GOP POLL: Let's get this immigration/illegal immigration thing straight

I'm a Republican, and here's my opinion on immigration

  • I'm FOR LEGAL immigration, but AGAINST ILLEGAL immigration

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • I'm AGAINST ALL immigration, at least right now

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • I'm FOR both LEGAL AND ILLEGAL immigration

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Another question about the current massive outrage. After reading yet another thread that made absolutely no effort to differentiate legal immigration from illegal immigration, let's see what Republicans here actually think.

Please answer and elaborate, thanks.
I'm for legal immigration. I think we should bring in people that will contribute and we can identify who they are.
But if you do come. Learn the language, melt into the culture and renounce your allegiance to any other countries.
I have never had a problem with legal immigration I also feel any country including America is under no legal or moral obligation to allow immigration into the country and can cut it off if they choose to.
Anyone against both?

I am against both. Although only 3rd world immigration. I have no problem with immigration from countries that are roughly similar to ours.

Feel free to ask anything.
Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.
lets get It straight -

heres why its become such a UUUUUUGE DEAL ..

Trump: 'The United States will not be a migrant camp'

the collective has been instructed to perform !!!

President Trump on Monday again tried to shift blame for his administration’s controversial policy of separating immigrant families at the border to Democrats,

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Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.


how about clean hotel rooms, pour concrete, carry bricks up ladders, --- the shit white workers wont do - those skills ?
Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.


how about clean hotel rooms, pour concrete, carry bricks up ladders, --- the shit white workers wont do - those skills ?
I bet you dont even realize how bigoted that was.. Dumbass
Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.


how about clean hotel rooms, pour concrete, carry bricks up ladders, --- the shit white workers wont do - those skills ?
I bet you dont even realize how bigoted that was.. Dumbass

He also doesn't realize they can issue temporary Visas for those who want to come in and clear fields.

Do the job and go back to Mexico. That's how Canada does it.

They contact the Mexican Govt. Tell them how many workers they need. They come in, do the work and go home.
Another question about the current massive outrage. After reading yet another thread that made absolutely no effort to differentiate legal immigration from illegal immigration, let's see what Republicans here actually think.
Please answer and elaborate, thanks.

Let's get one thing straight: Anyone with a brain is against ILLEGAL immigration, otherwise, what is the point in having laws? Any twit who says they are for ALL immigration (read: "illegal immigration" is just a euphemism for INVASION by INVADERS), is basically saying: "I'm for a country with no borders." And to those thinking that as they read this, then you are saying that you are for a country which is no country, for you can't have a country which is not defined by borders. And borders are meaningless if they are wide open.

So by such a person's way of thinking, America is a parking lot and it is up to whomever comes here that wants to park TO DEFINE US. If that's your gig, open borders, then realize then you also then can't be against Russia or anyone else influencing our elections either! For that is merely another way of our being defined by outside forces.

So a person MUST be for legal immigration, but realize, legal immigration isn't a one-way street. When a person applies, we still get to decide based on their origin, background, health, education and skills whether they are an ASSET or a liability, and why would we ever want to turn away an asset? Assets make you STRONGER. Liabilities give us what we have been getting for years: pig shit poverty refuse and scum bringing poverty, illiteracy, drugs and crime. America cannot be the salvation for a world filled with poverty; if you want opportunity here, prove to us you are not the refuse of other countries failures first.
Another question about the current massive outrage. After reading yet another thread that made absolutely no effort to differentiate legal immigration from illegal immigration, let's see what Republicans here actually think.
Please answer and elaborate, thanks.

Let's get one thing straight: Anyone with a brain is against ILLEGAL immigration, otherwise, what is the point in having laws? Any twit who says they are for ALL immigration (read: "illegal immigration" is just a euphemism for INVASION by INVADERS), is basically saying: "I'm for a country with no borders." And to those thinking that as they read this, then you are saying that you are for a country which is no country, for you can't have a country which is not defined by borders. And borders are meaningless if they are wide open.

So by such a person's way of thinking, America is a parking lot and it is up to whomever comes here that wants to park TO DEFINE US. If that's your gig, open borders, then realize then you also then can't be against Russia or anyone else influencing our elections either! For that is merely another way of our being defined by outside forces.

So a person MUST be for legal immigration, but realize, legal immigration isn't a one-way street. When a person applies, we still get to decide based on their origin, background, health, education and skills whether they are an ASSET or a liability, and why would we ever want to turn away an asset? Assets make you STRONGER. Liabilities give us what we have been getting for years: pig shit poverty refuse and scum bringing poverty, illiteracy, drugs and crime. America cannot be the salvation for a world filled with poverty; if you want opportunity here, prove to us you are not the refuse of other countries failures first.
Currently one-third of the responses say that they don't want either kind of immigration, legal or illegal.

So it would be interesting to see a conversation between you and one of them.
I am all for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. We need to send the illegals back to their respective countries. I am also for jailing the coyotes that help people coming here illegally, two years for the first attempt, 7 years for a second and 15 years for a third time, over that, give the guy life.

Also redefine what seeking asylum is and not make it so vague.
LEGAL immigration, I fully support stealing the best and brightest from other countries and allowing them to immigrate here LEGALLY. Allowing poor under educated ILLEGALS to pour across our borders and jump on welfare is just plain stupid.
Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.


how about clean hotel rooms, pour concrete, carry bricks up ladders, --- the shit white workers wont do - those skills ?

The automated lettuce harvester you dimwit. Libs and their deflections :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone against both?
I think there are times when we shouldnt let people in.
Generally, i am only against illegal immigration.

I tend to agree and I'm and Independent. . We have more than enough people in this country right now and I think we should start vetting any who want to come here.

They need to have skills that the country needs. They need to be able to work with those skills.

No more welfare assholes should be let in.


how about clean hotel rooms, pour concrete, carry bricks up ladders, --- the shit white workers wont do - those skills ?
I see whites and blacks do these jobs,

Man you guys are racist as hell....and you project that on to's hilarious...

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