GOP Senators have legitimized POTUS administration corruption ... Senate fails its duty to nation

GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...
and the Durham investigation is moving right along ! be afraid traitors be very afraid !View attachment 304185

Durham is going to prosecute Trump and Trumplings?
make light of it if you like commie but very soon this country is going to be shocked at the corruption and treason committed by the left .
the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP

  • 2015: the Donald Trump candidacy disgrace by the GOP.
  • 2016: the Donald Trump nomination disgrace by the GOP.
  • 2017: the Donald Trump presidency disgrace by the GOP.
  • 2018: the Donald Trump agenda disgrace by the GOP.
  • 2019: the Donald Trump Mueller and Impeachment disgrace by the GOP.
  • 2020: the Donald Trump landslide reelection disgrace by the GOP.

Thank God the Democrats are forever always seeing our successes as disgraces! Instead, they might see it as:
  • 2016: the Donald Trump crushing our pathetic candidate disgrace.
  • 2017: the Donald Trump beating out our Steele and Crowdstrike debacle disgrace.
  • 2018: the Donald Trump Kavanaugh pounding our asses disgrace.
  • 2019: the Donald Trump failed slipshod Russian and National-Threat Impeachment Charges disgrace.
  • 2020: the Donald Trump landslide victory reelection over another flawed opponent disgrace.
If the Democrats ever actually figure out that they carry blame and responsibility for all of their failures at not beating a guy with:
  1. No political experience.
  2. Little political backing.
  3. Limited financial and advertising support.
  4. Almost no media liking.
  5. Terrible public speaking skills.
  6. A personality like razor blades and gravel.
Instead of always claiming it the fault of an illiterate, bucktoothed populace, they might actually have a chance at winning another election.

The Russians did it. Donald Trump is the Manchurian candidate.

Donald Trump has created a kingdom with a blithering, howling, proletariat mob aroused by aroused and incited by lies, lawlessness, slander, and chaos.

The dictatorship of the howling mob proletariat has arrived.
if thats true then why didnt Mueller and his staff of Trump hating democrats find any evidence of Russian collusion ?? are dems to dumb ?? is Trump to smart ?? or is it because its all a bunch of bullshit cooked up by the left to overthrow the 2016 election ?? me thinks its the latter ..and remember commie it was the left that paid for a false dossier from the Russians to open an investigation and to spy on American citizens ... oh and you forgot about Tulsi Gabbard remember Hillary is calling her a Russian asset also ! face it the lefts credibility is crap !

Mueller did find evidence of collusion but Trump stymied that by appointing stooge Barr to block.

Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump of the offenses he had been investigating, collusion and obstruction.

Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Mueller stated that their was no proof of collusion ! if there was just a smidgeon of doubt the left would be screeming at the top of there lungs and impeachment would have centered around that not some he said she said bull.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

Do you seriously think there wasn't collusion between the commies in the house and senate. The house had a professionally prepared presentation for every "amendment" the commie senate offered on the first day, was that a coincidence? You're just not very fucking smart are ya?

The only collusion evident was that of Donald Trump with Russians, Trumplings with Russians, and Donald Trump associates with Russians and Ukrainians.

You appear to be more 'smarting' than smart.
Mueller, 2 years and $35 MILLION in investigations says you are full of shit.

I coulda done it for free.
so son, when one of your own says no, it isn't partisan any longer. you're pissed that schitt's and his clown show were inept. I get it. Fk, see, once schitt's blurted out anything about witnesses and Bolton, I would have dismissed the articles and said you didn't do your job. Go call Bolton and come back with that evidence if you want to. 13 witnesses testimony was included in the articles, 20 total were investigated and gave testimony. You seem to think that was horseshit, so do I.
Please Return to Butt Hurt Libphuckistan. Following The Rules and Voting on Shit, does not mean you are corrupt. What Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler did violated House Rules, Due Process, and The Constitution, and they still could not present Authentic and Legitimate Articles of Impeachment that met The Constitutional Standard.
The Senate republicans have both violated their oath and declared themselves in public to be traitors to our nation. They are willing to accept and approve of any and every level of corruption and criminality with no thought of patriotism or ethics.
what oath exactly did they violate? show me where they must agree with demofks? So demofks violated their oath as well? hly fk, I thought everyone was entitled to a vote. did I miss something?
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Mueller published that he could not exonerate Trump.
Please don't thank me for dispelling your ignorance.

