the bi-costal elitist snobs whose jackboots you lick.

Yet another wag who thinks history is some kind of disease.

Actually the Koch brothers' father, also named Fred, started all this hyperpartisan hackery shit when he was a big wheel in the John Birch Society, which mission consisted of publicly collectively wetting its pants about "commies"
--- in spite of the fact that Fred got rich by building Stalin's oil infrastructure. I guess maybe rank hypocrisy is hard to see when it's right in front of one's face.
And this changes the ideology followed and the actions taken by the sons how?
GOP Mega-Donor Charles Koch Says He Regrets His Decades Of Political Partisanship

Isn’t that precious‭? ‬Chucky regrets his over half-century of financing the fear and hate-mongering by the Republican Party to gain the political support of the racist and bigoted white,‭ ‬working-class conservatives across the nation.

Rational Americans wonder,‭ ‬what happened to cause this sudden epiphany in good old Chucky‭? ‬Did he just notice the decades of white supremacists‭’ ‬violence against African-Americans in the former Confederacy‭? ‬The cross-burnings‭? ‬The lynchings‭? ‬The murders committed‭ “‬legally‭” ‬by white supremacist cops‭? ‬Or is it something else‭?

Living so far out-of-touch with the everyday lives of hundreds-of-millions of average Americans,‭ ‬did you just become aware of the many years of mass shootings in our public schools by heavily-armed psychopaths who kill our children‭? ‬Did that rattle your cage sufficiently to make you realize it’s the Republican Party you handed tens-of-million of dollars in political contributions that have steadfastly refused to implement even minimal restrictions to gun ownership to deter these mass murderers‭?

Could it be,‭ ‬that from your cloistered environment,‭ ‬you might have become cognizant of the hundreds-of-thousands of men,‭ ‬women,‭ ‬and children living homeless in the streets of this nation‭? ‬Most of whom,‭ ‬despite the RWNJs‭’ ‬constant assertions,‭ ‬did NOT choose this way of life‭?

Is it possible your legal teams siphoned so much of that‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion contained in the COVID-19‭ ‬legislation into your coffers,‭ ‬you forgot about the small.‭ ‬mom-and-pop businesses that really needed some of that money to survive‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬you and late brother Dave cannot have been so stupid that you never realized the Republicans‭’ ‬political tactics of sowing hatred and divisiveness were tearing the country apart.‭ ‬During your buddy,‭ ‬donny trump’s presidential campaign,‭ ‬you didn’t notice anything about his political style that was a bit...‭ ‬askew‭? ‬Also,‭ ‬given that his hate-speech so often openly encouraged his devoted fanatics to commit violence,‭ ‬is your family’s grasp on twentieth century history so weak you failed to notice how much the rhetoric mirrored Adolf Hitler’s first years as der Führer‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬all those decades you and late brother Dave shoveled cash into conservative causes and the campaigns‭ (‬and the pockets‭) ‬of Republican candidates,‭ ‬were you so blinded by your own greed you could not see how the numbers of working class families struggling financially in this country were skyrocketing‭? ‬The news was all over the papers,‭ ‬did you and late brother Dave only read the financial sections‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬your expression of regret is much too late,‭ ‬and your claim of turning your‭ “‬attention to issues like poverty,‭ ‬addiction,‭ ‬gang violence,‭ ‬homelessness and recidivism‭”‬,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬progressives will believe that when they see it.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬attention to climate change is conspicuously absent from your list of new‭ “‬causes‭”‬.‭ ‬Could that be due to your financial interests in fossil fuels‭?

It would appear your newly acquired‭ “‬activism‭” ‬is limited to causes that don’t dip into your corporate profits.‭ ‬That seems a bit hypocritical for an eighty-five-year-old billionaire who‭ “‬regrets‭” ‬his political partisanship,‭ ‬don‭’‬cha think‭?

/——/ I regret 6 decades of democRAT fear mongering and class warfare.
The Kochs are/were open-borders libertarians.....They opposed "mainstream" republicans nearly as often as they supported them.

Even at that, they have been more in touch with the lives of everyday Murcans. than the bi-costal elitist snobs whose jackboots you lick.

Yet another wag who thinks history is some kind of disease.

