GOP Rivals Knock Trump For Endorsing Muslim Database

Why not tats? It worked before and it's probably a lot cheaper than a computer system and we know how cheap Republicans are.

We know that's what you would like to do with Christians, and we know how generous you are with other people's money.
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.

Interesting, conservatives said that romney's diatribe against 47% of the people in our nation was a non issue too.

We aren't saying president romney now are we?
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?
Hello, knock knock dumbshit.

This is from Fox:

Trump calls for surveillance of some mosques, attempts to clarify remarks on Syrian database | Fox News
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

We can go look.

Most Wanted Terrorists

Wow, look! There is one for the Black liberation Army
and another from an animal rights extremist group!

So, NO, they are not all muslims!!
8 out of 10?

Understand S.J.

Most of the terrorists we are looking for are Muslims
However, most Muslims are not terrorists.

So, yes a data base on terrorists is ok. In fact, it is common sense.

But a Database on Muslims is probably unlawful.

PS--Trump may not have meant a database on Muslims. He probably misunderstod the questions. All he has to do is make a statement about what his position actually is.

Right now, his position is a bit incoherent because he already made the statement that he was against taken in refugees. If no refugees, why a database on refugees? The media sees this, but is running with the most sensational possibility.
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

We can go look.

Most Wanted Terrorists

Wow, look! There is one for the Black liberation Army
and another from an animal rights extremist group!

So, NO, they are not all muslims!!
8 out of 10?

Understand S.J.

Most of the terrorists we are looking for are Muslims
However, most Muslims are not terrorists.

So, yes a data base on terrorists is ok. In fact, it is common sense.

But a Database on Muslims is probably unlawful.

PS--Trump may not have meant a database on Muslims. He probably misunderstod the questions. All he has to do is make a statement about what his position actually is.

Right now, his position is a bit incoherent because he already made the statement that he was against taken in refugees. If no refugees, why a database on refugees? The media sees this, but is running with the most sensational possibility.
Why do you clowns always defend what right wingers actually mean but go on endlessly about 57?
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.

How is Trump not corrupt? The man admits to purchasing politicians.
Ok, let's say he is corrupt. That means you have a choice between two corrupt politicians, Hillary and Trump. You want a corrupt president who will fight our enemies or you want a corrupt president who will invite them in?

False dichotomy. I'm not obligated to vote him in for the nomination. Why do we need to choose between two corrupt people when we can have a real choice this time?
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

We can go look.

Most Wanted Terrorists

Wow, look! There is one for the Black liberation Army
and another from an animal rights extremist group!

So, NO, they are not all muslims!!
8 out of 10?

Understand S.J.

Most of the terrorists we are looking for are Muslims
However, most Muslims are not terrorists.

So, yes a data base on terrorists is ok. In fact, it is common sense.

But a Database on Muslims is probably unlawful.

PS--Trump may not have meant a database on Muslims. He probably misunderstod the questions. All he has to do is make a statement about what his position actually is.

Right now, his position is a bit incoherent because he already made the statement that he was against taken in refugees. If no refugees, why a database on refugees? The media sees this, but is running with the most sensational possibility.
Why do you clowns always defend what right wingers actually mean but go on endlessly about 57?

To point out your hypocrisy. How difficult is that to comprehend?
Right now, his position is a bit incoherent because he already made the statement that he was against taken in refugees. If no refugees, why a database on refugees? The media sees this, but is running with the most sensational possibility.
The refugees are already starting to come in. Do you think Obama won't bring the 10,00 in against the will of Congress? Think again. This president doesn't give a damn about our Constitution or our laws, he does whatever he wants, so yeah, by the time Trump is sworn in there will be at LEAST 10,000. And I guarantee that number will increase, just like everything else he puts a limit on increases once he gets his way.
The "data base" seems to be the idea of Yahoo news and NBC news. Trump never brought it up and the most he said about it was maybe we should think about Yahoo and NBC's idea. Certainly there is already a data base of Muslem aliens even if Barry Hussein avoids the question. There are over 2,000 people on the "terrorist watch". Anybody think none of them are muslems?

That's pretty much what I thought when this whole non-story came up in the MSM. I'm like, wait, what? The NSA knows who every one is.

The professional corrupt candidates have to be chuckling to themselves that the corporate media can will try to make him look bad over such a non-story.

How is Trump not corrupt? The man admits to purchasing politicians.
Ok, let's say he is corrupt. That means you have a choice between two corrupt politicians, Hillary and Trump. You want a corrupt president who will fight our enemies or you want a corrupt president who will invite them in?

False dichotomy. I'm not obligated to vote him in for the nomination. Why do we need to choose between two corrupt people when we can have a real choice this time?
You can vote for whoever you want but that doesn't mean you'll get the nominee of your choice.

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