GOP senator rebukes ‘dangerous ploy’ to fight Biden victory (barf)

Told ya. Ben is setting up for a White House run in 2024. As will a host of other Republicans.
After 1/20/2021, most Republicans will be saying..."Trump, who?"
Ben just shot down any chance he may have had. Republicans don't vote for hacks who stab them in the back.

Oh, he's got every chance. Sasse, along with Haley, Scott, and Crenshaw are going to be in the front for Republicans in 2024. Trump...will be a distant memory by then. Why do you think he's fighting so hard to stay in office?
ROFL! Will you bet $1000 on that?
Told ya. Ben is setting up for a White House run in 2024. As will a host of other Republicans.
After 1/20/2021, most Republicans will be saying..."Trump, who?"
Ben just shot down any chance he may have had. Republicans don't vote for hacks who stab them in the back.

Oh, he's got every chance. Sasse, along with Haley, Scott, and Crenshaw are going to be in the front for Republicans in 2024. Trump...will be a distant memory by then. Why do you think he's fighting so hard to stay in office?
ROFL! Will you bet $1000 on that?

$1K?, no. But I will happily bet $25 donation and a flowery prosed statement to the board as a bet.
Trump...will not even be a blip by 2024. A distant voice with the occasional rage tweet. :)
Told ya. Ben is setting up for a White House run in 2024. As will a host of other Republicans.
After 1/20/2021, most Republicans will be saying..."Trump, who?"
Ben just shot down any chance he may have had. Republicans don't vote for hacks who stab them in the back.
Sasse is correct.

Republicans seeking to ignore the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people are wrong.

You forget recent history.....

Pj Media

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification For the Last 3 GOP Presidents



Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The effort by the sitting President of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for 2 decades.

Ben Sasse is a non-crazy Republican.

The crazy base doesn't like him because he's not batshit insane.
He's a Republican in name only. No one is surprised that you like Republican politicians who stab their party in the back. Who could have predicted that?

RINO now stands for "Retard in Name Only"

Buckley kooks.jpg
Told ya. Ben is setting up for a White House run in 2024. As will a host of other Republicans.
After 1/20/2021, most Republicans will be saying..."Trump, who?"
Ben just shot down any chance he may have had. Republicans don't vote for hacks who stab them in the back.
Sasse is correct.

Republicans seeking to ignore the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people are wrong.

You forget recent history.....

Pj Media

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification For the Last 3 GOP Presidents



Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The effort by the sitting President of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for 2 decades.


1) 2000. They had every right to. The argument was inclusion of 537 votes in one county in one state that was key on deciding the election. Not including those votes was disenfranchisement. However, the loser of that election stood up in the US Senate and did his duty to certify the election for a man. Not a bitchy sore loser.
2) 2004. Yes, they contested the election one state. Ohio. Not because of assertions of fraud. Not because of phantom officials being denied their right to oversee counts. Because of voter suppression (long lines). I also believe Barbara Boxer has said she regrets backing that challenge. Either way, it didn't even register as a blip.
3) 2016. You'll have to refresh my memory. I remember that Jill Stein..not Hillary Clinton requested the recounts in MI, WI, and PA. MI and PA refused. Scott Walker squashed the WI recount. I also remember that Clinton (who lost) had more faithless electors (5) than Trump (2). However, Clinton conceded the day after the election and the current administration offered the incoming administration a smooth transition.

Disputing 2000 was more than warranted. The other two don't hold much water.
2020 holds no water. Enough is enough. Trump lost. Move on.
You forget recent history.....

Democrats have only objected by voice, which is meaningless theater. To have any legal standing, the objection has to be in writing. There's no "both sides do it" with that. Only Republicans do it, so it's correct for Democrats to point out how unprecedented it is.
Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”
Lol, so he's a RINO now, right!
Ben Sasse is a cowardly, Wahington Establishment RINO who refuses to fight for the American people and his it...

...and once again such 'Republicans' are praised and presented as 'heroes' by Democrats and snowflakes...

Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”
How did I know it was either Sassy or Willard Romney running their mouth again....the list of traitors in the GOP to primary and defeat is growing by the day.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender
ROFLMAO! According to who!? This ignorant twat would make Hoe Harris look popular when their votes were compared in the primaries if he ran! ROFLMAO, that's the funniest shit I have read all year!
Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”
I'm done with the republicans bed wetters I'll keep my property and shoot the first son of a bitch that tries to take it.
Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”
How did I know it was either Sassy or Willard Romney running their mouth again....the list of traitors in the GOP to primary and defeat is growing by the day.
to be honest, Romeny came to mind
Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”
How did I know it was either Sassy or Willard Romney running their mouth again....the list of traitors in the GOP to primary and defeat is growing by the day.
to be honest, Romeny came to mind
Yep. It was one of them before I even clicked on this thread I knew it had to be one of them.
Told ya. Ben is setting up for a White House run in 2024. As will a host of other Republicans.
After 1/20/2021, most Republicans will be saying..."Trump, who?"
ROFL! You're delusional.

Only delusion here is you thinking Trump will still be in office after 1/20/2021 or that there will be a "miracle" in Congress on the 6th. Trump lost. He's done. Good riddance to bad garbage.
When good men do nothing in the face of Democrat Party abusive criminal omeurta acts against their Republican opponents by first, the House Speaker, who criminally attempted to coup and destroy the President 24/7/365×four years, House Finance Chair Maxine Waters called for the criminal stalking of not only President Trump and his staff, family, and supporters, Schumer and Feinstein spread rumors and lies about Trump appointees using Christine Blasey-Ford, who teaches Democrat apparatchiks how to lie and how to fool lie detection machines using a feedback method of lying, and by encyclopedic plethora of MSMedia misinformation 24/7/365/infinity against President Trump, they have worn down weaker men. BriPat9643 doesn't get caught up when Democrats, driven by falsetto witnesses without a speck of conscience stop him from the resultant Democrat lies that are both constant and injurious to this sovereign nation. He has a deep and abiding faith in the Constitution of the United States of America and in keeping its truth and justice unblemished. And he has the truth on his side. He and men like him may just be the ones who put the Democrat traitors on the run and that cheated election of a really criminally insane Biden basement dweller back in his cowardly lair and give back Trump his hard earned win.

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