Actually the Koch brothers' father, also named Fred, started all this hyperpartisan hackery shit when he was a big wheel in the John Birch Society, which mission consisted of publicly collectively wetting its pants about "commies"
--- in spite of the fact that Fred got rich by building Stalin's oil infrastructure. I guess maybe rank hypocrisy is hard to see when it's right in front of one's face.
And this changes the ideology followed and the actions taken by the sons how?

Doesn't "change" it at all. In fact that's the direct opposite of what I just laid down.

I dunno, maybe it's Opposite Day on Planet Weirdo :dunno:
The Kochs are/were open-borders libertarians.....They opposed "mainstream" republicans nearly as often as they supported them.

Even at that, they have been more in touch with the lives of everyday Murcans. than the bi-costal elitist snobs whose jackboots you lick.

Yet another wag who thinks history is some kind of disease.

Actually the Koch brothers' father, also named Fred, started all this hyperpartisan hackery shit when he was a big wheel in the John Birch Society, which mission consisted of publicly collectively wetting its pants about "commies"
--- in spite of the fact that Fred got rich by building Stalin's oil infrastructure. I guess maybe rank hypocrisy is hard to see when it's right in front of one's face.
And this changes the ideology followed and the actions taken by the sons how?

Doesn't "change" it at all. In fact that's the direct opposite of what I just laid down.

I dunno, maybe it's Opposite Day on Planet Weirdo :dunno:
Or maybe the sons aren't the father.

Maybe it's dullard day on whatever planet you live on.
GOP Mega-Donor Charles Koch Says He Regrets His Decades Of Political Partisanship

Isn’t that precious‭? ‬Chucky regrets his over half-century of financing the fear and hate-mongering by the Republican Party to gain the political support of the racist and bigoted white,‭ ‬working-class conservatives across the nation.

Rational Americans wonder,‭ ‬what happened to cause this sudden epiphany in good old Chucky‭? ‬Did he just notice the decades of white supremacists‭’ ‬violence against African-Americans in the former Confederacy‭? ‬The cross-burnings‭? ‬The lynchings‭? ‬The murders committed‭ “‬legally‭” ‬by white supremacist cops‭? ‬Or is it something else‭?

Living so far out-of-touch with the everyday lives of hundreds-of-millions of average Americans,‭ ‬did you just become aware of the many years of mass shootings in our public schools by heavily-armed psychopaths who kill our children‭? ‬Did that rattle your cage sufficiently to make you realize it’s the Republican Party you handed tens-of-million of dollars in political contributions that have steadfastly refused to implement even minimal restrictions to gun ownership to deter these mass murderers‭?

Could it be,‭ ‬that from your cloistered environment,‭ ‬you might have become cognizant of the hundreds-of-thousands of men,‭ ‬women,‭ ‬and children living homeless in the streets of this nation‭? ‬Most of whom,‭ ‬despite the RWNJs‭’ ‬constant assertions,‭ ‬did NOT choose this way of life‭?

Is it possible your legal teams siphoned so much of that‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion contained in the COVID-19‭ ‬legislation into your coffers,‭ ‬you forgot about the small.‭ ‬mom-and-pop businesses that really needed some of that money to survive‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬you and late brother Dave cannot have been so stupid that you never realized the Republicans‭’ ‬political tactics of sowing hatred and divisiveness were tearing the country apart.‭ ‬During your buddy,‭ ‬donny trump’s presidential campaign,‭ ‬you didn’t notice anything about his political style that was a bit...‭ ‬askew‭? ‬Also,‭ ‬given that his hate-speech so often openly encouraged his devoted fanatics to commit violence,‭ ‬is your family’s grasp on twentieth century history so weak you failed to notice how much the rhetoric mirrored Adolf Hitler’s first years as der Führer‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬all those decades you and late brother Dave shoveled cash into conservative causes and the campaigns‭ (‬and the pockets‭) ‬of Republican candidates,‭ ‬were you so blinded by your own greed you could not see how the numbers of working class families struggling financially in this country were skyrocketing‭? ‬The news was all over the papers,‭ ‬did you and late brother Dave only read the financial sections‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬your expression of regret is much too late,‭ ‬and your claim of turning your‭ “‬attention to issues like poverty,‭ ‬addiction,‭ ‬gang violence,‭ ‬homelessness and recidivism‭”‬,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬progressives will believe that when they see it.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬attention to climate change is conspicuously absent from your list of new‭ “‬causes‭”‬.‭ ‬Could that be due to your financial interests in fossil fuels‭?

