GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’

"GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’"

Another lie from the reprehensible right.

“Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002.

The study, conducted at Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, found that uninsured, working-age Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their privately insured counterparts, up from a 25 percent excess death rate found in 1993.”

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Maybe they are better off without healthcare.

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.

250,000 in 2013 (in the USA I assume)
I thought we had a law that says we can get treatment at an ER without having insurance. So, nobody is dying for lack of insurance unless an ER turned them away and for that there needs to be an investigation, criminal charges, and a lawsuit.

Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?
"GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’"

Another lie from the reprehensible right.

“Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002.

The study, conducted at Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, found that uninsured, working-age Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their privately insured counterparts, up from a 25 percent excess death rate found in 1993.”

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Maybe they are better off without healthcare.

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.

250,000 in 2013 (in the USA I assume)

Typical right wing logic.
And the Congressman will prove his assertion by taking himself and his family off of any healthcare plan. Right?
"GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’"

Another lie from the reprehensible right.

“Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002.

The study, conducted at Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, found that uninsured, working-age Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their privately insured counterparts, up from a 25 percent excess death rate found in 1993.”

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Maybe they are better off without healthcare.

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.

250,000 in 2013 (in the USA I assume)

Typical right wing logic.
Actually, it was a joke. However, medical errors are a huge problem. A problem that gets much less attention than it deserves.
I thought we had a law that says we can get treatment at an ER without having insurance. So, nobody is dying for lack of insurance unless an ER turned them away and for that there needs to be an investigation, criminal charges, and a lawsuit.

Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
"GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’"

Another lie from the reprehensible right.

“Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002.

The study, conducted at Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, found that uninsured, working-age Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their privately insured counterparts, up from a 25 percent excess death rate found in 1993.”

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Maybe they are better off without healthcare.

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.

250,000 in 2013 (in the USA I assume)

Typical right wing logic.
Actually, it was a joke. However, medical errors are a huge problem. A problem that gets much less attention than it deserves.

I know. Sadly, right wingers regularly accept dumb crap like that as the truth.
I thought we had a law that says we can get treatment at an ER without having insurance. So, nobody is dying for lack of insurance unless an ER turned them away and for that there needs to be an investigation, criminal charges, and a lawsuit.

Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?
I thought we had a law that says we can get treatment at an ER without having insurance. So, nobody is dying for lack of insurance unless an ER turned them away and for that there needs to be an investigation, criminal charges, and a lawsuit.

Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
Thankfully he was jeered by constituents for saying it.

GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) drew intense jeers at a town hall Friday when he defended the GOP’s ObamaCare repeal plan by claiming nobody dies due to lack of access to health care.

One day after the House passed the American Health Care Act, Labrador faced off with constituents at a town hall at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho, according to the Idaho Statesman.

actually, that isn't true.....Veterans trying to get into the government run Veterans Medical system are dying on fake waiting know...the same government controls the VA that you morons want to control the entire healthcare system for 320 million Americans.

You think that even though the can't run the medical system created to care for our military veterans...a tiny number of people in this think that they can all of a sudden run the healthcare system for 320 million people...after all, screwing up a small healthcare system must mean they won't screw up an even larger, more complicated system...
I thought we had a law that says we can get treatment at an ER without having insurance. So, nobody is dying for lack of insurance unless an ER turned them away and for that there needs to be an investigation, criminal charges, and a lawsuit.

Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

Medicaid barely works.......expanding it will just make it work well do they run the VA, genius....and yet you want them to control everything...
Don't work that way. An emergency room will treat you for anything that is an emergency. If you are in the middle of a heart attack, or a diabetic episode, they will take you right in, After the immediate danger is over, you are own your own. Medical care to prevent it from happening again is not their problem. Regular care is required to manage diseases like that, and the emergency room just doesn't do that. If a baby needs a heart valve, they won't take him until he is actively dying, and at that point, it's often too late to do anything. Yes. Lots of people die from lack of health care, and the emergency room is not, and can not be the answer to that problem.

Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
We aren't talking about the VA. That is a single payer system anyway.
Medicaid? Healthy lifestyle?
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
We aren't talking about the VA. That is a single payer system anyway.

