GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Once again proving why Republicans need to stay out of issues relating to sexuality.

It is an age old tactic used to intimidate and breed hatred towards homosexuals and Transexuals

Be very afraid…..Homosexuals are grooming young children to become homosexual
Agree. The democrat party is sick, twisted and perverted.
I'm talking about the full court press to mandate acceptance of homosexuality and the multiple fetishes parading as transgenderism as opposed to tolerance or even ignorance of the same.
Acceptance is mandated by extending to your fellow Americans rights you take for granted?
Democrats aren't doing themselves any favors by covering their ears and pointing at Republicans, pretending they're not neck deep in the filth.

Hmmm, let's see, who is really intimidating and breeding hatred, if not those swooning dramatically whenever someone doesn't genuflect sufficiently at the alter of transgenderism?

Doesn't matter if they're being groomed to "become" homosexual or being desensitized to prevent the natural resistance from the heterosexual when exposed to the homosexual, hands off the kids.
Even more MAGAt accusations turning out to be con-fessions.
Once they have gone through puberty, the damage is done and it is harder to reverse later on
LOL that you think puberty is "damage". Why is it that someone wanting to transition thinks they need to conform to society's ideal of what feminine or masculine looks like? I thought we were trying to throw off society's expectations.
Another progressive ignoring humans once past puberty can procreate.

Unless you want to remove the child from the couple as a ward of the State, what is the other options?

If they can have a kid, they should at least have an option to marry, with multiple parental and governmental hurdles to jump through before it is authorized.

And I would put the limit at say 14, which is really the earliest you start seeing teen pregnancies in any applicable volume.
Amazing....going ALL IN on the legalized pedo-marriage of 12 year olds.
And yet its drag queens your ilk are shitting their pants over. And Bud Light. And Mr. Potato head.

Its not the drag queens that are fucking y'all's kids, Filter.
So stop them too. Where's the beef? It's like you think one group doing it lets another group off the hook, or something dumb like that.

Instead of right wingers on this site saying, "You know, this Moon (R) guy is flat out wrong, 12 year old should NOT be getting married to adults."

But NO, you're all justifying it with, "well they can get divorced later" or "Marriage doesn't have to be permanent."

What about the trauma of sexual relationships at age 12.
Wow. Showing again that you right wingers really don't care about children.

And Yes, all the gender reassignment stuff should be outlawed.
And you think that doesn't have long term effects?

I worked with a guy who married a 14 year old girl years ago. They had a happy and successful marriage until the day he died. He was a hard working man, went to Vietnam to fight, and retired from the military after serving 20 years.
I married my first husband at 15. It didn't last long.

Instead of right wingers on this site saying, "You know, this Moon (R) guy is flat out wrong, 12 year old should NOT be getting married to adults."

But NO, you're all justifying it with, "well they can get divorced later" or "Marriage doesn't have to be permanent."

What about the trauma of sexual relationships at age 12.
Wow. Showing again that you right wingers really don't care about children.

And Yes, all the gender reassignment stuff should be outlawed.
Don't forget

"It's not pedophilia if you're married."

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