GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Instead of right wingers on this site saying, "You know, this Moon (R) guy is flat out wrong, 12 year old should NOT be getting married to adults."

But NO, you're all justifying it with, "well they can get divorced later" or "Marriage doesn't have to be permanent."

You have to understand the Conservative mind

A marriage to a 12 year old is not intended to be permanent.
You keep her around until she is 18, divorce her and then go find another 12 year old
Amazing....going ALL IN on the legalized pedo-marriage of 12 year olds.

Again, not pedo. you continue to use the word wrong despite being educated on what it actually means.
Let me share a tidbit of fact you don't seem to get (or don't want to get)...................THEY ARE UNDERAGED.

And if both are underaged AND past puberty, they aren't pedos.

A 15 year old boy having sex with a 13 year old girl is a pedophile and vice versa?

It isn't even Hebephila or even Ehebophilia, because that requires one of the parties to be past puberty/age of consent.

Ephebophilia - Wikipedia
Do you? Because if you do, you support the party of:

Legalized marriage to 12 year olds.

Voting for an avowed sexual assaulter.

Voting for an underaged girl sex trafficker.

Voting for a pedo enabler.

Voting for a creep hitting on underaged girls.
Okay, let's review, shall we? You said, "Even more MAGAt accusations turning out to be con-fessions."

Now, let's see what confused accusations you have.

Has the Republican Party embraced this? "Legalized marriage to 12 year olds." I see nowhere that the party has done any such thing. You found one idiot who says he does. Be sure to let us know when you're serious about one example proving what an entire party supports, because there are a lot of democrat loons we'd love to say represent what the entire party supports. You know, things like tipping an island over because we put too many people on it, believing we planted our flag on Mars, you know, dumb stuff.

Has the Republican Party embraced this? "Voting for an avowed sexual assaulter." Before you go any further, do we need to drag some examples of the democrats doing the exact same thing, or are you content to throw stones from inside your glass house? If anything, it would certainly appear that the democrat party has fully embraced that.

Has the Republican Party embraced this? "Voting for an underaged girl sex trafficker." That's a crime, and I don't recall ever voting for someone found guilty of such. Perhaps you could cite a court case where someone was found guilty and subsequently voted into office.

Has the Republican Party embraced this? "Voting for a pedo enabler." Which one was that? I don't recall voting for anyone who did that. I do, however, recall seeing an old creep running in the last presidential election who had a penchant for fondling and sniffing little girls. He was creepy.

Has the Republican Party embraced this? "Voting for a creep hitting on underaged girls." No, pretty sure I did NOT vote for that guy in the last presidential election.
The right to mutilate and drug their kids?

Didn't see that in the Constitution.

LGBT people can vote, and now get married, can hold office, have RKBA, can create whatever religion they feel like, have all criminal and legal protections like 4th amendment, jury trials, and cruel unusual punishment bans everyone else does.

What "rights" are they missing?
Why are you ascribing Agency to the parents?

Because that's the only way it makes sense to you.
You have to understand the Conservative mind

A marriage to a 12 year old is not intended to be permanent.
You keep her around until she is 18, divorce her and then go find another 12 year old
And again the tin foil hat brigade strides bravely to the breech.
You have to understand the Conservative mind
A marriage to a 12 year old is not intended to be permanent.
You keep her around until she is 18, divorce her and then go find another 12 year old

You have to understand the progressive mind
You start by sexualizing little kids, then tell them they are not happy with the sex they are, were born in the wrong body and with the school's help and keeping it secret from their parents, you will help them take drugs and get a bunch of surgical body mutilation to make them think they are happy now.

Until about ten years later when they grow up to realize what a horrible mistake they made but cannot reverse it.
Where have I said anything of the sort, Marty?

Why must you lie with EVERY post?

You don't have to say it, we know you defend it like the good wibble SJW twat you are.

Welcome to my "useless club". You get my favorite retort for those I think are unworthy of respect.

May you die after all those you love, alone, unwanted, and unremembered.
You have to understand the progressive mind
You start by sexualizing little kids, then tell them they are not happy with the sex they are, were born in the wrong body and with the school's help and keeping it secret from their parents, you will help them take drugs and get a bunch of surgical body mutilation to make them think they are happy now.

Until about ten years later when they grow up to realize what a horrible mistake they made but cannot reverse it.

The poker term is "pot committed"
You don't have to say it, we know you defend it like the good wibble SJW twat you are.

Welcome to my "useless club". You get my favorite retort for those I think are unworthy of respect.

May you die after all those you love, alone, unwanted, and unremembered.
You don't have to say it, we know


Were I to share what I "know" about you, you'd run crying to management.

And they would coddle you.

You get my favorite retort for those I think are unworthy of respect

I hope you do so slowly and painfully, as you reflect on your folly.
I am confused then. An adult banging a twelve year old is bad, yes?
The how is an adult marrying them and banging them forever...good? That defies logic.
Nope. Marriage is a sacred thing. You're only looking at the sexual aspect.
What is the difference again? Both are children. Neither can give informed consent.

Are homosexual child marriages ok?

Basic biology. One set can procreate, the other can't.

I would only allow it before 18 (and probably only after 15) IF the two have a child together, AND the parents are OK, AND a court determines the kids aren't being forced by the parents to do so.

So same sex marriage wouldn't come into the equation.

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