GOP Rivals Knock Trump For Endorsing Muslim Database


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's support for a government database to track Muslims in the United States is drawing sharp rebukes from his Republican president rivals as they try to distance themselves from a proposal that legal experts say is unconstitutional.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush called the prospect of a registry "abhorrent." Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said the idea was "unnecessary" and not something Americans would support. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has largely avoided criticizing Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, said, "I'm not a fan of government registries of American citizens."

"The First Amendment protects religious liberty, and I've spent the past several decades defending the religious liberty of every American," Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa.

The first reference to a database came in a Trump interview with Yahoo News published Thursday. When asked about requiring Muslims to register in a database or carry a form of special identification noting their religion,Trump said, "We're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely."

Trump was pressed on the idea of a registry by an NBC News reporter Thursday evening while the candidate campaigned in Iowa. Asked if there should be a database system for tracking Muslims in the United States, Trumpsaid, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." The reporter asked if that was something Trump would put in place as president. Trump replied: "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely."

Trump also told the reporter that Muslims would "have to be" registered and said that the registration process could occur at "different places."

More: GOP Rivals Knock Trump For Endorsing Muslim Database

There is absolutely no doubt what Trump meant. No doubt.
So, Adolf Trump is going to register all Muslims and evict umpteen million undocumented immigrants. Gee, who's going to pay for all this? This will make big government much bigger.
More bullshit from the left. Character assassination is all they have and it's not working. Get used to saying "President Trump".

Really? Please explain how a few retarded whites can put him in the White House.
You mean libturd republicrats support the democrook agenda and hope to make friends with parasites by opposing common sense?

Do you even know what you mean? To be honest I just read the title of the thread and since I know you're a sniveling bed wetter you don't deserve this much of a response.

The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.

How is Trump not corrupt? The man admits to purchasing politicians.
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

We can go look.

Most Wanted Terrorists

Wow, look! There is one for the Black liberation Army
and another from an animal rights extremist group!

So, NO, they are not all muslims!!
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.

How is Trump not corrupt? The man admits to purchasing politicians.
Ok, let's say he is corrupt. That means you have a choice between two corrupt politicians, Hillary and Trump. You want a corrupt president who will fight our enemies or you want a corrupt president who will invite them in?
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

We can go look.

Most Wanted Terrorists

Wow, look! There is one for the Black liberation Army
and another from an animal rights extremist group!

So, NO, they are not all muslims!!
8 out of 10?
Why not tats? It worked before and it's probably a lot cheaper than a computer system and we know how cheap Republicans are.


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