GOP reveals deficit-financed tax cut package

Blue states like NY, NJ, and CA are going to get screwed on this deal. Deductions for state and local taxes will be trimmed, and a cap placed on local property tax deduction. Ouch!

You really are an asshole. You don't even have the balls to be honest as to where you live. Why is that, are you embarrassed?
Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.

The only reason why the rich pay a larger share of the burden is because you fucking idiots cut taxes.

So you cut taxes, which increased the burden on the rich, and your remedy for that is to...cut taxes further.

What a fucking idiot.

I think you are having a mental breakdown :cuckoo:

Again you are being dishonest, you don't think! That is obvious in your every post.
Trump pushed for tax plan to be called 'Cut Cut Cut Act': report

The Great Orange :ahole-1:Douche 'Cut Cut Cut ACT' is a BS PLAN!
It won't do shit for the under 150,000 AGI folks.

1) It cuts taxes for Corporations who pay way less than the 15% on avg.(That does not help the Mid-Class)
2) Most Corporations pay NO TAXES! NONE! As it's used transfer funds (That does not help the Mid-Class)
3) The top 1%-15% pay under 18% on avg. in taxes. (That does not help the Mid-Class)
4) It adds 1-3 trillion to the National debt. A real Conservative plan. Whee! (That does not help the Mis-Class)
5) There is no real plan to CUT CUT CUT spending anywhere. (That does not help the Mis-Class)
6) Romney paid 14%, The Great Douche pays ZERO to 15.8% (That does not help the Mid-Class)


Just review these lying Conservative!


And the GOP/DOPers trust the Great Orange Douche to DO what for you? Explain?

It especially wont do anything for welfare queens....Get a fucking job and you too could have a tax break...
Obama increased the debt 10 trillion dollars, the most than the previous 43 other presidents spent in the history of the US..
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
liar But all presidents have added to it. even Clinton, but not as fast.

FYI: Some Family members are CPA's. During tax seasons, for years, I was temp help. I have seen 1,000 of returns for corporations, and personal returns for low to high earners. I love claiming deductions,
I love to find more. I have only once been audited. I'm very good at paying the least possible in taxes.

BTW: If you're employed or self-employed (earning over 75k which would make your tax about 8% here) you must have a few corporations. Corporations that have under 350K in income, never pay a dime in taxes. They get a refund on fees and expenses to operate. Or tax credits to use in the coming years. (see the great Douche 1B credit) As I wash all funds from corporation to corporation, till nothing is taxable And I get the full benefit of this money. See how this works.

CPA's RULE! when it comes to cheating on taxes. oops? paying the least.
YOU CAN Keep covering my taxes for me.
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The deficit is only important to democrats during a republican administration.

And vice versa. Republicans barely made a peep when W doubled the national debt, but sure screamed when it happened under Obama.

Bush's $4.9 trillion in additional deficits was bad. Really bad.
Obama's $9.3 trillion in additional deficits was worse. A lot worse.

Bush kept most of the war costs off-budget.

All spending hits the deficit. Supplementary spending included.

Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise
Well, since tax cuts signed in June 2001 didn't impact revenue until the following year, perhaps it involves the Internet Bubble that had popped?

No...the 2001 cuts took effect immediately:

The long-planned 2001 tax reduction took effect during the mild 2001 recession
Also, when you paid taxes in 2002, you were paying that on income from 2001. So the tax cut that went into effect was for 2001 and reflected in the revenues. Which is why they were below 2000 levels for three straight years, before finally rising above 2000 thanks to the Bush Mortgage Bubble.
GOP tax bill eliminates state and local income tax deductions, slashes corporate tax rate House Republicans unveil sweeping plan to slash tax rates

I hope they get this passed into laws. I will enjoy it. See the DOPers get NOTHING!

btw. This will not change anybody's taxes due, under 125K to start.

BTW: DID YOU KNOW MORE RED STATES BY FAR TAKE THESE state and local income tax deductions! I wonder if the Great Douche will ask for RED HAT credits?
Six states—California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, and Pennsylvania
claim more than half of the value of the deductions.

That leaves the other 50% for?. Who are these states?

FYI: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.
And residents of New Hampshire and Tennessee pay less or no state income tax.
American Welfare states. Just WRONG!
Last edited:

Since the 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes naturally they will benefit from tax cuts.

God you are so fucking stupid.

Let's cut all taxes 50%.

