GOP Panic

Moonie is just annoying. Like a fly buzzing around you're head.
He leaves and comes back.....

But, eventually, you get used to it
He's still alive? Total waste of time reading anything from the troll.

He's actually said some serious things once or twice. Ironies of all ironies, it's normally ChrisL he has serious conversations with (?)
I wouldn't know. They are both in my dumb asshole filter.

I don't filter or block anyone. i use it as an exercise of tolerance... ;)
Tolerance? There's plenty of stupidity around that everyone has to tolerate. I don't feel the need for even more practice.
Moonie is just annoying. Like a fly buzzing around you're head.
He leaves and comes back.....

But, eventually, you get used to it
He's still alive? Total waste of time reading anything from the troll.

He's actually said some serious things once or twice. Ironies of all ironies, it's normally ChrisL he has serious conversations with (?)
I wouldn't know. They are both in my dumb asshole filter.

I don't filter or block anyone. i use it as an exercise of tolerance... ;)
Tolerance? There's plenty of stupidity around that everyone has to tolerate. I don't feel the need for even more practice.

You can always be tougher.
Just my choice. Maybe I'm just a masochist ;)
no, they can give up what I want and retain their balls (in both the literal and figurative sense)
So, if one solves the riddle, does that mean the door opens wide to the promised land? (balls intact and everything?)

no man wants to give up their heart..... (assuming they have one)
Mostly low information lefties tend to exaggerate the effects of the tough game of political inflghting but they also tend to ignore the elephant in the room if it makes them uncomfortable. There is no doubt that republicans will finally come up with a candidate but what happens if the democrat front runner gets arrested?

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