GOP Senators have legitimized POTUS administration corruption ... Senate fails its duty to nation

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?
why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?
If it was a Trial then why wasn't Schummer, and all the Democrats who were running for President and who made statements that they'd like to see The President Impeached recused from duty, and excluded from the entire impeachment process?
dude, I completely agree! they tarnished the shit of this unlawful event.
They are lawless, just like the scriptures say people would become as we approach The End Times. That's what Sanctuary Cities are, Lawless Dung Heaps.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...
and the Durham investigation is moving right along ! be afraid traitors be very afraid !View attachment 304185

Durham is going to prosecute Trump and Trumplings?

make light of it if you like commie but very soon this country is going to be shocked at the corruption and treason committed by the left .

Because it was overshadowed and dwarfed by corruption and treason committed by the right?
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

Do you seriously think there wasn't collusion between the commies in the house and senate. The house had a professionally prepared presentation for every "amendment" the commie senate offered on the first day, was that a coincidence? You're just not very fucking smart are ya?

The only collusion evident was that of Donald Trump with Russians, Trumplings with Russians, and Donald Trump associates with Russians and Ukrainians.

You appear to be more 'smarting' than smart.
Mueller, 2 years and $35 MILLION in investigations says you are full of shit.

I coulda done it for free.

Because nobody would pay for your propaganda services?
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.

Nobody could prove the innocence of Donald Trump because there is no innocence.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

There was no case of corruption made. You can't legitimize something that does not exist.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?

why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?

Trump has corrupted the Senate.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?
why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?

If it was a Trial then why wasn't Schummer, and all the Democrats who were running for President and who made statements that they'd like to see The President Impeached recused from duty, and excluded from the entire impeachment process?

Because if such a rule was applied all GOP Senators would be jailed for conspiracy.
Well to be fair Democrats accept the corruption involved with lying about a blowjob.

It's only fair Trumpublcians accept the corruption involved with using foreign aid to blackmail a foreign government into publicly smearing their political opponent......right?
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

There was no case of corruption made. You can't legitimize something that does not exist.

Because the GOP Senate is corrupt and has the majority?
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

There was no case of corruption made. You can't legitimize something that does not exist.

Because the GOP Senate is corrupt and has the majority?

Your Democraps, didn't make any case that Trump was corrupt. They failed to make a single case that Trump did anything wrong.

All you did was prove that your people are corrupt, because they will make up non-charges to remove people they don't like. If anything, the Republicans proved they were not corrupt, by not voting to remove someone who did nothing wrong.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

There was no case of corruption made. You can't legitimize something that does not exist.

Because the GOP Senate is corrupt and has the majority?

Your Democraps, didn't make any case that Trump was corrupt. They failed to make a single case that Trump did anything wrong.

All you did was prove that your people are corrupt, because they will make up non-charges to remove people they don't like. If anything, the Republicans proved they were not corrupt, by not voting to remove someone who did nothing wrong.
Sending the government to harm your political enemies is no longer considered wrong.

Don’t worry. We will remember that’s the new rule.
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.
Mueller was forbidden by DoJ rules to prosecute Trump. He did not admit he couldn’t prove he was guilty. He said he was not allowed to make any accusations at all.

Coincidentally, Mueller showed evidence Trump attempted to fire a prosecutor investigating him. I hear that’s bad, at least it is when your name is Biden.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

There was no case of corruption made. You can't legitimize something that does not exist.

Because the GOP Senate is corrupt and has the majority?

Your Democraps, didn't make any case that Trump was corrupt. They failed to make a single case that Trump did anything wrong.

All you did was prove that your people are corrupt, because they will make up non-charges to remove people they don't like. If anything, the Republicans proved they were not corrupt, by not voting to remove someone who did nothing wrong.

The GOP Senate would acquit Hitler if there was a buck in it.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...
If Joe somehow wins you will see a real impeachment...with witnesses on both sides and in front of the American people not in a basement....and he will be removed....because he committed real offences not made up ones by Schiff....
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.
Mueller was forbidden by DoJ rules to prosecute Trump. He did not admit he couldn’t prove he was guilty. He said he was not allowed to make any accusations at all.

Coincidentally, Mueller showed evidence Trump attempted to fire a prosecutor investigating him. I hear that’s bad, at least it is when your name is Biden.

ColdFacts once again on the ColdCase. Mueller was an INVESTIGATOR. Investigators don't prosecute. Mueller admitted there was not sufficient evidence to prove that Trump ever colluded with Russia. Hence, no Russia case to prosecute. Mueller had a conflict of interest as a friend of Comey's and should have recused himself.

Other than that, you got everything else wrong too.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

By The Editorial Board

Who cares, it is an opinion of some Leftists.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

If Joe somehow wins you will see a real impeachment...with witnesses on both sides and in front of the American people not in a basement....and he will be removed....because he committed real offences not made up ones by Schiff....

Removal of Trump will liberate the Senate as corrupt GOP scumbag senators are voted out of office.
Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

Do you seriously think there wasn't collusion between the commies in the house and senate. The house had a professionally prepared presentation for every "amendment" the commie senate offered on the first day, was that a coincidence? You're just not very fucking smart are ya?

The only collusion evident was that of Donald Trump with Russians, Trumplings with Russians, and Donald Trump associates with Russians and Ukrainians.

You appear to be more 'smarting' than smart.
Mueller, 2 years and $35 MILLION in investigations says you are full of shit.

I coulda done it for free.

Because nobody would pay for your propaganda services?
I have no clue if you were trying to make a coherent point or not with that post.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

If Joe somehow wins you will see a real impeachment...with witnesses on both sides and in front of the American people not in a basement....and he will be removed....because he committed real offences not made up ones by Schiff....

Removal of Trump will liberate the Senate as corrupt GOP scumbag senators are voted out of office.
The GOP senate just ensured they will hold power in the senate....and Pelosi and Schiff just ensured the dems will lose the house.....
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.
Mueller was forbidden by DoJ rules to prosecute Trump. He did not admit he couldn’t prove he was guilty. He said he was not allowed to make any accusations at all.

Coincidentally, Mueller showed evidence Trump attempted to fire a prosecutor investigating him. I hear that’s bad, at least it is when your name is Biden.

ColdFacts once again on the ColdCase. Mueller was an INVESTIGATOR. Investigators don't prosecute. Mueller admitted there was not sufficient evidence to prove that Trump ever colluded with Russia. Hence, no Russia case to prosecute. Mueller had a conflict of interest as a friend of Comey's and should have recused himself.

Other than that, you got everything else wrong too.

Only friends of Trump should conduct investigations into Donald Trump? Like the GOP senators?
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.

Nobody could prove the innocence of Donald Trump because there is no innocence.

Hmmmm..............what country are you from?

In America there is no need for ANYONE to prove their innocence, you fucking moron.

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