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GOP Prediction: Carson over Trump this time next month...

You are wrong.............unless you are suggesting that ILLEGAL immigrants are going to be allowed to vote!

Understand the stark reality.................I am of Hispanic descent, and I along with 41% of the LEGAL Hispanic vote won't touch a democrat with a 10ft pole.

Trump will lose 90% of them, just like blacks.

My good man, while I am NOT a Trump supporter, you are absolutely a defeatist, and out of your element.

Let me educate you and the peeps...................anyone running for the GOP nomination has to run right, and anyone running on the democratic side has to run leftwards. Why? Because the people who actually vote each and every time reside there. You are talking about 10 to 12 million people who will not show up, if they feel you have not spoken to them. Yes, they are split 50-50, maybe 55-45, but you have to address them. In political terms of the right, and the left, they are called the BASE!!!!!

Now, here in lies the problem. Both BASES have been hosed by Washington, and they are pissed! The problem always was before, that GOP candidates could NEVER get a democratic vote, and vice-versa. It was always a stalemate until Reagan; and a lesser extent, Clinton. You make the pocketbook fine and dandy, you get re-elected. You change the course when the pocketbook is suffering, you get a "look-see."

20% of Democrats are supporting Trump! Do you even understand how monumental this is?
I totally understand your skepticism, I really do; but instead of the current negatives, you should be looking at the positives. Are we as concerned Americans really about winning, if the best we can do is continue the "status quo?" In other words..........either we change Washingtons overbearing controls, or what is the point? Putting in Bush or Kasich might be considered a "win" by many, but have we really gotten anywhere? Might as well elect Hillary and if it doesn't work, let them take the fall. If it does work, then they were correct in the 1st place.

It is HIGHLY unlikely that the BROWN vote will have anything to do with our next President; unless we close our eyes and allow illegals to vote. Contrary to popular belief, Hispanic Americans are NOT for illegal immigration. I know this, democrats know this, why do you NOT know this? What you are saying, in my humble opinion......is that ILLEGALS are going to vote, and because of that, conservatives are going to lose.

Cmon my man. While I am not saying you are wrong, what I am saying is that if you allow ANYONE from ANYWHERE to disenfranchise you, then we ALL deserve to lose! It is really our choice. We can close our eyes, pull the lever, and convince ourselves we did the best we could do for our children and grandchildren. Did we? Only WE can answer that question; and no, all the legal Hispanics can NOT over ride our vote; only ILLEGAL votes can. So what are you going to do, personally?
One but wonders how Carson might do as a Republican candidate against Joe Biden (as a Democrat) when they're up against "independents" Sanders and Trump.

I do not doubt for a moment that Trump has the money to run as an indie nor do I doubt Sanders has the "gumption" but probably can't raise enough money. Unless George Soros sees something in him.................
Conservatives had better get their heads out of their asses and dump Trump otherwise their party is going to go the way of the Whigs

You have it exactly backwards. The Whigs were like current-day Establishment Republicans; out of touch with their constituents. If necessary, Conservatives need to field a 3rd Party candidate, as Lincoln was in 1860.

The Republicans can't win the presidency without a sizable portion of Hispanic voters and Trump and company are driving them all out of the GOP.

You are wrong.............unless you are suggesting that ILLEGAL immigrants are going to be allowed to vote!

Understand the stark reality.................I am of Hispanic descent, and I along with 41% of the LEGAL Hispanic vote won't touch a democrat with a 10ft pole. If you actually care about LEGAL Hispanic immigrants, we all should insure that their ILLEGAL counterparts can NOT vote.

That being said, most Hispanic AMERICANS find it insulting that a political PARTY wants to try and separate us from mainstream America. We ARE AMERICANS! Some vote republican, some vote for the democrat. But none of us want ILLEGAL votes cast, because we do NOT want any of our votes cancelled out, ILLEGALLY!

You "whitey leftists" need to face reality...............my friend Carlos (Chuck) down the street ha been here forever. So has Juan (John for you libs) who goes to college as a 2nd generation American. How about Roberto (Robert in case you are wondering) who serves our country in the Marines?

We as American Hispanics know the score.............you want to allow EVERYONE to vote, even illegals, to screw Americans, including those that have been born into America.

Jorge (AKA Ig-no-RAMOS) Ramos aside, go to hell, go to directly to hell; do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. See, we play Monopoly too! We are AMERICAN, and we do not like your crapola!
No, you're wrong.

