GOP Rep. Stefanik Proves That The GOP Isn't A Cult Of Personality

I've noticed when Trumpers have been presented with something they can't immediately bullshit their way out of -- they pull out the "both sides do it" card...

If both sides are the same -- why do you deep throat those who are in power of the GOP like you do
It's a learned reaction- guess who they learned from? ILliberals - and BTW, if the the you you're using is directed at me, I suggest you learn to read and follow my commentary- I don't subscribe to group think, politically or religiously-
Yes, you do......

Which is why yo goofy ass felt compelled to claim "both sides do it" -- but haven't provided any examples of Democrats ousting someone simply because they didn't properly worship one man
Dems have turned on one another in the past, but I'm not going down the analogy road because I agree with you the Cult of Trump Personality makes the Liz dethroning a bit different. Liz would say with some justification that she was fine genuflecting to his humongoushness until he incited looting and attacking congresspeople directly. And Charlie McCarthy would not be out of place if he publicly fellated his humongoushness on tv. But there are other republicans who still try to hang onto a little dignity by saying "the election had a lot of questions, but Biden is the president now ... time to move on from THAT election. But Trump obviously has a lot of appeal to voters we want to attract." Liz was just willing to fall on her sword, and she has a point that no President ever incited a riot to attack congress. But honestly I don't think a maj of senators want Trump to ever run for anything ever again. LOL
Big difference between Dems turning on each other based on policy versus Dems turning on each other because someone wouldn't deep throat one guy...
And you can't see the difference.
The Republicans are having the same struggle as the Democrats...establishment vs. outsiders. You couldn't find anyone more establishment than Cheney.

The difference is...the outsiders in the Republican Party have succeeded while the progressives have been stifled.

Not to change the subject...but the next waypoint to watch for the Progressives is which district is eliminated in NY. If it is AOC's...t he establishment Dems feel they are absolutely winning the battle for the Democrat Party.
Nah, bro...

Ain't no both sides do it to this shit.....

There are no Democrats trying to oust each other over one not getting on their knees and worshiping a guy ferociously enough..
It is not my aim to defend the dog-shit GOP, so do not take it that way.

Would Dems have retained in a leadership position, a party member who voted to impeach Obama and who helped Republicans in the election?

If you say "yes" we can all ignore you from now on.
If Obama was found to have not only tried to bribe a foreign nation into offering dirt on his opponent; but also was found to have engaged in violating campaign laws and obstruction in which his own personal lawyer was convicted for -- then yes, I am sure more than a few Democrats would have voted to impeach....

5 Democrats voted to impeach Clinton -- I don't recall any of them being demonized and ousted from their yes, you are attempting to defend the dog shit the GOP is doing in this case...
Well LBJ actually favored Nixon to beat Humphrey, even though LBJ knew Nixon secretly met with nationalist china to torpedo peace talks with N. Vietnam.
Still waiting for someone to show me an example of a high ranking Democrat being "OUSTED" from power because they didn't worship one guy sufficiently enough...

In this century if you can....
I agree. The Trump personality cult makes this a little different from other political definistrations (-:
Still waiting for someone to show me an example of a high ranking Democrat being "OUSTED" from power because they didn't worship one guy sufficiently enough...
Show me an example of a Dem that kept a high ranking leadership position after actively campaigning for the GOP.
I don't care about her, or even for her. Trump didn't act at all out of character when he tried to use violence against congress to hold onto power. She was fine with a president who had no ethics beyond loyalty to himself.

But she never campaigned for the dems. She don't like them attall.
Rep. Liz Cheney on Sunday doubled down in opposing the direction her party is headed

Lez ought to quit fooling around if she is serious and just outright JOIN the DNC!

She voted with the so-called "Conservative" president 93% of the time....why the fuck does that make her a liberal?

Or do you think being an actual policy maker is about performance art and not what they actually legislate and get passed?
You can’t have a conference chair who recites Democrat talking points."
--Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

THAT is why Cheney was voted out.
This is not something new for Liz Cheney:
This was in 2020:
Now, however, his 54-year-old daughter—whose devotion to an unapologetically muscular foreign policy is every bit as ardent as his own—has emerged as one of the Republican Party’s fastest-rising leaders.

She has also managed to do that while being one of the few Republicans to repeatedly reprimand Trump and his allies—on everything from abandoning the Kurds to criticizing former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to sowing distrust of Dr. Anthony Fauci—without completely alienating them. Her sharp wit in swatting down GOP firebrand Jim Jordan, known for his frequent challenges to House leadership, when he and several members questioned her loyalty to Trump—“I look forward to hearing your comments about being a team player when we’re back in the majority”—became a hit among many of her Republican colleagues who long ago tired of Jordan’s tactics.

This came long before the Jan 6 incident. The GOP was growing tired of her long before then.

And, don't get me wrong. I hate the do-nothing dog shit GOP, but a political party is in the business of one thing only.....GETTING ELECTED and Liz was basically turning on the base voter and the other representatives were feeling the heat.

That's a recipe for removal from leadership for ANYONE.
You can’t have a conference chair who recites Democrat talking points."
--Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

THAT is why Cheney was voted out.
JIm JOrdan. LOL JFC.

McConnell has actually said he'd like to "move on." If Trump would act like other presidents who lost an election and just take up painting or rasing money for hurricanes or something, he would not be the gop's talking point. But Trump revels in, and profits from, the cult. And then the Trumpsettes will say "why's the dems talkin bout Trump" LOL
You can’t have a conference chair who recites Democrat talking points."
--Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

THAT is why Cheney was voted out.
JIm JOrdan. LOL JFC.

McConnell has actually said he'd like to "move on." If Trump would act like other presidents who lost an election and just take up painting or rasing money for hurricanes or something, he would not be the gop's talking point. But Trump revels in, and profits from, the cult. And then the Trumpsettes will say "why's the dems talkin bout Trump" LOL

But, Trump, like him or hate him, is bring in the donations for the GOP. They cannot deny that. And THAT's the the reason Liz Cheney got outstared from leadership. Mushmouth McConnell's turtle-looking ass knows better than to continue highlighting an issue the Dems want to keep in the news. That's why he is still the Minority Leader.

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