GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

While the end result was good, if they did it just because their religion told them to, and not because it was right thing to do, then they did it for the wrong reason.

I don't see those two positions as mutually exclusive.
Does the economy suck ?

Or are we having an epidemic ?

And the economy is O.K.

Agreed, it's a non-issue. But it's a non-issue that's making republicans look like clowns, so the democrats are going to try and make it into the biggest issue since WWII.
I don't have a problem with people informing their conscience from their religious experience. I don't have a problem with people taking up arms together as a a religious group. Heck, there are many moral issues that I think religion can help people to make more ethical decisions about. Don't cheat on your taxes. Don't give a government contract to your friend. War should be the last option, if it's chosen at all.

What I do have a problem with is when religious people use religion to say that another group of people should be forced into inequality. Women and Homosexuals are constantly subjected to ridiculously horrible treatment under the rubrick of "God told me to control them."

That being said, I'm pro-life AND an atheist. How? Logic.

#1 At conception, does something exist and start growing? ANSWER: Yes.
#2 Is the DNA anything other than human? ANSWER: No.

So there's a living, growing human...that people want to stop from living and growing. Usually because it's inconvenient. Sure, it can be HIGHLY inconvenient. But it's still an innocent life human life that exists already.

Which brings me to my other point. Even babies born from rape and incest are INNOCENT LIVES. I don't believe that TRASH that Ryan and Akin do...that there's some legitimate form of rape. That's bullshit. Even if it's date rape or statutory rape, its STILL RAPE.

I agree with women who hate that decisions are being dictated primarily by another gender, however, it's not just a women's issue, it's a human issue. I can only imagine how horrifically gruesome rape and incest are. They might feel worse than death, but I simply can't believe that they ARE worse than the death of an INNOCENT CHILD.

In the event of a medical emergency, here's the analysis I believe should be enacted:
1) the person (mother or child) with the higher probability of being saved should be the one saved.
2) the mother should be able to override that decision, should she want to sacrifice her life for her child.

Even with my pro-life views...the woman in the clip I posted in the first post is just flat wrong to associate the ideas of rape and blessing. Yes, what constitutes a blessing is different from person to person, but it's just too close to saying that "rape is a blessing".
I really don't want to argue abortion with you. The moment a majority of medical experts define a zygot as a human being, I will hop on the pro-life boat.:)

And there in lies the reason this is a hopeless debate. If we were talking about a live child no one would argue against you don't take their life. While I am not pro-life I admire the conviction of Aiken and this women because they are willing to stand by their beliefs even in the most troubling circumstances.

The problem is none of us truely know and the belief of when life commences is truely that a belief. As such, the government shouldn't impose one communities belief system on the other.

Did Aiken and this women chose their words poorly? Yes. Did they use pseudo science to justify their actions. Sure but Republicans have been doing this for the past decade. The whole party is based on anti-intellectualism. That fact is who they are. But you have to admire people who stand by their belief in something as weighty as taking another human life even in a situation where it is sure to draw criticism. Instead of attacking Aiken democrats should be willing to say he is right and ask people are you so sure that life begins at conception that you are willing to demand a rape victim carry the resulting baby. This is the acid test of the pro-life movement. weird guy saying something...ok. He's just a kook. But intelligence has been described as sophisticated PATTERN RECOGNITION.

GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy - Detroit liberal |

What a nutcase.
But lets look at this a little more. God has a plan for all of us, it is said. He knows what our destiny is, yet we are supposedly given free choice.

Now, if God knows our destiny, and plans it, does this mean that God chooses to 'bless' a woman by allowing her to be raped?
The problem is none of us truely know and the belief of when life commences is truely that a belief. As such, the government shouldn't impose one communities belief system on the other.

Think about that a bit more mathematically for a second. You've got a 50/50 chance to kill a baby or not to kill a baby. Does one choice seem smarter than the other, taking into account the probabilities?

Make it more direct than a pregnancy. Let's take an ACTUAL BABY. Hold a Springfield .40 cal to its head. The guy who gave it to you said "I've had that thing for 30 years. It only has a 50 50 chance of firing." Would you feel comfortable pulling the trigger? Of course not!

I really wish humans had evolved with clear stomachs during pregnancy. Maybe if people could SEE the baby...they'd respect its life.
The problem is none of us truely know and the belief of when life commences is truely that a belief. As such, the government shouldn't impose one communities belief system on the other.

Think about that a bit more mathematically for a second. You've got a 50/50 chance to kill a baby or not to kill a baby. Does one choice seem smarter than the other, taking into account the probabilities?