Hispanic Americans – citizens eligible to vote – aren't stupid, they correctly understand that this is about republican nativism, the right's unwarranted fear of, and animosity toward, 'brown people' who 'speak Spanish.'

Hispanic Americans – citizens eligible to vote – aren't going to vote for a republican candidate whose party reflects this sort of hatred and bigotry toward Hispanics in general.
Yes. Let's elect a loose cannon that can't control his temper

Aren't you backing Trump?

and has kook isolation ideas

Who would that be? On that note, are you going to go off and fight all of those wars in the name of "Freedom!" and "Murica!" or are you going to sit your fat ass in front of your television every night while other people's kids go off to die?
No. Not Trump. I like Carson and Fiorina and Rubio.
20 percent of Democrats are supporting Donald the Chump?

Question...................do you have any links to support your claim IMAWHOSURE?
20% of Democrats are supporting Trump! Do you even understand how monumental this is?

Let's see your evidence

Well yes DTMB, I actually do! Trump third party run: 36% GOP supports, 19% of Democrats too A Rasmussen poll shows this conclusively, as of this writing anyway.

Point is, the disenfranchised democrats are listening, and that is a biggie. Personally, I believe the poll numbers for Trump are so high because of Democrats. We will find out if this is true by if the state has an open primary and he wins, where if it has a closed primary, he does not.
20% of Democrats are supporting Trump! Do you even understand how monumental this is?

Let's see your evidence

Well yes DTMB, I actually do! Trump third party run: 36% GOP supports, 19% of Democrats too A Rasmussen poll shows this conclusively, as of this writing anyway.

Point is, the disenfranchised democrats are listening, and that is a biggie. Personally, I believe the poll numbers for Trump are so high because of Democrats. We will find out if this is true by if the state has an open primary and he wins, where if it has a closed primary, he does not.

Are They disenfranchised or have they been put up to it?
20% of Democrats are supporting Trump! Do you even understand how monumental this is?

Let's see your evidence

Well yes DTMB, I actually do! Trump third party run: 36% GOP supports, 19% of Democrats too A Rasmussen poll shows this conclusively, as of this writing anyway.

Point is, the disenfranchised democrats are listening, and that is a biggie. Personally, I believe the poll numbers for Trump are so high because of Democrats. We will find out if this is true by if the state has an open primary and he wins, where if it has a closed primary, he does not.

Every poll taken of a Trump third party run shows the Democratic candidate winning handily.
You are wrong.............unless you are suggesting that ILLEGAL immigrants are going to be allowed to vote!

Understand the stark reality.................I am of Hispanic descent, and I along with 41% of the LEGAL Hispanic vote won't touch a democrat with a 10ft pole.

Trump will lose 90% of them, just like blacks.

My good man, while I am NOT a Trump supporter, you are absolutely a defeatist, and out of your element.

Let me educate you and the peeps...................anyone running for the GOP nomination has to run right, and anyone running on the democratic side has to run leftwards. Why? Because the people who actually vote each and every time reside there. You are talking about 10 to 12 million people who will not show up, if they feel you have not spoken to them. Yes, they are split 50-50, maybe 55-45, but you have to address them. In political terms of the right, and the left, they are called the BASE!!!!!

Now, here in lies the problem. Both BASES have been hosed by Washington, and they are pissed! The problem always was before, that GOP candidates could NEVER get a democratic vote, and vice-versa. It was always a stalemate until Reagan; and a lesser extent, Clinton. You make the pocketbook fine and dandy, you get re-elected. You change the course when the pocketbook is suffering, you get a "look-see."

20% of Democrats are supporting Trump! Do you even understand how monumental this is?
I totally understand your skepticism, I really do; but instead of the current negatives, you should be looking at the positives. Are we as concerned Americans really about winning, if the best we can do is continue the "status quo?" In other words..........either we change Washingtons overbearing controls, or what is the point? Putting in Bush or Kasich might be considered a "win" by many, but have we really gotten anywhere? Might as well elect Hillary and if it doesn't work, let them take the fall. If it does work, then they were correct in the 1st place.

It is HIGHLY unlikely that the BROWN vote will have anything to do with our next President; unless we close our eyes and allow illegals to vote. Contrary to popular belief, Hispanic Americans are NOT for illegal immigration. I know this, democrats know this, why do you NOT know this? What you are saying, in my humble opinion......is that ILLEGALS are going to vote, and because of that, conservatives are going to lose.