You need to talk about the VA since the same morons who run the VA are the idiots who would run a single payer system...and the same morons who are mismanaging the medicaid system...
People have been dying for lack of healthcare for the people just let him know to knock off the BS............

The problem with our Healthcare laws are the problems of a country divided. Two sides refusing to negotiate with each other in a give an take process to come up with the best possible law that both sides can live with..............'s get on the back of the bus.........our way or the highway.......

Now.........pretty much the same thing to get it passed........

Tommorrow other side gets power they repeat the process.....

Main problem...............Having dumb asses from both parties rule the dang Nation.

I bet every single one of the jerks who voted down Obamacare for the pre-excisting will be sitting in church all holy on Sunday.
Obamacare is failing and making people bankrupt. I'm sure all the self righteous democrats lying their asses off right now will be sitting there too.
Expansion of Medicaid would be great. It helps,but is not able to take care of the problem at this level, and further right wing reductions will make the situation worse. What lifestyle choices do infants need to make to prevent being born with heart problems?

Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
We aren't talking about the VA. That is a single payer system anyway.

You need to talk about the VA since the same morons who run the VA are the idiots who would run a single payer system...and the same morons who are mismanaging the medicaid system...

Medicaid and the VA are totally different systems. You didn't know that? At least you are beginning to see that a single payer system is our best option.
Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
We aren't talking about the VA. That is a single payer system anyway.

You need to talk about the VA since the same morons who run the VA are the idiots who would run a single payer system...and the same morons who are mismanaging the medicaid system...

Medicaid and the VA are totally different systems. You didn't know that? At least you are beginning to see that a single payer system is our best option.

They both suck asswipe......that is what they have in common....Doctors won't take medicaid patients because the government refuses to pay the same rate for the actual treatment.....
Obamacare = no care....

ANOTHER Obamacare Insurer Drops Out, Killing Obamacare In Iowa

In 2018, Iowans may not have access to health insurance.

That’s because Medica, a Minnesota-based health insurer, which is the last major health insurer in the state, has stated it might well stop selling health insurance policies. The company released a statement saying;

Without swift action by the state or Congress to provide stability to Iowa’s individual insurance market, Medica will not be able to serve the citizens of Iowa in the manner and breadth that we do today. We are examining the potential of limited offerings, but our ability to stay in the Iowa insurance market in any capacity is in question at this point,” the company’s statement said.

Aetna and Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield have announced they will no longer be a part of Iowa’s individual health insurance market. Iowans getting insurance via an employer or a government program, such as Medicare or Medicaid, will not be affected by Medica’s withdrawal, but 70,000 Iowans who buy their own coverage cojld be left insurance-free.
Medicaid doesn't cover babies born with heart problems? And then there's St Judes, and other facilities that will treat children like that where the parents can't pay?
With the right's refusal to expand Medicaid, and their efforts to reduce it, many who need it just don't qualify. You don't really think a few charity hospitals, who do amazing work, are the answer to out healthcare crisis, do you?

NO. But I also think there's no way in hell to ensure that everyone has HC insurance or that people are going to die from a lack of health care no matter what system is in place. You think no one dies from not getting health care in countries that have UHC? How many have died in Canada waiting to see a specialist, or in Britain because they were turned down for certain treatments? How many of our vets died waiting for health care in our VA system?
We aren't talking about the VA. That is a single payer system anyway.

You need to talk about the VA since the same morons who run the VA are the idiots who would run a single payer system...and the same morons who are mismanaging the medicaid system...

Medicaid and the VA are totally different systems. You didn't know that? At least you are beginning to see that a single payer system is our best option.
He doesn't know, so he makes stuff up. :rolleyes:
Thankfully he was jeered by constituents for saying it.

GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) drew intense jeers at a town hall Friday when he defended the GOP’s ObamaCare repeal plan by claiming nobody dies due to lack of access to health care.

One day after the House passed the American Health Care Act, Labrador faced off with constituents at a town hall at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho, according to the Idaho Statesman.

Who lives with it?


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