GOP senator rebukes ‘dangerous ploy’ to fight Biden victory (barf)

Ben Sasse calls the plan to contest the election Jan 6 a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.

What "tradition" is that, Ben, for Republicans to bend over and take it up the ass?

Ben, go fuck yourself. I will be donating money to your opponent in the next election.

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has issued a pointed rebuke of GOP attempts to object Jan. 6 to the Electoral College tally of the presidential election, warning colleagues against a “dangerous ploy” that could damage the nation’s civic traditions.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender, posted a lengthy explanation Thursday of his views on social media, including a paragraph by paragraph dismantling of allegations of voter fraud in key states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Sasse said he felt compelled to speak “truth” as constituents and those supporting President Donald Trump wanted to know where he stands on the issue.
“I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy.”
Sasse took aim at the “swampy” nature of Trump’s fundraising off the election challenge as he outlined his reasons for believing Biden’s electoral win is valid.
“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.”
He put the election challenges being waged by Trump’s legal team in Nebraska terms.
Sasse wrote that he couldn’t “simply allege that the College Football Playoff Selection Committee is ‘on the take’ because they didn’t send the Cornhuskers to the Rose Bowl, and then – after I fail to show evidence that anyone on the Selection Committee is corrupt – argue that we need to investigate.”

He'll be primaried. He just sealed his fate with that comment.
Sasse, a potential 2024 presidential contender
ROFLMAO! According to who!? This ignorant twat would make Hoe Harris look popular when their votes were compared in the primaries if he ran! ROFLMAO, that's the funniest shit I have read all year!
I didn't say that.
I know. It was in the article you posted and it let's us quote certain sections of the post, I didn't realize that until today lol.

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