GOP on Trump Convention: ‘I’d rather attend the public hanging of a good friend’

I LOVE IT! THIS is why Trump will walk away with everything...we voted for a NON-POLITICIAN to take care of what THE POLITICIANS have fucked up for decades...maybe more than a century! I also LOVE the fact that the fucking DemoRAT/Socialists have spent $40 million in the last month or so on ads and propaganda against Trump, and he STILL is gaining on her in the polls, and in some he is winning! Trumps AD COSTS for the month?....$0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, I just LOVE watching the once GREAT Republican Party disintegrate into its disparate factions. It was written in the stars! They just had to keep going after Goldwater and doubled down with Nixon on the road to the trash heap of today!
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.
^^^ Clueless about separation of powers.
Separation of power doesn't apply here. Its the do-nothing establishment vs the common sense millionaire.
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.
^^^ Clueless about separation of powers.
Separation of power doesn't apply here. Its the do-nothing establishment vs the common sense millionaire.
That's not what I was referring to. Try to keep up with your own posts, at least.
‘I’d rather attend the public hanging of a good friend’: GOP insiders unload on Trump convention

Republican politicians and operatives are avoiding the convention like the plague. In interviews with Politico, many operatives describe their fear and loathing of next week’s convention in hilariously blunt terms.

“I would rather attend the public hanging of a good friend,” GOP digital strategist Will Ritter tells the publication.

“Normally, we’re all jazzed up about getting together and celebrating our nominee,” said GOP pollster Chris Perkins. “There’s nothing to celebrate this cycle. I’m going because I have to, not because I want to.”

“Don’t use my name,” he said. “I don’t want anyone to know I’m there.”

GOP operatives dread Trump convention

“I don’t want anything close to the appearance of supporting Trump,” said Jason Roe, a veteran party strategist. “This ship can sink without me as a passenger.”

And as far as speakers at the convention?
George Washington, who died 217 years ago of acute laryngitis, will be the first speaker at this year’s Republican National Convention. And as of right now, dead former President George Washington is also the only speaker, according to the official RNC app.
Is this good friend Hillary? I'd be fine with attending that. But that's kind of the point isn't it. Some repubs really are democratic socialists and are pretty upset we didn't perform like they expect.
The "operatives" should be worried. Meanwhile the leftists continue to march.
“I don’t want anything close to the appearance of supporting Trump,” said Jason Roe, a veteran party strategist. “This ship can sink without me as a passenger.”

No one can blame him.
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.

You don't seem to get that you Tea baggers--anti Establishment groupies are the minority of the Republican Party.

Right now half of the Republican party won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

In your efforts to get a non-establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
You GOP'ers need to go the fuck away....we kicked your worthless asses out....
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.

You don't seem to get that you Tea baggers--anti Establishment groupies are the minority of the Republican Party.

Right now half of the Republican party won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

In your efforts to get a non-establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Nope. Just the opposite. Not only does Trump win - he wins HUGE. You'll see.

Trump has already lost

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 240 years. Women are the majority voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has an unfavorable rating with women at 73%. Half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, along with millions of Republican men that will not support nor vote for Donald Trump.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Republicans for Hillary? -

17% of the population, or 23 million Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

These numbers are already indicating a 200 foot high Tsunami is going to hit the Republican party. Frankly, you deserve everything coming you're way. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.

You stupid ass. Women are not voting for Hillary. American women arn't as stupid as you might think. They will be voting for ethics, jobs, and a future for their children.
For you to presume that women are stupid enough to vote for Hillary makes your post irrelevant.
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.
^^^ Clueless about separation of powers.
Separation of power doesn't apply here. Its the do-nothing establishment vs the common sense millionaire.
That's not what I was referring to. Try to keep up with your own posts, at least.
Nobody really gives a shit what you are referring to. Go away.
Wall Street shuns Trump's Cleveland convention
Industry execs won't go near the GOP event for fear of insulting clients and workforce.

NEW YORK — Wall Street executives are hitting the sell button on the GOP convention in Cleveland next week.

Bankers typically use the quadrennial Republican Party gathering to schmooze clients, host parties and flaunt their connections to the nominee and other senior officials. In 2012, they flooded Tampa Bay to celebrate one of the industry’s favorite sons, Mitt Romney, getting the nomination.

But with real estate mogul Donald Trump running on an anti-trade, populist platform — while sporting sky-high unpopularity ratings — many bankers and traders want nothing to do with the convention this year.

Neither do most corporate CEOs. The prospect of Trump bashing trade deals and talking about building a wall with Mexico, coupled with the threat of potentially disruptive protests, is largely keeping the financial world away from Cleveland.