It would appear your newly acquired‭ “‬activism‭” ‬is limited to causes that don’t dip into your corporate profits.‭ ‬That seems a bit hypocritical for an eighty-five-year-old billionaire who‭ “‬regrets‭” ‬his political partisanship,‭ ‬don‭’‬cha think‭?


You libs aren't very classy. Mr. Koch says he is giving up conservatism and instead of reaching out a hand in friendship, you kick him instead.

No wonder why President Trump will probably never concede or give an inch to you all. He sees what happens to those who try to make peace.
For what ever reasons Koch has decided that he's not liking living in a country divided buy such anger & hate. Blames Trump for this division, a division he helped create, things get weirder every day.
Its a defensive move....kiss the ass of the dems.....and hope they don't tax you out of business.....
He may be having a McCain moment. Regardless what he wrote and said was in line with libertarian doctrine , except for open boarders, and globalization at any cost. So now he’s a compassionate progressive conservative good for him he can afford to be.
GOP Mega-Donor Charles Koch Says He Regrets His Decades Of Political Partisanship

Isn’t that precious‭? ‬Chucky regrets his over half-century of financing the fear and hate-mongering by the Republican Party to gain the political support of the racist and bigoted white,‭ ‬working-class conservatives across the nation.

Rational Americans wonder,‭ ‬what happened to cause this sudden epiphany in good old Chucky‭? ‬Did he just notice the decades of white supremacists‭’ ‬violence against African-Americans in the former Confederacy‭? ‬The cross-burnings‭? ‬The lynchings‭? ‬The murders committed‭ “‬legally‭” ‬by white supremacist cops‭? ‬Or is it something else‭?

Living so far out-of-touch with the everyday lives of hundreds-of-millions of average Americans,‭ ‬did you just become aware of the many years of mass shootings in our public schools by heavily-armed psychopaths who kill our children‭? ‬Did that rattle your cage sufficiently to make you realize it’s the Republican Party you handed tens-of-million of dollars in political contributions that have steadfastly refused to implement even minimal restrictions to gun ownership to deter these mass murderers‭?

Could it be,‭ ‬that from your cloistered environment,‭ ‬you might have become cognizant of the hundreds-of-thousands of men,‭ ‬women,‭ ‬and children living homeless in the streets of this nation‭? ‬Most of whom,‭ ‬despite the RWNJs‭’ ‬constant assertions,‭ ‬did NOT choose this way of life‭?

Is it possible your legal teams siphoned so much of that‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion contained in the COVID-19‭ ‬legislation into your coffers,‭ ‬you forgot about the small.‭ ‬mom-and-pop businesses that really needed some of that money to survive‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬you and late brother Dave cannot have been so stupid that you never realized the Republicans‭’ ‬political tactics of sowing hatred and divisiveness were tearing the country apart.‭ ‬During your buddy,‭ ‬donny trump’s presidential campaign,‭ ‬you didn’t notice anything about his political style that was a bit...‭ ‬askew‭? ‬Also,‭ ‬given that his hate-speech so often openly encouraged his devoted fanatics to commit violence,‭ ‬is your family’s grasp on twentieth century history so weak you failed to notice how much the rhetoric mirrored Adolf Hitler’s first years as der Führer‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬all those decades you and late brother Dave shoveled cash into conservative causes and the campaigns‭ (‬and the pockets‭) ‬of Republican candidates,‭ ‬were you so blinded by your own greed you could not see how the numbers of working class families struggling financially in this country were skyrocketing‭? ‬The news was all over the papers,‭ ‬did you and late brother Dave only read the financial sections‭?

Chucky,‭ ‬your expression of regret is much too late,‭ ‬and your claim of turning your‭ “‬attention to issues like poverty,‭ ‬addiction,‭ ‬gang violence,‭ ‬homelessness and recidivism‭”‬,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬progressives will believe that when they see it.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬attention to climate change is conspicuously absent from your list of new‭ “‬causes‭”‬.‭ ‬Could that be due to your financial interests in fossil fuels‭?

It would appear your newly acquired‭ “‬activism‭” ‬is limited to causes that don’t dip into your corporate profits.‭ ‬That seems a bit hypocritical for an eighty-five-year-old billionaire who‭ “‬regrets‭” ‬his political partisanship,‭ ‬don‭’‬cha think‭?



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