GOP reveals deficit-financed tax cut package

That asshole Obama financed his welfare state with ten trillion dollars in debt and none of the Moon Bats ever said a word about it so their opinion on debt has absolutely no credibility.

At least with a tax cut the money goes back to the people that earned the money instead of Obama's filthy welfare queens and Illegals.

The deficit was a trillion dollars when Obama took office.

The deficit really took off when that filthy ass 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over, you nitwit. You know, the Congress with shitheads like Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that Muslim piece of shit from Illinois.

That stupid Democrat Congress tripled the deficit and then when the Affirmative Action Negro took over $10 trillion more in debt was added.

You Moon Bats have absolutely no credibility talking about debt

It is hilarious to now hear you cry your tears over debt. Where where you Moon Bats for the last ten years?

Repubs have no credibility either.
Will add at least $1.5T to the debt without producing any growth to compensate for the drop in revenue. Just like what happened during Bush the Dumber, just like what happened with Brownback in Kansas. Conservatives are a broken record with this deficit-financed tax cutting proposal; they swear this time there will be enough growth to compensate for the loss of revenue. Of course, we have no reason to believe them now, just like we had no reason to believe them in Kansas in 2012, or in DC in 2001.

Never once have Conservative tax cuts ever delivered on any of the promises made of them.
George Will pointed out that the whole thing is based on a false premise: the gop claims it's a tax cut for the middle class, and the Oranguton says any tax cut for the wealthy is unacceptable (which is consistent with what he promised in the campaign btw). However the 1% pays something like 30% and the after the top 10% few people are paying income tax at all, and even for those paying, payroll taxes are higher than income taxes, and OH BY THE WAY THEY'RE THE REGRESSIVE TAXES.

And the gop wants to end the estate tax, which only affects the very top anyway.

So inevitably the gop is cutting taxes for the rich to add to the deficit, and selling it as a middle class cut to put more money in consumers' hands to spur growth

It's laudable to lower the % paid on ANY tax by broadening the scope of what econ activity is taxed, because doing that inevitably lessens the govt's role in determining winners and losers in econ activity. And it's laudable to have consumers spending more because the ONLY way to justify adding a penny to the deficits is to get growth at 4%.

But the gop is somehow wedded to this notion of the income tax being the tax they need to "reform" a/k/a cut. And doing that will not accomplish what they claim to want to do. I dont' think it's cause they're stupid or mistaken. They want to cut the taxes of the rich. lOL
There is a great solution for the stupid Moon Bats that don't want a tax break. You know, the idiots that think it is better for a government bureaucrat (whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups) to spend the money that they make instead of themselves.

All they have to do is figure out how much money they saved under the new tax plan and then just send it to the government as an additional tax payment. The government will take it and the Moon Bats can have a clear conscience about adding to the debt or whatever. Problem solved!

Moon Bats need to put their money where their mouth is.
Will add at least $1.5T to the debt without producing any growth to compensate for the drop in revenue. Just like what happened during Bush the Dumber, just like what happened with Brownback in Kansas. Conservatives are a broken record with this deficit-financed tax cutting proposal; they swear this time there will be enough growth to compensate for the loss of revenue. Of course, we have no reason to believe them now, just like we had no reason to believe them in Kansas in 2012, or in DC in 2001.

Never once have Conservative tax cuts ever delivered on any of the promises made of them.

Yes those JFK and Carter Conservative tax cuts never deliver either right?

Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.
Just redistribution of wealth, that the right wing likes to complain about.

We are getting more Debt, in return for helping the already rich, get richer faster.
Blue states like NY, NJ, and CA are going to get screwed on this deal. Deductions for state and local taxes will be trimmed, and a cap placed on local property tax deduction. Ouch!
Just saw a snickering and smiling Republican congressman Dave Brat being interviewed. When pointed out that Blue States would suffer, he said they are liberal states so they have the money.

When pointed out college students can't take any deductions on their student loans, he said they need jobs not school. Huh? What does that even mean?

LOL!!! LOL!!

btw... What states will pay?


Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.

How about we DON'T give rich people a tax cut at expense of middle class tax increases!