Cmon my man. While I am not saying you are wrong, what I am saying is that if you allow ANYONE from ANYWHERE to disenfranchise you, then we ALL deserve to lose! It is really our choice. We can close our eyes, pull the lever, and convince ourselves we did the best we could do for our children and grandchildren. Did we? Only WE can answer that question; and no, all the legal Hispanics can NOT over ride our vote; only ILLEGAL votes can. So what are you going to do, personally?

I welcome this rational new voice to the board.

The Socialists will tell us that voter fraud is non-existent...only a very few convictions every cycle...but anyone with walking around sense knows that we cannot spend vast sums to convict one guy who voted illegally...who also, by the way, needs an interpreter and a court appointed lawyer, paid for by US...before we can convict him....that's just for one illegal vote.

How many even knew we had to provide Tax Payer Paid For intrepreters for these illegals? Along with lawyers.

Well, the Democrats know it very well.

How can we afford it all when we are also paying for the court appointed lawyer and interpreter for assholes like the one who killed Kate Steinle?

Rational people ought to consider these things when Democrats whine so horrifically because someone is asked to present a picture I.D. before they vote.
Trump President
Carson Vice
Win in a landslide

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do not know about you, but I see how pissed people really are, both democrats and conservatives I know; and I know quite a few people from both sides of the aisle.

And everyone wants to show polls. Hell, even I was pushed to showing a poll to support what most people already know.

Polls are not the be all, end all. All anyone has to do is ask...........of the republicans you actually know, how many are rabid supporters of Bush? Know how many I know? ZERO! They all support Trump, Cruz, Carson, or Fiorina.

Of the democrats I know, guess how many support Hillary? 1. That is correct, one. The rest of them want either Warren or Biden to step in, and can't say yet if they would vote for Hillary if she won the nomination. Most of them say that it would depend upon who the GOP candidate is in the general. I asked them about Sanders, and my friends wife said it best; "We are democrats, but they better not try and push that past us."

The people on here with thousands of posts THINK this is another election where the people are just going to vote the way the establishment of the 2 parties want them to. I don't think so! The Washington culture has been exposed for what it is; just wanting to hold power. It is not just one side, it is BOTH sides of the aisle. We always have candidates running as Washington outsiders, that really are not. This time we actually do.

The Washington INSIDERS and 10,000 post posters here are quick to tell you that "these outsiders can NOT win." They are also quick to tell you that, "their ideas will not work." But what the people in the heartland know is that; Washington insiders have been governing us forever, and look what that has gotten us. Look at the economy. Look at our cities. Look at what they promised, lied to us, then couldn't deliver, and did NOT even try.

Do any of us think these OUTSIDERS are polished politicians? Hell no! But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again that continuously fails, then wonder why when we do it again, the same outcome appears. The only way these outsiders are going to be knocked out, is by some big dirt. Now, I believe that could happen to Trump, but Carson, Cruz, and Fiorina? Not likely.

And so, for those of you in doubt, do what I did, go watch speeches by Carson, Cruz, and Fiorina; along with their Q and A sessions. Then, go look at Hillary, her speeches, her Q and A when you find it, then you come back and tell all of us that if one of these 3 is the GOP nominee, Hillary is going to clean their clock.

Hillary is an enigma and a name. She hasn't done much of anything, even as SOS. She can speak to a bunch of people who love her, but will be in deep trouble with people who want to be convinced with an adversary showing how wrong she is. Every conservative should want Sanders, but if not him, then Hillary. As long as the GOP nominee is one of these 3, and not Trump or Bush, and the democratic nominee is Hillary or Sanders, it will be the closest conservatives are from here going forward to a slam-dunk victory. Don't even worry about the polls until after the 1st Presidential debate, and from there it will go down into oblivion for the democrat!

Oh, and in case you didn't know, most democratic operatives are worried about that scenario too! Obama didn't beat Hillary in 08 because his ideas were that much better, he won because of oratory. Same in 2012 with Romney. Romney had him on the ropes as we all know after the 1st debate, and every poll showed it. Romney then shut up, and Obama used his oratory to come back in number 2, and 3.

Now, who thinks that Hillary can speak as well as Obama? And who thinks that ANY of these 3 are going to let her off the hook once she is on it!
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What do you have to bet?

You do know U.S. history right? when ever we get this low we elect a tough leader, we elect a man's man.

It happened with JFK it happened with Regean

U.S. history always repeats itself in Presidents

You're asking a bed wetter if they know history? Of course they think they know everything, but we all know they don't know shit especially when it comes to history.

When he said Oblama is a sociopath...

Obozo is a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath. He merely forget the qualifiers, othertwise it's true statement.

Just like:

You are a blithering idiot.


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