GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

Are babies not blessings now? I am not really seeing how a child is a curse or a punishment. Of course, Im not the President.
Unwanted children (that's all of you bastards conceived out of wedlock) aren't wanted by God either. Right?
I think politicans should stfu about rape.

It is quite irrelevant to the Presidential campaign, but then I am pretty sure its good that Politicians passed laws against rape. So I am glad they dont shut up completely.
I think politicans should stfu about rape.

It is quite irrelevant to the Presidential campaign, but then I am pretty sure its good that Politicians passed laws against rape. So I am glad they dont shut up completely.

Depends if the politicans passing laws are basing those laws on opinions like the ridiculous comments we've seen the last two days.
Depends if the politicans passing laws are basing those laws on opinions like the ridiculous comments we've seen the last two days.

I don't really see why laws protecting innocent children are any less important merely because someone has a stupid and incorrect reason for supporting them.
Depends if the politicans passing laws are basing those laws on opinions like the ridiculous comments we've seen the last two days.

I don't really see why laws protecting innocent children are any less important merely because someone has a stupid and incorrect reason for supporting them.

fact vs feelings

So because someones feelings are enflamed because someone makes a stupid and incorrect argument we should not support laws protecting people's lives?
I really don't want to argue abortion with you. The moment a majority of medical experts define a zygot as a human being, I will hop on the pro-life boat.:)
The state of Missouri has been in the national spotlight recently because of comments made by Republican Congressman Todd Akin who claimed that raped women rarely get pregnant. After his statements hit the Internet, immediate outrage burned across the country. Akin later apologized, but his statements have rekindled a nationwide debate. One that republicans desperately do not want to have, lest they alienate a wide majority of female voters.

Too late.

Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

Again, conservatives are entitled to believe whatever crazy nonsense they wish, provided they keep it to themselves.

This is in essence the problem: the continued effort by many on the right to foist their personal or religious views on the Nation as a whole by legislative means, in violation of the Constitution.
I really don't want to argue abortion with you. The moment a majority of medical experts define a zygot as a human being, I will hop on the pro-life boat.:)

I don't really like debating Abortion either. People get very emotional. Rarely does a reasonable discussion take place for long.

All it took was one look at an ultrasound for me to realize I was looking at a human being. Having a child is one of the most amazing blessings God has for people. It's a shame when any woman has to go through it alone because of the neglect or evil actions of a man.
The state of Missouri has been in the national spotlight recently because of comments made by Republican Congressman Todd Akin who claimed that raped women rarely get pregnant. After his statements hit the Internet, immediate outrage burned across the country. Akin later apologized, but his statements have rekindled a nationwide debate. One that republicans desperately do not want to have, lest they alienate a wide majority of female voters.

Too late.

Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

Again, conservatives are entitled to believe whatever crazy nonsense they wish, provided they keep it to themselves.

This is in essence the problem: the continued effort by many on the right to foist their personal or religious views on the Nation as a whole by legislative means, in violation of the Constitution.

Would you then agree that the religious who fought against slavery were likewise wrong to end the practice through legislation? weird guy saying something...ok. He's just a kook. But intelligence has been described as sophisticated PATTERN RECOGNITION.

GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy - Detroit liberal |

The pattern being, conservatives can't talk about abortion or rape with without sticking their foot in their mouths. I don't believe for one second that it will ever translate into policy though. They're just trying to pander to the base, but they're doing a phenomenally bad job right now.

I'll never understand why it seems like voters choose the biggest idiots they can find to put into office. These people can't speak a complete sentence without it being pre-written.
The state of Missouri has been in the national spotlight recently because of comments made by Republican Congressman Todd Akin who claimed that raped women rarely get pregnant. After his statements hit the Internet, immediate outrage burned across the country. Akin later apologized, but his statements have rekindled a nationwide debate. One that republicans desperately do not want to have, lest they alienate a wide majority of female voters.

Too late.

Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

Again, conservatives are entitled to believe whatever crazy nonsense they wish, provided they keep it to themselves.

This is in essence the problem: the continued effort by many on the right to foist their personal or religious views on the Nation as a whole by legislative means, in violation of the Constitution.

Would you then agree that the religious who fought against slavery were likewise wrong to end the practice through legislation?

While the end result was good, if they did it just because their religion told them to, and not because it was right thing to do, then they did it for the wrong reason.

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