I guess that would be your little secret, huh


So when I look at that chart, I see revenue below 2000 levels FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS. Revenue finally surpassed 2000 levels by 2004. So congratulations on taking three steps back to take one step forward. Curious; how many steps does that leave you behind???

So what was going on in 2004 to suddenly cause revenue to jump? THE BUSH MORTGAGE BUBBLE. Which is why suddenly those revenue levels dropped. The same mortgage bubble you blame on Clinton. So that sets up an inconvenience for you...if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, you have to also credit them for the growth that came from that bubble.

Now watch the troll's head explode.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with someone who has little concept of economics and no legitimate wish to actually learn something, so here is the short version. We were in a recession in late 2000 and early 2001 and then 9-11 hit. The affect of tax cuts generally take 18 to 24 months before their affects generate throughout the economy and produce a result and as you can see by 2004 the economy was recovering and continued to improve from there forward until the housing crash hit, caused by a completely different set of circumstances. There is your lesson for today.

LOL, a simple explanation without any examples ^^^. We were not in a GREAT RECESSION IN 2000-2001, and we were in the largest recession since the Great Depression, in 2007 - 2009.

Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.

How about we DON'T give rich people a tax cut at expense of middle class tax increases!

What are you? A socialist? (JOKING)
I think it’s fair to say that both parties suck ass when it comes to restraining spending and controlling the deficit

Well, keep voting for your Great Orange Douche types.
Conservatives are yuge, stealing, wasteful spenders by far.
The Dems pay their spending bills.
IF they wanted to help workers, they cut payroll taxes while reforming medicare and soc sec, and find another revenue stream to buck up the system.

Just cutting income taxes won't work because rates on the bottom 90% don't raise that much of the total of income taxes.

Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.

How about we DON'T give rich people a tax cut at expense of middle class tax increases!


Nope! That's not good Conservative math. That the uneducated can't follow.
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I guess that would be your little secret, huh


So when I look at that chart, I see revenue below 2000 levels FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS. Revenue finally surpassed 2000 levels by 2004. So congratulations on taking three steps back to take one step forward. Curious; how many steps does that leave you behind???

So what was going on in 2004 to suddenly cause revenue to jump? THE BUSH MORTGAGE BUBBLE. Which is why suddenly those revenue levels dropped. The same mortgage bubble you blame on Clinton. So that sets up an inconvenience for you...if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, you have to also credit them for the growth that came from that bubble.

Now watch the troll's head explode.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with someone who has little concept of economics and no legitimate wish to actually learn something, so here is the short version. We were in a recession in late 2000 and early 2001 and then 9-11 hit. The affect of tax cuts generally take 18 to 24 months before their affects generate throughout the economy and produce a result and as you can see by 2004 the economy was recovering and continued to improve from there forward until the housing crash hit, caused by a completely different set of circumstances. There is your lesson for today.

LOL, a simple explanation without any examples ^^^. We were not in a GREAT RECESSION IN 2000-2001, and we were in the largest recession since the Great Depression, in 2007 - 2009.

Well, Some lie when they know the truth, that nothing supports their imaginary daydreams on how thangs are.
IF they wanted to help workers, they cut payroll taxes while reforming medicare and soc sec, and find another revenue stream to buck up the system.

Just cutting income taxes won't work because rates on the bottom 90% don't raise that much of the total of income taxes.

The 'CCCact'1?
Cut taxes for less than 10% of taxpayers and bill the national debt 1, 2 or 3 Tillions.
Which works out really as a tax on the mid-class to pay.

DOPers..Stand and Bend Over, the Douche is cheap.
He expects you to buy the LUBE! Or IT's going in dry.
IF they wanted to help workers, they cut payroll taxes while reforming medicare and soc sec, and find another revenue stream to buck up the system.

Just cutting income taxes won't work because rates on the bottom 90% don't raise that much of the total of income taxes.

The 'CCCact'1?
Cut taxes for less than 10% of taxpayers and bill the national debt 1, 2 or 3 Tillions.
Which works out really as a tax on the mid-class to pay.