Mr. Moneybag earns 10 million a year, and get to keep five millon

Joe the Cook earns 50,000 a year and gets to keep $25,000

Which means Joe can only afford necessities, food, clothing, shelter and maybe health insurance. He will not go to local businesses, i.e. restaurants, movie theaters, golf courses, or go on vacations, hire a gardener, or buy a new car.

None of that 5 million will trickle down to him, or to local business, in the same numbers that millions of middle class citizens do. Even a dull normal person can understand this concept.
I didn't post a revenue chart.

Ah, you're right. Apologies. That was Don't Taz Me who posted the revenue chart.

And really, don't you know by now that government revenue isn't the highest priority for me.

Well, that's weird because debt seems to be a high priority for you and debt is intrinsically linked to revenue. So revenue is a priority for you because that's what's creating more debt, that you also complain about. So how are you not the cause of the very thing you complain about?

GDP is much more my concern.

Without people using their homes as ATMs, Bush's economy sucked. Even with a debt-based economy, Bush's GDP growth sucked. Obama achieved nearly the same GDP growth, but he did it without having people use their homes as ATMs.

Kansas was sold as a test case, that if you gave the money to the big Corps it would trickle down & create jobs. Kansas went in the toilet, still there. the county I use to live in just raised property taxes by 24%

Yup. The Brownback Tax Cuts were so bad that Republicans voted to repeal them.
Will add at least $1.5T to the debt without producing any growth to compensate for the drop in revenue. Just like what happened during Bush the Dumber, just like what happened with Brownback in Kansas. Conservatives are a broken record with this deficit-financed tax cutting proposal; they swear this time there will be enough growth to compensate for the loss of revenue. Of course, we have no reason to believe them now, just like we had no reason to believe them in Kansas in 2012, or in DC in 2001.

Never once have Conservative tax cuts ever delivered on any of the promises made of them.



Looking at your graphs, doesn't tell the whole story (naturally).
The Middle Class didn't see income growth in Real Dollars, which is supported by their nosedive in their share of the National Income. The growth occurred with the Top Percentile, while the rest spun their wheels.
View attachment 158173 View attachment 158174
You can blame the mass importation of low wage labor for the failure of the middle class to benefit from America's economic growth. The immigrants sucked up all the benefits that normally would have went to the middle class.

Really? :link:
I've got something for you to chew on.

Illegal Immigration, Population Estimates in the United States, 1969-2016 - Illegal Immigration -
The immigrants sucked up all the benefits that normally would have went to the middle class.

Low-wage labor like the kind Trump uses HB-2 visas to import foreign workers to work at his domestic resorts for shit wages.
Trump pushed for tax plan to be called 'Cut Cut Cut Act': report

The Great Orange :ahole-1:Douche 'Cut Cut Cut ACT' is a BS PLAN!
It won't do shit for the under 150,000 AGI folks.

1) It cuts taxes for Corporations who pay way less than the 15% on avg.(That does not help the Mid-Class)
2) Most Corporations pay NO TAXES! NONE! As it's used transfer funds (That does not help the Mid-Class)
3) The top 1%-15% pay under 18% on avg. in taxes. (That does not help the Mid-Class)
4) It adds 1-3 trillion to the National debt. A real Conservative plan. Whee! (That does not help the Mis-Class)
5) There is no real plan to CUT CUT CUT spending anywhere. (That does not help the Mis-Class)
6) Romney paid 14%, The Great Douche pays ZERO to 15.8% (That does not help the Mid-Class)


Just review these lying Conservative!


And the GOP/DOPers trust the Great Orange Douche to DO what for you? Explain?

It especially wont do anything for welfare queens....Get a fucking job and you too could have a tax break...
Obama increased the debt 10 trillion dollars, the most than the previous 43 other presidents spent in the history of the US..
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
liar But all presidents have added to it. even Clinton, but not as fast.

FYI: Some Family members are CPA's. During tax seasons, for years, I was temp help. I have seen 1,000 of returns for corporations, and personal returns for low to high earners. I love claiming deductions,
I love to find more. I have only once been audited. I'm very good at paying the least possible in taxes.

BTW: If you're employed or self-employed (earning over 75k which would make your tax about 8% here) you must have a few corporations. Corporations that have under 350K in income, never pay a dime in taxes. They get a refund on fees and expenses to operate. Or tax credits to use in the coming years. (see the great Douche 1B credit) As I wash all funds from corporation to corporation, till nothing is taxable And I get the full benefit of this money. See how this works.

CPA's RULE! when it comes to cheating on taxes. oops? paying the least.
YOU CAN Keep covering my taxes for me.
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
You post a bullshit meme about the Republicans adding debt , yet when I call out Obama, you then like a pussy, say that it wasn't him who did it. Egan man, grow some fucking balls, and take responsibility for what you post.