Then you can thank me for dispelling yours. Never in the history of this nation has it ever been the job or duty of any prosecutor to exonerate or prove/clear the innocence of a person. That person is already innocent under our system of jurisprudence, and the only task of the prosecutor is to try to prove the GUILT of the person, which Mueller admitted he could not do.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Democrats watched and stood by as Obama and Clinton asked Putin to interfere in our elections to defeat Orange Man Bad, and then took the Putin Propaganda they bought, & tried to use that to Depose our duly elected president and Usurp our Democracy,

The Democrats would not have removed Obama nor indicted Clinton if both of them had shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Democrats watched and stood by as Obama and Clinton asked Putin to interfere in our elections to defeat Orange Man Bad, and then took the Putin Propaganda they bought, & tried to use that to Depose our duly elected president and Usurp our Democracy,

The Democrats would not have removed Obama nor indicted Clinton if both of them had shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
Well that's a good effort at deflection. But we both know there are between 5-10 gop senators who think Trump did wrong, but they weren't going to call witnesses because the result would be the same …. except that the witnesses would rub Trump's nose in it, and they aren't going to affect the election by doing that.

And I really don't think they should. They are spineless in not publically saying what Alexander said, but he's retiring.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Democrats watched and stood by as Obama and Clinton asked Putin to interfere in our elections to defeat Orange Man Bad, and then took the Putin Propaganda they bought, & tried to use that to Depose our duly elected president and Usurp our Democracy,

The Democrats would not have removed Obama nor indicted Clinton if both of them had shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
Well that's a good effort at deflection. But we both know there are between 5-10 gop senators who think Trump did wrong, but they weren't going to call witnesses because the result would be the same …. except that the witnesses would rub Trump's nose in it, and they aren't going to affect the election by doing that.

And I really don't think they should. They are spineless in not publically saying what Alexander said, but he's retiring.
Happens to be fact. There is no evidence to show The President did anything criminal, but there are mountains of evidence to show Clinton and Obama were Wicked Treasonous sons a bitches.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
We hit bottom with the Clinton's. It seems the attention span of the voters is short but the attention span of the politicians goes past the grave. When Obama was elected we needed schmoozers. We got Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Pure ugliness. There wasn't even a calm word in their venom. No matter how you eschew Repub leadership, none could compare to Prog leaders.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Democrats watched and stood by as Obama and Clinton asked Putin to interfere in our elections to defeat Orange Man Bad, and then took the Putin Propaganda they bought, & tried to use that to Depose our duly elected president and Usurp our Democracy,

The Democrats would not have removed Obama nor indicted Clinton if both of them had shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
Well that's a good effort at deflection. But we both know there are between 5-10 gop senators who think Trump did wrong, but they weren't going to call witnesses because the result would be the same …. except that the witnesses would rub Trump's nose in it, and they aren't going to affect the election by doing that.

And I really don't think they should. They are spineless in not publically saying what Alexander said, but he's retiring.
Happens to be fact. There is no evidence to show The President did anything criminal, but there are mountains of evidence to show Clinton and Obama were Wicked Treasonous sons a bitches.
Well, republican senators disagree.

