GOP Senator says he will seek Third Party if Trump wins nomination

Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
Republicans will likely lose the Senate regardless who the new president is
If Trump is the nominee, the GOP will lose not just the Senate, but could very well lose the House, too.
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

Folks like Jim love it the way things are. He just wants more of the same is all.

Hey a moderate Republican may have gotten my vote. But I, and many other moderates, will never vote for Trump. He is dead in the water, even with many dedicated Republicans. But the nomination is all but his.

So will you idiots make up your minds, Trump's too conservative....Trump's too liberal....Trump's a moderate....make up your minds.


It is more like Trump is a lieing... He continually lies, he is just a snake oil salesman...

Compare him to anyone in the race (bar Carson), he has just arriving up and making things up people want to here...

Making things up that people want to hear is what Hitler did...

If I was a Moderate GOP, I would simply vote for Hillary... She is a Moderate Democrat and you have as much in common with her as Trump, by deserting Trump in large number the RW will quickly discover what they have to do to win, it would send a messages to the crazies in the party that the Moderates are in charge and if the crazies keep picking wackjobs, Democrats are going to keep winnning.

IF you don't do that Dems are going to win Pres & Senate and pack the SC court .. By the end of Hillary's reign the SC will be 6 -3 liberal and all the liberals will be younger than the conservatives... 30 year minimum uninterrupted reign on the bench...
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good
--------------------------- what do you want THEM to do for us TMedia ?? I only want gov to secure the borders , stop immigration , build the border wall , rebuild the military and leave my RIGHTS alone and that's about it TMedia !!
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
I hadn't considered that possibility till 2020.

Hmmmm, interesting

That's because it isn't a possibility. Nothing about Hillary, assuming she doesn't get indicted well engender a big turnout for Democrats.
Yes there is and we see it every day. The MSM is ginning up support for Cankles, by depicting Trump as Hitler reincarnated. Many voters are so easily duped, they will accept the lies and vote for the pantsuit.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmm...... the media didn't do that; Rump himself did that.

--- Appeal to past glories ("make America grate again"/"Third Reich")....
--- Stigmatizing an ethnic group as source of everybody's problems (Mexicans, Muslims / Jews, communists, intellectuals)....
--- Appeal to religion (sudden interest in the bible/"Kinder, Kirche Kuche")
--- Megalomaniac speeches: all emotion, no policy specifics, use of mob psychology....
--- Melts down at any criticism, intends to shut down dissent....
--- Desires personal dictatorship, ignoring Constitution...
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
I hadn't considered that possibility till 2020.

Hmmmm, interesting

That's because it isn't a possibility. Nothing about Hillary, assuming she doesn't get indicted well engender a big turnout for Democrats.
Yes there is and we see it every day. The MSM is ginning up support for Cankles, by depicting Trump as Hitler reincarnated. Many voters are so easily duped, they will accept the lies and vote for the pantsuit.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmm...... the media didn't do that; Rump himself did that.

--- Appeal to past glories ("make America grate again"/"Third Reich")....
--- Stigmatizing an ethnic group as source of everybody's problems (Mexicans, Muslims / Jews, communists, intellectuals)....
--- Appeal to religion (sudden interest in the bible/"Kinder, Kirche Kuche")
--- Megalomaniac speeches: all emotion, no policy specifics, use of mob psychology....
--- Melts down at any criticism, intends to shut down dissent....
--- Desires personal dictatorship, ignoring Constitution...
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.
That was an actual exchange on Meet the Press yesterday. Trump retweeted a Mussolini quote.
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.

He is a very scary person. But it doesn't matter to his supporters. It seems the nuttier he gets, the more they like him.
If the GOP implodes, which apparently the political pundits seem to be speculating, it may be for the better, it will finally drive the compassionate, progressive Rino's out and force the party to reestablish their abandoned core roots. The resulting harm of 8 more years of the progressive experiment, executive orders, stripping constitutional powers of congress, and decline in our freedoms may well be what this country needs, a wake up call. The resulting damage will inflict a painful price for assuming personal and economic freedoms are granted by government, not earned, fought for, and not to be taken for granted. Time to pay the fiddler and accept responsibility for the demise of the greatest experiment in the promotion of economic and personal freedom ever witnessed on the earth.
If the GOP implodes, which apparently the political pundits seem to be speculating, it may be for the better, it will finally drive the compassionate, progressive Rino's out and force the party to reestablish their abandoned core roots.

How could anyone believe this? Seriously. Trump is the front runner. This is not a signal that the GOP is anywhere near sane or will be any time soon. The GOP has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths. Anyone who buys into this "we need MOAR crazy...because RINOS" is a full-on willfully stupid retard.

We have people on this forum calling Reagan a RINO. So it isn't the "RINOs" who need to be purged. It's the retards, liars, bigots, hypocrites, and psychopaths who need to be purged.
Hey Nebraska Flatliners, stop voting for milquetoast weasels. This dunce you elected is actually a Democrat. Man, when will they learn?
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
I hadn't considered that possibility till 2020.

Hmmmm, interesting
I think it's more like the Donald being the nominee will throw the senate to the dems because there are 9 gop seats in battleground states. So, senators will have to actually run against their own party's nominee.
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.

He is a very scary person. But it doesn't matter to his supporters. It seems the nuttier he gets, the more they like him.
Is he scary than Hillary?
Go ahead Trump, put Hillary in the white house.

I got this bad feeling we may have another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house, and a Republican controlled Congress/Senate

4-8 more years of both sides unwilling to do anything good for us, because it might make the other guys look good

No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
I hadn't considered that possibility till 2020.

Hmmmm, interesting

That's because it isn't a possibility. Nothing about Hillary, assuming she doesn't get indicted well engender a big turnout for Democrats.
Yes there is and we see it every day. The MSM is ginning up support for Cankles, by depicting Trump as Hitler reincarnated. Many voters are so easily duped, they will accept the lies and vote for the pantsuit.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmm...... the media didn't do that; Rump himself did that.

--- Appeal to past glories ("make America grate again"/"Third Reich")....
--- Stigmatizing an ethnic group as source of everybody's problems (Mexicans, Muslims / Jews, communists, intellectuals)....
--- Appeal to religion (sudden interest in the bible/"Kinder, Kirche Kuche")
--- Megalomaniac speeches: all emotion, no policy specifics, use of mob psychology....
--- Melts down at any criticism, intends to shut down dissent....
--- Desires personal dictatorship, ignoring Constitution...
...which doesn't necessarily make Trump a "fascist," but nonetheless illustrates why he's not fit to be president.
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.

So you think it's better to live as a sheep?
Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.

So you think it's better to live as a sheep?
Hitler had some good things to say, don't you think? I mean he wasn't ALL wrong.

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