DOPers..Stand and Bend Over, the Douche is cheap.
He expects you to buy the LUBE! Or IT's going in dry.
I'm not going to pretend that I understand you. But it's ok. (-:
Hillary vowed to increase my taxes so I voted for Trump. Plus she's a lying corrupt POS so there's that.

No one believes for a second that you're wealthy, and your taxes are going to go up anyway now, thanks to Conservatives capping deductions.

So you lost twice.

LOL I live in a state with no state income tax :eusa_dance: my property taxes are well below the cap as is my mortgage interest I'm sitting pretty.

Same here. I'm in Nevada. We have no state income tax and our property taxes are pretty low. I have no issue getting rid of the state income tax deduction. It's about time we stopped subsidizing folks in California and New York and let them starting feeling the effects of what they vote for.

Great point. We will probably lose the deduction for sales tax but it was only a fraction of what states like NY and CA got in deducting their state income tax. My tax experts say the dreaded AMT is also history heck yeah :eusa_dance:
Will add at least $1.5T to the debt without producing any growth to compensate for the drop in revenue. Just like what happened during Bush the Dumber, just like what happened with Brownback in Kansas. Conservatives are a broken record with this deficit-financed tax cutting proposal; they swear this time there will be enough growth to compensate for the loss of revenue. Of course, we have no reason to believe them now, just like we had no reason to believe them in Kansas in 2012, or in DC in 2001.

Never once have Conservative tax cuts ever delivered on any of the promises made of them.

Yeah, apparently the GOP did not learn from their spanking either. This tax plan is not what Trump promised. Not even close.
Blue states like NY, NJ, and CA are going to get screwed on this deal. Deductions for state and local taxes will be trimmed, and a cap placed on local property tax deduction. Ouch!

You really are an asshole. You don't even have the balls to be honest as to where you live. Why is that, are you embarrassed?

LOL what are you triggering about libwit? I'm on record as living in a state with no state income tax, low property taxes and minimal mortgage interest so this tax bill is fine by me I'll come out smelling like a rose. Plus the dreaded AMT is done away with in this bill. Now you know what Trump victory feels like :eusa_dance:
IF they wanted to help workers, they cut payroll taxes while reforming medicare and soc sec, and find another revenue stream to buck up the system.

Just cutting income taxes won't work because rates on the bottom 90% don't raise that much of the total of income taxes.

The 'CCCact'1?
Cut taxes for less than 10% of taxpayers and bill the national debt 1, 2 or 3 Tillions.
Which works out really as a tax on the mid-class to pay.

DOPers..Stand and Bend Over, the Douche is cheap.
He expects you to buy the LUBE! Or IT's going in dry.
I'm not going to pretend that I understand you. But it's ok. (-:

The 'CCCact'1?
Cut taxes for less than 10% of taxpayers and bill the national debt 1, 2 or 3 Tillions.
Which works out really as a tax on the mid-class to pay.

DOPers..Stand and Bend Over, the Douche is cheap.
He expects you to buy the LUBE! Or IT's going in dry.[/QUOTE]
I'm not going to pretend that I understand you. But it's ok. (-:[/QUOTE]

The 'CCCact'1?
= (This new BS tax cut bill plan)

Cut taxes for less than 10% of taxpayers and bill the national debt 1, 2 or 3 Tillions.
Which works out really as a tax on the mid-class to pay.

(The plan is to claim mid-class will get some breaks, but adds to the National debt.) (The Mid-Class pays for the tax cut if they see it, later)

Below is really clear what happens


DOPers..Stand and Bend Over, the Douche is cheap.
He expects you to buy the LUBE! Or IT's going in dry.
Blue states like NY, NJ, and CA are going to get screwed on this deal. Deductions for state and local taxes will be trimmed, and a cap placed on local property tax deduction. Ouch!
Just saw a snickering and smiling Republican congressman Dave Brat being interviewed. When pointed out that Blue States would suffer, he said they are liberal states so they have the money.

When pointed out college students can't take any deductions on their student loans, he said they need jobs not school. Huh? What does that even mean?

We warned you people we have had quite enough of asshole liberals, well now you are going to get what's coming to you congrats!

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