But I posted because I disagree with the OP in that I don't think it's the senate's role to call witnesses to testify about Trump's misdeeds in Ukraine because the facts are there, or they will be, and it'll be up to voters.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
We hit bottom with the Clinton's. It seems the attention span of the voters is short but the attention span of the politicians goes past the grave. When Obama was elected we needed schmoozers. We got Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Pure ugliness. There wasn't even a calm word in their venom. No matter how you eschew Repub leadership, none could compare to Prog leaders.
ummm the Clintons are history. And at least they didn't brag about pussy grabbing or walk through dressing rooms. Scum they were, but we haven't stepped up. LOL Trump's the low bar for morality now.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?
why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
Democrats watched and stood by as Obama and Clinton asked Putin to interfere in our elections to defeat Orange Man Bad, and then took the Putin Propaganda they bought, & tried to use that to Depose our duly elected president and Usurp our Democracy,

The Democrats would not have removed Obama nor indicted Clinton if both of them had shot somebody on 5th Avenue.
Well that's a good effort at deflection. But we both know there are between 5-10 gop senators who think Trump did wrong, but they weren't going to call witnesses because the result would be the same …. except that the witnesses would rub Trump's nose in it, and they aren't going to affect the election by doing that.

And I really don't think they should. They are spineless in not publically saying what Alexander said, but he's retiring.
But we both know there are between 5-10 gop senators who think Trump did wrong,

We do? Name them and bring their quotes.
Imo Lamar Alexander's view that Trump did withhold aid to Ukraine to try and get them to find some fault with Biden that would help Trump's political chances, and that was wrong, but removing him from office with an election less than 11 mos away is not in the country's interest.

On the other hand, the gop wouldn't have removed him if he'd shot somebody.

But given that Alexander's view is maybe the most reasonable one, just calling witnesses when the outcome or facts don't change is just about hurting Trump's chances. The problem with Alexander's position is just that Team Trump will argue he didn't do anything wrong, which is contrary to what Alexander says. But he always was sort of a wet straw
We hit bottom with the Clinton's. It seems the attention span of the voters is short but the attention span of the politicians goes past the grave. When Obama was elected we needed schmoozers. We got Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Pure ugliness. There wasn't even a calm word in their venom. No matter how you eschew Repub leadership, none could compare to Prog leaders.
ummm the Clintons are history. And at least they didn't brag about pussy grabbing or walk through dressing rooms. Scum they were, but we haven't stepped up. LOL Trump's the low bar for morality now.
The Corrupt Rotting Stench of The Clintons and Obamas who infected this country with their filth is still festering in The Swamp. They Created The Swamp and Fornicated with Hell to give Birth to it, and much of it is still there.
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Senate fails its duty to nation

Updated February 1, 2020 5:00 AM

The vote taken Friday in the U.S. Senate was historic in an unwelcome way. It guaranteed that President Donald Trump's trial would be the first of 16 impeachment trials held in the Senate that would not include witnesses.

The outcome was not unexpected. Too many Republican senators were paralyzed from acting in good conscience by their fear of ugly repercussions from Trump supporters. But its certitude made it no less disgraceful. ...

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?
why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?
If it was a Trial then why wasn't Schummer, and all the Democrats who were running for President and who made statements that they'd like to see The President Impeached recused from duty, and excluded from the entire impeachment process?
GOP Senators have legitimized corruption by POTUS administration after the Donald Trump impeachment disgrace by the GOP.

GOP Senators have legitimized obstruction by POTUS of documentary and verbal evidence in inquiries into the conduct of POTUS.

The US has been corrupted by the disgraceful acts and omissions of GOP Senators.

Presidents are free to do as they wish because the DOJ will not prosecute POTUS for crimes and legislative branch has been emasculated by the cowardice and collusion of the GOP.

Senate fails its duty to nation

Thanks for confirming the prediction in my sig, Simpleton.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

That the trial was corrupt because a material witness, Pat Cipollone, one of Trump's defense team, should have recused himself?

Now there are calls for Pat Cippollone's disbarment.

That the trial was a sham with collusion between GOP Senators and the defendant?

Was the Clinton trial a sham?
why was schumer with the prosecutors? Why was he talking at all, he was a juror, you can't talk about a trial. since when is that allowed? oh it wasn't a trial?
If it was a Trial then why wasn't Schummer, and all the Democrats who were running for President and who made statements that they'd like to see The President Impeached recused from duty, and excluded from the entire impeachment process?
dude, I completely agree! they tarnished the shit of this unlawful event.

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