People who don't pay any income tax get a refund (Unearned Income Tax Credit) which people like me have to give up my money so they can get more.. Don't patronize me, especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
GOP tax bill eliminates state and local income tax deductions, slashes corporate tax rate House Republicans unveil sweeping plan to slash tax rates

I hope they get this passed into laws. I will enjoy it. See the DOPers get NOTHING!

btw. This will not change anybody's taxes due, under 125K to start.

BTW: DID YOU KNOW MORE RED STATES BY FAR TAKE THESE state and local income tax deductions! I wonder if the Great Douche will ask for RED HAT credits?
Six states—California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, and Pennsylvania
claim more than half of the value of the deductions.

That leaves the other 50% for?. Who are these states?

FYI: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.
And residents of New Hampshire and Tennessee pay less or no state income tax.
American Welfare states. Just WRONG!
California, Virginia, Maryland, and New York are red states? Cant wait to see all those high tax citizens get the flock out of those states and move to a more tax friendly state, those states will look like Detroit.....
I guess that would be your little secret, huh


So when I look at that chart, I see revenue below 2000 levels FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS. Revenue finally surpassed 2000 levels by 2004. So congratulations on taking three steps back to take one step forward. Curious; how many steps does that leave you behind???

So what was going on in 2004 to suddenly cause revenue to jump? THE BUSH MORTGAGE BUBBLE. Which is why suddenly those revenue levels dropped. The same mortgage bubble you blame on Clinton. So that sets up an inconvenience for you...if you're going to blame Democrats for the housing bubble, you have to also credit them for the growth that came from that bubble.

Now watch the troll's head explode.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with someone who has little concept of economics and no legitimate wish to actually learn something, so here is the short version. We were in a recession in late 2000 and early 2001 and then 9-11 hit. The affect of tax cuts generally take 18 to 24 months before their affects generate throughout the economy and produce a result and as you can see by 2004 the economy was recovering and continued to improve from there forward until the housing crash hit, caused by a completely different set of circumstances. There is your lesson for today.
Trump pushed for tax plan to be called 'Cut Cut Cut Act': report

The Great Orange :ahole-1:Douche 'Cut Cut Cut ACT' is a BS PLAN!
It won't do shit for the under 150,000 AGI folks.

1) It cuts taxes for Corporations who pay way less than the 15% on avg.(That does not help the Mid-Class)
2) Most Corporations pay NO TAXES! NONE! As it's used transfer funds (That does not help the Mid-Class)
3) The top 1%-15% pay under 18% on avg. in taxes. (That does not help the Mid-Class)
4) It adds 1-3 trillion to the National debt. A real Conservative plan. Whee! (That does not help the Mis-Class)
5) There is no real plan to CUT CUT CUT spending anywhere. (That does not help the Mis-Class)
6) Romney paid 14%, The Great Douche pays ZERO to 15.8% (That does not help the Mid-Class)


Just review these lying Conservative!


And the GOP/DOPers trust the Great Orange Douche to DO what for you? Explain?

It especially wont do anything for welfare queens....Get a fucking job and you too could have a tax break...
Obama increased the debt 10 trillion dollars, the most than the previous 43 other presidents spent in the history of the US..
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
liar But all presidents have added to it. even Clinton, but not as fast.

FYI: Some Family members are CPA's. During tax seasons, for years, I was temp help. I have seen 1,000 of returns for corporations, and personal returns for low to high earners. I love claiming deductions,
I love to find more. I have only once been audited. I'm very good at paying the least possible in taxes.

BTW: If you're employed or self-employed (earning over 75k which would make your tax about 8% here) you must have a few corporations. Corporations that have under 350K in income, never pay a dime in taxes. They get a refund on fees and expenses to operate. Or tax credits to use in the coming years. (see the great Douche 1B credit) As I wash all funds from corporation to corporation, till nothing is taxable And I get the full benefit of this money. See how this works.

CPA's RULE! when it comes to cheating on taxes. oops? paying the least.
YOU CAN Keep covering my taxes for me.
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
You post a bullshit meme about the Republicans adding debt , yet when I call out Obama, you then like a pussy, say that it wasn't him who did it. Egan man, grow some fucking balls, and take responsibility for what you post.

People who don't pay any income tax get a refund (Unearned Income Tax Credit) which people like me have to give up my money so they can get more.. Don't patronize me, especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I said Obama did not pass laws that added 10 trillion. 5-6T came from Dubya BS! Liar!
I said all presidents added to the debt! FFS Read.
The CUT CUT CUT ACT does nothang for the under 125K. everythang before stays were it's at.
It does nothing for 250K income. The cut is NOT coded changes you could use in the lower income area.