“With Trump you have what is a fairly divisive campaign and you have the potential of unnecessarily offending a whole bunch of people if you show up there in a prominent way,” said Matt McDonald, a partner at consulting firm Hamilton Place Strategies which does business with some of the nation’s biggest banks. “On top of that a lot of the people that you might want to get in front of for one reason or another are not going to be there.”

McDonald cited the long roster of senior Republican lawmakers skipping the convention as one major reason financial executives don’t feel the need to raise the flag in Cleveland.
Wall Street shuns Trump's Cleveland convention

I guess we know where all the Wall Street money will be going.
Lol you republicans did it to yourselves by allowing Obama yo walk all over you for 7+ years. You do-nothing, shoulder-shrugging boneheads deserve to go down in flames. And Trump is just the man to strike the match. I wouldn't show my face at the rnc if had the do-nothing records you clowns have, either.

You don't seem to get that you Tea baggers--anti Establishment groupies are the minority of the Republican Party.

Right now half of the Republican party won't cast a vote for Donald Trump.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

In your efforts to get a non-establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Nope. Just the opposite. Not only does Trump win - he wins HUGE. You'll see.

Trump has already lost

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 240 years. Women are the majority voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has an unfavorable rating with women at 73%. Half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, along with millions of Republican men that will not support nor vote for Donald Trump.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Republicans for Hillary? -

17% of the population, or 23 million Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

These numbers are already indicating a 200 foot high Tsunami is going to hit the Republican party. Frankly, you deserve everything coming you're way. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.

You stupid ass. Women are not voting for Hillary. American women arn't as stupid as you might think. They will be voting for ethics, jobs, and a future for their children.
For you to presume that women are stupid enough to vote for Hillary makes your post irrelevant.

Really? Have you ever READ anything in your entire life? Or are you just attached at the hip to 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths & misconceptions, and sometimes all out lies. Brought to you by Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaaaawd-d and all the others including FOX News. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.


You lost in 2012 because of women. Your were told by all of the above that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough. That was a 100% all out LIE. Mitt Romney's fate, (even though a moderate on abortion,) was sealed long before he even became the nominee. The Evangelical Reich wing of the Republican party decided to turn an already settled-45 year old U.S Supreme court decision into a political issue. That then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal legitimate rape questions. This sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Of course the debate platform in 2012 was also full of immigration, deportation and amnesty. The last GOP President to win was G.W. Bush he captured 44% of the Hispanic block, Romney only captured 27% of this block.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

So instead of you dumbass's learning anything from the loss of 2012. You lined your platform in 2016 AGAIN with several Knuckle dragging Neanderthals -that could never win women. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindhal, Scott Walker, & Rick Perry. All who have extreme stances on abortion. And again your platform with Trump is all about deportation, and wall building.

Women have not come back, in fact you've lost more of them.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

You are going to witness the unadulterated power of women and Latino voters in this country on election night. They are going to kick your Lily white ass's in the voting booth.

Last edited:
Looks like there's a great line up of speakers. Going to put a thread up about it. YAY!

And with Trump in a statistical dead heat with Hillary I think he's going to get a good bounce to take him past her with the convention.
Piss on the Never Trumpers.

"And so I believe that this party is going to be unified, we're going to have a great convention and folks are going to be onboard. Now we're only talking about a few people. We're not talking about the vast majority of Republicans in this country.

We had more Republicans vote in this election (primary) than any election in the history of our party.

Trump won more votes than anyone in the history of our party. We had an increase of almost 70% in turnout. The Democrats had a decrease in turnout.

So I think we also have to look at the positives which is for the most part we're breaking records when it comes to Republicans participating."

Priebus to Anti-Trump Republicans: "We're Going To Win With Or Without Them"
You guys really went after Bush for president and look, and what he did to the country. Years of disaster. Ruined economy.

Even Trump talks about how Bush invaded the wrong country and what a disaster he was.

And you can't even see Trump will be much, much worse.
Trump only needs about 70% of the white vote to win. Are there that many stupid people in the US? Guess we'll find out.
Just goes to show you these RINOs were never for the people. Demo or Rep they are in it for themselves
Piss on the Never Trumpers.

"And so I believe that this party is going to be unified, we're going to have a great convention and folks are going to be onboard. Now we're only talking about a few people. We're not talking about the vast majority of Republicans in this country.

We had more Republicans vote in this election (primary) than any election in the history of our party.

Trump won more votes than anyone in the history of our party. We had an increase of almost 70% in turnout. The Democrats had a decrease in turnout.

So I think we also have to look at the positives which is for the most part we're breaking records when it comes to Republicans participating."

Priebus to Anti-Trump Republicans: "We're Going To Win With Or Without Them"
November is gonna be AWESOME!

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