GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Even more EXCUSE-MAKING for legalized pedophile level marriages.

Pedophile level marriages would be UNDER 12, or really Under 10 or 9.

Not excuse making, it's recognizing reality, something progs are not able or willing to do.
Once again proving why Republicans need to stay out of issues relating to sexuality.

It is an age old tactic used to intimidate and breed hatred towards homosexuals and Transexuals

Be very afraid…..Homosexuals are grooming young children to become homosexual
But...MAGAts are A-OK with legalized pedo-level marriage.........................I bet in churches too.
Has a lot to do with the ability of young teens to make decisions about their body.
Okay, so set a minimum marriage age. No skin off my nose, I'm not voting for the guy. But, just so we're clear, there should be no radical modification of a teenager's body until they are old enough to make an informed, adult decision about something so permanent. I don't care how "effective" it is to get them while they're young, it should not be done.

Seriously, if they're not old enough to get a tattoo on their own, they're not old enough to decide to make their body look more masculine or feminine through hormones and surgery.
Once again proving why Republicans need to stay out of issues relating to sexuality.

It is an age old tactic used to intimidate and breed hatred towards homosexuals and Transexuals

Be very afraid…..Homosexuals are grooming young children to become homosexual

It can't be "age old" because we have only really seen this shit the past decade or so.

You aren't promoting tolerance, you are dictating acceptance.
Actually the trans movement pushes gays to think they are the wrong gender instead of just being homosexual.

Says you, pretending that you speak for gay and trans people. They don't need you. They can speak for themselves.

Your entitled certainty in your own infallibility and assumption that you and you alone know what's best for gay and transpeople....isn't an argument.

Its just more of your generic 'judge dredd' bullshit. Where you insist that your personal opinion is fact. Because you say so.

No thank you, Q. These are decisions that parents, children, and their medical professionals should be making.

Not you, citing yourself.
It can't be "age old" because we have only really seen this shit the past decade or so.

You aren't promoting tolerance, you are dictating acceptance.
Accusations of homosexuals grooming young children to be homosexuals have been around for 100 years
Oh...that will make the "legalized pedophilia" all better, right?

Apparently nothing cures the trauma of a 12 year old girl being subject to pedophilia like a divorce.

Sigh....fucking conservatives.
Says you, pretending that you speak for gay and trans people. They don't need you. They can speak for themselves.

Your entitled certainty in your own infallibility and assumption that you and you alone know what's best for gay and transpeople....isn't an argument.

Its just more of your generic 'judge dredd' bullshit. Where you insist that your personal opinion is fact. Because you say so.

No thank you, Q. These are decisions that parents, children, and their medical professionals should be making.

Not you, citing yourself.

And a lot homosexuals that aren't SJW radicals are sick of the trans movement, just ask lesbians being shouted down for not wanting to have sex with penis equipped "women"

I am not making anything a fact, I am giving my observations of what I see, and you idiots only have "Well that's not what you see" as a retort because going into details just shows how fucked up your side is.

Citing me how? So if a parent starves their kid and gets some doctor to be OK with it, and the kid is OK with it the government has no right to intervene?
"Pedophile level marriages would be under 12".

Oh really? Well, then it's ok then, eh? Make sure those legalized pedo marriages are in church, ok?

Words mean things, despite the left's attempt to make them meaningless.
Once again proving why Republicans need to stay out of issues relating to sexuality.
Democrats aren't doing themselves any favors by covering their ears and pointing at Republicans, pretending they're not neck deep in the filth.
It is an age old tactic used to intimidate and breed hatred towards homosexuals and Transexuals
Hmmm, let's see, who is really intimidating and breeding hatred, if not those swooning dramatically whenever someone doesn't genuflect sufficiently at the alter of transgenderism?
Be very afraid…..Homosexuals are grooming young children to become homosexual
Doesn't matter if they're being groomed to "become" homosexual or being desensitized to prevent the natural resistance from the heterosexual when exposed to the homosexual, hands off the kids.
Accusations of homosexuals grooming young children to be homosexuals have been around for 100 years

So has white nationalism. And the myth of the 'noble cause'. But the antiquity and absurdity of an argument has never stopped conservatives before.

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