Your chart confirms little but what I said. The under 125K pay the taxes. Under 35K none.

You're not too smart. I know some don't pay. Who's to blame for that? Do it matter?
They all pay taxes, shopping gas, utils etc. They on avg. under 35k pay 12% in taxes in the incomes to start.
Try adjusting your taxes so you don't pay for them.
I rather see you do pay for them. And cover me as well.. Thanks
If you would stop taking your personal exemptions, so you pay more.

The CCCact BS gets you what?


YOUR Great Douche vote sucks, even more, this week!


That's why the DOPers follow me.
To pay them for the Great Douche and buy my Red Hats.
So to tell the world here a sucker! See what you can Flim-Flam out of them!
Last edited:
Trump pushed for tax plan to be called 'Cut Cut Cut Act': report

The Great Orange :ahole-1:Douche 'Cut Cut Cut ACT' is a BS PLAN!
It won't do shit for the under 150,000 AGI folks.

1) It cuts taxes for Corporations who pay way less than the 15% on avg.(That does not help the Mid-Class)
2) Most Corporations pay NO TAXES! NONE! As it's used transfer funds (That does not help the Mid-Class)
3) The top 1%-15% pay under 18% on avg. in taxes. (That does not help the Mid-Class)
4) It adds 1-3 trillion to the National debt. A real Conservative plan. Whee! (That does not help the Mis-Class)
5) There is no real plan to CUT CUT CUT spending anywhere. (That does not help the Mis-Class)
6) Romney paid 14%, The Great Douche pays ZERO to 15.8% (That does not help the Mid-Class)


Just review these lying Conservative!


And the GOP/DOPers trust the Great Orange Douche to DO what for you? Explain?

It especially wont do anything for welfare queens....Get a fucking job and you too could have a tax break...
Obama increased the debt 10 trillion dollars, the most than the previous 43 other presidents spent in the history of the US..
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
liar But all presidents have added to it. even Clinton, but not as fast.

FYI: Some Family members are CPA's. During tax seasons, for years, I was temp help. I have seen 1,000 of returns for corporations, and personal returns for low to high earners. I love claiming deductions,
I love to find more. I have only once been audited. I'm very good at paying the least possible in taxes.

BTW: If you're employed or self-employed (earning over 75k which would make your tax about 8% here) you must have a few corporations. Corporations that have under 350K in income, never pay a dime in taxes. They get a refund on fees and expenses to operate. Or tax credits to use in the coming years. (see the great Douche 1B credit) As I wash all funds from corporation to corporation, till nothing is taxable And I get the full benefit of this money. See how this works.

CPA's RULE! when it comes to cheating on taxes. oops? paying the least.
YOU CAN Keep covering my taxes for me.
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
You post a bullshit meme about the Republicans adding debt , yet when I call out Obama, you then like a pussy, say that it wasn't him who did it. Egan man, grow some fucking balls, and take responsibility for what you post.

People who don't pay any income tax get a refund (Unearned Income Tax Credit) which people like me have to give up my money so they can get more.. Don't patronize me, especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I said Obama did not pass laws that added 10 trillion. 5-6T came from Dubya BS! Liar!
I said all presidents added to the debt! FFS Read.
The CUT CUT CUT ACT does nothang for the under 125K. everythang before stays were it's at.
It does nothing for 250K income. The cut is NOT coded changes you could use in the lower income area.

Your chart confirms little but what I said. The under 125K pay the taxes. Under 35K none.

Your not to smart. I know some don't pay. Who's to blame for that?
Try adjusting your taxes so you don't pay for them.
I rather see you do pay for them. And cover me as well.. Thanks
If you would stop taking your personal exemptions, so you pay more.

The CCCact BS gets you what?


YOUR Great Douche vote sucks, even more, this week!
Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency
Your not to smart.
You're not too smart.....maybe before you start saying someone is not smart, you better look into the mirror and see who isn't smart..
I think it’s fair to say that both parties suck ass when it comes to restraining spending and controlling the deficit
Trump pushed for tax plan to be called 'Cut Cut Cut Act': report

The Great Orange :ahole-1:Douche 'Cut Cut Cut ACT' is a BS PLAN!
It won't do shit for the under 150,000 AGI folks.

