GOP RINOs still Fully Intend to Betray Their Consitutents to Benefit Their DONORS


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
GOP leader reveals strategy for immigration bill push | The Daily Caller

Since last year, influential business donors — such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg — and progressive advocates have played up the unpopular amnesty issue, so minimizing media coverage of the very unpopular effort to increase low-wage immigrant labor.

The political obstacles described by Goodlatte include intense public suspicion of President Barack Obama’s willingness to enforce parts of any immigration deal that he does not like.

“There have been — not just with this president — but a history of presidents not enforcing our immigration laws,” he said.

There “has to be an agreement that there’s not going to be a future wave of illegal immigration. … That is difficult to bring together,” he said, citing the 1986 amnesty bill that yielded three million legal immigrants and many millions of illegal immigrants.

1968, 1984....Pro-black Market Labor forces NEVER keep their agreements, as they will gladly take away American jobs TODAY in return for PROMISES to fix things tomorrow.

How many times will the American people let these lying bastards get away with all the lies and theft?

We are like Charlie Brown, choosing to believe Lucy will hold that football right for us, but they always whisk it away.

Arent you sick of being played for fools?

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