Make it more direct than a pregnancy. Let's take an ACTUAL BABY. Hold a Springfield .40 cal to its head. The guy who gave it to you said "I've had that thing for 30 years. It only has a 50 50 chance of firing." Would you feel comfortable pulling the trigger? Of course not!

I really wish humans had evolved with clear stomachs during pregnancy. Maybe if people could SEE the baby...they'd respect its life.

Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.
I don't have a problem with people informing their conscience from their religious experience. I don't have a problem with people taking up arms together as a a religious group. Heck, there are many moral issues that I think religion can help people to make more ethical decisions about. Don't cheat on your taxes. Don't give a government contract to your friend. War should be the last option, if it's chosen at all.

What I do have a problem with is when religious people use religion to say that another group of people should be forced into inequality. Women and Homosexuals are constantly subjected to ridiculously horrible treatment under the rubrick of "God told me to control them."

That being said, I'm pro-life AND an atheist. How? Logic.

#1 At conception, does something exist and start growing? ANSWER: Yes.
#2 Is the DNA anything other than human? ANSWER: No.

So there's a living, growing human...that people want to stop from living and growing. Usually because it's inconvenient. Sure, it can be HIGHLY inconvenient. But it's still an innocent life human life that exists already.

Which brings me to my other point. Even babies born from rape and incest are INNOCENT LIVES. I don't believe that TRASH that Ryan and Akin do...that there's some legitimate form of rape. That's bullshit. Even if it's date rape or statutory rape, its STILL RAPE.

I agree with women who hate that decisions are being dictated primarily by another gender, however, it's not just a women's issue, it's a human issue. I can only imagine how horrifically gruesome rape and incest are. They might feel worse than death, but I simply can't believe that they ARE worse than the death of an INNOCENT CHILD.

In the event of a medical emergency, here's the analysis I believe should be enacted:
1) the person (mother or child) with the higher probability of being saved should be the one saved.
2) the mother should be able to override that decision, should she want to sacrifice her life for her child.

Even with my pro-life views...the woman in the clip I posted in the first post is just flat wrong to associate the ideas of rape and blessing. Yes, what constitutes a blessing is different from person to person, but it's just too close to saying that "rape is a blessing".

Where did Ryan ever mention a legitmate form of rape?

People can be blessed despite and inspite of bad things happening.
I really don't want to argue abortion with you. The moment a majority of medical experts define a zygot as a human being, I will hop on the pro-life boat.:)

And there in lies the reason this is a hopeless debate. If we were talking about a live child no one would argue against you don't take their life. While I am not pro-life I admire the conviction of Aiken and this women because they are willing to stand by their beliefs even in the most troubling circumstances.

The problem is none of us truely know and the belief of when life commences is truely that a belief. As such, the government shouldn't impose one communities belief system on the other.

Did Aiken and this women chose their words poorly? Yes. Did they use pseudo science to justify their actions. Sure but Republicans have been doing this for the past decade. The whole party is based on anti-intellectualism. That fact is who they are. But you have to admire people who stand by their belief in something as weighty as taking another human life even in a situation where it is sure to draw criticism. Instead of attacking Aiken democrats should be willing to say he is right and ask people are you so sure that life begins at conception that you are willing to demand a rape victim carry the resulting baby. This is the acid test of the pro-life movement.

Life begins at conception. You might not believe that, but it doesnt change that people do know when life begins. That's when a new life has begun. An Individual with a unique strain of DNA now exists. That's a fact.
Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Why would it be easier? And more importantly, why would anyone have to make that absurd choice?
Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Why would it be easier? And more importantly, why would anyone have to make that absurd choice?

They wouldn't and they shouldn't. My point is, there is a difference between a fetus and a child who is already born.
Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Why would it be easier? And more importantly, why would anyone have to make that absurd choice?

Why would it be easier?

If you were in a burning building, one room had a 6 week old baby, the other had a container of 6 fertilized eggs, but you only had enough time to save one.

Would you honestly struggle with who to save?
It's great that Republicans want to spread the rapist's genes as far as possible and force women to be reminded of their rape every day for the rest of their lives.
Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Why would it be easier? And more importantly, why would anyone have to make that absurd choice?

There's no need to be a dick about it. It's a hypothetical. What about the use of hypos don't you understand?

The hypo correlates DIRECTLY to real life. When considering the choice to abort? Why not pick the choice where you could be 100% certain you hadn't murdered an innocent child...instead of the option where you could only be 50% sure you hadn't?

A smart person would choose the pro-life option.
And I never said that Ryan mentioned a legitimate form of rape. I said I didn't believe as they did. I wasn't specific about what that meant.

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