1) It cuts taxes for Corporations who pay way less than the 15% on avg.(That does not help the Mid-Class)
2) Most Corporations pay NO TAXES! NONE! As it's used transfer funds (That does not help the Mid-Class)
3) The top 1%-15% pay under 18% on avg. in taxes. (That does not help the Mid-Class)
4) It adds 1-3 trillion to the National debt. A real Conservative plan. Whee! (That does not help the Mis-Class)
5) There is no real plan to CUT CUT CUT spending anywhere. (That does not help the Mis-Class)
6) Romney paid 14%, The Great Douche pays ZERO to 15.8% (That does not help the Mid-Class)


Just review these lying Conservative!


And the GOP/DOPers trust the Great Orange Douche to DO what for you? Explain?

It especially wont do anything for welfare queens....Get a fucking job and you too could have a tax break...
Obama increased the debt 10 trillion dollars, the most than the previous 43 other presidents spent in the history of the US..
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
liar But all presidents have added to it. even Clinton, but not as fast.

FYI: Some Family members are CPA's. During tax seasons, for years, I was temp help. I have seen 1,000 of returns for corporations, and personal returns for low to high earners. I love claiming deductions,
I love to find more. I have only once been audited. I'm very good at paying the least possible in taxes.

BTW: If you're employed or self-employed (earning over 75k which would make your tax about 8% here) you must have a few corporations. Corporations that have under 350K in income, never pay a dime in taxes. They get a refund on fees and expenses to operate. Or tax credits to use in the coming years. (see the great Douche 1B credit) As I wash all funds from corporation to corporation, till nothing is taxable And I get the full benefit of this money. See how this works.

CPA's RULE! when it comes to cheating on taxes. oops? paying the least.
YOU CAN Keep covering my taxes for me.
Obama did not pass the laws that added 10 trillion to the nations debt
You post a bullshit meme about the Republicans adding debt , yet when I call out Obama, you then like a pussy, say that it wasn't him who did it. Egan man, grow some fucking balls, and take responsibility for what you post.

People who don't pay any income tax get a refund (Unearned Income Tax Credit) which people like me have to give up my money so they can get more.. Don't patronize me, especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I said Obama did not pass laws that added 10 trillion. 5-6T came from Dubya BS! Liar!
I said all presidents added to the debt! FFS Read.
The CUT CUT CUT ACT does nothang for the under 125K. everythang before stays were it's at.
It does nothing for 250K income. The cut is NOT coded changes you could use in the lower income area.

Your chart confirms little but what I said. The under 125K pay the taxes. Under 35K none.

Your not to smart. I know some don't pay. Who's to blame for that?
Try adjusting your taxes so you don't pay for them.
I rather see you do pay for them. And cover me as well.. Thanks
If you would stop taking your personal exemptions, so you pay more.

The CCCact BS gets you what?


YOUR Great Douche vote sucks, even more, this week!
Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency
Your not to smart.
You're not too smart.....maybe before you start saying someone is not smart, you better look into the mirror and see who isn't smart..

Try real facts.


You just can't blame Obama for half. Liar!
Duyba funded 3-4 wars/world police actions off the books. That be 3-4 Trillion! ! !
Obama put that Duyba spending/debt on the books like a man.
So that 10T you say is down to 6T just right there.
Obama share at best is 5-6T for 8 years of signed laws.
That be for years 2010-18. See how I credit 2017 to Obama.

btw. Note the Blue from Carter to Obama. Tell me again how Repugger are better at spending?

Last edited:
Blue states like NY, NJ, and CA are going to get screwed on this deal. Deductions for state and local taxes will be trimmed, and a cap placed on local property tax deduction. Ouch!
Just saw a snickering and smiling Republican congressman Dave Brat being interviewed. When pointed out that Blue States would suffer, he said they are liberal states so they have the money.

When pointed out college students can't take any deductions on their student loans, he said they need jobs not school. Huh? What does that even mean?

That asshole Obama financed his welfare state with ten trillion dollars in debt and none of the Moon Bats ever said a word about it so their opinion on debt has absolutely no credibility.

At least with a tax cut the money goes back to the people that earned the money instead of Obama's filthy welfare queens and Illegals.

The deficit was a trillion dollars when Obama took office.

The deficit really took off when that filthy ass 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over, you nitwit. You know, the Congress with shitheads like Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that Muslim piece of shit from Illinois.

That stupid Democrat Congress tripled the deficit and then when the Affirmative Action Negro took over $10 trillion more in debt was added.

You Moon Bats have absolutely no credibility talking about debt

It is hilarious to now hear you cry your tears over debt. Where where you Moon Bats for the last ten years?

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